ELC Dealing with Infectious Disease 2012

St Paul’s Early Learning Centre
Cnr Trower Rd & Francis Street, Nightcliff NT 0810
P O Box 40344, Casuarina NT 0811
Phone: (08) 8948 5362 or (08) 8985 1911 Fax: (08) 8948 0227
Email: admin.stpauls@nt.catholic.edu.au
vi – Dealing with Infectious Diseases
Rationale and Policy Considerations
We believe that children should be taught personal responsibility and self-discipline to enable them to
develop healthy and life-giving relationships. We believe children learn best in a safe, warm, loving
and stimulating environment. We believe that young children learn best through play. We believe
that parents are the primary educators of their children and that we work in partnership with them.
St Paul’s Early Learning Centre Philosophy
In assisting children to take a growing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing,
educator’s model and reinforce health, nutrition and personal hygiene practices with children.
Routines provide opportunities for children to learn about health and safety.
Early Years Learning Framework, page 32; Framework for School Age Care, page 31
Management Needs
In accordance with Education and Care Services National Regulation 168 and 88 –
88 Infectious diseases
(1) If there is an occurrence of an infectious disease at an education and care service, the
approved provider of the service must ensure that reasonable steps are taken to prevent the
spread of the infectious disease at the service.
Penalty: $2000.
St Paul’s ELC follows the guidelines for prevention of infectious diseases as outlined in the document
Staying Healthy in Child Care; Preventing infectious diseases in child care (National Health and
Medical Research Council). Children suffering from infectious diseases will be excluded from the
ELC for the length of time specified or on the written advice from the child’s medical practitioner.
Government of South Australia, OSHCsa, 2012
Strategies for Policy Implementation
Tissues are disposed of immediately after wiping a child’s nose and the child and educator are
to wash their hands.
Each child has their own sheets which are washed at least once a week or after soiling by
parents. Beds are wiped down daily and placed in storage room by educators.
Children will not share hats to minimise the spread of infections such as head lice, impetigo
(school sores) and ring worm. ELC will not have a hat basket.
Early Learning Centre – Policy & Procedures – vi
(2) If there is an occurrence of an infectious disease at a centre-based service, the approved
provider of the service must ensure that a parent or an authorised emergency contact of each
child being educated and cared for by the service is notified of the occurrence as soon as
Penalty: $2000.
St Paul’s Early Learning Centre
Cnr Trower Rd & Francis Street, Nightcliff NT 0810
P O Box 40344, Casuarina NT 0811
Phone: (08) 8948 5362 or (08) 8985 1911 Fax: (08) 8948 0227
Email: admin.stpauls@nt.catholic.edu.au
All educators are required to wear disposable gloves for each occasion when dressing an open
wound. The gloves will be disposed of in a sealed container / plastic bag/ or inverted onto
themselves and include the dressing.
Once the gloves are removed, the hands and lower arms will be washed thoroughly with soap
and water and dried without touching another child.
With the gloves on, staff must ensure that either their hair or skin comes into contact with the
outer surface of the gloves.
All open wounds / sores, including cuts and grazes on both staff and children need to be
covered at all times. If a dressing comes off, it will be replaced and the contaminated one will
be disposed of in a plastic bag.
Children will wash and dry their hands:
 Before eating
 After going to the toilet
 After playing outside
 After touching nose secretions
 After requiring first aid treatment (i.e.- grazing their knee)
 Before going home
All food preparation will be done with as little handling as possible. All crockery and cutlery used at
meal times and during food preparation is washed as soon as possible after use. All utensils are kept
in closed cupboards and drawers when not in use. Gloves are used when preparing food. Different
chopping boards are used for meat, vegetables, fruit and breads. All dishes need to be washed in
accordance with recommendations from Environmental Health – Department of Health.
Educators preparing food need to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and ensure that they
are not ill. Staff need to ensure that they follow the appropriate health and hygiene practices outlined
in the Nutrition, Food and Beverages, Dietary Requirements Policy (i).
Educators will ensure that every effort is made to maintain a high standard of hygiene in the provision
of the service. This includes the maintenance of all equipment and furnishings in a thoroughly safe,
clean and hygienic condition and in good repair.
Educators will report any equipment and/or areas that are not clean or in safe condition or any
evidence of vermin to the OH&S Officer and/or management.
Early Learning Centre – Policy & Procedures – vi
Educators will wash and dry their hands:
 When they arrive at the Centre
 Before handling food
 Before eating
 After going to the toilet
 After cleaning up faeces or vomit
 After wiping a nose, either a child’s or their own
 After providing first aid
 Before going home
St Paul’s Early Learning Centre
Cnr Trower Rd & Francis Street, Nightcliff NT 0810
P O Box 40344, Casuarina NT 0811
Phone: (08) 8948 5362 or (08) 8985 1911 Fax: (08) 8948 0227
Email: admin.stpauls@nt.catholic.edu.au
All rooms used will be well ventilated to prevent reduced concentration spans, lack of energy,
tiredness and lethargy, increased risk of infection and possible asthma attacks. Education and Care
Services National Regulations 110 and Element 3.1.1.
Any animals that are kept at the centre are maintained in a clean and healthy condition. Children are
supervised during contact with animals and discouraged from putting their faces or hands near an
animal’s mouth. Children wash their hands after touching animals.
Parents/caregivers are encouraged to immunise their children against all diseases appropriate to the
age of the child. The service will keep and maintain a record of each child’s immunisation status.
Children not immunised will be excluded from care during outbreaks of some infectious diseases in
accordance with exclusion guidelines even if their child is well (Staying Healthy in Child Care:
Preventing Infectious Diseases in Child Care, 2005).
Staff immunisation
Educators and workers at the service are encouraged to have childhood immunisation and boosters, as
recommended by their doctor.
Educators should receive a booster dose of tetanus and diphtheria vaccine every 10 years. The service
will help with the cost of the vaccine when possible.
Staying Healthy in Childcare Manual 4th Edition 2005
All staff and management will use the Staying Healthy in Childcare, Preventing Infectious Diseases in
Childcare, Fourth Edition as a guide for preventing the spread of infectious diseases, providing fact
information sheets to parents.
Links to National Quality Framework
Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council, 2005 Staying Healthy in
Child Care: Preventing Infectious Diseases in Child Care
Early Years Learning Framework, 2009 Belonging, Being and Becoming
Framework for School Age Care, 2011 My Time, Our Place
Government of South Australia, OSHCsa, 2012
St Paul’s Early Learning Centre Philosophy
Early Learning Centre – Policy & Procedures – vi
Element 2.1.4, Element 3.1.1