
Land Beneath our Feet Review Part 2 – Answer Key
Name the three types of rocks.
Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary
Describe how each type of rock typically
Igneous: molten rock cools and hardens into igneous rock
Metamorphic: heat and pressure are added to a rock to create metamorphic
Sedimentary: Rock is weathered, eroded and then pressure is applied to layers of
Color, Particle Sizes, Consistency, pH, Moisture, Temperature
What are the characteristics used to
describe soil?
What are the common types of soil
Describe how each soil particle affects water
flow and soil consistency.
Describe how soil forms.
Soil Conservation
Describe how healthy soil looks compared to
unhealthy soil.
What is the main component of healthy soil?
Where is healthy soil typically found?
What is soil conservation?
Name and describe some common types of
soil conservation.
Why is soil conservation important?
Soil Horizons
Name __________________________________
What was the Dust Bowl? What caused the
Dust Bowl? What could have been done to
prevent this from happening?
Name the soil horizons in order from bottom
to top.
Describe the composition of each soil
horizon and how they would relate to
growing something.
Sand, Clay, Silt (Loam)
The larger the particle size, the easier water will flow through the soil. For
example, sand allows water to flow easily through it, whereas clay feels very sticky
and does not allow water to flow. Soil consistency depends upon a soils ability to
stick together. Soils that hold water better will have better soil consistency.
Soil is form from weathered parent rock and decomposing material.
Healthy soil is darker in color and contains organic material (humus).
Horizon A: Topsoil
The practice of protecting our soil from erosion using a variety of means.
Crop Rotation: Planting different crops on the same field in different years
Conservation Tillage: Reducing the number of times fields are tilled, or plowed
each year
Contour Plowing: Plowing along curves or contours of a slope to prevent water
from running straight downhill
Terracing: Flat, step-like areas built on a hillside to prevent rainwater from running
Windbreaks: Rows of trees between fields to “break” or reduce the force of winds.
Having good, healthy soil is important for the growth of plants, which are a source
of food for us, as well as for animals that we may also consume.
Event that took place in the 1930s. A drought in the plains states along with poor
farming practices caused heavy erosion of the topsoil. In order to prevent this
from happening, people could have used soil conservation techniques.
R Horizon: Bedrock, C Horizon: Parent Material, B Horizon: Subsoil, A Horizon:
Topsoil, O Horizon: Litter
O Horizon: Contains grass, plants, and animals – Not really a layer of soil
A Horizon: Contains humus, plant roots, small animals, water, and nutrients for
plant growth – Ideal for growing things
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Land Beneath our Feet Review Part 2 – Answer Key
Rock Cycle
Draw and label the Rock Cycle. (You should
be able to name each type of rock and how
each one becomes the others.)
Name __________________________________
B Horizon: Fewer nutrients and water – Not ideal for growing things
C Horizon: No nutrients, animals, or plant growth, contains weathered rock and
R Horizon: Solid Rock – No plant growth
See Diagram on Page 44 of your ISN