
 OB Unit 4
 Care of the Newborn
 Rev. June 2011
 Neonate
 Term used for a child in the first 4 weeks of life
 Initial Care & Assessment of the Newborn
 Immediately After
 Birth
 Assess:
Heart Rate
 Done in delivery room
 2 ID bands (ankle & wrist) on newborn
 1 ID band on mother
 Footprinting & fingerprinting
Protection of Disease
 Eye prophylaxis w/ Erythromycin
 Vitamin K injection
 Spine & Extremities
 Straight without curves
 Dimples, tufts of hair and masses
 Syndactyly/Polydactyly
 Single crease
 Equal leg length
 Simian Crease
 Promotion of attachment between neonate & family
 Should begin immediately
 Characteristics of the Normal Newborn
 A. Weight & Length
 Weight ranges from 5.5-10 lbs.
 Loses 5-10% during the 1st few days after birth
 Length ranges from 18-22 inches
 B. Head & Body
 Lg. Head (13-14”)
 Short neck
 Chest smaller than head (12-13”)
 Large protruding abdomen
 Head irregularly shaped “molded”
 Caput succedaneum
 Cephalhematoma
 Both resolve on their own
 Reassure parents
C. Fontanels
 Soft spots
 Anteriorabove forehead, diamond shaped,closes bet. 18 mos.
 Posterior@ crown of head,
Triangular, closes at 2nd mo.
 D.
Blue or gray @ birth
Appear cross-eyed, unable to focus
Eyelids red/edematous
No tears
Positioned with outer canthus of the eye
High pitched sounds
Mothers voice
 F.
Rashes are common
By 3rd day, more natural tone
Harlequin sign
 G.
Pathological  occurs w/i 24 hrs  Abnormal
Physiologic  May occur in 2-3 days  Normal
Immature liver
Elevated bilirubin
 Treatment
 Freq. Feeding q 2-3 hrs
 Sunlight
 Phototherapy
 Monitor temp
 Allow for bonding
 Influences of Maternal Hormones on Neonate
 gynecomastia
 Edematous labia in females
 Pseudomenstruation
 Large scrotum
 Common Skin Observations
Erythema toxicum
Stork bites
Mongolian spots
Port wine stain
 Epsteins pearls
 Various birthmarks
 Petechiae
 Lanugo
 Vernix caseosa
 Normal Activities and Reflexes
 Of the Neonate….
 Rest & Sleep
 Sleeps ~ 17 hrs/day
 Awakens easily
 Cries when hungry or uncomfortable
 Arms & legs move freely & symmetrically
 Reflexes
 Rooting Reflex
 Sucking Reflex
 Dance or Step
 Grasp
 Moro or Startle
 Tonic neck reflex
 Babinski reflex
 Newborn movements are jerky due to immature nervous system
Smell & Taste
 Protection of the Newborn
 Preventing Infant Abduction
 Essential role of nurse
 Proper ID w/ badge
 Visitors required to check in
 Sensors, alarms, exits lock automatically
 Daily Newborn Care
 Nursing
 Assessment
 Every day, assess :
Vital Signs
Eyes, Nose & Ears
Elimination (Urine & Stools)
Umbilical Cord
 Usually 4-8 hrs fol. delivery
 Be sure baby voids & document
 Should have 6-8 wet diapers/day
Meconium1st stool
Transitional stool
Milk stool
 Hypothermia
 Caps
 Clothing
 Blankets
 Warmer/isolette
 Incubator
 Cleansing the Newborn
 1st bath after Temp = 98.6
 Assess skin color; assess for blemishes, rash,abnormal jerking, twitching, bleeding, or
congenital abnormalities during bathing
 Use mild soap sparingly
 Special attention to skin folds
 Observe for bleeding at circumcision site first 12 hrs.
