Design History - John Owen`s Portfolio

Design Document
Brooks Douan
Bryan Johnson
Christopher Hill
Garrett Webb
John Owen
Last Revised:
Design Document for Insomnium
July 28, 2013
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Design History ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Version 1.0 ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Version 1.1 ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Version 1.2 ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Version 2.0 ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Version 2.1 ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Version 2.2 ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Game Overview............................................................................................................................................. 6
Philosophy ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Philosophical Point – Garrett Web........................................................................................................ 6
Philosophical Point – Brooks Douan ..................................................................................................... 6
Philosophical Point – Bryan Johnson .................................................................................................... 6
Philosophical Point – John Owen .......................................................................................................... 6
Philosophical Point – Chris Hill
........................................................................................................ 6
Common Questions .................................................................................................................................. 7
What is the game? ................................................................................................................................ 7
Why create this game? ......................................................................................................................... 7
Where does the game take place? ....................................................................................................... 7
What is the story? ................................................................................................................................. 8
What is the main focus? ....................................................................................................................... 8
How many characters/units/pieces does the player control? .............................................................. 8
What’s different? .................................................................................................................................. 8
Game Theory......................................................................................................................................... 9
Feature Set .................................................................................................................................................. 10
General Features..................................................................................................................................... 10
Game Components ................................................................................................................................. 11
Rules ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
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Game Setup............................................................................................................................................. 12
Turn Sequence ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Action Explanations ................................................................................................................................ 15
Flowcharts ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Detailed Rules for Specific Pieces ........................................................................................................... 29
Location Tiles ......................................................................................................................................... 34
Scavenge Cards ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Monster Cards......................................................................................................................................... 41
Winning the Game .................................................................................................................................. 43
Rules Questions ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Play Testing ................................................................................................................................................. 44
Procedure................................................................................................................................................ 44
Survey...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Demographic Results from Testing ......................................................................................................... 45
Survey Results from Testing.................................................................................................................... 45
References .................................................................................................................................................. 49
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Design History
The design history encompasses all changes made to the game from conception to
prototyping. All changes are represented under a version number and a logical order of iterations
can be derived from viewing the history. As the design of the game evolves, so will this document.
The design history section tracks changes throughout the process so they can be easily retraced and
reworked if necessary. From time to time it is beneficial to take a look back and see where you
came from, if only to see how far you have come. This design history is a traceable path of the
progress we have made on the game.
Version 1.0
Version 1.0 is our original concept, and has not been balanced yet.
Decided on theme for game.
Created story.
Started setting up mechanics.
Created location tiles, characters, salvage cards, and monsters for the game.
Prepared all loose ends for first playtest.
Version 1.1
Version 1.1 contains minor tweaks to characters, monsters, salvage cards, and board tiles.
Added ten (10) instant play salvage cards.
Lowered player action and mental points.
Changed number of barricades allowed on each board tile.
Removed action requirement to play cards.
Added Boss cards to make final encounter harder.
Version 1.2
Version 1.2 includes rules revisions and greater definition of game terms.
Reinstituted action point requirement to play cards from hand
Clarified board setup, turn sequence, and timer movement rules.
Rewrote “game theory” section
Lowered player action and mental points further
Version 2.0
Version 2.0 makes major revisions to gameplay, how action points are used, and to monster cards.
1. Clarified movement is only horizontal and vertical, and not diagonal.
2. Redefined revive action.
3. Clarified cleanse rules.
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Change priest special ability to only allow cleansing in his current location.
Allowed players to choose who goes first for strategy purposes.
Changed flowcharts to align with rule changes.
Edited all game pieces to go along with new rules.
Version 2.1
Version 2.1 helps to greater explain infestation, scavenging, and horde rules.
1. Reworked scavenge rolls to be less likely to produce items and more likely to produce
2. Clarified and expanded infestation rules to better explain where and how infestation
spreads, and how players in infested tiles are affected.
3. Added “Horde Rules” to features to greater explain horde setup.
4. Reworked combat rules with new dice requirements.
5. Added other combat rules to define outlying cases
6. Clarified timer usage in timer rules.
Version 2.2
Version 2.2 adds a few final changes to the game for balance, aesthetics, and explanation.
Reworked combat rules with new dice requirements.
Added other combat rules to define outlying cases
Clarified timer usage in timer rules.
Added gold rim around boss cards.
Updated barricade cards to be seen more clearly.
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Game Overview
Philosophical Point – Garrett Web
We wanted to make a game that had a lot of replay value. Often times with board games
there can only be one way to set up the board and we didn’t want that with Insomnium. We decided
to go with a modular approach for the board to give the player’s choice in how they set up the game
and how different they want their experience to be each time they play.
Philosophical Point – Brooks Douan
We want to create a game with true balance. Through extensive testing we will create a
game that keeps a high level of tension, and creates obstacles that are difficult but not impossible.
Philosophical Point – Bryan Johnson
We are making a game where cooperation is a key mechanic. With cooperative and not
competitive gameplay the players must work together strategically to complete the game.
