Roman Catholic Diocese of Clifton – Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception, Devizes St. Joseph, Littleton Panell, The Lavingtons Christ the Carpenter, HMP Erlestoke Served by the Missionaries of St. Francis De Sales (MSFS - Fransalians) Clergy: Fr. Jean-Patrice Coulon MSFS, Fr. Darline Joseph MSFS; Deacon David Wakefield (phone: 07711-834800) Pastoral Care at HMP Erlestoke: Miss Maggie Roberts Parish Administrator: Mrs. Debra Pritchard (M, W, Fri am) St Joseph’s Presbytery, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1DD Telephone: 01380-723572 Fax: 01380-723377 e-mail: LAETARE SUNDAY (A) Sunday 3rd April 2011 MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Saturday Sunday 2nd 3rd First Mass of Sunday LAVINGTON Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 4th 5th 6th 7th Weekday of Lent Weekday of Lent Weekday of Lent Weekday of Lent Friday 8th Weekday of Lent Saturday 9th Sunday 10 5 Sunday of Lent th th LATIN MASS HMP Erlestoke Weekday of Lent First Mass of Sunday LAVINGTON 6.00 pm 9.00 am 10.30 am 5.00 pm 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 7.00 am 9.30 am 6.00 pm 11.00 am 6.00 pm 7.00 pm 9.30 am 10.00am 6.00 pm 9.00 am 10.30 am 5.00 pm For the Candidates for the Sacraments In Thanksgiving (Gompels Family) Pro Populo Serafino and Vittoria Abbandanato RIP Miss Teodore Guzman RIP Intentions of Nigel Rutter (Birthday) NO MASS Celebrant’s Intention Intentions of Teresa Scanlon (Birthday) HOLY HOUR SCHOOL MASS (Mass of St. Joseph) For Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life STATIONS OF THE CROSS George and Margaret Harrigan RIP Intentions of Maureen Alderton (Recovery) Rex Wiltshire RIP For the Candidates for the Sacraments Pro Populo Larry Kelly RIP ALL SERVICES TAKE PLACE AT THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ROSARY – Half an hour before the Weekday Mass at the Immaculate Conception. CONFESSIONS – 5.15 to 5.45 pm on Saturdays (Immaculate Conception), and 11.30 am until 12.00 pm on Saturdays during Lent and by request. BAPTISMS – By appointment. Adults wishing to enquire about the Catholic Faith should speak to Father Jean-Patrice. WEDDINGS – Six months notice. ANOINTING OF THE SICK – On request. Please inform one of the priests if you are going into hospital. If possible, please seek anointing beforehand. HOLY ORDERS – Any man considering a call to the priesthood is invited to speak to one of the priests. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION – Classes run annually. We remember in our prayers: The Parish of the English Martyrs, Chard with Crewkerne & Ilminster. The people of Japan. For Peace in the Middle East. Maryport Street Chapel. Those who have commended themselves to our prayers. For Peter and Angela Wallis. For all Mothers on Mothering Sunday. For Candidates for the Sacraments, especially Carisa, Debra, Tracy and Sarah from our Parish. Also, the Sick and especially members of our Parish family who are in hospital or prison. MOTHERING SUNDAY is the fourth Sunday of Lent. Although it's often called Mothers' Day it has no connection with the American festival of that name. Traditionally, it was a day when children, mainly daughters, who had gone to work as domestic servants were given a day off to visit their mother and family. Today it is a day when children give presents, flowers, and home-made cards to their mothers. History of Mothering Sunday Most Sundays in the year churchgoers in England worship at their nearest parish or 'daughter church'. Centuries ago it was considered important for people to return to their home or 'mother' church once a year. So each year in the middle of Lent, everyone would visit their 'mother' church - the main church or Cathedral of the area. Inevitably the return to the 'mother' church became an occasion for family reunions when children who were working away returned home. (It was quite common in those days for children to leave home for work once they were ten years old.) And most historians think that it was the return to the 'Mother' church which led to the tradition of children, particularly those working as domestic servants, or as apprentices, being given the day off to visit their mother and family. As they walked along the country lanes, children would pick wild flowers or violets to take to church or give to their mother as a small gift. Traditional foods Mothering Sunday was also known as Refreshment Sunday because the fasting rules for Lent were relaxed that day. Originally, both Old and New Testament lessons on mid-lent Sunday made a point of food. The Gospel reading from the New Testament told the story of how Jesus fed five thousand people with only five small barley loaves and two small fish. Now there was much grass in the place; so the men sat down, in number about five thousand. Jesus then took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted. John 6: 10 – 12 Simnel cake The food item specially associated with Mothering Sunday is the Simnel cake. A Simnel cake is a fruit cake with two layers of almond paste, one on top and one in the middle. The cake is made with 11 balls of marzipan icing on top representing the 11 disciples. (Judas is not included.) Traditionally, sugar violets would also be added. Why Simnel? The name Simnel probably comes from the Latin word simila which means a fine wheat flour usually used for baking a cake. There's a legend that a man called Simon and his wife Nell argued over whether the cake for Mothering Sunday should be baked or boiled. In the end they did both, so the cake was named after both of them: SIM-NELL. (Taken from the BBC’s Christianity website) A Happy Mothering Sunday to all our Mothers of the Parish! WELCOME: to Father Nino Vinciguerra of the Sion Community who is our Guest Preacher at all Masses this Sunday. 