where is the prophet of the lds church

We all know that he is still alive because there has been no funeral of him yet. He hasn’t been seen or
heard of since October 2015 general conference in which he almost lost it while he was there giving
his speech. On December 4th President Uchtdorf addressed the Salt Lake City Inner City Mission and
announced that the prophet has sent greetings of love to all. He assured them that he still loves to
serve God and fellowmen with all his heart, mind, and strength. He is a witness that the Lord sustains
President Monson in spite of his age. That he prays for them. That those who work with him each day
know how deeply he is involved in every decision of major importance to the ongoing work of the
Lord’s kingdom. That he has the final decision on key matters. That the Lord directly inspired
President Monson with respect to the calling of the 3 new members of the Quorum of the Twelve and
that he alone had the responsibility to obtain the Lord’s will on this crucial matter and that he did. He
assures everyone that the Lord is leading His church and that it works wonderfully. He does mention
that his short term memory is not what it once was and that the long work days are becoming
tougher for him. He also says that those who stand closest to their dear prophet love to help their
dear friend and leader. The Lord’s divine system of Church government ensures that the Church is
always in good and steady hands. The quorums of the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles are
the Lord’s pattern for His church. He wants to make something very clear: President Monson is God’s
prophet on earth, and the Lord inspires him to lead us and build the Lord’s kingdom and that he loves
and sustains his dear prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. Well now you have it almost from the
horse’s mouth. The prophet is still alive and he is still managing the Lord’s church. There is a small
problem here with everything that he has just said. Where is the prophet? Why haven’t most people
seen him ever since this conference? He hasn’t dedicated any new temples? He has not come out to
do or greet anyone. He hasn’t delivered any messages to the people of this church or the world for
this Christmas. The First presidency has issued their 2015 Christmas message and their names show
up at the bottom of this statement. If anyone in their right mind thinks that President Monson wrote
this then one must seek professional help but they want everyone to think that this is so. When
President Ezra Taft Benson was President of this church, towards the end he was not in the greatest
shape to be running this church. In the last years of his life he suffered poor health from the effects of
blood clots in the brain, dementia, strokes, and heart attacks and was rarely seen publicly in his final
years and he acquired pneumonia. I am not going to go into any more detail about him because I
have written some other articles that do but the only thing that I can say is that we are not being told
the whole truth about who really is running this church. All is not well in Zion and these supposed
special witnesses of Jesus Christ should be more concerned about where their next stop will be
because as they get older they are getting nearer to their “real” Lord. He is real and not just a name.
They don’t need to be special witnesses to His name but to His life. Sometimes it is better to not say
anything instead of lying about something. Don’t say anything until the shit starts to smell then make
your excuses then. I do wish that Monson at least is not suffering like my father did for 3 years and at
least my mother that died from Alzheimer’s didn’t suffer at all. My prayers go out to him.