Insomnium will facilitate open communication and planning, while the players fight against the
game and not each other in order to succeed. In doing this teamwork becomes a key element to the
success (or failure) of the group of survivors.
Philosophical Point – John Owen
On a basic level we are hoping to achieve higher player immersion through ownership of
the individual characters. In traditional role playing games the player often becomes attached to
their character because they have painstakingly crafted it to fit an image that they envision. They
identify more with the character and the immersion is greater. We hope to achieve this same level
of immersion by giving the players relatable characters whose destiny is in their hands to craft. By
making the characters fun and interesting, removing the difficulty and strict rules of a traditional
pen and paper role-playing game, and giving the players a strong but fun base to start from with
their characters, we hope that they will be compelled to take ownership of the character and in turn
be more involved and committed to the game.
Philosophical Point – Chris Hill
Separating ourselves in the horror genre, we will rely heavily on an original art style that sets the
tone, maintains tension, and packs a horrific punch. Most horror games tend to become mundane,
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cheesy or over-the-top. We look to remedy that, but still pay homage to the horror genre as a whole.
Throughout all game components, you will find the art cohesively aiding the mechanics and establishing
a truly scary, nightmarish experience. It is important that all art in the game be related in its entirety.
We recognize our intended audience will be 13 year old and up that are fans of the horror genre, and
this art style will completely appeal to them
Common Questions
What is the game?
Insomnium is a survival-horror board game in which players take on the role of characters
caught in a shared nightmare. The players must survive an onslaught of monsters conjured by the
Boogieman at the end of each phase. This will be accomplished by Barricading locations around the
game board, scavenging for weapons and location materials, and playing cards from your hand to
help yourself and other players fight to stay alive. The main goal is to survive until the alarm wakes
everyone up thus ending the terrible nightmare.
Why create this game?
When deciding what kind of game we wanted to make we tossed around a lot of different
concepts. We wanted something that was not market standard; we didn’t want to make a generic
party game. When the idea of a survival horror board game arose it caught a lot of our attention.
After researching the idea we found that while the “survival-horror” genre is thoroughly fleshed out
in the video game market, it’s somewhat lacking in the board game area. So to answer the question
“Why create this game?”, the best answer would be because it’s a new concept that not a lot of
others have tried to do successfully and we wanted a challenge
Where does the game take place?
Noddingham is a sleepy little town that most people pass through without even noticing.
The majority of the locations in exist within a four square block area, and it’s the kind of town
where everyone knows their neighbors. Lately a dark cloud has settled over the town. People have
gone missing and there are whispers that the beds at the local asylum are filling. When dusk settles
over Noddingham and the town is drifting off into a deep slumber, a radically different town
emerges in the resident’s dreams. This version of Noddingham is dark and twisted. Zombies
wander the streets and Scarecrows come into the town from the fields to terrorize the
neighborhoods. Hell has broken loose and the dead have come for dinner. All the streets out of
town seem to loop back on themselves and no exit from the town can be found. This nightmare is
not only affecting the world of dreams for the townsfolk, but it has begun to take a toll on the sanity
and constitution of those awake.
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What is the story?
A priest, a mechanic, and the town drunk walk into a bar. It sounds like the start of a bad
joke, but it’s really the stuff of nightmares. This is where they will spend their evening bashing in
zombie skulls and trying to keep the dire rats from eating all of the pretzels and nuts. Over the past
few months, the people Noddingham have been settling into bed for the night, expecting to sleep
like babies, only to find themselves swept into a gruesome nightmarish version of their little town.
In this nightmare the things that go bump in the night are knocking on their doors and are hungry
for blood and brains. The only thing the townsfolk can do is bunker down and try and repel the
waves of this hungry horde. The only way out of the nightmare is to wake up.
This nightmarish horde is playing for keeps too. Thus far the banker and the high school
janitor have woken up from their fitful slumber in a mad rage and have since been relocated to the
town’s psychiatric hospital. The janitor was screaming something about vampires in the boy’s
locker room and how he would never be able to get all the blood off the ceiling. They are the lucky
ones. Others have simply gone to bed never to wake again.
In Insomnium the player takes on the role of a random citizen of the town. They have just
started to count their little sheep when the world turns on its head and a zombie wanders by their
bedroom window. The player must devise a way for their character to survive the night or they will
never awaken to tell their tale!
What is the main focus?
Players are trying to survive the nightmare and repel the monster horde by using their
character abilities and barricading the locations that are under attack, and cleansing infested
locations. The players must survive the creatures of the night’s onslaught until the alarm wakes
them from their slumber.
How many characters/units/pieces does the player control?
Each Player controls one character token, which they use to move about the game board.
Players have character cards, which show their individual character’s special strengths and
abilities. The will also be able to place barricade tokens and use upgrade cards to improve their
fighting ability.
What’s different?
We want to take elements of pen and paper roleplaying and board games and integrate
them into a co-op experience. Most board games are based on competitiveness, and we want take
the nature of a roleplaying game and help to make the game more about banding together to
survive. Another thing that is different is that the few horror based tabletop games that allow for
cooperative play (Arkham Horror for example) are about completing certain objectives in order to
get to the end. What we are trying to do is make something simpler and say to the players, “You just
have to survive”.