150TH ANNIVERARY CELEBRATION - VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED!: Thank you to everyone who attended the recent meeting and all of your fantastic ideas - it looks as though we are going to celebrate in some style and have some fun along the way! The Working Group has agreed that we will focus our efforts on the following events: Civic Mass - September 2011 Parish Bazaar - September 2011 Anniversary Day Mass at St Mary's 27th October 2011 Exhibition September onwards - various town locations Visits to Father Larive's Grave at Petersfield Hampshire and his birth place near Annecy in France Separate groups will now form to focus on all of these events - the more volunteers we have the better these events will be - so please do get involved. If you want to express an interest in any of these events please email Mike Ash at EASTER CARDS: As there has been a delay with the delivery of Easter cards, new cards will be available for purchase hopefully from Tuesday 5th April. EXPRESSION 2011: is an event to be held on 29th April to 1st May in Salisbury for 14 to 25 year olds interested in fun, friendship and their faith. It is possible to attend some or all of the days of the weekend. For more details contact Adrian ( or check out details on Facebook Expression 2011 or DIVORCED AND SEPARATED CATHOLICS: The inaugural meeting of the newly formed group for Divorced and separated Catholics will be held in the Narthex, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Devizes on Tuesday April 5th at 7pm. We would be very grateful if you could spread the news of this amongst your friends and acquaintances, stressing that anyone who has been recently separated or divorced will receive a warm welcome. Equally, if there is anyone who feels he/she could help in any way, we would like them to contact us. For further information, please contact either Jeremy Cross on 01380 738011/ e mail – or James Flood on 01380 727108 e mail – WALKING IN THE SPIRIT: DISCIPLESHIP FOR CATHOLICS: This is a Renewal Course, which should be a good follow-up to our Parish Mission, It is a six-session DVD course, which is designed to help us grow in our relationship with God and equip us to serve Him more effectively. The sessions will take place on Wednesday evenings ending on Wednesday 20th April (Wednesday in Holy Week). They will start at 7.30pm with refreshments, and will then finish no later than 9.00pm. If you have not been able to come to the previous sessions, you are still very welcome to come now. Everyone is welcome! LENTEN CONFESSIONS: All Catholics are reminded that they must go to Confession at least once a year, and that time should be in preparation for Easter. Therefore, there will be an additional slot for Confessions between 11.30am and 12.00pm on Saturdays throughout Lent, and there will be a Penitential Service on TUESDAY 12TH APRIL at 7.00pm with the possibility to confess to Visiting Priests. On Saturday 16th April, confessions will be from 11.30 until 12.30 and they will be heard by Father Raymond Hayne of Warminster. LENT TALKS: The Trowbridge Catholic Deanery has organised a series of talks during Lent, focussing on the Sacramental Life of the Church. There will be six talks, all given by local speakers, on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm until 9.00pm at St John’s Parish Centre, Trowbridge. Refreshments will be served from 7.15pm. Please make the most of this opportunity to learn more about the Faith. INTERACTIVE STATIONS OF THE CROSS: On Tuesday 5th April at 6.30pm at St John’s, South Parade, Bath, students from St Bede’s Catholic College in Bristol and St Joseph’s in Swindon will form part of the presentation team who will provide young people with a reflective and memorable point along their journey’s of faith. These Stations of the Cross will bring the story of Jesus’ journey to crucifixion and His rising again alive for young people of the Clifton Diocese. St John’s is a two minute walk from Bath Spa train station and is even closer to Bath’s new bus station so getting to this event is easy. For more information about the event please contact Dave Wheat Youth Ministry Coordinator on 0117 902 5594. Or email i-REFLECT: i-reflect is a brand new podcast series for young people available to download from On each Wednesday during Lent there will be a reflection to download along with the scripture passage for the day. THYSPACE RETREAT: 20-35ish years old? Want to make more space for God? Need time for reflection? Relax in the quiet village of