METNS-CI-Class-Information - Monkstown Educate Together

Catholic Instruction Class
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2
Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 2
Role of Parents/Guardians .............................................................................................. 2
Role of Parish ..................................................................................................................... 2
Role of Catholic Instruction Classes ............................................................................... 3
Role of METNS ................................................................................................................... 3
Role of Catholic Instruction Committee ....................................................................... 4
Organisational Matters ........................................................................................................... 4
Resources.................................................................................................................................. 5
Overviews of Topics Covered Each Year............................................................................. 6
The teaching of Catholic Instruction outside the school curriculum will be a new experience for many
parents/guardians, so we have tried to address here some of the questions that parents/guardians will
have about how this will be taught in METNS, and how the preparation for sacraments will be
Roles and Responsibilities
You have chosen to send your child to an Educate Together School where after-school Catholic
Instruction classes are held to support your child’s faith development along the way.Catholic
Instruction classes in METNS are organised and run by parents/guardians. They are completely
separate to the school-run extracurricular activities.
Role of Parents/Guardians
“The home is the first Church which children come to know, in which they are reminded of God and
helped to pray by what they see around them. Religion begins at home. Parents are the first Religion
teachers and the most important of all teachers of Religion”.
This extract from Diocesan Policy for the Provision of Religious Education for Catholic Pupils
attending Schools other than Catholic Schools (see Resource Section) very clearly supports you as
Parents/guardians who wish to give their children a strong faith will need to make Catholicism
a central part of their children’s lives. This includes such activities such as bringing your child
to mass regularly, encouraging prayer, reading and talking about bible stories and continually
emphasising the importance of prayer and faith in his/her daily lives. Parents/Guardiansare
encouraged to get involved in the METNS Catholic Instruction by joining the Catholic
Instruction committee, helping with practices for the sacraments and helping to organise the
First Communion breakfast.
Please provide an extra healthy snack for your child, which they will be allowed to eat in the
Catholic Instruction class and the homework club.
Role of Parish
The parish in which the child lives is responsible for his/her Catholic Education. However
since our children come from a variety of parishes, the school’s parish church, Holy Family,
Kill Avenue, takes this responsibility.
The parish priest, Fr Killeen, is very helpful and inclusive, and we join with the Catholic
children from the two other schools in the parish – Holy Family Monkstown and Kill of the
Grange Church of Ireland NS – for celebrations and sacraments.
It is very convenient to be so near the church – a short walk for children and parent/guardian
helpers when it comes to practice time for the sacraments.
In 2nd class the children celebrate the sacraments of First Penance and Holy Communion
and in 6th class the group is confirmed. These ceremonies take place in Holy Family church,
with the two other primary schools in the parish.
Special masses for the sacramental classes are held every month throughout the year in Holy
Family Church.
Role of Catholic Instruction Classes
Catholic Instruction in METNS is taught in the school once a week, after school, from 1st-6th
class inclusive.
It is recommended that children attend classes each week EVERY year, to give them a sound
basis of instruction. It is very valuable for the children to attend Catholic Instruction outside
the sacrament years to help to embed their faith. An overview of the curriculum for each year
is outlined in a later section.
The parents/guardians of all Senior Infant’s children are informed about the Catholic
Instruction classes in the last term.
The classes are organised by a Catholic Instruction Committee.
The Catholic Instruction teachers all have recognised qualifications in religion/theology and
have a strong interest and experience in working with children. All the teachers have been
garda vetted.
We follow the Alive O Programme which is used in Catholic schools in Ireland. This
comprises a set of books and workbooks for the children, CDs of music and DVDs of short
films. This is a very good programme, designed to be delivered over a 5 day week. In
Educate Together schools, we select and condense the material, relying on parents to
support us at home, with prayer and discussion about their faith.
In Catholic Instruction class, the children are expected to follow the same policies of respect
and discipline which have been outlined by the school.
Role of METNS
Educate Together schools facilitate the teaching of any faith-based instruction in this way, so
the classes can be organised by parents and held in the school.
METNS has always been very open and accommodating of the running of Catholic Instruction
Classes, allocating classrooms and showing an interest in the children’s progress.
The school hall is used for the Communion Breakfast, and all children and staff from the
relevant classes are welcome to attend.
The Communion and Confirmation children may present assembly to the school after the
events, explaining what their faith means to them. This is a valuable contribution to the ethos
of inclusivity in the school.
It is important to note however that the Board of Management is not responsible for the
establishment of faith formation classes and is only involved in so far as to ensure that they
are responsibly organised, covered by insurance and that the necessary steps have been
taken to ensure the safety of the children attending. There is never any obligation placed on a
child, parent/guardian or staff member to become involved in doctrinal instruction.
Role of Catholic Instruction Committee
The Catholic Instruction classes are organised by a Catholic Instruction Committee, made up
of parent/guardian representatives from each class from 1st-6th and the Catholic Instruction
The committee organises the Catholic Instruction classes, organises helpers for the practices
for sacraments and acts as a liaison between the school, teachers and the parents/guardians.
The committee treasurer manages the class tuition fees, the payment of teachers and other
costs such as book purchases.