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Game Theory
Symmetry- Our game Insomnium is a symmetric game with asymmetric setup. The random setup
of the location tiles and random character assignment produces randomness and differing play
each time. To further this each character has special abilities that grant different ways to approach
each given situation. But with that being said the gameplay and mechanics are the same for each
character as they play. Each player has a differing way to approach certain actions within play by
using their abilities, but all follow the same rules and work together in order to produce a
successful outcome. This produces the effect of giving some asymmetric gameplay aspects to a
symmetric rule set.
Play Style – Insomnium is a cooperative game. The game is designed for all players to work
together to defeat monsters instead of trying to fight them off individually. The systems of the game
are designed to make going out on your own a poor decision and players are encouraged to
strategize and work together. As said in the Symmetry section, all of the respective characters have
unique abilities and all of these abilities are designed to work in tandem with one another. The idea
behind this was to get players to strategize more and to truly create a tense group mentality.
Summation - Insomnium is a non-zero-sum game. While the actions of one player can drastically
affect another, in-game resources are player to player and not from a universal pool. For example
since the game is cooperative players more or less share resources to achieve goals. Each player has
their own resources but as they are playing together they strategize and use them together rather
than separately and against one another. To explain it another way the outcome of the game will
either be equally good or equally bad for all players depending on how they play the game.
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Feature Set
General Features
Co-op gameplay – Teamwork is key if everyone is to survive the night
Modular Game Board – Every play-through will have a different town setup for excellent replay value
Distinct Characters – Each character has their own abilities and personality, which leads to
ownership and storytelling.
Monster Combat – Defend against the nightmare horde. Combat is based on strategy,
planning and a little bit of luck.
Build the Barricades – Plan and place barricades during the day to give you and your team
an edge during the night.
Tension created by a countdown- as the game progresses, the timer counts down to dawn
and the nightmare gets more difficult.
Replay value – With random game board setup, various character combinations and
multiple equipment selections, players will be faced with different challenges each time
they play the game.
Strategic Thinking and Management- Do you spend all your points scavenging, barricading
or reviving a fallen ally? The player must make hard decisions and manage their time wisely
during the day so everyone can survive the nightmare.
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Game Components
Modular Board Tiles (16)-The game will include a modular board with 16 tiles. Each modular tile
will represent a different section of the nightmare town of Noddingham. These modular pieces
will be able to be set up in different, random order each gameplay so that the game will have a
high replay value. Certain tiles will be allocated for corner or border spots.
Character Pieces (8 cards, 8 tokens)-There will be 8 character cards and 8 standing, cardboard
character tokens to represent each of the 8 different characters that we have created. The
character cards will list the attributes and special abilities exclusive to each of the separate
characters. The tokens will be a visual representation of the character and be the piece that is
moved throughout the board map.
Monster Cards (26 monster/4 bosses)- There will be 30 monster cards to represent the
monsters that spawn on the board. The monster cards will give a description of the monster, a
list of the attacks and damage the monster will deal.
Dice (7)- A D10 and 6 D6 will be included for use of different actions throughout gameplay.
Barricade Tokens (50)- These barricade tokens will represent the action of an area being
barricaded. The tokens will represent how many hit points it will take to destroy or get through
the barricaded entrance.
Infestation Tokens (15) – Small Cardboard tokens used to denote infested locations.
Scavenge/Item Cards (90)- The scavenge cards will include different cards that will be helpful or
detrimental to the player throughout the game. These will include weapon cards, barricade
cards, help cards, hinder cards, and one-time use cards. These will be the cards that represent
the player’s hand.
Timer (1)- The timer will be an alarm clock to aid in the nightmarish aesthetic. The players will
set the alarm clock to Day 1 and it will act as a timer in gameplay. This timer will show both the
passage of time within the nightmare, and will act as a countdown to daybreak and the end of
the game. Slide rule type timer. (1) Time Stone to move along timer.
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Game Setup
Remove all game materials from box.
Shuffle board tiles and lay out all sixteen (16) tiles to form game board. Tiles are drawn
from top of deck and are laid out from left to right in a 4X4 rectangular grid.
Remove four (4) Monster Bosses from Monster deck
Shuffle Scavenge, Boss, and Monster decks and place on right side of the board. (See setup
Set time counter on sliding timer to 1 Day.
Put Barricade and infest tokens in piles next to the scavenge deck.
Shuffle Character cards and have each player draw one (1). Place matching character token
on starting location indicated on character card.
Draw one (1) monster card per each player and keep face down. These cards will form the
horde. They are placed along the left side of the game board.
Play starts with the youngest player taking the first turn and then continuing with the
player on his or her left.