 Circumcision
 Part or all of foreskin is removed
 Ritual for all Jewish babies
 Must be kept clean
 Assess for bleeding, swelling, & voiding
 Normal Anatomy
 Gomco Clamp
 Plastibell
 Hollister Plastibell Technique
Infant Feeding
 Suck & swallow reflexes are present at birth
 Feed on “demand”
 Every 3-4 hrs
 Advantages of Breastfeeding
 Colostrum decreases allergies
 Superior nutrition
 Economical
 Readily available
 Promotes transfer of maternal antibodies
 Breast feeding tips for success
 Tickle mouth to trigger rooting reflex
 Entire areola in mouth not just nipple
 Place finger in mouth to break suction
 Diet when breastfeeding
 Inc. calories by 500/day
 Inc. Milk (1qt./day)
 Inc. fluids
 ETOH inhibits let-down reflex & found in breastmilk
 Caffeine is transferred
 Consult MD re: medications
 Bottlefeeding
 1-3 oz per feeding1st wk
 Total of 15 oz in 24 hrs
 Intake increases rapidly after 3 wk
 Always hold infant when feeding
 Do NOT prop bottle
 Wash hands before & after
 Right side-lying to prevent regurgitation
 During and after each feeding
 Done whether breast or bottle feeding
 Hold upright on knee or against shoulder
Group B Strep ( GBS)
 Life threatening infection
 Caused by bacterium
 Common cause of sepsis and meningitis and pneumonia in newborns
Diagnosis & Treatment
 Vaginal swab at 35-37 wks
 Women with +GBS are given antibiotics at time of labor
 PCN is safe and effective  Mom
 PCN or Ampicillin  newborns
Gestational Age
Post term
Gestational Size
 A.G.A.
 S.G.A.
 L.G.A.
 L.B.W.
 Nursing Considerations
 With Preterm
 Neonates
 Conserve Energy
 Handle as little as possible
 Delay bathing
 Special care to keep warm
 Feeding
 No food for 36 hrs
 Very small amounts on a 2-3 hr
 Reflexes may be weak or absent
 Gavage (NG) or expressed milk using a nipple
 Elimination
 Kidneys not fully developed
 Weigh diaper before & after they urinate
 Color and Skin
 ruddy
 Cyanotic
 Very thin, translucent skin
 Respiratory Status
 Nasal flaring
 Retractions of sternum and incostal muscles
 Grunting
 Air hunger
 Infection Prevention
 Good handwashing
 Contacts with people other than parents is limited
 Special Care Nursery
 Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
 Leading cause of death
 Inadequate oxygenation
 Cause of RDS is unknown
 Deficiency in pulmonary surfactant
 Atelectasis is common
 Symptoms
 Dyspnea
 Cyanosis
 tachypnea
 Flaring nares
 Chest retractions
 Treatment
 Oxygen & humidity
 Antibiotics
 Exogenous pulmonary surfactant
 Corticosteroids
 Minimal handling
 Retrolental Fibroplasia
 Often led to blindness in preterm newborns
 Occurs when oxygen concentration is > 40 % for long periods of time
 Monitor Oxygen bld levels
 http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-retrolental-fibroplasia.htm
 What is Retrolental Fibroplasia?
 Potential Complications
of High Risk
 Newborns
 Meconium/Amniotic Fluid Aspiration
 Anal sphincter relaxes meconium passes into amniotic fluid
 Can occur in utero or @birth
 If first breath is taken prior to suctioning  aspiration
 Cyanosis
 Blue or dusky color
 Caused by:
 Prolapsed cord during delivery
 Congenital heart defect
 Medications (analgesics)
 GI Disturbances of High Risk Neonate
 Vomiting, Diarrhea
 Dehydration
 Vomiting
 Congenital defects
 Birth injury
 Infection
 Distinct difference between Vomiting & spitting up
 Diarrhea
 Most commonly caused by bacteria
 May be formula or an allergy
 Stool is formless, greenish-yellow & foul smelling
 Necrotizing Enterocolitis
 Bowel wall necrose & die
 Common in preterm babies
 SX: lethargy, abd. Distention, hypothermia, apnea & irritability
 Treatment
 NG tube to suction
 IV fluids
 Antibiotics
 Surgical resection PRN
 Hypoglycemia
 Blood sugar < 40mg/100ml
 S/S : tremors, irritability, jittery, apnea & tachycardia
 Tx  10-15% glucose water
 Erythroblastosis Fetalis
 Occurs when Rh- mother has an Rh+ feturs
 Condition is uncommon today
