Benefits of Wheatgrass Daily

9. Cleanse the Liver
15. Boost Immunity
Wheatgrass is probably best known for its effects on the
As the winter comes to a close, steer clear of any lingering
liver. The liver processes what the body ingests, and with its
colds with an immunity boost by taking a daily shot of
detoxifying properties, nutrients, and enzymes, wheatgrass
wheatgrass. It will keep your mind and body strong to stay
is able to restore and revitalize the liver.
sickness-free and agile.
Nancy’s Barn
now serving
Freshly Juiced
10. Treat Sunburn
Just as wheatgrass is able to treat wounds, it is also able to
accelerate the healing process of sunburn. Dab wheatgrass
juice to the skin with a cotton ball and let it sit for a few
minutes before rinsing and patting dry with a towel.
11. Stabilise Blood Sugar Levels
Wheatgrass improves glucose and lipid levels, which means
it’s a great tool for managing diabetes and stabilising blood
sugar levels.
12. Clear Sinus Congestion
Drinking wheatgrass or inhaling it through the nose helps to
Remember to drink your
clear the sinuses by pulling toxins and breaking up mucus.
Freshly Juiced Wheatgrass shot daily!
13. Revitalise Skin
Wheatgrass has the capacity to regenerate skin cells and is
thus helpful for the complexion. Have a wheatgrass shot
daily or apply the juice straight to the skin to get rid of acne,
overcome dryness or eczema, and treat discoloration.
14. Prevent Cancer
Want to know why we recommend drinking a
freshly juiced shot of Wheatgrass daily?
Due to its potent detoxifying properties, wheatgrass works
to keep the blood clean and oxygenated as well as the red
blood cell count high. Cancer thrives in a low-oxygen
environment, so the wheatgrass contributes to cancer
Thought you’d never ask……..!
Locally grown
Juiced on-site
5. Reduce Fatigue
15 Amazing Benefits of Drinking
Freshly Juiced Wheatgrass Daily……
1. Suppress Appetite
When you experience fatigue, your body is deprived of rest
Wheatgrass is loaded with so many nutrients that your body
and has a weakened immune system. Chlorophyll helps to
isn’t hungering for other foods to compensate for any lack of
increase oxygen supply in your body’s cells and tissues,
vitamins or minerals. Take a wheatgrass shot each morning
contributing to cell regeneration, healing the body and
on an empty stomach and it may prevent overeating.
reducing fatigue symptoms.
Wheatgrass may appear like a simple grass, but it is actually
among the most powerful natural detoxifying agents. In fact,
2. Stimulate Circulation
it has been said that just about one ounce of wheatgrass is
Wheatgrass has the ability to increase the amount of oxygen
equivalent in nutritional value to more than 2 pounds of
in the blood, making it a great way to stimulate circulation.
leafy green vegetables! From supressing the appetite to
In addition to drinking a wheatgrass shot, you could also use
reducing body odour to preventing cancer, wheatgrass has a
place in your diet.
a cotton ball to rub the juice around your face and neck to
Wheatgrass contains more than 90 minerals, including
surface of the skin. After applying, rinse off the wheatgrass
potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium as well as
and pat your face dry with a towel.
dilate blood vessels and allow more circulation to the
essential enzymes and 19 amino acids. The following 15
ways to use wheatgrass will introduce your health to new
3. Improve Digestion
Instead of reaching for antacids to relieve heartburn or
6. Get Rid of Bad Breath and Body Odour
Wheatgrass is a natural body deodoriser and regular
consumption or application of wheatgrass juice can help to
get rid of the stench naturally. Its juices have the ability to
wash toxins from the mouth, skin and body.
7. Treat Skin Wounds
By regenerating cells, wheatgrass juice can treat skin
wounds and help them heal faster. Dab wheatgrass juice to
the skin with a cotton ball and let it sit for a few minutes
before rinsing and patting dry with a towel.
indigestion, introduce wheatgrass into your daily routine
and benefit from its vitamin B, amino acids and enzyme
8. Prevent Tooth Decay
content. From irritable bowel syndrome to ulcers,
Gargle a shot of wheatgrass juice in your mouth for a few
wheatgrass is a great tool to improving digestion.
minutes and it will draw out toxins and re-mineralise teeth.
Wheatgrass even goes as far as cleaning your bowels of
Replace harsh mouthwash with wheatgrass.
impacted matter and mucous.
4. Treat Arthritis
Health experts believe wheatgrass is effective in treating
arthritis. Chlorophyll is thought to benefit arthritis and
wheatgrass contains tons of it! Chlorophyll fights
inflammation, which is associated with joint pain.