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Setup Diagram
1. Infestation Tokens
2. Barricade Tokens
3. Location Tile/Game Board
4. Character Token
5. Alarm
6. Character Card
7. Monster Horde
8. Scavenge Deck
9. Monster Deck
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10. Boss Deck
11. Six-Sided Dice
12. Ten-Sided Die
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Turn Sequence
A complete turn cycle is broke down into the following:
Three (3) Day turns: Action
One (1) Night turn: Combat and Survive
Day Cycle:
Action Phase (Give Cards, Draw Cards, Cleanse locations, Movement, Revive): Player may do
each of the following actions during the action phase using action points available to their
character, each of these actions costs one action point (unless otherwise noted in action
1. Move to any adjacent location (see Movement in action explanations)
2. Give another player any card from his or her hand. (see Trade in action
3. Cleanse an infested location: (see Cleanse in action explanations)
4. Revive other players that have fallen during the night (see Revive in action
5. Scavenge for equipment/Draw cards (see Scavenge in action explanations)
6. Barricade structures against the impending Monster Attack (see Barricade
in action explanations)
7. Cards from a player’s hand can be played and equipped for one (1) AP
(action point) at any time during day cycle only. (See Play Card in action explanations)
After all players have taken their turns, the alarm clock slide timer is moved to the right by one
location and Action points are reset for each player.
After three day cycles are complete (All players taking their turns) the players move to the night
cycle of play.
Night Cycle:
At the onset of the night cycle, all monster cards accumulated in the horde are flipped up and
Players then discuss and claim monsters for their characters to engage in combat by placing chosen
monster card(s) beside their character card.
Combat commences each player taking turns fighting his or her respective monster(s) (See Combat
in action explanations)
Resolve all combat and place any infestation tokens if needed. (See Infestation in action
Once all combat is resolved return all monster cards to monster discard pile and draw new monster
cards (one for each player plus one for each infested location) to place in the horde.
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Move alarm clock slider timer one location and resume day cycle.
General Rules:
 Player may have up to five cards in his or her hand at any time. Player must discard any
cards above five from their hand.
 Once a player expends all action points, the player’s turn is over.
 If either scavenge or monster drawing decks are expended, reshuffle the discard pile and
place face down.
Action Explanations
Play Card
Any card from a player’s hand may be played at any time during their turn. If a barricade card,
discard and then take a barricade token from the token pool and place near your character card. If
equipment is played, place card next to character card. If piece of equipment is already equipped on
character, discard the old card and replaced with the newly played.
The player may spend an action point to move to any adjacent location. The player may continue to
move as long as he or she has action points to spend.
Note: Players may not move diagonally.
The player may spend an action point to place one (1) barricade token from their inventory on the
location they currently occupy. Each location has a maximum number of barricades able to be
placed indicated by yellow boxes on each game tile.
The player may trade or give another player one (1) card from their hand. To do this the player
must occupy the same location as the other player and spend one action point per card traded. If
the receiving player has more than five (5) cards in his or her hand at the end of the trade, cards
must be discarded in order to bring their hand count back to five (5).
The player may revive a downed/knocked out player. To do this the player must occupy the same
location as the downed player, have at least one action point, and expend all remaining action
points. The revived player must discard all currently equipped gear but may take their turn as usual
(with AP and MP restored) during the current turn as long as their place in turn rotation has not
The player may cleanse an infested location. Two players must occupy the infested location. When
any player moves onto the infested location all remaining action points are expended.
Also, Priest character may cleanse location by himself once per turn day cycle turn.
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The player may scavenge for equipment and loot (draw a card) by spending one (1) action point
while on a location. The player may continue to scavenge (spending points each time) on the same
location but must roll a d10 for each subsequent scavenge attempt. Results are as follows:
1-3 – Attempt Successful: Draw one (1) card
4-5 – Attempt failed: No Card drawn
6-10 - Attempt critically failed: No card drawn, add monster card from deck to horde face down.
Monsters may infest locations. After combat is resolved any unclaimed monsters are removed from
the board and discarded in the Monster discard pile. For each monster discarded this way an infest
token is taken and placed on the board starting with the upper left most location. (If location is
already infested, location directly below becomes infested. If there is no location below, start
infestation at top of next column) This location is considered infested until cleansed (see Cleanse in
action explanations) and will produce a monster card to be added to the horde after each turn night
turn that it exists.
All barricades tokens are removed from infested location. Location may not be barricaded again
until cleansed.
Also any monster that defeats a player in combat is discarded and infests the location that the
player currently occupies. The knocked out player and any other players within that location are
moved to an adjacent uninfected location of the players choosing.
Players may not move onto an infested location unless it is to cleanse the location.
If no uninfected location is available to move to after a combat loss the game ends.
Any infested locations created upon resolution of a night turn (through combat or unclaimed
monsters) spawn monsters when placing a new horde. (Horde = +1 monster card for each player +
+1 monster card for each infested location)
Horde Rules
After each night the monster horde reforms to attack the players again. A monster card is drawn
per each player. An additional monster card is drawn for each infested location present on the
board at the end of a night turn as well.
Also as the night progresses (represented by the timer) more monsters and more difficult monsters
will appear.