 Preventable with RhoGAM
 Birth Injuries
 Fractures
 Fractured clavicle most common
 Sx: asymetrical Moro reflex and crying when affected arm is moved
 Fx will heal w/o difficulties
 Intracranial Hemorrhage
 Primarily problem of preterm newborns
 Other causes: dystocia, precipitate labor & delivery or prolonged labor
 Symptoms
 Seizures
 Respiratory distress
 Cyanosis
 Shrill cry
 Muscle weakness
 Treatment
 HOB slightly elevated
 Oxygen
 Vitamin K
 Antibiotics
 Anticonvulsive meds
 sedatives
 Brachial Plexus Injury
 Results from trauma during a difficult delivery
 SX: unable to elevate arm, hand or forearm
 TX: ROM, splinting
 Facial Paralysis
 Bell’s Palsy
 Result of forceps delivery
 One side of face affected
 Sucking reflex impaired
 Most cases are temporary
 Congenital Disorders
 Abnormality that exists
 at birth
 Congenital Disorders
 Talipes ( Clubfoot )
 One or both feet turn out of normal position
 Occurs more often in boys
 Excellent prognosis
 Tx: braces, casts, special shoes
 Congenital Dislocated Hip
 More frequently in girls
 Treat early to prevent permanent damage
 Limitation of abduction is 1st sign
 One leg shorter than other
 Skin folds are asymmetrical
 X-ray needed to confirm
 TX: stabilizing head of femur
 Polydactylism & Syndactylism
 PolyExtra finger or toe
 Suture used to tie off appendage
 Occ. Surgery is necessary
 SynFusing together of two or more digits
 Polydactyly
 Syndactyly
 Nervous System Disorders
 That would make an Infant “High Risk”
 Hydrocephalus
 Overabundance of CSF
 Enlarged head,bulging fontanels, irritability
 TX: VP shunts inserted into ventricles to drain
 Measure head circumference daily
 Spina Bifida
 Vertebral spaces fail to close
 Spinal contents herniate into a sac
 Meningocele
 Myelomeningocele
 Surgery to correct
 Prognosis depends on deformity’s extent
 Folate(Folic Acid) reduces the risk for neural tube defects
 Down Syndrome
 Trisomy 21
 Physical and mental manifestations range from mild to severe
 Mental retardation & heart defects also exist
 Trisotomy 21
 Anencephally
 Part or all of the brain is missing
 Skull is flat
 Newborn will live for only a short time
 Microcephaly
 Abnormally small head
 Brain does not develop normally
 Almost always mentally retarded
 Cardiovascular Disorders
 That would make an infant “High Risk”
 Review :
 Tetrology of Fallot
 Coarctation of Aorta
 Respiratory Disorders
 That would make an infant
 “High Risk”
 Choanal Atresia
 Nostrils are closed at the throat entrance
 Quickly corrected w/ surgery
 G.I. Disturbances
 That would make an infant
 “High Risk”
 Esophageal Atresia
 Esophagus ends in a blind pouch
 Immediate surgery
 TPN in interim for nutrition
 Tracheoesophageal Fistula
 Opening between esophagus & trachea
 1st sign Choking with first feed
 Life threatening
 Emergency surgery
 Tracheoesophageal Fistula
 Pyloric Stenosis
 Pyloric opening constricts
 Food cannot pass through into intestines
 Projectile vomiting classic symptom
 Surgical correction is nec.
 Infant abdominal hernia (gastroschisis)
 Imperforate Anus
 Rectum ends in a blind pouch
 Suspect, if newborn does not pass a stool within 24 hours of delivery
 Surgery to correct
 Imperforate Anus
 PKU(Phenylketonuria)
 Baby cannot use the protein, phenylalanine
 Substance builds in blood
 Can cause brain damage & mental retardation
 No cure exists
 All newborns are tested prior to discharge and at 6 wk
 Testing is mandatory
 Galactosemia
 Cannot digest galactose
 Galactose builds up & damages brain, liver & eyes
 SX:vomiting,poor weight gain, yellow color to skin
 TX: lactose free diet
 Maternal Conditions Affecting the Neonate
 Substance Abuse in Pregnancy
 Drugs reach fetus through placenta
 Newborn experiences withdrawal symptoms
 Newborn is likely to be preterm or LBW
 Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
 Generalized disorder
 Signs appear w/i 72 hours after birth
 Lasts from 8-16 wks or longer