Standard Diploma - Baldwin County Public Schools

Preparing for High School
Class of 2019
Diploma Options
For the class of 2019, the State of Alabama only has one diploma option. It is
referred to as the Standard Diploma. Baldwin County also offers a second
diploma called the College Prep with Distinction Diploma.
Standard Diploma
*English 9, 10, 11, 12 are required
**Can be any level appropriate (regular, honors, AP)
*Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II plus 1
additional math are required
**Can be any level appropriate
Social Studies
*World History, US History I, US History II,
Government/Economics required
**Can be any level appropriate
*Biology, Physical Science or Chemistry,
plus 2 additional sciences are required
**Can be any level appropriate
**FHS requires Environmental Science in 9th
Marching Band or JROTC can be taken
Career Prep
Usually taken in conjunction with
Driver’s Ed
CTE Fine Arts, Foreign Lang.
2 CTEs (Career Tech Educ) must be taken in sequence
24 Total Credits Required
Preparing for High School
Class of 2019
College Prep with Distinction
*Honors English 9 & 10, AP English 11 & 12 required
*Honors Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II w/Trig,
PreCalculus, and AP Calculus required
**AP Statistics is recommended before taking PreCal
Social Studies
*Honors World History, Honors US History I,
AP US History II, AP Govt/Econ required
*Honors Biology, Chemistry I, AP Bio or
AP Chemistry, AP Physics required
Marching Band or JROTC can be taken
Career Prep
Usually taken in conjunction with
Driver’s Ed
Foreign Language
CTE Fine Arts, Foreign Lang.
28 Total Credits Required
Preparing for High School
Class of 2019
What are AP classes?
AP stands for Advanced Placement. AP courses are college level classes. They are more
academically challenging because they cover more material and go deeper into the
content. AP classes provide the challenge and rigor that is needed to be successful in
college. Additionally, students have the opportunity to take the AP exam at the end of the
course. Passing the exam with a qualifying score earns college credit for the course if the
college accepts AP scores. This could potentially save thousands of dollars! In 2012,
70% of all academic scholarships at Foley High School were earned by AP students.
What is the difference between honors and AP?
Honors classes are for 9th and 10th graders. These classes help prepare students for the
more rigorous AP classes. Honors classes allow 9th graders the opportunity to gradually
move into higher level courses. It’s like walking into a swimming pool from the shallow
end versus diving into the deep end. Students who do not take honors classes probably
will not be prepared academically to take AP classes later on. Also, many of the AP
classes have prerequisites that include honors level courses
Does my child have to take all honors classes in 9th grade?
Your child does not have to take any honors classes. If your child decides to take honors
classes in 9th grade, Foley High School recommends that he/she take all honors classes
available. (Honors English 9, Honors World History, and Honors Biology). Since the
difference between the regular and honors classes at the 9th grade level aren’t as great,
it’s a good measuring stick.
How do I know if my child can handle the more rigorous classes?
There are several indicators that can be used. One is your child’s current school
performance. If he/she has made A’s and B’s this year, your child can probably handle
the honors classes next year. Often times, students earn C’s and D’s because of
incomplete assignments, lack of effort, or inattentiveness, not because the content is too
difficult. Another indicator is your child’s Explore score. Scores of a 15 in Reading, a 17
in Math, or an 18 in Science mean that student is capable of taking more rigorous classes.
Your child should have recorded these scores in Career Cruising. If you are still in doubt,
it is recommended that you ask your child’s teachers. They will be able to provide you
with honest answers based on what they see in the classroom on a daily basis. Foley
High School recommends that A/B students try Honors in 9th grade. C students could
probably handle it as well, they will just have to work a little harder.
If my child struggles in an honors class can he/she get her schedule changed?
Once the school year starts, students are committed to their schedule for the year.
Can my child get into college with the Standard Diploma?
Of course! The Standard Diploma is the State of Alabama’s recognized diploma. The
Standard Diploma lists the minimum classes required. You can still take honors and AP
classes on the standard diploma. In order to prepare for college, your child needs to take
the highest level course in any subject area that he/she can handle. That is why it is
recommended to try the honors classes in 9th grade. It’s the only true way to determine
what they can or can’t handle.
Preparing for High School
Class of 2019
What classes will my child take in 9th grade?
Foley High School is on a modified block schedule. Some classes will be taken every day
for a semester while others are taken every other day for the entire year. All 9th graders
will take 9 credit hours and will have very few options.
