PURSUIT AND EVADE GAMES Pursuit and evade games are the results of fundamental movement games. In this type of games, students will learn how to move strategically, swiftly and defensively as well in order to evade their chasers. This skill can easily be related to team sports where getting away from a defender is crucial. Therefore, players attempt to evade their pursuers and in opposition, try to catch an evader by using different tactics such as sneaking up, using speed and agility or teamwork. In most of these games, thinking is required; elaborating a tactic, whether individual or with team-mates, is important in order to succeed. Many of these games combine the different movement patterns as well, such as locomotor and manipulation. More times than none, students must manipulate an object in order to succeed. As much as pursuit and evade games are the results of fundamental movement games, they are also the tools with which more complex games and sports will be built. CATEGORY: Pursuit and Evade NAME: Giants, elves and wizards SOURCE: Gordon Oliver GRADE: K-3 ACTIVITY LEVEL: Medium FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Cooperation, reaction time, locomotion. TACTICS: Evade the pursuers, tag the evaders. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C1 Motor Skills A1 Moving about an area with and without obstacles C2 Motor Skills B2 Opposition movements in duelling activities in a common space. EQUIPMENT: None SAFETY: Safe zone far from danger. FORMATION: 2 teams then lined up, face to face, paired up. DESCRIPTION: Students are face to face and choose in teams, who they will be: giants, elves or wizards. The loser of the duel must run to the safe zone. PROGRESSION: 1)- Students practice moving defensively by running from the center of the gymnasium to their safe zone. 2)-Students join their teams and agree on a character. 3)-Facing an opposing student, they must proceed with the correct movements and words: “Giants! Elves! Wizards! (Choice)” 4)- The winner must chase and touch his opponent before the opponent gets to base. 5)- After each duel, students regroup and agree on a character and start over. 6)- Instead of choosing one character at a time, they may choose 2 or even 3. MODIFICATIONS: Vary the teams in order for everyone to get a chance to speak. Change the dimensions of the playing field. CATEGORY: Pursuit and Evade NAME: Panthers and leopards SOURCE: Landy, Joanne M., and Maxwell J. Landy. Ready-to-use P.E. Activities for Grades K2. West Nyack, NY: Parker, 1992, p.17. GRADE: 2-6 ACTIVITY LEVEL: Low FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Locomotion, reaction time. TACTICS: Evade the pursuers, tag the evaders. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C1 Motor Skills A1 Moving about an area with and without obstacles C2 Motor Skills B2 Opposition movements in duelling activities in a common space. EQUIPMENT: None SAFETY: Safe zone far from danger FORMATION: 2 teams (panthers and leopards) then lined up, paired up, face to face. DESCRIPTION: Panthers chase leopards and leopards chase panthers, each having their turns. PROGRESSION: 1)- Students practice moving defensively by running from the center of the gymnasium to their safe zone. 2)-Teams are back to back at opposing ends of the field. On the signal “Panthers”, the panthers creep towards the leopards. 2)-When the leopards hear the signal “Panthers are coming”, leopards turn and must touch a panther. 3)- If a player gets tagged, he joins the other team. MODIFICATIONS: Vary the locomotor movements: galloping, skipping, hopping. Vary the starting positions. CATEGORY: Pursuit and Evade NAME: Swipe SOURCE: Gordon Oliver GRADE: 2-6 ACTIVITY LEVEL: Low FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Locomotion, reaction time. TACTICS: Evade the pursuers, tag the evaders. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C1 Motor Skills A1 Moving about an area with and without obstacles C2 Motor Skills B2 Opposition movements in duelling activities in a common space. EQUIPMENT: 1 bean bag for 2 students. SAFETY: Safe zone far from danger. *Do not call 2 colors close to each other (leave a gap). FORMATION: Lined up, paired up, face to face at equal distances of bean bag. DESCRIPTION: Students attempt to swipe the bean bag without getting touched by their opponent. PROGRESSION: 1)- Students practice moving defensively by running from the center of the gymnasium to their safe zone. 2)- Students are paired up with an opponent of the same speed. 