
Postgraduate Research
Experience Survey 2015
Email Resource Pack
Contents ________________________________________________________________ 2
Section 1: Students _________________________________________________________ 3
Pre-survey email ________________________________________________________ 3
Survey open ___________________________________________________________ 4
Reminder email ________________________________________________________ 5
Final reminder _________________________________________________________ 6
Follow-up email ________________________________________________________ 7
Section 2: Departmental colleagues (Heads of Department, Programme and Supervisors) ______ 8
Pre-survey email ________________________________________________________ 8
Survey open ___________________________________________________________ 9
Reminder email _______________________________________________________ 10
Final reminder ________________________________________________________ 11
Follow-up email _______________________________________________________ 12
Section 3: Other staff ______________________________________________________ 13
University communications and marketing teams _______________________________ 13
Department Administrators ______________________________________________ 15
Library Communications / Administrators ____________________________________ 15
Student union _________________________________________________________ 16
Subject/Department reps ________________________________________________ 16
Section 1: Students
Personalised and informal emails to students are one of the most effective ways of increasing response rates. Institutions
that get high response rates typically email students at least every fortnight, and some email every week. It should be
made clear that the student can always opt out if they do not wish to complete the survey.
Pre-survey email
[Tell us your thoughts about your experience and win [insert incentive]]
[Coming soon – The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015]
[Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015]
Dear [name],
We’re keen to make sure our postgraduate research students have the best possible experience while studying with us.
To do this, we need to know what you think works well and what we could do better.
We will be emailing you shortly to invite you to complete this year’s Postgraduate Research Experience Survey. Please
take a few minutes to take part.
The survey is your chance to tell us about your experience as a research postgraduate student at [institution].
Your feedback is important. The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is the only national survey of postgraduate
research students and so is the only way for us to compare how we are doing with other institutions and to make
changes that will improve your experience in the future.
The more students that take part the better we can do that.
The survey will open on [insert date]. It will take around 15 minutes to complete. Your feedback is [confidential to the
research team and any reporting will be anonymous / entirely anonymous]
[As a thank you for your time, [insert details of any incentive or prize draw.]]
If you would like to know more about the survey, please visit: [web address]. [You can see examples of changes that
have been made as a result of previous surveys at [link]]. [or As a result of feedback to previous surveys, we have
[insert examples of changes that have been made.]]
I hope you take the opportunity to get involved this year and help us make improvements to your experience.
Best wishes,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job title, Location]
Survey open
[Please tell us your thoughts about your experience and win a [insert details of incentive]] or
[How is it going? Let us know in the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015] or
[Please tell us about your experience - the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015] or
[Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – have you told us your thoughts?] or
[Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – survey now open]
[Dear/Hello] [name]
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is now open. Please take a few minutes to complete it.
The survey is your chance to tell us about your experience of being a research postgraduate. Your feedback is
important. The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is carried out by institutions across the country and lets us
know what's working well and what's not in [institution name], helping us make things better.
To complete the survey, please click on the link below: [and enter your username [insert] and password [insert]]. [Link]
The survey is open until [date]. It will take only around 15 minutes. Your responses are [anonymous/confidential to the
research team].
[As a thank you for your time, [Insert details of any prize-draw or incentive to take part.]]
Please take this opportunity to get involved this year and help us make improvements in your experience and for
students like you in the future.
Best wishes.
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job title, Location]
Reminder email
[Tell us about your experience and win an [insert details] - [insert] days remaining]
[Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – [insert] days remaining] or
[Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – have you told us your thoughts?]
[Hello/Hi] [name]
[Just a quick reminder, please give us your feedback about your experience this year. Over [nnn] institutions across the
country take part in the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey and the results have been really useful in helping us
improve the experience of research postgraduates like you.]
[It would really be appreciated if you could find a few minutes to respond and tell us about your experience this year.
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey helps us improve the student experience, and compare ourselves with
other institutions across the country.]
[So far, [# or % of postgrads at [institution name] [# or % of students [in/on] your [department/subject] have taken
To complete the survey, please click on the link below: [and enter your username [insert] and password [insert]]. [Link]
The survey is open until [date]. It is [anonymous/confidential] and will only take around 15 minutes.
[As a thank you for your time, [insert details of any prize-draw or incentive to take part.]]
Please take part this year and share your experience of being a student with us. If you have any difficulties or questions
about the survey, or do not wish to take part, then please [respond to this email] / [visit [link]]. If now is not a good
time, you will be able to complete the survey until [date].
Best wishes.