Formation After Night#1- +1 Monster card added to horde (on top of all other monsters from
players and infested locations)
Formation After Night#2- +2 Monster cards added to horde (on top of all other monsters from
players and infested locations)
Formation After Night#3- +2 Monster cards and one Boss card added to horde (on top of all other
monsters from players and infested locations)
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Note: The four boss cards are separated from the other monster cards at the start of the game and
only come into play during the 3rd night. These cards cannot be discarded with certain instant cards
and are treated the same as other monster cards during combat.
At the onset of the night phase monster cards in the Horde are flipped and revealed. Each player
may choose as many monsters from the horde to face as they wish and place them next to their
character card. Combat is as follows:
Player Attack = Player declares attack as Mental or Action
Player rolls number of D6 indicated on character card
Add any plus or minus modifiers from equipment or special abilities
Monster Attack = Player rolls number of D6 indicated on monster card
Add any plus or minus modifiers from barricades or special abilities
The higher number of the two will win combat. If rolls tied, player always wins.
If player is the winner:
Discard monster card in monster discard pile and draw one (1) scavenge card OR receive
one (1) barricade token
If monster is the winner:
Player is knocked out until revived (see Revive in action explanation)
Location is infested (See Infest in action explanations)
Monster card is discarded and any players (knocked out or combat ready) are moved to an
adjacent, non-infested location.
Other Combat Rules
NOTE: Boss characters must be claimed and must be fought last on NIGHT 4. If
character is knocked out, location is infested and Boss moves to fight next character in
turn rotation even if they have already fought. This continues until boss is defeated or
all players are downed.
Combat will always take place in the location the player ends their third day cycle
turn in. Once night falls you can’t move from the location you currently occupy.
(Unless moved by combat failure)
When attacking player can attack using their D6 as Mental attacks or Action attacks
but not both.
All monster cards do not have to be claimed. Any extra monsters that are not
claimed will infest a location (See Infest under action explanations)
When fighting more than one monster the player must face them simultaneously
and combine die roll totals for all monsters that are attacking
When facing monsters in a barricade location the player may remove any number of
barricades that have been placed within that location to reduce the monsters die roll
total (-1 to monster roll for each barricade removed). These barricades are
destroyed and removed from the board back to token pool.
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If any final roll totals (Monster vs. Player) result in a tie, the player will always
Character special abilities can reduce the amount of a roll if used during the day
cycle. Refer to character card to see these abilities and modifiers.
Combat example:
 Player one (occupying the hospital tile, barricaded 5 times) chooses one monster
from the horde to face.
 Player then rolls two d6 with a resulting score of 10
 Player then adds in +3 to attack from chainsaw card that is equipped to character
 Total Player Attack is 13.
Player rolls three (3) d6 for monster as indicated on monster card resulting in a 17
Player removes four (4) barricades from the location resulting in a -4 to monster’s
Total Monster Attack is 13.
A tie results in the player winning, monster card is discarded and play moves to the left.
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Below are the flow charts outlining play within Insomnium. We attempted to break everything
down into basic parts to make the charts simple and easy to read. This will also assist when we are
trying to diagnose a problem with the flow of rules.
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Detailed Rules for Specific Pieces
Character Cards:
Front of Character Card:
The front of the card displays, at a glance, all the information a player needs to assume the
role of that character.
Short Description of Role
Picture with Flavor Text
Special Ability
Mental Points
Action Points
Number of Attack Dice
Number of Equipment Slots
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Back of Character Card:
The back of the character card displays additional information that does is not needed at all
times by the player.
Character Biography
Starting Location
Character Information Table
Town Drunk
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Number of
Attack Dice
Number of
Equipment Slots
Truck Stop
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Front Layout Diagram:
Back Layout Diagram:
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Character Bios and Special Abilities
The amount of equipment a character can equip is represented by the bloody handprint(s) in the
lower corner of each card. The amount of dice available to attack with is represented by the dice
pictured on the card also.
Town Drunk - Fred is the town drunk. As boozers go he’s playful and jovial to a fault. He spends
his days down at O’Malley’s Pub drinking away his sorrows and generally attempting to forget the
world. Fred is known to play innocent pranks on unsuspecting patrons around the Pub. With Fred
around at O’Malley’s it best to never leave your drink unattended for long. What Fred lacks in
seriousness and sobriety he makes up for in spirit and his great sense of humor.
Special Ability: Drunken Stupor - -2 from all monster rolls.
Swat Team Member – Greg was the youngest officer to ever make Commander of the
Noddingham SWAT. He joined the Marines at the age of 12 with a fake I.D. and never looked back
except to see if someone was on his six. At 22 he left the service and decided to settle in
Noddingham. Deadly and deranged, Greg has been known to tie himself up and jump into a pool
with weights around his ankles just to see if he can escape. His twisted grin and piercing brow let
you know he means business and his favorite pistol Ol’Bessy is never far from his side.
Special Ability: Leader from Birth - Any characters in the same location gain +1 to all
Action Attack rolls.