Nympsfield, Gloucestershire, where the retreat aims are mixing with other young Catholics, spiritually nourishing discussion and prayerful contemplation. Date: 24-26 June 2011. Saturday speaker: Prof. Gavin d'Costa on 'Discipleship and God's Forgiveness'. Priests: Fr Tom Finnegan, Fr Alex Redman and Fr Tom Smith. Email Tom on or phone/text: 07970953461. DAY OF RECOLLECTION FOR EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: This will take place on Saturday 16th April (Saturday before Holy Week) from 3.00pm until 5.00pm. This is for existing Ministers who are continuing for a further year, and for our new Ministers. This will be led by Father Jean-Patrice and will focus in particular on taking Communion to the Sick and Housebound. There will be a number of new Ministers commissioned, so if any existing Ministers do not wish to continue, please could they inform Father JeanPatrice as soon as possible. Any Ministers not able to make the day are invited to present their apologies to Father Jean-Patrice as a matter of courtesy. The Ministers will be commissioned or re-commissioned at the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday. THE TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS: The next Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be Friday 8th April at 6pm, and will be the Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: The next meeting will be on Monday 4th April and then on Monday 9th May, both meetings starting at 6.30pm. CONFIRMATION 2011: The next meeting for the Candidates will be on Friday 6th May at 7.00 pm until 8.30 pm in St. Joseph’s School Hall. NB: The July 1st meeting has now been brought forward one week to 24th June. DEVIZES PARTNERSHIP OF CHURCHES: Please remember the LENT LUNCHES at Sheep Street Baptist Church from 12 noon until 1.30pm each Thursday in Lent until 14th April. Do come and join us for a simple meal, with a tempting selection of home-made soups of offer. Donations to Christian Aid and CAFOD. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK MAY 15th - 21st 2011: Jill Chadwick writes: “Earlier in the year Barbara Coslett asked me to take over the town organisation of Devizes Christian Aid Week which she has done faithfully for several years. The house to house collection is now only about six weeks away. Last weekend we received all the envelopes, bags and authorisations etc. I very much hope that you will be able to keep up the splendid job you have done in past years and find collectors at least for the streets for which you have previously been responsible. If you can offer to collect a road (or even part of a road) that will be a great help. These are difficult days for charities like Christian Aid so we all need to make an extra effort this year. CHRISTIAN AID does a marvellous job in many difficult places including Zimbabwe, The Congo, Burma and many other parts of the world. They also do very special work among the teenagers of Rwanda, who were traumatised by the 1994 genocide when they were toddlers.” If you would like to put yourself forward and organise the area collection for Christian Aid week, would you please contact Francis and Jill Chadwick on 01380 721489. OFFERTORY COUNTERS: This week: Mr & Mrs Bill Mortimer. Next week: Mr Slattery and Mrs Alderton. Last week’s collection was £642.64 with £125.00 being gift-aided. Many thanks for your kind generosity. 200 CLUB WINNERS: February 2011: S Bramwell; J Beecham; Mr M Hall; L Wain. March 2011: Mrs N Dunne; Mrs Culligan; C Ladd; E Madigan. CAFOD: LENT FAST DAY – SECOND COLLECTION: The final amount collected for CAFOD amounted to £823.02. Many thanks for your kind generosity. EASTER TRIDUUM: You are invited to participate in the Easter Triduum with the Bernardine Cistercian Community at the Monastery of Our Lady and St Bernard in Brownshill Stroud commencing Wednesday 20th April until Easter Sunday 24th April. You will experience time for both prayers and silence, together with an opportunity to share the Monastic Liturgy. For further information, please contact “Bookings Secretary” on 01453 883084 or e-mail on COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS: Father Jean-Patrice writes: Three weeks ago, I wrote an article in the bulletin making a proposal of how the parish might go forward with how we receive Holy Communion, following a time of experimentation after returning to both kinds after the Swine Flu outbreak. The article was long since the issues surrounding this are complex, but space only allowed a much shorter article to be published in the following two weeks. Parishioners may not have seen the longer article, and so made their comments and suggestions based on the shorter one. I would like to thank the parishioners who made comments either to myself or Mike Ash, and these comments were discussed at our Parish Pastoral Council Meeting last Monday. I would like to make the following comments in reply. The Second Vatican Council in its Constitution on the Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium called for a possibility for laypeople to receive under both kinds in limited circumstances, i.e. for the newly baptized at the Mass following