Poisonous plants for puppies (18 June

Poisonous plants for puppies
While plants can make a lovely decorating statement, poisonous plants can kill pets.
The deadliest plants must be chewed or swallowed for the poison to work.
Puppies are affected most often, particularly breeds that eat anything that doesn’t move faster than
they do. Paws, mouths, and sometimes ears and eyes also are vulnerable to spiky parts of plants.
There are many plants like poinsettia that prompt only mild problems, such as excess salivation or
mouth discomfort. Keeping these out of reach of curious paws may be sufficient to protect your pups.
Others, like mistletoe, can kill your puppy if he eats just one or two berries.
In the spring, popular Easter flowers pose the greatest risks. Easter lily, tiger lily, rubrum lily, Japanese
show lily and some species of the day lily can cause kidney failure. Vomiting, lethargy and loss of
appetite may appear within a few hours, and will continue to worsen as damage to the kidneys
progresses. Without prompt and proper treatment, kidney failure can develop in 36-72 hours. All parts
of the lily are considered toxic. Consuming even small amounts can be life-threatening for cats, and
lilies can poison your puppies, too.
Pet plant poisoning is a veterinary emergency that requires immediate medical attention. But you can
save your pet’s life simply by steering clear of the worst plant offenders, both inside and out.
First Aid for Puppy Plant Poisoning
Different plant poisons require very specific first aid. Usually that will be to either 1) induce vomiting,
or 2) give milk or water to wash out the mouth, neutralize the poison and/or dilute the toxicity.
Making the pet vomit the wrong poisonous plant, though, could make a serious situation
even more deadly, so you MUST know what to do for each type of plant.
Poisonous Plants—Induce Vomiting
The following is a list of some of the most dangerous houseplants and symptoms of poisoning. If you
see your puppy eat these plants, make him vomit right away.
Belladona, datura, henbane, jessamine, jimsonweed. Red and dry skin, fever, seizures, thirst,
dilated pupils.
Crown of thorns, English ivy. Thirst, vomiting and diarrhea, stomach pain, death in one to two
Daffodil, tulip, wisteria bulbs. Depression, violent vomiting.
Foxglove, larkspur, lily of the valley, monkshood, oleander. Depression, bloody diarrhea, fast
or slow heart rate, stomach pain, coma, death.
Holly. Stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
Lily. Excess urination and drinking from kidney failure.
Mistletoe. Vomiting, diarrhea, slowed breathing and heart rate.
Rhubarb. Vomiting, drooling, stomach pain, convulsions, kidney damage.
Yew. Muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, sudden death without signs.
Do NOT Induce Vomiting
With these plant poisons, vomiting may make the problems worse. Instead, if you see the puppy eat
these plants, give lots of water or milk to dilute the poison and to wash and coat the stomach.
Azalea. Vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, coma and death.
Caladium, dieffenbachia, philodendron. Tongue and throat swells, difficult breathing.
Mother-in-law’s tongue (snake plant). Mouth irritation to collapse.
Jerusalem cherry, nightshade, potato (green parts/eyes). Vomiting, bloody diarrhea,
trembling, weakness. ANTIDOTE is available from your vet, see as soon as possible.
If you see your pet with one or more of these signs, particularly if a suspect plant is within paw or
nibble reach, get help immediately! First aid can save the puppy’s life. Then take the pet to see the
veterinarian as quickly as possible.