Depth of Understanding Exemplary Strong depth of understanding and awareness of the complexities of the text. You understand the book well and your response is more than a mere summary, showing you fully understand the text. Sufficient Demonstrates understanding and some awareness of the complexities of the text. Partially sufficient Does not demonstrate understanding and may be an unclear or vague response to the prompt. Insufficient Does not demonstrate understanding and is incorrect in its analysis or offers plot summary instead of analysis. You understand the book and some of its deeper points. You have missed the main point of what is being discussed, with only partial understanding being shown. Offers analysis that is too general or vague to determine whether it is reasonable. Offers a particularly insightful or perceptive analysis of theme. Offers a reasonable analysis of theme. You analyze theme in an intelligent way rather than just identifying it. Your analysis of theme is more on the surface level. Offers a reasonable analysis of theme that is too general, incomplete or only partially connected to the text. You either don’t understand what is happening in the book, or you haven’t written enough to show that you understand what is happening. Your analysis is incomplete or not specific enough. Organization and progression Uses a purposeful and coherent organizational structure to exhibit control of the progression of ideas. Uses a coherent organizational structure to exhibit control over the progression of ideas. Uses limited organizational structure to exhibit control over the progression of ideas. Does not use an organizational structure; Exhibits limited to no control over the progression of ideas. You connect your ideas in a logical sequence. You connect your ideas in a mostly logical sequence. Your organization is confusing and ideas are not presented in a logical way. Your answer and ideas are either not present or are too confusing to see a logical connection. Sentences mostly flow smoothly, and most details add to the quality of the writing. Sentences sometimes flow smoothly, and some details are not connected well or do not add to the quality of the writing. Sentences do not flow smoothly and added details distract from the intent of the writing. Sentences flow smoothly with every detail adding to the quality of the writing. Your sentences flow well and add to your answer. No fluff. Your sentences connect together well, but there may be some choppiness; Most points are well connected. Textual evidence Theme is effectively supported with accurate and relevant textual evidence. Your evidence connects very well to your theme and supports your answer. Incorporates evidence that consists of properly embedded and cited quotations. You’ve embedded your quotes well and cite them correctly. Sophistication of language and conventions Writer’s word choice and language is clear, concise and appropriate for the analysis. Your word choices are AP level (no banned words) and well chosen. Academic language is used and writer shows consistent command of language with only minor errors. Your sentences are grammatically correct. No fragments. Textual evidence is accurate and relevant and reasonably supports your response. Your quotes make sense in connection to your theme and the argument you’re making. Your sentences are sometimes disjointed and confusing and some do not connect to your main points. Textual evidence is only weakly connected to the overall idea/argument and/or is incomplete, partially accurate or irrelevant. Your textual evidence is not specific enough, incomplete or insubstantial or changes the meaning of the text inappropriately. Sentences are fragmented or not connected and details are present that are not connected to the idea or are distracting. Incorporates incomplete/irrelevant textual evidence or none at all. You don’t have any quotes. You haven’t embedded or cited the textual evidence correctly, because it doesn’t exist. You don’t have any quotes. Evidence is attributed to speaker or introduced with a colon, but is not fully embedded. Evidence is not properly embedded and/or documented. Your evidence is not embedded as well as it could be. Your quote is floated and/or not cited properly. Writer’s word choice and language is mostly clear and unambiguous. Writing is formulaic and simple, and not appropriate for the writing task. Writing is vague and confusing. Sentences are simple and ineffective. Your word choices are too simplistic and not to the level expected. Your word choices are confusing and distracting. Your word choices are well chosen. Academic language is used and writer shows moderate command of language with occasional errors. Your sentences are grammatically correct, with occasional lapses in structure. Academic language is mostly used, but writer makes numerous mistakes. Your sentences have grammatical or conventional errors which distract from the quality of the response. Academic language is used sparingly, and writing is filled with major errors that affect the understanding of the response. Your sentences have substantial errors that distract from the understanding of the response.