Lecture Recital Student Name: First Last Course Code: XYZ-123 Instructor: First Last Performance Date: Select Failed Attempt at Standard Below Standard Approaching Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard % Scaling 59 69 79 89 99 Thesis as an organizing main claim about the material, and its overarching development 20 ☐ Lecture lacks any discernible thesis, &/or development of any organizing claim is either lacking or illogical. ☐ Lecture thesis lacks specific insight, &/or its development is vague &/or at times incorrect. ☐ Lecture thesis is appropriately solid, if basic, and its development is clearly logical and accurate. ☐ Lecture thesis is insightful and forecasts the descriptive and reflective development of most or all claims. ☐ Lecture thesis is truly unique, and contained within it is the essence of what is mature development of all claims. 20 ☐ Scope of content is not reflective of the thesis &/or is characterized by either irrelevant detail or none at all. ☐ Scope of content is generally comprehensive of the thesis but lacks relevant specificity. ☐ Scope of content is comprehensive of the thesis and characterized by relevant specificity. ☐ Scope of content is comprehensive of the thesis and characterized by nuanced specificity. ☐ Scope of content is comprehensive of the thesis and characterized by refreshing, or unexpected, specificity. ☐ Depth of experience in all aspects (creative, performance, scholarly) is entirely shallow. ☐ Depth of experience in any one or more of all aspects (creative, performance, scholarly) is largely shallow. ☐ Depth of experience in all aspects (creative, performance, scholarly) is developmentally appropriate. ☐ Depth of experience in all aspects (creative, performance, scholarly) is reflective of maturation. ☐ Depth of experience in all aspects (creative, performance, scholarly) reflects professional maturity. ☐ Register is inappropriate to purpose &/or setting; diction and any use of figurative language is characterized by misappropriation/ misunderstanding; grammar errors are pervasive and impede meaning. ☐ Register fluctuates between approp-riate and inapprop-riate; diction and any use of figurative language is pedestrian, if not trite; grammar errors are noticeable but do not impede meaning. ☐ Register is appropriate to general purpose and fixed setting; diction and the use of figurative language are apt; any grammar errors are of the common/colloquial variety so as to be often overlooked on hearing. ☐ Register is appropriate to specific purpose and accounts for the live setting; diction and the use of figurative language is mature; grammar errors are few and generally attributable to extemporaneity. ☐ Register is appropriate to unique purpose and extremely responsive to the live setting; diction and the use of figurative language is fresh; grammar errors are nearly nonexistent or unnoticeable. Criteria Scope of content researched and covered, as warranted by the thesis and considerations for its development Depth of experience with the creative, performance &/or scholarly aspects of the material Language use as characterized by register (for a particular purpose or in a particular setting); diction and figurative language; and grammar % Weight 20 20 © 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Criteria % Weight % Scaling Credibility and relevance of expert sources 20 Failed Attempt at Standard Below Standard Approaching Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard 59 69 79 89 99 ☐ Some sources are of questionable credibility &/or relevance. ☐ Primary and secondary sources are credible. ☐ All sources are not only credible but also varied. ☐ All sources are not only authoritative and varied but also compelling. ☐ Lacks any credible &/or relevant sources. Enter comments here. e-Signature 1: Sign this form electronically. Title: Enter your title. e-Signature 2: Sign this form electronically. Title: Enter your title. e-Signature 3: Sign this form electronically. Title: Enter your title. 2