3)- When their color is called, students try to grab the bean bag without getting touched by their opponent. 4)- Students try to get to their safe zone in order to get a point. MODIFICATIONS: Vary the starting positions. Vary the distance to the bean bag. CATEGORY: Pursuit and Evade NAME: Go! SOURCE: Gordon Oliver GRADE: 3-6 ACTIVITY LEVEL: High FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Locomotion, reaction time. TACTICS: Evade the pursuers, tag the evaders. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C1 Motor Skills A1 Moving about an area with and without obstacles C2 Motor Skills C1Cooperation-opposition movements in group activities in a common space. EQUIPMENT: A ball for each group. SAFETY: Head up, attentive to movement of others. FORMATION: Groups of 10-12, lined up. DESCRIPTION: One student chases an evader holding a ball. The evader can switch with another student. PROGRESSION: 1)- Students are lined up, alternating the direction in which they’re facing. 2)-One student is the chaser, the other is the evader. The other players stay immobile. 3)- As the chase goes on, both players can switch by giving a push in the back to an immobile player who takes his place. If the chaser pushes someone, he must yell “Chase!”. If the evader pushes someone, he must yell “Run!” and hand over the ball. 4)-Students can change direction, but may not throw the ball. MODIFICATIONS: Vary the groups. Vary the object. Make the chaser carry an object. CATEGORY: Pursuit and Evade NAME: Pacman Tag SOURCE: Daniel Hamel GRADE: 2-6 ACTIVITY LEVEL: Medium FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Locomotion, space awareness. TACTICS: Evade the pursuers, tag the evaders. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C1 Motor Skills A1 Moving about an area with and without obstacles C2 Motor Skills B2 Opposition movements in duelling activities in a common space. EQUIPMENT: Pinnies for tags. SAFETY: Head up, attentive to movement of others, not close to wall. FORMATION: Scatter on the lines. DESCRIPTION: Students move on the lines painted on the ground, while evading the Pacmans. PROGRESSION: 1)- Students practice moving safely by moving defensively on the lines and avoiding all other students. 2)- Students move on the lines evading the Pacmans. Once touched, they become a Pacman and help catch the other students. 3)-Pacmans run off the lines only and the evaders run on the lines only. MODIFICATIONS: Vary the locomotor movements: galloping, skipping, hopping. CATEGORY: Pursuit and Evade NAME: Bridge Tag SOURCE: Daniel Hamel GRADE: 2-6 ACTIVITY LEVEL: Medium FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Locomotion, space awareness, cooperation. TACTICS: Evade the pursuers, tag the evaders. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C1 Motor Skills A1 Moving about an area with and without obstacles C1 Motor Skills B1 Balanced stances on the floor C2 Motor Skills C1Cooperation-opposition movements in group activities in a common space. EQUIPMENT: Pinnies for tags SAFETY: Head up, attentive to movement of others. FORMATION: Scatter DESCRIPTION: Students must evade the tags. Once touched, they become bridges. PROGRESSION: 1)- Students practice moving safely by moving defensively and avoiding all other students. 2)-Students evade the tags. 3)-Once they get touched, players make an individual bridge (palms and feet on floor). They can get saved if a free evader slides under them. 4)- If a player gets touched while under the bridge, both become bridges. MODIFICATIONS: Add more tags. Vary the movement patterns. CATEGORY: Pursuit and Evade NAME: Color flag tag SOURCE: Gordon Oliver GRADE: 3-6 ACTIVITY LEVEL: High FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Locomotion, cooperation. TACTICS: Evade the pursuers, tag the evaders. