Physical Science Sem II Rev 2014

Physical Science: Semester II Final Exam Review
Speed SI unit
Reference point
Speed equation
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Rate of acceleration vs. objects mass
Work equation & how to use it
Mechanical advantage equations & how to use
KE equation & how to use
PE equation & how to use
Positions that objects have zero PE
Law of conservation of energy
Relationship between mechanical and nonmechanical energy when work is being done
Result when mechanical energy is transformed into nonmechanical energy
Units of measure for work
Examples of mechanical energy
Gravitational potential energy
First law of thermodynamics
Temperature scales
Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit
Theoretical absolute zero measurement
What happens to usable energy during a transformation
Specific heat
Physical vs. chemical weathering
3 layers of earth
Mid-oceanic ridges
Where earthquakes mostly occur
Where volcanoes mostly form
Rock in which fossils are found
Igneous rock formation
Absolute age
Layers of earth’s atmosphere and relative temps
Atmospheric Layer where weather occurs
Cause of wind
Boundaries between atmospheric layers
Coriolis effect and its effect on hurricanes
Solar cells
Percentage of fossil fuel use
Alternative energy sources
Human impacts on ecosystems
Where most energy on earth originates
Nonrenewables vs. renewables
Nuclear energy
Wind energy
Fossil fuels
Nonpolluting sources of energy