Required for all 9th graders:
English 9 (regular or honors)
*Math (see below for scenarios)
**2 math classes will be taken unless Alg. I
*Math (see below for scenarios)
was taken in 8th grade
World History (regular or honors)
Environmental Science or Honors Biology
Career Preparedness
PE LIFE, Marching Band, or JROTC
Leadership, Concert Band, or JROTC II
CTE elective (see choices below)
What math classes will my child take in 9th grade?
Option 1: Algebra IA and Algebra 1B
This is Algebra at a slower pace. The student must pass Algebra IA first semester to move on to
Algebra IB second semester. Even though this earns 2 credits, it only satisfies the Algebra I
credit for graduation.
Option 2: Algebra I and Geometry
Option 3: Geometry
This option is only available for students who are taking Algebra I in 8th grade. Students who are
making a C or lower in Algebra I are encouraged to do option 2 and retake Algebra I.
My child is in sports. Can this count as the PE LIFE credit?
When selecting courses, your child will only have 3 choices for PE credit--PE LIFE, ROTC,
or Marching Band. Certain sports will qualify for PE credit but for now students will not
sign up for athletics. The coach will take care of schedule changes once they are on the
My child is in Band/Color Guard/Dance Team
Band students will sign up for Marching Band and Concert Band every year. Band will
take the place of the PE LIFE credit requirement. Students trying out for Color Guard or
Dance Team should select PE. If they make the squad, their schedules will be changed to
Color Guard and Winter Guard prior to the start of school.
Preparing for High School
Class of 2019
Why must my child take 2 classes of JROTC?
Foley High School requires that if a student takes JROTC first semester that they also take
it second semester. Students wanting JROTC will sign up for PE LIFE and Leadership.
There will be a sign-up sheet at school for those interested in taking JROTC. A list of their
names will be sent to Foley High School and their schedules will be changed.
What is Leadership?
Leadership is the class that students will take opposite PE Life. Students taking JROTC or
marching/concert band are not required to take this course. Students who are going to
take Spanish II in 9th grade (must be taking Access Spanish I in 8th) will take it in place of
Leadership. Peer Helpers in 9th grade can also take the place of Leadership.
What electives can my child choose from in 9th grade?
Students will have the following options in 9th grade:
 Agriscience
 Hospitality and Tourism
 Education and Teaching
 Foundations of Health Science (requires an application and teacher recommendation)
 Aerospace Technology
 Intro. to Engineering-PLTW
 Business
 Marketing
Fine Arts:
 Chorus
 Theater
Misc. Electives:
 World Geography
 Animal Science
 Oral Communications
How are these courses being selected?
All course selections are being made within a web-based program called Career Cruising.
The students have used Career Cruising this year to record their Explore results, take
interest and skill inventories, and research careers. Students have been given a Course
Selection Guide to follow. The guide tells them exactly what courses to sign up for
(except electives). The only year that is set in stone is 9th grade. The other years are just
plans and will probably be adjusted numerous times.
Preparing for High School
Class of 2019
When will I know what classes my child has chosen?
All students have been encouraged to discuss this information with you and to show you
their plan. You can view your child’s course selections at any time by logging on to Career
Cruising using your child’s username and password. If you would like your own access to
the Parent Portal, please email me and I will send you the access code. Later next week,
these course requests will be printed and sent home for parents to sign.
Why did my child have to select courses for all four years of high school.
The State of Alabama now requires all 8th graders to enter 9th grade with a 4-Year Plan.
The 10th-12th grade course selections are simply a plan, and we all know that our plans
continuously change. The way I explained it to the students is that we wouldn’t go on a
camping trip and decide what to take once we got there. We would begin planning ahead
of time and make adjustments as necessary. The same is true with high school
graduation. Students cannot wait until graduation to decide what comes next. Students
should always begin with the end in mind or at least have an idea about the direction they
might take. The 10th-12th grade course selections remain unlocked in Career Cruising
and will be changed numerous times throughout the years. Each year at this time, the
students will finalize and submit their next year’s course selection while the remaining
years remain unlocked.
I don’t agree with the courses my child selected. Can they be changed?
You have total control over this. In mid-March, students will finalize and submit their 9th
grade course selections. Once they submit their selections, they are locked and can no
longer be changed by the student. Before that time, these course requests will be printed
and sent home for parents to sign. You can make any changes to the course selections
that you feel are needed. All you need to do is write the changes on the form or contact
me. I will make all requested changes. On March 20, these requests will be sent to Foley
High School. Once that happens, any changes will have to be made through them.
My child has an IEP.
It is required that all students complete a standard schedule at this time.
If your child has an IEP, please do not panic! After your child’s IEP meeting is held at the
high school, his/her schedule will be changed to reflect the requirements stated in the
Preparing for High School
Class of 2019