AUTORIDAD DEL CANAL DE PANAMÁ OPT January 28, 2013 JUST-IN-TIME SERVICE – TRIAL PERIOD REQUEST FORM (See instructions on the back of this form) SECTION 1 - Relevant Information The Just-in-time (JIT) service consists of a value added service for booked vessels transiting the Panama Canal. Depending on restrictions, ACP shall indicate a transit time within permissible operational windows to vessels that choose a JIT service. These vessels shall arrive timely at Panama Canal waters in accordance to the indications received by the ACP. SECTION 2 - Vessel Information 1. Vessel Name : 2. SIN: 4. Arrival Fresh Water Draft: 3. Booking Date: Fwd (dd-mm-yyyy) SECTION 3 – General Information 4. Shipping Agent POC: 5. e-mail: 6. Vessel´s POC: 7. e-mail: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is true and correct 8. Name of Shipping Agent : (first name, last name ) 9. Signature: 10. Date: (mm / dd / yy) Aft ___(OPT) v.___date AUTORIDAD DEL CANAL DE PANAMÁ JUST-IN-TIME SERVICE REQUEST Terms and Conditions During the trial period, the Authority will limit JIT transit slots to a maximum of 4 per day, and no more than 2 per direction. In cases where more than two vessels are eligible per direction, the Authority will select vessels in the order in which the requests to participate in the trials were received. The vessels selected will be informed of their scheduled arrival time and tentative transit time by e-mail approximately 96 hours prior to their scheduled transit date. However, the Authority reserves the right to change the scheduled time for transit due to changes in the availability of Authority resources, for operational considerations, or due to unforeseeable circumstances. Any changes in the scheduled arrival time will be informed through the electronic addresses indicated by the customers. Selected vessels must arrive at the sea buoy at the time indicated by the ACP or earlier to keep its reservation for transit. If the vessel’s transit is cancelled due to failure to arrive on time; or if the vessel arrives on time but cannot transit due to non-compliance with the ACP’s navigational requirements; or if by decision of its captain, operator or representative, the vessel does not transit as scheduled, the vessel’s reserved transit slot will be cancelled by the ACP and the vessel will be assessed a penalty equivalent to the booking fee. In the aforementioned cases, the vessel will be rescheduled for regular transit in the order established by the Authority. Transit draft must be submitted in order to be considered for the trial and properly scheduled. Vessels without transit draft will be automatically disqualified from the trial. Neither the Panama Canal Authority, its employees, officials nor the Republic of Panama, will be held responsible for any loss sustained by the participating vessels, their owners, operators, masters, mates, crew members, and passengers as a result of its participation in the JIT service trial period. Accordingly, all participating vessels, their owners, operator, masters, mates, crew members, and passengers will not sue nor file any claims, demands, or actions of any type either civil or administrative on account of losses sustained during such period of time.