Nurse – Nurse Conway works at the Noddingham Central Hospital on day shifts and is an avid
bookworm by night. Don’t let her librarian glasses and sweet little voice fool you though; this nurse
packs a nasty right hook. Years of wrangling unruly invalids and force-feeding perverse patients
have granted her nerves of steel and an iron stomach around blood and gore. Nurse Conway is
truly a fallen angel disguised in white scrubs and covered in blood.
Special Ability: Just a Flesh Wound - Free instant revival of any character in the same
location. -1 penalty on mental attack rolls until end of night cycle. This ability may stack up
to four (4) times.
Priest – Father Michaels preaches fire and brimstone from atop his pulpit in the Noddingham
church every Wednesday and Sunday. He prefers to preach to the heathen masses from atop and
not behind the pulpit because of his unusually short stature. He seeks to be both seen and heard,
and heard he is. Many worshipers have been scared away before even entering the door; such is
the mighty nature of his vociferous sermons. It is said Father Michaels once stood toe to toe with
the devil, and Satan wet himself and begged for forgiveness before the good father even opened his
Special Ability: Hand of Gawd – May instantly cleanse an infested location he occupies
once per day cycle turn for free.
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Gamer – Jim hasn’t seen the sun for years. Pale and frail, he spends most of his time inside battling
zombies and aliens from the comfort of his couch. An emergency in the book of Jim is a lack of
munchies and energy drinks, and his handy dandy mini-fridge magically never seems to empty. Jim
is quite the lady’s man. He has probably saved the princess from the lunatic turtle at least a few
dozen times. Don’t let this soft side of Jim fool you though, in his chest beats the heart of a warrior.
At a moment’s notice Jim can transform into a nerd-raging, noob-slayer tyrant bent on the conquest
of the free-to-play Internet world.
Special Ability: Monster Hunter - Grants +1 to Mental attacks for any character in same
Cheerleader – Paige is likely the luckiest cheerleader to have shopped at the Noddingham mall.
Her excessive clumsiness has caused her to fall from the top of the cheer pyramid three times thus
far, and she has walked away without a scratch. Paige has been captain of the cheerleaders for
three years straight now, and in her senior year in high school she has been voted most likely to
walk in front of a bus. Paige’s upbeat and peppy attitude is only overshadowed by her bloodcurdling scream whenever she is told about the weekly shoe sale at the mall.
Special Ability: Pep Rally - Can instantly teleport any one player to her location. -1 to
mental attack rolls until end of night cycle. The penalty can stack up to four (4) times.
Mechanic – Pete the mechanic is anything but a grease monkey. Underneath the dirt and engine
grim lies a sophisticated mind the likes of which is rarely seen in Noddingham. Pete could fix most
any problem with a slinky, a stick of gum, and a small bit of duct tape. While not always practical
but always punctual, he always find a way to fix any problem. Pete’s truck stop is the best repair
shop in town. Pete slings a wrench like a soldier slings a gun, and when he sets his sight on
something you best watch out.
Special Ability: Always Use Protection – Receives two barricades per barricade card.
Survivalist – Tom is the Valuemart warrior, poacher of produce, and King of the camping
department. He has worked in the sports department of the Noddingham’s Valuemart since the day
it has opened and has fashioned himself into a self-proclaimed survival expert. He has been quoted
saying that he could survive in the wild for a week living off only his urine and squeeze packet of
ketchup. While Tom might not be the brightest burning blub in Valuemart, he more than makes up
for it with his willingness to take things farther than most would ever imagine. He possess a special
talent for making something out of nothing.
Special Ability: Dumpster Diving - +1 to the total of each d10 scavenge roll
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Location Tiles
Location tiles are used to form the game board. Each tile is ringed by a half-portion of road so the tiles
will fit together and maintain visual fidelity. Yellow squares on each tile represent spots that can be
barricaded to help defend against the monsters of the horde. A location may not be barricaded more
times than there are open spots. There are 16 location tiles that when laid out randomly form the town
of Noddingham. The actual location tiles are larger than the examples portray.
Example: (Shown is smaller than actual tile)
Location Information Table
Location Name
O'Malley's Pub
Firing Range
High School
Gas Station
City Hall
Number of Barricade Spots
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Coffee Shop
Junk Yard
Drive-In Theater
Truck Stop
Layout Diagram:
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Barricade Token
Players receive barricade tokens to assist in defeating monsters. These tokens can be placed on any
unoccupied barricade square on their current location. The cost to place a barricade is one action
point. Below is an example of the barricade token. Their size is much smaller than it appears here.
Example: (Shown is much larger than actual token)
Infestation Token
Infestation tokens are used to mark a location as being infested. Players will place an infestation
token on any location that becomes infected during play. When a location is cleansed this token is
returned to the pile.
Example: (Shown is actual size of token)
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Scavenge Cards
Scavenge cards are numerous and come in many forms. Below you will find examples of each type
of card and layout diagrams of a scavenge card. These cards will help or hinder the players
throughout the play session.
Barricade Cards
Barricades are used by the player to absorb excess damage from monster attacks. They are
obtained by finding a card granting the player a barricade or by defeating a monster and choosing
to receive one.
