July 22, 1901 At request of Mr. Kelly, of Avery Beach, Chas. Lowe was appointed special policeman to serve without compensation from the village. August 19, 1901 Moved and supported that the appointment of Chas. Lowe, a special police at Avery Beach, be revoked. Carried. 7/21/1902 On motion it was ordered that notices be posted at five different points in the North Side Park forbidding all persons from driving teams through the Park. May 15, 1905 Notice from CJ Monroe of ownership of land on north side of river including foot of Main street was received and referred to city attorney and special committee to be appointed. The Mayor appointed Aldermen Engle and Tyler such committee. June 5, 1905 The special committee to whom had been referred the question of ownership of the foot of Main street reported, holding that the city is the owner of the street, which runs to the river. On motion the report was accepted. The committee on inventory reported, presenting the same, which was ordered filed and the committee discharged. July 3, 1905 The mayor appointed the following persons special police: Thomas Craft for the north side, to continue during the resort season; W.E. Symonds, Wm. Gilbert, B. Lockard and A.D. Franz, for Fourth of July. Appointments were confirmed by vote as follows: Yeas-Engel, Knaak, Noud, Runyan, Selkirk, Tyler, Nays, none; carried. July 17, 1905 The mayor appointed W.E.Symonds special night police officer for the north side during the resort season, at the salary of $40 per month. The roll was called on appointment with the following result: Yeas: Engel, Knaak, Noud, Runyan, Selkirk, Tyler: nays, none. Moved and carried that the mayor and a committee of three aldermen accompany Mr. Quinan, representing the U.S. Government, tomorrow, to view certain grounds on the lake front, for the purpose of selecting a site for the Life Saving Station. The mayor appointed as such committee, Engel, Selkirk and Runyan. Moved and carried that the question of the water supply for the proposed Life Saving Station be referred to the Board of Public Works. May 1, 1906 The following seven resolutions and notifications were each and severally presented and passed by the vote as given herein in each instance. South Haven, Mich., May 1, 1906 Resolved: That in the opinion of the Council it is a necessary public improvement in and for the City of South Haven to grade, curb and macadamize North Shore Drive in said City from Black River to Dyckman Ave. Such macadamizing to be 30 feet wide between curbs. The curbing to be concrete, and that a special assement be made for such improvement upon the lands and premises included in the special assessment district hereinafter designated. Resolved: That the City Engineer prepare estimates of the expense thereof, also plat, profile and diagram of the work and of the locality to be improved, also a map of the Special Assessment district and plans and specification for the construction o such improvement and report the same to the Council; Such Special Assessment district comprising the following lands and premises and being as follows: Lots 1 to 13 inclusive, block 1. Lots 1 to 11 inclusive, block 2. Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 3. Lots 1 to 7 inclusive, block 4. Lots 1 to 16 inclusive, block 5. Block 6. Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 7. Lots 1 to 13 inclusive, block 8. Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 9. Lots 1 to 13 inclusive, block 10. Lots to 6 inclusive, block 11. Entire block 12. Lots 1 to 11 inclusive, block 13. Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 15. Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, block 16. Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 17. Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, block 18. Lots 1 to 13 inclusive, block 19. Lots 1 to 5 inclusive, block 20. Block 21. Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, block 22. Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, block 23. All in Monroe Subdivision. Also lots 3 o 13 inclusive, block 15. Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, block 13. Lot 1 and Lots 3 to 9 inclusive, block 10. Lots 1 to 18 inclusive, block 11. Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 12. Lots 25 to 30 inclusive, block 12. Dyckman and Woodman’s Addition. All ordinance or part of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Yeas: Hemenway, Hill, Knaak, Knudsen, Noud, Selkirk. Nays: None. Carried. May 7, 1906 Plat of Monroe Park with resolutions for adoption of the same, was referred to the judiciary committee. May 28, 1906 The two following resolutions were passed by vote as given: Be It Resolved by the Common Council of the city of South Haven, that the plat of Monroe Park, with its lots, blocks, streets, avenues, drives, boulevards, alleys, esplanade, plaza and triangle, as shown by said plat, are hereby approved as a subdivision of the Dyckman & Woodman addition to the city of South Haven, and that the city clerk is hereby authorized to endorse the certificate of such approval upon said plat, under the seal of the city of South Haven. Yeas-Hemenway, Hill, Knaak, Knudsen, Noud, Selkirk. Nays-None. Carried. May 31, 1906 Review of special assessment for improvement of Dyckman Ave. from Black river bridge to North Shore Drive and North Shore Drive rom Black river to Dyckman Ave. and from Dyckman Ave. to north line of Napier’s amended addition by macadamizing the said streets being the principal purpose of the meeting – opportunity for object to the same was given. Written objections were field by G.J. Wicksall attorney, on behalf of ten persons, residents of Monroe Park and twenty persons residents of North Shore Drive and vicinity south of Dyckman Ave., to said proposed improvement south of Dyckman Avenue. June 18, 1906 Moved and carried that a sign be allowed to be placed over center of North Shore Drive at Avery Beach at sufficient height so as not to obstruct traffic. August 20, 1906 Moved and carried that Mr. McKenney be permitted to put up a sign at the Breakers cottage in Monroe Park. July 20, 1908 Question of removing sand from streets and sidewalks in Monroe Park was referred jointly to Street and Sidewalk committee.