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C1 Motor Skills A1 Moving about an area with and without obstacles C1 Motor Skills B1 Balanced stances on the floor C2 Motor Skills C1Cooperation-opposition movements in group activities in a common space. EQUIPMENT: Pinnies for everyone (4 colors) SAFETY: Head up, attentive to movement of others. (boys vs boys, girls vs girls for comfort purpose) FORMATION: Scatter DESCRIPTION: Students attempt to steal the other students’ flag. PROGRESSION: 1)- Students practice moving safely by moving defensively and avoiding all other students. 1)- Free-for-all: each student tries to steal other players’ flag. Once caught, they re-enter the game by doing a balance position and someone of the same color comes to save them. 2)-Color teams: When a color is called by the teacher, that color becomes tag and must chase the other colors. Once caught, same thing as free-for-all. 3)- Color vs Color: Two colors are opponents and must both catch each other while avoiding their flag getting stolen. RED is against BLUE while GREEN is against YELLOW. Once caught, same thing as free-for-all. 4)- Two colors opposing: Color1+2 are against Color 3+4. MODIFICATIONS: Vary the teams opposing each other quickly. Change balance positions and movement patterns. CATEGORY: Pursuit and Evade NAME: Ball tag SOURCE: Gordon Oliver GRADE: 3-6 ACTIVITY LEVEL: High FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Locomotion, space awareness, cooperation. TACTICS: Evade the pursuers, tag the evaders. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C1 Motor Skills A1 Moving about an area with and without obstacles C1 Motor Skills C2 Projecting objects without an implement C2 Motor Skills C1Cooperation-opposition movements in group activities in a common space. EQUIPMENT: Pinnies for tags, balls for tags. SAFETY: Head up, attentive to movement of others, limits for game zones. FORMATION: Scatter DESCRIPTION: Students evade the tags who share a ball. PROGRESSION: 1)- Students practice moving safely by moving defensively and avoiding all other students. 2)- Students avoid getting tagged. Tags must tag an evader with the ball. They can pass it, but cannot move in possession of the ball. 3)-Once caught, the evaders join the tags. 4)- Separate the class in different groups according to size, speed, skill level. 5)- If too hard for tags, they can use limited steps to move around. MODIFICATIONS: Vary the size of the playing field, the number of tags, the number of balls, the number of games. CATEGORY: Pursuit and evade NAME: Smurfs SOURCE: Daniel Hamel GRADE: 2-6 ACTIVITY LEVEL: High FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Team work, agility and speed, invasion. TACTICS: Attacking and defending. PROGRESSIONS OF LEARNING: C2 Motor Skills A1 Cooperates with partner(s) while performing movement in the right place. EQUIPMENT: Cones, 2 hoops, 10 bean bags in each hoop, wand for Master Smurf, pinnies. SAFETY: Attentive to movement of others and communication. FORMATION: 2 guards and Gargamel are on defence. They defend the bean bags from the other Smurfs. At the opposing side of the playing area is the Smurf base. No defender is allowed inside. DESCRIPTION: 2 guards and Gargamel are on defence. They defend the bean bags from the other Smurfs. At the opposing side of the playing area is the Smurf base. No defender is allowed inside. If a guard touches a Smurf, the Smurf goes to jail (zone formed by cones). They can be freed by the Master Smurf who has a magic wand. The MasterSmurf can only be touched by Gargamel. The game ends when all the bean bags have been stolen or if the Smurfs cannot steal all the bean bags. PROGRESSION: 1)- Smurfs all start in their base. They try to steal as many bean bags as possible while guards try to defend their hoops. They can only steal one bean bag at a time and must bring it back to their base every time. If touched, the Smurfs must go stand in jail. 2)- The Smurfs now have a MasterSmurf that can free the Smurfs by softly tapping their heads with a wand. The MasterSmurf cannot steal any steal bean bags. 3)-Gargamel is now on defence. If he touches any Smurf, the Smurf goes to jail, including MasterSmurf. He is the only defender able to send MasterSmurf to jail. If touched, MasterSmurf goes to jail, removes his pinnie and a Smurf must try to steal the pinnie and bring it back to the base without getting touched. MODIFICATIONS: Add guards. Vary the number of bean bags to steal.