Layout Diagram:
Card Example:
Armor Cards
Armor cards provide the player with equip-able items that will negate monster damage. These
cards subtract an indicated number from the monster’s total roll.
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Layout Diagram:
Card Example:
Weapon Cards
Weapon cards are another type of scavenge card that provides the player with an equip-able item.
These cards add to the player’s total attack roll the indicated number.
Layout Diagram:
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Example Card:
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AP Boosts
AP boost cards allow the player to either recover AP, or they provide an equip-able item that will
boost the player’s AP as long as the item is worn.
Layout Diagram:
Example Card:
Mental Boosts
Mental boost cards provide the player with and equip-able item. These items boost the total mental
attack roll of a player by adding on the indicated amount.
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Layout Diagram:
Card Example:
Instant Cards
Instant cards are played as soon as they are drawn from the scavenge deck. They direct the player
to perform and action that will either help or hinder. The cards are specific and state exactly what
is to be done when drawn.
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Layout Diagram:
Example Card
90 Total Scavenge Cards
Monster Cards
Monster cards show a visual representation of the monster, the number and type of attack dice, and
a bit of flavor text for the creature.
These are the monster cards (and Bosses) included in the game:
Boss Monsters
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Layout Diagram:
Example Card:
30 Total Monster Cards (26 Regular/4 Boss)
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The timer is a representation of time passing in the real world. The counter starts at Day 1 (first
turn) and advances after all players have completed their individual turns. Player that takes the
first turn is responsible to move timer before starting turn.
The nightmare gets worse as time marches on, so after each night more monster appear. (See Horde
Rules in Action explanations)
Winning the Game
Wining: Players must survive the night to win the game. If the players are able to live through four
day/night cycles until the alarm clock goes off and they wake up, they escape from the nightmare
with their sanity and live to tell their tale.
Losing: If at any point during play all players are unconscious and no one possesses a way to
revive or all sixteen (16) locations are infested the players go mad and never wake from the hellish
Rules Questions
Horde is the collection of monster cards that is drawn at the end of each night turn. They
should be drawn and placed face down so everyone can count the number but not know
what enemies they will be facing.
Each character has two (2) d6 for rolls during combat.
We will be testing the use of taking away tiles for 2-3 player games.
Cards can be played during both day and night phases instantly
Dies can only be rerolled if they fall off play space. Otherwise respect the roll.
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Play Testing
Testers played the game under the guidance of a designer. They played between 1-5 full game
sessions and were then asked to fill out a survey. Demographic and survey information was
collected and then collaborated into a data set. The data set was then discussed and used to help
iterate the design.
Tester Profile
NameAgeGenderTabletop experience-
What did you most enjoy about the game?
What did you enjoy least?
Rate the replay-ability. (1=lowest – 10=highest)
How can we improve upon replay-ability?
How well is the game balanced? (1=lowest – 10=highest)
Where do you feel there are flaws in the balance?
Do the characters make you feel immersed in the gameplay?
Do you feel you play a different role as each character?
Rate the aesthetics. (1=lowest – 10=highest)
What can be done to improve on the look of the game?
Can you think of any game that Insomnium reminds you of? How?
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Demographic Results from Testing
Settlers, Pandemic, Fireball Island,
Monopoly, Clue
D&D, Shadowrun
Board games only
Survey Results from Testing
What did you most enjoy about the game?
Character design
The art
The barricading mechanic
I liked the scavenge system
The backstory and characters were great. I liked the different locations as
What did you enjoy least?
Game seemed very slow
Not enough going on during the day
Monsters seemed too weak.
Monster balance, lack of mental energy mechanics explanation, not hard
Action point system is unbalanced
The monsters and bosses seemed to easy to beat
Rate the replay-ability
(1=lowest, 10=highest)
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How can we improve replay-ability?
Make each character fit more into a job.
Remove mental or make it more useful.
Less day cycles or less ap.
Add more multiples of monster, all monsters should be stronger, force more strategy into
game, increase difficulty as time passes, add character conflicts
Force some competition between characters, maybe a survival mechanic for food or water,
ammo or weapon durability would help
I think the game is easy to replay because of all the different layout of the board and options
for the characters
How well is the game balanced? (1=lowest, 10=highest)
Where do you find there are flaws in the balance?
Difficulty difference between regular monsters and boss.
Players had more ap than they needed to function.
Too much time to prepare for monsters.
Characters should have a point pool to be balanced from, number of items equipped
needs to be tweaked or better explained, more random infestations, more random
monsters during day
Surviving monsters after a character is knocked out need to infest locations
Enemies were too weak – some characters had too much power
Do the characters make you feel immersed in the gameplay?
No, more character Interaction needed.
Each location could have an effect that helps or hinders the players
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Do you feel you play a different role as each character?
Players different abilities were never really used.
The ony real differences were in the number of items we could equip.
It felt just as easy to survive as the cheerleader or the swat team
Almost, further character development needed
Each character feels like their own person. They were all interesting
Rate the aesthetics. (1=lowest, 10=highest)
What can be done to improve upon the look of the game?
