attachment125_1Pimple Treatment

Pimple Treatment:
You can benefit from the most powerful and effective acne treatments available– anywhere!
- when you choose one of our advanced combination therapies. We recognise that
everyone’sacne is different, so we tailor make a programme. We don't believe that a single
therapy treatment, whether it be laser light based, medication, exfoliation, or topical
creams, is sufficient to tackle the complex nature of acne. That is why, for example, we
might combine powerful Intense Pulsed Light treatments with anti-bacterial peels and
microdermabrasion to unblock pores, stimulate healthy skin renewal and help prevent
future occurrences. You will also be given powerful at-home skin care kits designed to work
with, and enhance, the clinic treatments so you get the best sustainable result in the
shortest possible time.
Our clients say our treatments succeed where others have failed. The treatments are a
viable alternative for those of you who do not wish to accept the risks associated with
Roaccutane – plus, with our treatments you greatly reduce the risk of scarring and you end
up with a healthy, vibrant skin.
However severe your acne we have a programme to suit you – and we can remove
any acne scarring at the same time
Our Acne and Scarring treatments will :
a) Deep clean the pores
b) Reduce the severity of acne breakout
c) Reduce the number of spots
d) Reduce the size and severity of spots
e) Reduce healing time
f) Reduce scars and blemishes resulting from acne
Our Acne and Scarring treatment is for people who Wish to reduce the incidence
and severity of acne breakouts and diminish the appearance of any resulting
How do you assess my acne?
You are given a free consultation when the acne is assessed and a suitable treatment
programme will be recommended.
What are the treatment programmes?
If your acne is not too severe the programmes combine anti-bacterial peels and
microdermabrasion at weekly intervals for 10 to 15 weeks (we may not need you to come
each week). We also have more intense programmes that combine the peels, serums and
microdermabrasion with Intense pulsed light, if your acne is more severe.
1. For Congested skin, Mild acne and breakouts
2. For Moderate non cystic acne with active pustules and nodules
3. For Severe cystic acne
4. For Severe cystic acne
How do these treatments help my acne?
The treatments have been chosen as being the most powerful way of deep cleansing the
pores, stimulating vascular and lymphatic circulation, inducing acne inhibiting agents, and
stimulating your immune system.
Will I have to hide from my friends after each treatment?
Normally no recovery time is needed. You should expect the treated area to be slightly red
for about half an hour after treatment although in rare circumstances the redness could last
for up to 24 hours.
Will one treatment programme cure my acne?
Unfortunately the causes of acne cannot be ‘cured’ but our treatment programmes will
greatly alleviate your symptoms. The overriding cause of acne is a sensitivity to
testosterone which cannot be treated. What we can do is control other factors such as
blocked pores and sebum production to stop your sensitivity to testosterone showing itself
as acne. You will probably achieve further improvements by going on to have more
treatments after your initial treatment programme. It is likely you will need to come for
occasional maintenance treatments to control the likelihood of future outbreaks.
Are there any reasons why you might not allow me onto a treatment programme?
We won’t be able to treat you if you are taking (or have recently taken) Roaccutane or
Isotretinoin. This treatment works well in conjunction with most other acne treatments
although if you are on medication you should tell your GP that you are considering our
treatments (take a copy of our fact sheet to show them).
These treatments are not suitable for you if you suffer from keloid scarring or eczema. We
will ask you to fill in a medical questionnaire when you come in to the clinic so we can fully
determine the suitability of treatment for you.