High Frequency Syllable Cards ing er 1 ter 2 tion 4 3 re ver 5 ex 6 bout 7 com ple 9 • Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013 8 10 Reading by Syllables Phonics Intervention un der 11 num 12 ble 13 ment 14 ture 15 est 16 dis 17 im fi 19 • 18 Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013 20 Reading by Syllables Phonics Intervention em 21 • Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013 Reading by Syllables Phonics Intervention Six Syllable Types Closed Syllable Open Syllable (CVC: ends with a consonant and the vowel is usually short) (CV: ends with a vowel and the vowel is usually long) cat, man me, be Silent e Syllable R-controlled Syllable (CVCe: ends with a silent e and the previous vowel is usually long (Vr: has a vowel followed by an r and the vowel makes a sound influenced by the r) ate, lope car, ber Vowel Pair Syllable Consonant + le Syllable (CVV, CVVC: has two vowels together in one syllable and the vowels make the (C+le: has a consonant followed by l and same sound they would in a one syllable e) word) boy, oat ple, tle Prefixes and suffixes are also syllables. pre-, -tion • Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013 Reading by Syllables Phonics Intervention Common Prefixes and Suffixes and Their Meanings Prefix Meaning unrein-, im-, -il, -ir disen-, emnonovermissubpreinterforedetranssupersemiantimidunder- not; reversal of action or state again not, without; in, into, towards, inside negation, removal, expulsion put into or on; bring into the condition of; intensify absence, negation excessively, completely; upper, outer, over, above bad, erroneous, lack of at a lower position; lower in rank; nearly, approximately before in time, place, order of importance between, among before, front, preceding, superior down, away; completely; removal, reversal across, beyond; into a different state over, above, to a very high degree half, partly opposing, against, the opposite middle too little; beneath, below; lower in rank Suffix Meaning -er, -or -ion, -tion, -ation, ition -able, -ible -al, -ial -y -ness -ity, -ty -ment person who (noun suffix) act of, result of -ic -ous, -ious, -eous -en -ive, -tive, -ative -ful -less • able to be pertaining to full of, characterized by denoting quality or state expressing quality or state denoting action or resulting state; a product or means having some characteristics of, in the style of possessing, full of made of, make like full of lacking Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013 Frequency of Usage 26% 14% 11% 7% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Frequency of Usage 4% 4% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%