Miniatures for characters maybe.
Make barricades stand out, or even stand up.
It was pretty close to perfect.
Color scheme for better viewing.
More 3d locations
The look of the game board was fabulous.
What if any game did Insomnium remind you of?
Battle masters but battle masters was way better.
Never played anything like it.
Kinda like a simplified D&D
Zombie RPG tabletop game at ReaperCon.
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Reduce ap for all characters. Make monsters more
Make the mental more useful or remove it.
Remove some daytime rounds.
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1000 DPI Full View. Retrieved from
1269196501_1. Retrieved from
1607: Leatherface chainsaw from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Retrieved from
308.01. Retrieved from
334952707360076740. Retrieved from
Abacus 21. Retrieved from
A.C.T. Energy. Retrieved from:
AK-47. Retrieved from
Amy-Preacher-Father-John. Retrieved from:
AS-50 British World Guns. Retrieved from
Asphalt road texture with stripe. Retrieved from:
Backdoor Survival (2012). Beacon_Survivalist_Clr. Retrieved from: Document for Insomnium
Page 49
Banshee. Retrieved from
Bface. Retrieved from
Bineli Shotgun. file://localhost/Retrieved from http/
Black and White Grunge. Retrieved from:
Blood Stained Paper. Retrieved from:
Blood Stains on Old Paper. Retrieved from
Blue background with distressed vintage grunge texture and dark black edges on elegant
wallpaper illustration. Retrieved from:
Blue Upholestry Fabric with Stripes. Retrieved from:
Boogeyman. Retrieved from
Brown Wood Texture with Natural Patterns. Retrieved from:
Burnt Orange Grunge Metal Texture. Retrieved from:
Camelback. Retrieved from
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Car crushed. Retrieved from
Caution. Retrieved from:
Chainmail Shirt Quarter Sleeve. Retrieved from
Checkered floor Intro. Retrieved from
Cinema 01. Retrieved from
Clean Stove Top. Retrieved from:
Connected car logo. Retrieved from
Crate Spider. Retrieved from
Dark Floorboard Wood Background. Retrieved from:
Die_Final. Retrieved from:
Dirtygentleman(ND). Red Grunge Textur. Retrieved from:
Dracula. Retrieved from
DSC_7755. Retrieved from
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Europe Crossbow 2. Retrieved from
Falln Deerlodge Floors 1. Retrieved from:
Flesh Golem for Talisman. Retrieved from
FM-02. Retrieved from
Football Pad. Retrieved from
Fred Perry Resistant Randshell Backpack. Retrieved from
Free concrete texture. Retrieved from
Friday the 13th Ralph. Retrieved from:’s-1midnightmacabre-horror-review-“friday-the-13th”/
FullSail300. Retrieved from:
Green Grunge Texture. Retrieved from:
Grunge floor 1. Retrieved from
Handheld mp3 player with earbud headphones. Retrieved from
Harvest of Evil Garden Scarecrow Statue. Retrieved from
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Hotel Reception Marble 31793. Retrieved from:
Image 687018: Rusty Jail Bars. Retrieved from:
IMG_4701a. Retrieved from:
Instant Superhero Costume. Retrieved from
Killer Clown 3.Retrieved from:
Japanese Swords Ritersteel Katana Ninja. Retrieved from
JustinSuit Boot. Retrieved from
Kevlar Concealable Bullet Proof vest. Retrieved from
Knife Party Power Glove. Retrieved from
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Man wearing Coveralls and smoking cigarette. Retrieved from:
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Metal Drain Cover 3. Retrieved from:
Metal Drain Cover 4. Retrieved from:
Minnesota Blue Ox Logo. Retrieved from:
Money soft grunge. Retrieved from
Monster Manual. Retrieved from
Morion Helmet. Retrieved from
Night vision goggles head gear. Retrieved from
Old Running Shoes. Retrieved from
Old Viking Helmet. Retrieved from:
Osterov, B. Pile of clothes. Retrieved from
Pommi Cart. Retrieved from
Prostar (ND). Dirt Texture. Retrieved from
Psycho Killer
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Riveted faux leather vest with Badges. Retrieved from
Rocket Launcher. Retrieved from*V6iGINEo9A5y8UxfxjZxGfa5EEgMWnUephpqPWvIzlPJ8kSHWnwddX9v4OjdECZOhWP60AQVDL
Rocketeer2. Retrieved from
Rollerblades. Retrieved from
Rosetta Stone Latin. Retrieved from
Round Drain Cover. Retrieved from:
Rubix Cube in Colours. Retrieved from
Scale. Retrieved from
Scary Ghost In Mansion. Retrieved from,1366x768,55506.html
Scraped Super Hero Cape. Retrieved from
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Small Spell Book Red. Retrieved from
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Tablet Pc Computer with Blue Sky Background. Retrieved from
Tactical Vest. Retrieved from
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Tighty Whitey. Retrieved from
Top View Car. Retrieved from
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W-900Tunker. Retrieved from
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