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job title, Location]
Final reminder
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – Last chance to tell us
[Tell us your thoughts about your experience and win an [insert details] - [insert] days remaining
[Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – [insert] days remaining] or
[Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – Last chance to tell us your thoughts]
[Dear/Hello] [insert name]
There are just [insert number] days left to take part in this year’s Postgraduate Research Experience Survey.
So far, [# or % of postgrads at [insert institution name] [and insert # or % of students [in/on] your [department/subject]
have taken part.
We realise it’s a busy time, but if you haven’t already, please take a little time to complete the survey.
Your views are important. The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey helps us improve the student experience, and
compare ourselves with other institutions across the country.
To complete the survey, please visit: [insert link] and enter your username [insert] and password [insert]. It’s
anonymous and will take only around 15 minutes.
[As a thank you, [Insert details of any prize-draw or incentive to take part.]]
The survey will close on [date].
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete it and share your experience with us.
Best wishes.
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job title, Location]
Follow-up email
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – thank you
Dear [name]
Thank you for taking the time to complete this year’s Postgraduate Research Experience Survey.
The survey is now closed. [[# or %] of our research postgraduate students took part [an increase of [# or %] against
last year] [, and [# or % in the [name] department.]
The results will be available on [date]. We will then use them to look at how we can improve your experience, and the
experience of students like you, in future.
[Insert any future action to involve students in the next stages of the work or disseminate the results to students.]
Thank you again for your feedback and for taking the time to respond.
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job title, Location]
Section 2: Departmental colleagues (Heads of Department,
Programme and Supervisors)
Contacting staff can help engage them both in terms of raising response rates, but also making sure they are aware of
the survey and can act on the results. Depending on the structure of your institution, the printing of materials such as
flyers and posters may best be done centrally (for example, in partnership with your marketing/communications
department) or done by Departments.
You can use both direct links to the survey (via email) but also enable students to login using a username and password
– so that staff can also directly send the link to students. The reminder email below has a suggested email staff could
forward on – please note you need to amend the details within this suggested email.
Pre-survey email
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015
Dear [name],
We will shortly be launching this year’s Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES). PRES will open on [date] and
run until [date].
PRES is the only national survey of postgraduate research students’ experience. The results will allow you to compare
students’ experience of being a research postgraduate both internally and against the national average and groups of
institutions, so to make changes that better meet their needs in future.
The survey is also an opportunity for students to voice their opinion and to be partners in developing the postgraduate
research experience. Information gathered helps us to demonstrate the quality of postgraduate research programmes
and show commitment to postgraduate education.
Please do all you can to promote it. The more students that take part the more meaningful the data.
[I am attaching / below is a link to] a pack with resources to use in your department. This includes a slide pack that you
can add into taught sessions or seminars, editable A3 and A4 posters to display in student and staff areas, A5 flyers for
chair drop, a screensaver for PCs, an online advert to use on your departmental web pages, group pages and social
Please display the materials widely. Please also do what you can to promote the survey with students in your seminars
or supervisory sessions, and to publicise it through your networks with students and social media.
To find out more about PRES this year, visit: [web link] or contact [name] on [contact details].
[To see [the results of PRES / details of changes made as a result of student feedback], please visit [link]] [or: As a result
of feedback from postgraduate research students [insert examples of decisions or actions taken or a link to more
Please do all that you can to encourage your postgraduate research students to take part this year.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards,,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Survey open
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 – survey now open
Dear [name],
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey at [institution] is now open and ready to receive students’ responses.
Please do all you can to encourage your postgraduate students to take part. PRES will run until [date].
PRES is the only national survey of postgraduate research students’ experience. The results can give your rich
information on your students’ experience of being a research postgraduate, and allow comparisons both internally and
against the sector and groups of institutions, so to make changes that better meet student needs in the future.
Information gathered helps us to demonstrate the quality of postgraduate research programmes and show commitment
to postgraduate education.
[To see [the results of/details of changes made as a result of student feedback], please visit [link]] [or: As a result of
feedback from postgraduate research students [insert examples of any decisions or actions taken or a link to more
[[I am attaching / below is a link to] a pack with resources to use in your department. This includes a slide pack that you
can add into taught sessions[, editable A3 and A4 posters to display in student and staff areas, A5 flyers for chair drop, a
screensaver for PCs], an online advert to use on your departmental web pages, group pages and social media. ]
If you could encourage students to complete by sending them an email that would be much appreciated. An example
email could state:
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is useful for staff to get a good idea of what has worked, or not worked,
this year. The results for the department and comments you make help us make improvements and help us keep doing
the things that you value. As a results of student feedback last year we… (please give one or two examples, or delete
the sentence). [Please look in your [student / student or home] email inbox for an email from [account email sent
from]][To take part in the survey, please click the link below and use your university username and the password ###
to access the survey].