their baptism. Since then, the General Instruction on the Roman Missal in 2000 allowed the possibility at all Masses, if it was practical to do so. However, the further Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum in 2004, while re-iterating this desirability no longer allowed laypeople to be known as Eucharistic Ministers, but instead spoke of them as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, in order that the distinction between them and the Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers of bishop, priest and deacon would be maintained and not blurred. One point that a parishioner raised was about the “normative” nature of receiving the Sacred Host kneeling and on the tongue. This is probably surprising given that in most parishes in England, most people receive standing, and then either on the tongue or in the hand. However, to receive kneeling has historical precedent and in any case is entirely logical if we truly believe the Sacred Host to be Our Lord Jesus Christ. My role as a Parish Priest is not to impose on people on how they should receive Communion, but it is to give them the choice to do so as they wish. As I mentioned, our church layout at Devizes does not easily allow people to have that choice and be able to receive under both kinds. Furthermore, to receive under both kinds almost always necessitates Extraordinary Ministers, which as Redemptionis Sacramentum reminds us can only be used when there is “true necessity”, i.e. in order to prevent the distribution of Communion being excessively long. In listening to the comments of parishioners, I am convinced that this necessity exists in the case of the Saturday Vigil Mass, which sometimes is the only Sunday Mass that people can attend. It is as one parishioner rightly said, a “privilege” that has been cherished for many years. Following a suggestion from the Pastoral Council, at the two Sunday Masses in Devizes where there will be Communion under both kinds, and hence the altar rails will not be used, the Priest will stand behind the rails on the left-hand side (facing the altar), and the people will approach in a queue before then going to the right-hand side to either return to their places or to receive the Precious Blood. This solution is not perfect, but I hope you will appreciate the difficulties posed largely by the layout of our building. THE PLACE OF RE IN THE CURRICULUM: The Catholic Education Service for England and Wales has issued the following statement: The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) was introduced in 2010 and is awarded to all students who achieve GCSEs at grades A*-C in English, Mathematics, Science, a Humanities subject and a Modern Foreign Language. However, the list of recognised Humanities subjects does not currently include Religious Education. Please write to your local MP and ask them to sign Early Day Motion 1375, calling for RE to be included in the English Baccalaureate. For more information visit /standard.asp?id=10326 What should I say? Tell your MP why you think that RE ought to be recognised as a humanities subject. You might want to use the wording from the CESEW statement (see last week’s bulletin) as a starting point. Encourage your MP to sign Early Day Motion 1375, which supports the inclusion of RE in the English Baccalaureate. Make sure you include your address so your MP knows you are a constituent. You could use the template below as a starting point: Dear [insert name], Please sign Early Day Motion 1375: “That this House notes the recent publication of league tables of school performance measuring the proportion of pupils obtaining the English Baccalaureate; further notes that the English Baccalaureate is awarded to pupils who gain GCSEs at Grade C or above in English, mathematics, science, a foreign language and a humanities subject; further notes with concern that this list of approved subjects does not include religious education; recognises that religious education is an academically rigorous subject with increasing popularity among pupils; further recognises that the rise of religious extremism around the world and in the UK means that a good understanding of all religions is vital to a well-rounded education; further notes that with the increasing emphasis on the English Baccalaureate as the primary qualification for 16year-olds, schools are more likely to focus on the core subjects which make it up; and therefore calls on the Government to recognise the importance and relevance of religious education by including it as a core subject in the English Baccalaureate.” It is vital that RE is recognised as a humanity for the purposes of the English Baccalaureate. Many schools are already beginning to cut RE provision as a result of its exclusion from the list of recognised subjects. RE is a broad based humanity, demanding knowledge and skills in history, textual criticism, anthropology, ethics, philosophy and theology. Thus it seems aptly suited to being part of any qualification which seeks to ensure that our pupils receive a genuinely broad education. Yours sincerely [insert name]. You may contact our MP Claire Perry in several ways: Post – Claire Perry MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA; Phone – London 020 7219 7050/Constituency 01672 519198; email –; or on her Twitter account DEVIZES PARTNERSHIP OF CHURCHES CALL TO PRAYER: For over 25 years, a small group of people, from our Partnership Churches, have been meeting together, once a fortnight, for a simple prayer meeting. They meet in one another’s’ homes and pray together for the sick, those in need, our Partnership, our Churches, our town, our World. New members are always most welcome. They have also established a “Prayer chain”. Names of those requesting prayer are circulated confidentially and ongoing prayers are offered for them. Slowly, over more recent years, some of the original members of this prayer chain are less able to participate. It would be good if others were to take up this call to prayer. We really do need new input from younger people. It may well be in a different format altogether. Do please pray about this need within our Partnership community. Ask the Lord if He is leading you to step forward to fill this role. Please also remember the LENT LUNCHES at Sheep Street Baptist Church from 12 noon until 1.30pm each Thursday in Lent until 14th April. Do come and join us for a simple meal, with a tempting selection of home-made soups of offer. Donations to Christian Aid and CAFOD. LOURDES PILGRIMAGE 2011: This year, our Diocese of Clifton will be joining the dioceses of Southwark, Portsmouth, Northampton, East Anglia and Stonyhurst College and the Carmelites to form the Catholic Association for the forthcoming pilgrimage scheduled for 19th – 26th August 2011. To reduce the costs of this pilgrimage by as much as £200, a coach has been arranged to run directly from Clifton Cathedral to Lourdes. However, this can only be achieved by having at least 40 people book with the diocese to travel this way. If you are interested in attending the Lourdes Pilgrimage, or if you require any further information, please contact Deacon David Wakefield on 07711 834800. THE NEW TRANSLATION - WHAT NEW TRANSLATION? : Did you know that the translation of the Mass which we currently use is going to change? The texts we have now have been in use since 1970 and in September we will begin to use a revised translation. Over the coming weeks/months there will be short articles in this newsletter which will help us to understand what these changes are and why they have come about. There will also be plenty of opportunities provided to learn more about it and become familiar with the changes. A number of day and evening sessions will be arranged for those who would like to find out more. We will publish some material ourselves and will also provide web links for those who have internet access. This will be a great opportunity for us all to learn more about the Mass and deepen our understanding of the liturgy and its meaning and relevance for us in our lives today. Watch this space! DEVIZES PARTNERSHIP OF CHURCHES LENT LUNCHES AT SHEEP STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 12 NOON UNTIL 1.30PM EACH THURSDAY IN LENT – 10TH, 17TH, 24TH 31ST MARCH & 7TH & 14TH APRIL Do come and join us for a simple meal, with a tempting selection of home-made soups of offer. Donations to Christian Aid and CAFOD. DEVIZES PARTNERSHIP OF CHURCHES CALL TO PRAYER For over 25 years, a small group of people, from our Partnership Churches, have been meeting together, once a fortnight, for a simple prayer meeting. They meet in one another’s’ homes and pray together for the sick, those in need, our Partnership, our Churches, our town, our World. New members are always most welcome. They have also established a “Prayer chain”. Names of those requesting prayer are circulated confidentially and ongoing prayers are offered for them. Slowly, over more recent years, some of the original members of this prayer chain are less able to participate. It would be good if others were to take up this call to prayer. We really do need new input from younger people. It may well be in a different format altogether. Do please pray about this need within our Partnership community. Ask the Lord if He is leading you to step forward to fill this role. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Dear Friends, What a wonderful successful day we had last November, packing 526 boxes for needy children abroad. Our boxes arrived safely in Serbia in time for Christmas. The success of the day has inspired us to think about this year’s campaign. We are planning a Coffee morning “Bring and Buy” at St Andrew’s Church on Saturday 19th March from 10am until 12 noon. Please come and join us. It is a chance to get feedback on last year’s event and to keep in touch with ongoing things to do with the shoeboxes. We would welcome any ideas and suggestions concerning the shoeboxes. Our date for this year’s packing day is SATURDAY 5TH NOVEMBER from 9am (setting up from 4.30pm on Friday 4th November). We look forward to seeing you on March 19th. Yours, Ursula and Heather WEDNESDAY CRAFT & CHAT MORNINGS (from 10am until 12 noon) 19th March 13th April 11th May th th 13 July 10 August 28th September ALL WELCOME 8th June 12th October