All parents/guardians are welcome to join the committee or to help out in any way. Just talk
to the Catholic Instruction teachers or any member of the committee or send an email to
Organisational Matters
The Catholic Instruction classes run for 2 terms, in line with other school Extra Curricular
Activities. They start in late September and finish around the end of May. The cost per term
is around €65. This cost may vary depending on the numbers attending Catholic Instruction
and it is used to pay for teacher salaries, books, teaching items for the class such as advent
calendars and for administration overheads such as photocopying. Financial circumstances
will not be a barrier to any family wishing to attend and should you require any assistance with
the cost please contact the Catholic Instruction teacher or the treasurer of the Catholic
Instruction committee (in strictest confidence).
The classes are held after school on one afternoon (Wednesday at present).The class for
First, Second and Third Class is held at 2.15-3pm and the class for Fourth, Fifth and Sixth
Classis held at 3-3.45pm.
Children attending the 3pm classes can attend a supervised homework club.
If a child cannot attend the class for some reason, but has been in school during the day, we
ask that parents/guardians pass a message or send a text to the Catholic Instruction teacher,
as an attendance roll is kept for safety and security.
Some family friendly masses in the locality:
 St Patrick’s Church, Monkstown: Family mass at 10.30am.
 Dalkey Parish Church: Family mass at 10am
 Foxrock Parish Church: Family mass at 10am
 St. Brigid’s Church, Cabinteely: Gospel choir at 12.30 pm
 St. Brigid’s Girls School, The Park, Cabinteely: Family mass at 11.15 am in Term
 St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Glastule: Family mass at 10.15 am. They also hold an
annual Pet Blessing each October – check their website for details.
Policy for the Religious Education of Catholic Children Not Attending Catholic Schools
Come gather and celebrate for 1st and 2nd class by Maeve Mahon and Elaine Mahon
My First Holy Communion by Deirdre Mary Ascough, (Hardback €18,
might make a nice gift)
THUMB - Maeve Mahon and Martin Delaney (€6 This book is given
to children in 2nd class by the parish, but 1st class parents might benefit from it too.
Preparing to be Confirmed by Diana Klein (McCrimmons)
Children’s Bible
Overviews of Topics Covered Each Year
This section gives a brief overview of the curriculum for each year. Detailed week by week
programmes will be given by the teachers to each family at the start of each term.
1st Class
Overview: Introduction to idea of belonging to God’s family; life in Jesus’ time; God as Good
Shepherd; Jesus as our friend. Stories and songs. 1st class begins the 2 year programme of
preparation for Holy Communion.
New Prayers: Sign of the cross and simple prayers (Hail Mary, Our Father, Night Prayer).
2nd Class
Overview: Children continue to learn about the Good Shepherd and life in Jesus’ time, including
stories and songs about Jesus’ life. In preparation for First Confession we discuss goodness, feeling
sorry, saying sorry. In preparation for Holy Communion we develop the 5 points of the Mass: coming
together to pray, listening, sharing in the body of Christ, giving thanks and going in peace.
New prayers: Act of Sorrow; Confiteor.
A CD of songs for Communion/Confession is given to the children.
In preparation for First Communion:
Baptism Certificates need to be given to the Catholic Instruction teacher in Term 1.
Parish meeting for parents in October.
Monthly ‘Do this in Memory Masses’ in Holy Family Church at 12pm.
Enrolment Certificate of children for First Communion, signed by parents.
Communion breakfast is held in the school after the church ceremony. Parents/Guardians,
siblings, grandparents are invited to this, along with any METNS children or teachers who
wish to attend.
Overview: We continue the work which was done in preparation for the First Communion, through
more stories and discussion. Children are helped to develop a sense of their own story and tradition
as a place where God has been with them; to see a connection between this and the Christian story
and tradition; to grow in awareness and trust that God will be with them into the future.
New Prayers: Sign of the Cross in Irish; Glory be to the Father
4th Class
Overview: Exploring our faith beyond ourselves: e.g. parish, world charities, World Day of Prayer for
the Sick; idea of each of us being the Body of Christ, at work and play. Christianity throughout the
world; finding out more about the Bible (New and Old Testament).
New Prayers: Christ Has No Body (Prayer of St Theresa of Avila)
5th Class
Beginning of the two year programme for Confirmation. Idea of each of us being a prophet explored.
What makes us Catholics? The importance of Mass and praying together. This is a time of great
questioning and self-awareness, so there is a lot of discussion time. Sacraments, Commandments,
Beatitudes. Pentecost. Songs of Holy Spirit
New prayers: Care for me, Lord, Come Holy Spirit, Songs for Confirmation
6th Class
Overview: Work for Confirmation involves exploring the idea of choice, of confirming parents’
decision to baptise their child, of being a young adult Christian and what that means. Using a
workbook, each child charts his/her progress from Baptism, showing development of their faith.
New Prayers: Confirmation Hymns; Creed; revise Confession
In preparation for the Confirmation:
Baptism Certificates to be given to Catholic Instruction teacher in Term 1.
Children choose Confirmation name (of a Saint who particularly inspires them).
Sponsor should be chosen (Godparent or family friend – over 16, practising Catholic) who will
be at the Confirmation.
Families attend monthly Do this in Memory Mass in Holy Family church; there is a Ceremony
of Commitment and Ceremony of Light (Baptism candle needed) which precedes
Confirmation (dates will be given early in the year).
Children will also go to Confession as a class just before Confirmation.
Children wear cream tunics called Albs over their clothes for the confirmation ceremony. The
Albs are similar to the tunics worn by Altar servers.