UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2015 Self Study Report Exhibit 5.4.c.2 Faculty Best Practices Instructional Strategies - Assessment Strategies - Technical Integration INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Program Type of Degrees Leadership Masters Doctoral Early Childhood Education Bachelors Masters Doctoral Instructional Design and Technology Reading Bachelors Masters Doctoral Masters Doctoral School Library Information Masters Sample Instructional Strategies Cooperative Learning /Peer Instruction/ Whole Group Instruction Co-Teaching Project-Based Learning Field-Based Research Problem of Practice (individual and group based) Simulation PowerPoint presentation Direct Instruction; Active Participation Guest Speakers Demonstration of homework Feedback to students Mastery of Learning Multi-modal Formative feedback Model expectations Performance-based assessments Oral/written exams Choice of assignments PBL Present past student examples for standards Discussion (in-class, on-line, peer-to-peer, peer-to-professor) Content is delivered using text, images, audio, and video. Students develop projects also using a variety of media such as text, audio, video, and images. Design physical environment that optimizes diverse student needs Use variety of classroom strategies to differentiate instruction. Content is delivered using text, images, audio, and video. Students develop projects also using a variety of media such as text, audio, video, and images. UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2015 Self Study Report Exhibit 5.4.c.2 Faculty Best Practices Specialist Secondary Education Masters Each methods course is designed with a unique preparation for differentiated learning. Students are taught about left/right brain learners, tactile kinesthetic, visual and auditory learners preferences. Units require students to diversify lessons that adhere to different learning preferences found within the typical classroom. Variety of assignments required(written, multiple choice, essay) Cooperative learning environments online and in person Multi-Intelligence Test Guided Learning Special Education Bachelors Masters Doctoral SpeechLanguage Pathology Elementary Education Masters Doctoral Lecture with PowerPoint, problem-based learning, team projects, demonstration, role-play, discussion Bachelors Masters Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw, Inquiry), small groups, presentations, demonstrations, focus groups, debates, role-plays, simulations, primary sources integration, music, exhibitions, posters to share ideas. STUDENT ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Program Type of Degrees Sample Assessment Strategies Leadership Masters 360 Doctoral Final paper/project Case studies Portfolio/journal reflections Mentor/site supervisor’s assessment School Leader Licensure Assessment Early Bachelors Pre-diagnostics of Content Knowledge (CK) Childhood Masters Work samples Education Doctoral In-class discussion for construction of CK Continuation of in-class discussions online for reflection and understanding “Exit tickets” for reflection and application Written article responses (in the form of abstracts and short-answers) Tests/Midterm/Final exam (essay format to require critical thinking and application of research; analytical multiple-choice) UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2015 Self Study Report Exhibit 5.4.c.2 Faculty Best Practices Instructional Design and Technology Bachelors Masters Doctoral Reading Masters Doctoral School Library Information Specialist Masters Secondary Education Masters Special Education Bachelors Masters Doctoral Reflections on field experience observation Performance Based Assessments Projects Discussions Reflective Portfolio The Praxis Reading Specialist test Professional Development Plan Unit Planning Project Coaching PLC Plan Student Case Study Master’s Project Student Products (cataloging tasks & exercises) Big 6 Project (COEAS/ALA/AASL ICLMS-LS Assessment 3) Online discussion participation Final Student Products (School Library WebQuest and Website) Instructional Unit Presentation Electronic Portfolio Development Pathfinder Project (COEAS/ALA/AASL ICLMS-LS Assessment) Standards-based Lesson Plans Curriculum Units Article Reviews and Analyses Content-based Exams Projects Exams Quizzes Performance projects Problem based learning Student presentations Resource boxes Authentic assessments in the field Research papers Article summaries/critiques Responses to textbook prompts Observations by PIMs and USs UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2015 Self Study Report Exhibit 5.4.c.2 Faculty Best Practices SpeechLanguage Pathology Masters Doctoral Elementary Education Bachelors Masters CSS style questioning Evidence-based treatment plan Exams Presentations Reflection papers Practical skills assessment Comprehensive exam Evidence-based treatment plan Exams Quizzes Performance projects Problem based learning Student presentations Resource boxes Authentic assessments in the field Research papers Article summaries/critiques Responses to textbook prompts Observations by PIMs and USs CSS style questioning TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION PRACTICES Program Type of Degrees Sample technology integration practices Leadership Masters ECourseware Doctoral Webinars PowerPoint presentations UMDrive and Dropbox features Online portfolios Ebooks, digital research library, databases for online research, web search engines UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2015 Self Study Report Exhibit 5.4.c.2 Faculty Best Practices Early Childhood Education Bachelors Masters Doctoral ECourseware/other internet-based discussion board iPad, smart phones for in-class work Whole class text program for reminders Internet searches for research Instruction via PowerPoint Podcasts Web blogs Videos Have students create websites Elmo, digital camera for documentation and instruction SKYPE presentations Google docs Instructional Design and Technology Bachelors Masters Doctoral Reading Masters Doctoral School Library Information Specialist Masters Electronic portfolios to house exemplary products from all courses in their program area Video reviews and responses to prompts Compose three-part learning objectives based on Common Core standards Complete a word processing project focusing on the ISTE NETS. Create concept maps using software Compile a list and description of interactive learning websites Research Web 2.0 tools and create a presentation to showcase a tool Create and publish a podcast and screencast Create a lesson plan based on Common Core and ISTE NETS standards Create and publish a reflection of how their work in the course exemplifies ISTE standards Create a job aid to assist them with learning and implementing ISTE Standards for Students Candidates will create a graphic organizer that incorporates the Seven Golden Rules of Concept Mapping Online program Discussion board Wikis, blogs Online program Discussion board Wikis, blogs UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2015 Self Study Report Exhibit 5.4.c.2 Faculty Best Practices Secondary Education Special Education Masters Prezi and/or Power Point presentations compatible with electronic Promethean boards Bachelors Masters Doctoral SpeechLanguage Pathology Masters Doctoral Elementary Education Bachelors Masters IRIS modules Clickers URL IPADS (Lambuth Campus) Active Student Responding Podcast Asynchronous discussions on ecourseware in all courses Blogs Online quizzes & Surveys Use of D2L platform Active online in-class research in some courses Oral presentations with video integration or both Use of specific software for language sample coding and analysis iPads Virtual classroom videos Virtual field trips Online discussions Hybrid classes Using technology as part of a specific assignment Videos embedded into assignments in eCourseware Replacing some assignments with strictly online assignments Some faculty members are revising assignments to include more technology through transformative teaching.