[standard link if the survey set up for username/password access]
All results of the survey are confidential to the research team but we will get summarised results and your comments to
help us improve your experience in the department. Please take the time to fill the survey in.
Yours etc.
To find out more about PRES 2015, please visit [link] or contact [name] on [contact details].
Many thanks,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Reminder email
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 - have you asked them?
Hello [name],
There are still [number] days for your students to complete this year’s Postgraduate Research Experience Survey at
So far [# or % students have taken part in the survey and # or % in your department, [a rise/fall of # or % against last
PRES is an important source of data which will make it possible for us to gain detailed feedback of our postgraduate
students’ experience and benchmark ourselves against the sector and groups of institutions. Please continue to do all
you can to make postgraduate research students aware of the survey and to encourage them to complete it. [If you
need any resources, for example a slide pack[, online adverts][, flyers][, screensavers], then please get in touch].
If you could encourage students to complete by sending them an email that would be much appreciated. An example
email could state:
Please fill out the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015. The survey is very useful for staff to get a good idea
of what has worked, or not worked, this year. We can compare the results against other institutions and see where we
need to improve, or where we are doing well. [Please look in your [student / student or home] email inbox for an email
from [account email sent from]][To take part in the survey, please click the link below and use your university
username and the password ### to access the survey].
[As a results of student feedback last year we… (please give one or two examples, or delete the sentance)]. All results
of the survey are confidential to the research team but we will get summarised results and your comments to help us
improve within the department. Please take the time to fill the survey in.
Yours etc.
To find out more about PRES 2015, visit [link] or contact [name] on [contact details].
Thank you for all you are doing to encourage our postgraduate students to get involved.
Many thanks,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Final reminder
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015 - last chance to ask them for their thoughts
Dear [name],
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey will close on [date]. This is the last chance for postgraduates to give us
their views on their experience this year. The results are a vital source of feedback, making it possible to evaluate and
make targeted enhancements as well as demonstrate the quality of our provision.
So far [# or % students have taken part in the survey and # or % in your department, [a rise of # or % against last
Please mention the survey to your students during this final week, or simply give them one last reminder in your
lectures, seminars, emails, or social media. [They need to look for an email from [account email sent from] in their
[student / student or home] email inbox.] [You can [also] send them the link below and ask them to use their university
username and the password ### to access the survey.]
To find out more about PRES 2015, please visit [link] or contact [name] at [contact details].
Thank you again for all you are doing to raise awareness of the survey.
Many thanks,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Follow-up email
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015: thank you!
Dear [name],
This year’s Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is now closed.
[Insert # or %] of our postgraduate research students took part this year,an increase of [insert # and/or %] against last
Thank you for all you have done this year to encourage your students to take part.
The results will be available from [date]. You will be able to access and use the results at [link]/ [Insert details of
anything the university or college will be doing with staff and students to disseminate and help departments evaluate and
use the results to make changes.]
If you would like to find out more about PRES at [insert name of institution], please visit: [insert link], or contact [name]
at [contact details].
Thank you again for your involvement this year.
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Section 3: Other staff
Depending on the structure of your institution, the printing of materials such as flyers and posters may best be done
centrally (for example, in partnership with your marketing/communications department) or done by Departments and
Learning Resource Centres. Involving the Students’ Union and department/subject Reps is also recommended.
University communications and marketing teams
Dear [name],
The [University] will be launching its Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) on [date] and inviting
postgraduate researchers to take part.
PRES is the only national survey of postgraduate research students’ experience. The results give us rich information on
our students’ experience of postgraduate research programmes, and allow us to compare both internally and against the
sector and groups of institutions, so to make changes that better meet student needs in the future.
We have a variety of resources to use in promoting PRES, including posters, flyers, screensavers, and online adverts. A
high response from students is essential for the [University] to gain a good picture of postgraduate research provision. I
would like to discuss how we could effectively disseminate these materials to postgraduate research students.
PRES will open on [date] and run until [date].
Kind regards,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Sample message for newsletters/web text to students
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015
[Please tell us about your experience as a postgraduate research student and [insert details of any incentive].]
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey at [insert name] is now open. The survey is your chance to tell us about
your experience as a postgraduate research student.
Feedback is vital to the university and your department. It lets us know how your programme of research is going, and
allows us to compare how we are doing against the experience of students at other institutions, helping us make
changes that will improve the experience for research postgraduates in the future. All your responses will be
confidential and any reporting will be anonymous.
