
Willard Frazier
September 18, 2014
Integrated science III
Meteorology synthesis paper
Meteorology is a science so it must be treated like a science. To learn a science
you must do a ton of research, so you will be an expert. To learn a science is to be a
science and to be a science is to know a science and so on and so on. You must know all
aspects of a science to conduct an experiment within the science. When a final report
has been finished then you will be expected to be an expert in the science.
In this specific portion of the research report I will tell you readers out there
about the tools and equipment of meteorology. To find out a certain wind speed we use a
tool called an anemometer. This tool tells scientists how many miles per hour the wind
is going at that point and time. To measure a certain air pressure we use a tool called a
barometer. It is like a big thermometer that measures the pressure of the air. Pressure
falls dramatically when it is getting ready to rain and it rises drastically when it is very
hot outside. You tell this by watching the needle move. The barometer is very important
to us. Now I am going to tell you about a very important tool to scientists, the
hygrometer. This tool is used to measure the moisture of the air at that specific time.
You tell this by watching the needle move. Next I am going to tell you about the rain
gauge. The rain gauge shows how much precipitation that falls at that is
basically a cup that holds the water that falls out of the sky. Last but not least, the sundial. It is an old clock that tells the time by the sun. This is one of the neatest
instruments that the meteorologists have, it is not very important though.
Willard Frazier
September 18, 2014
Integrated science III
In this portion of the report I will tell you about the Earth’s water. The Earth’s
water is always in constant movement and will never stop moving. The water I am
talking about is always being recycled throughout the air. It will definitely always be
moving even if it is really polluted. But back to the point; the water cycle, also known as
the hydraulic cycle, describes the continuous movement of water. There is and never will
be a beginning or end to the water cycle and no one will ever be able to change that. As
an added fact, water can change into many different states during different parts of the
water cycle such as hail, rain, and snow. Also, most precipitation in the world happens
around the top of South America. It happens this way because around the equator there
are many rain forests and the weather is almost always hot and humid. Precipitation is
very important for the earth because it helps all of the plants on the entire earth grow. If
there was no rain then the soil would be dry and the plants would not be able to grow.
Only the tough plants such as the cactus would be able to survive.
The sun is the definite driving force of the water cycle and it heats everything that
is on the earth. I will tell you about how the sun is the driving force of the water cycle.
First the water evaporates and goes into the air, and the water is gone and the puddles
are now water droplets moving upward. Ice and snow particles can join with the water
droplets also. The water droplets reach a certain point and form condensation, the
forming of clouds. Some of the cloud falls as snow or hail and the cloud is only half full
of rain. The stuff that I said just fell out of the clouds is called precipitation. The snow
will form glaciers and over very much time the glaciers will melt and the oceans will be
filled of the water again and the water cycle will again start over.
Willard Frazier
September 18, 2014
Integrated science III
There are four main characteristics of meteorology. They are temperature, wind,
precipitation, and clouds. Temperature is the numeric measurement of hot and cold. It
detects the heat radiation which is how much heat something gives off. It can be seen in
many various scales such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, and kelvin. There are many other scales
but it would take forever to list them all. The coldest theoretical temperature is absolute
zero. It can be approached but not ever reached by our instruments.
Wind is the flow of gases on a large scale. On the earth the wind is the movement
of a huge bulk of air. In human civilization the wind power has caused many stories
about mythology. Wind also powers the voyages across seas and brought English men to
the new world. The wind is powerful and without the power and ferocity of wind, the
world would be full except for the North American areas, because they would only have
many Native Americans and no English men to destroy their life and security. Wind can
be very helpful, but it can also be very destructive and dangerous. Wind, even though
the wind is what helps the ships be propelled, can also easily bring the ship down. All
that the wind has to do is have a particularly hard gust of wind, and then the ship
suddenly has a humongous hole in the side of it! It is also what causes tornadoes and
hurricanes. Although the wind may be very helpful at times, the wind can also be very
destructive and destroy almost everything in its path just as much as it is helpful.
Precipitation is the flow of stuff falling from the clouds and landing on the
ground. Precipitation is any product of the condensation of water vapor that falls from
the clouds under gravity. The main forms of precipitation include, drizzle, rain, sleet
snow, graupel, and hail. Precipitation occurs when too much water is in a cloud and the
cloud needs to let some of it out of its system, and then it starts to rain. If too much
Willard Frazier
September 18, 2014
Integrated science III
water is in the system then the clouds let out a massive rain storm. That is usually not
good for the plants and can also cause much flooding in the area and under the area.
For this portion of the report, I will tell you about the sustainable management of
the many different parts of meteorology. I predict that the world will end with a
humongous flood because of the greenhouse gases. The polar ice caps will melt and the
world will slowly but surely start to flood, and everyone will be doomed no matter what.
The world will be completely wiped clean of all life. Nothing at all will be able to survive.
The only way to stop the greenhouse gases is to basically just be healthy and do exercise
by walking everywhere because the cars give off many different gases and cause the
planet to go in peril. This will be horrid and everyone will either die by cannibalism or
die by the major flood that will be happening. Personally I would choose death by flood
because having to slowly be eaten by cannibals would worse for someone to endure. We
will be able to keep the world much longer and that will be exciting and fun.
The water cycle is a cycle that shows the unstopping movement of the Earth’s
water. The water cycle is explained in the processes paragraphs. A tornado is formed by
hot and cold air moving in opposite directions that when they hit then the air picks up in
a spiral. Then the tornado is able to destroy the stuff around it. The difference between
meteorology and climatology is that meteorology is the prediction of the weather soon
after the prediction. Climatology is the weather patterns of long term weather. They are
very different. You collect data for weather patterns so you can predict the weather soon
after the predictions. Acid rain comes from the polluted air and affects the ground, soil,
animals, and plants. Acid rain is pretty dangerous. Acid rain is polluted rain and it
affects the hydrosphere because then the polluted rain goes into the oceans and streams
Willard Frazier
September 18, 2014
Integrated science III
and now it is like the water is very polluted. Weather affects the rocks by erosion and the
rocks start disappearing into the Earth the rocks kind of … decompose. By previous and
present weather the climatologists can predict long term weather conditions.
Both tools and technology can be easy to use but the technology is taking over. If
the sun did not have much surface feature then we would be fried… LITERALLY! The
surface of the sun is hard and rigid and also burning hot! When the earth tilts away from
the sun then it cause winter and on the other side it may very well be hot. Mechanical
waves require a medium and electromagnetic waves do not. The side that is facing the
sun is warm and the opposite side is kind of cool.