Mid Term Exam Review with answers

Chemistry Study Guide for 2nd Nine Weeks
Semester I
Do all work on a separate sheet. Name: ______________________________
Make sure you study the ones I have answered (or instructed you to answer or know)
A. Molecular (Covalent) Compounds SOL CH 3acd.
1. How do you conclude a compound is covalent/molecular? All nonmetals
2. Practice and write the nomenclature for the following covalent compounds.
a. CCl4
b. NO2
c. C3N4
d. P2S5
3. Practice and write the formulas for the following covalent compounds.
a. Carbon tetrachloride CCl4
b. Hydrogen gas H2
c. Nitrogen trichloride NCl3
d. Boron trisulfide BS3
4. Compare ionic bonding with covalent bonding. Ionic is metal/nonmetal; covalent
is 2 nonmetals
5. Describe the Octet rule. Having 8 valence electrons How many electrons are
needed to complete the valance shell of chlorine? List the steps to figure this out.
Only one electron is needed for Cl to have a complete valence shell because it
already has 7.
6. Construct the Lewis dot structures and calculate their molecular geometry of the
following covalent compounds.
a. N2
b. H2O
c. CH4
d. C2H4
e. NH3
7. Explain the process of determining how you would categorize polar and non polar
molecules. (Please make sure to use the words asymmetrical and symmetrical).
8. Give examples and illustrations of both a polar and nonpolar molecule. Polar
means there are more electrons on one side of a compound than the other side
of the atom. Nonpolar means there are NO electrons or equal electrons for the
atoms in the Dot diagram
9. Describe how you would use electronegativites to determine the polarity of a
Given the molecule HF, determine if the molecule is polar or nonpolar. The
electronegativity of hydrogen is 2.2 and the electronegativity of fluorine is 4.0.
Describe the differences between intermolecular forces and intramolecular
Classify the following covalent molecules weak intermolecular forces and
argue why you assigned those forces. (Please make sure you use the words Van
der Waals forces, Dipole-Dipole, and/or Hydrogen bonding.)
a. N2 Van der Waals
b. H2O Hydrogen bond
c. H2 Van der Waals
B. Ionic Compounds SOL CH 3cd.
1. How do you conclude a compound is ionic? Metal (less valence e) bonds with
nonmetal (more valence e)
2. Differentiate between the Mg ion and Mg atom. Use an illustration and a
written explanation. Mg ion has a +2 charge because it loses 2 electrons when
bonding, the Mg atom has all 12 electrons because no bonding is taking place
3. List 10 common polyatomic ions.
4. How do determine the oxidation numbers of all the groups (including transition
5. Practice and write the nomenclature for the following ionic compounds.
a. SrS
b. NaOH sodium hydroxide
c. Zn(SO4)4 zinc (IV) sulfate
d. AgNO3 silver nitrate
e. CaCO3 * 3H2O calcium carbonate * tri-hydrate
6. Practice and write the formulas for the following ionic compounds.
a. Ammonium chloride
b. Strontium phosphate
c. Iron (III) nitrate
d. Calcium acetate
Organic Chemistry SOL CH 6ab.
Give 8 examples of natural organic polymers and explain their uses.
Give 8 examples of synthetic organic polymers and explain their uses.
Explain in terms of bonding why carbon creates so many different compounds?
Draw a saturated carbon molecule. Draw an unsaturated carbon molecule.
Differentiate them.
5. Define what an isomer is and give an illustration.
6. Explain through an illustration or in written explanation how petroleum is spirited
into different compounds.
7. Describe and differentiate the bond strength of a single and double bond in an
organic molecule.
Chemical Reactions SOL CH 3bce.
Complete these on your own. You cannot do some of #3 (single and double
replacement and combustion)
1. Construct an example of ANY chemical equation and differentiate the reactants
from the products.
2. Write and balance the following chemical equations. Show all work.
a. ____ Ca(OH)2 + ____ Al2(SO4)3  ____ CaSO4 + ____ Al(OH)3
b. _____Mg + ____ Fe2O3  ____ Fe + ____ MgO
c. ____ C2H4 + ____ O2  ____ CO2 + ____ H2O
d. ____ PbSO4  ____ PbSO3 + ____ O2
3. Categorize the equations above by their type of reactions. Use the words
decomposition, synthesis, single replacement, double replacement, and/or
4. Give an example of an endothermic and an exothermic reaction.
5. Differentiate endothermic and exothermic reactions.
Intro to the Mole SOL CH 3c, 4b.
1. Compare and contrast an empirical formula with a molecular formula. Give an
2. Calculate the molar mass of the following compounds: Add up the mass numbers
a. NaCl
b. Ca(OH)2
c. LiC2H3O2
3. Calculate the percent composition of nitrogen in Nitrogen dioxide. (mass of
N)/(mass of NO2) x 100
Numbers 4-7 try on your own, they are your given X (find/given) problems
4. How many grams of NaCl are in 3.4 moles?
5. How many moles of LiBr are in 5.67 grams?
6. How many atoms are in one mole?
7. How many atoms are in 4.56 grams of KNO3?
Electron Configuration SOL CH 2deg.
Complete questions 1 and 3 only. Remember “ion” means it has gained or lost
electrons, then write the electron configuration for it (should look like a noble gas)
1. Construct the electron configuration for the sulfur atom at ground state.
2. Construct the noble gas configuration for mercury atom.
3. Construct an orbital diagram for the magnesium ion.
Periodic Table SOL CH 2adefh.
1. Put the following in order based on least to greatest of electronegativity. (Left to
Cs, Mo, Al, I, Cl
2. Put the following in order based on least to greatest of electron shielding effect.
(Left to right)
K, Pd, Ba, Sb, Cl
3. Put the following in order based on least to greatest of atomic radii. Right to left
Fe, F, Pb, La, Ra
Lab Safety and Equipment SOL CH 1abcehj.
1. Describe the proper procedure for adding acid and water together. (slowly add
2. List at least 5 important safety rules in the Chemistry Lab that must be followed.
(use good common sense)
Experimental Design SOL CH 1dij.
You should know these…
1. Explain how the independent and dependant variable are determined in an
2. Describe what the control and constants are in an experiment.
3. Place the words IV or DV in the appropriate blanks.
a. Study the effects of _______________________ on
4. Give examples of observations made in the laboratory.
Reporting Scientific Data SOL CH 1efghj.
Use “King Henry died by drinking chocolate milk” for questions 1-3.
Convert 1.65 m to mm. Show work.
Convert 4.5 mL to cm3. Show work.
Convert 4500 cg to kg. Show work.
Differentiate accuracy and precision.
Calculate percent error of an experiment where the experimental density is 6.5
g/mL and the true or actual value of the density is 6.45 g/mL. Defend that this
data is accurate.