[As a result of feedback from past students, [insert examples of changes that have been made]]. [Link to page with more
information about changes that have been made as a result of feedback to previous years’ surveys]
To complete the survey, look out for emails from [account email sent from] [containing your user name and password /
with a link to the survey]. Please complete the survey by [closing date].
To find out more about PRES 2015, please visit [link] or contact [name] at [contact details].
Sample message for newsletters/web text to staff
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015
We will shortly be launching this year’s Postgraduate Research Experience Survey PRES. The survey will open on [date]
and run until [date].
PRES is the only national survey of postgraduate research students’ experience. The results will allow you to compare
students’ experience of postgraduate programmes both internally and against the national average and mission groups
so to make changes that better meet their needs in future.
The survey is also an opportunity for students to voice their opinion and to be partners in developing the postgraduate
learning experience. Information gathered helps us to demonstrate the quality of postgraduate research programmes
and show commitment to postgraduate education. [To see [the results of PRES / details of changes made as a result of
student feedback], please visit [link]] or As a result of feedback from postgraduate research students [insert examples of
decisions or actions taken or a link to more information.]]
Please do all you can to promote it. The more students that take part the better the picture we will get on the
postgraduate research experience at [University].
To find out more about PRES this year, visit: [web link] or contact [name] on [contact details].
Department Administrators
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015
Dear [name],
The [University] will shortly be launching its Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) and inviting
postgraduates to take part.
PRES is the only national survey of the experience of postgraduate research students. The results give us rich
information on our students’ experience of being a research postgraduate, and allow us to compare both internally and
against the sector and groups of institutions, so to make changes that better meet student needs in future.
[[I am attaching / below is a link to] a pack with resources to use in your department. This includes templates for A3
and A4 posters to display in student and staff areas, A5 flyers for chair drop, a screensaver for PCs in libraries and IT
suites, an online advert to use on web pages or social media, and a slide pack for teaching staff. Please assist
teaching/supervisory staff in displaying the materials widely around your student and staff areas, on your departmental
website or support them in emailing students who are not based on campus, or publicising the survey through
departmental social media.
PRES will open on [date] and run until [date]. To find out more about PRES this year, please visit: [link] or contact
[name] on [contact details].
Please do all that you can to encourage your postgraduate students to get involved.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Library Communications / Administrators
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015
Dear [name],
The [University] will shortly be launching its Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) and inviting
postgraduates to take part. The surveys open on [insert date] and will run until [insert date].
PRES is the only national survey of postgraduate research students’ experience. The results give us rich information on
our students’ experience of being a research postgraduate, and allow us to compare both internally and against the
sector and groups of institutions, so to make changes that better meet student needs in the future.
Please find attached a resource pack. The pack contains A3 and A4 posters to display in student and staff areas, A5
flyers for display or desk/chair drops, a screensaver for PCs and IT suites, an online advert to use on web pages, group
pages and social media.
Please display as appropriate in your study areas. We have been in touch separately with teaching and support staff.
To find out more about PRES this year, please visit: [insert web link] or contact [insert name] on [insert contact details].
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards,,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Student union
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015
Dear [name],
The [University] will shortly be launching its Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) and inviting postgraduate
students to take part. The surveys open on [date] and will run until [date].
PRES is the only national survey of postgraduate research students’ experience. The results give us rich information on
our students’ experience of postgraduate programmes, and allow us to compare both internally and against the sector
and groups of institutions, so to make changes that better meet student needs in the future.
The more students respond, the more evidence we have and the stronger the argument for change if needed. Please
can you help us make postgraduates aware of the survey and encourage them to take part? Resources to promote the
survey are attached (A3 and A4 posters, A5 flyers, screensaver and online advert). Anything the Students’ Union can do
to promote the surveys, including through the union’s Twitter and social media, would be most welcome.
To find out more about PRES this year, please visit: [link] or contact [name] on [contact details]. If you want to discuss
further then please get in touch,
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards,,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]
Subject/Department reps
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2015
Dear [name],
The [University] will shortly be launching its Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) and inviting
postgraduates to take part. PRES will open on [date] and run until [date].
PRES is the only national survey of postgraduate research students’ experience. The results give us rich information on
our students’ experience of being a research postgraduate, and allow us to compare both internally and against the
sector and groups of institutions, so to make changes that better meet student needs in the future.
The more students respond, the more evidence there is to encourage improvement. Please raise the survey in your
discussions with staff, and please encourage students in your [department/subject] to respond to the survey.
Attached is a FAQ about the survey. If you have any more questions, please visit: [link] or contact [name] on [contact
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards,
[Name of sender] [Email address]
[Job, Location]