Program - Auburn University

Program for SECOL 78, Callaway Gardens, 2011
SECOL gratefully acknowledges the support of the Department of English and the College of
Liberal Arts at Auburn University; the English Department, the Franklin College of Arts and
Sciences, and the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts at the University of Georgia; John
Benjamins Publishing Company; and Oxford University Press.
Wednesday, April 13th
All-Day Break, Rosemary Room
Room 206-207
Catherine E. Davies,
University of Alabama
Oksana Laleko, SUNY New
Amanda E. Brunson,
University of Alabama
Chair: Bill Kretzschmar
Cultural and Linguistic Dimensions of Welsh
Identity and Assimilation:
The Syntax-Pragmatics Interface in Language Shift:
A Case of Heritage Russian
Room 211
Craig Callender, Georgia
College and State
Chair: Ralf Thiede
Ralf Thiede, University of
North Carolina at Charlotte;
Robin Sabino, Auburn
Brianne Kobeck, University
of Alabama
Room 110
Elizabeth Penn, University
of North Carolina at
Teranda Joy Donatto,
University of Alabama
Linxiang Zhu, Georgia
Southern University
Terms of Endearment in the South
Lexical Diffusion, Borrowing, and the High German
Consonant Shift
One Language, Three Grammars: Virgin Island
Dutch Creole
An Analysis of the Usage of Spanish in
Advertisements in the United States
Chair: Paulina Bounds
New Varieties of English and the Rise of – and
Need for – a Definition of Chinese American
Rhetoric in the Multicultural Composition
Ethnic Identity Realized through Language: The
Narratives of Black Louisianans of Creole Descent
Parents, Peers, and Identities: Factors Influencing
Chinese American Adolescents’ Language
Room 206-207
Consuella Bennett,
Morehouse College
Carol Manget-Johnson,
Atlanta Metropolitan
Panel: Gullah-Geechee Linguistic Connections in
Georgia. Mary B. Zeigler, Georgia State University
Partners in Peril: The Gullah-Caribbean Connection
and the Dilemma of Displacement and
Keepin’ on with the Fight: The Resistive Power of
Dread Talk in Jamaica and the Geechee in Georgia
Louvincey DeWitt Brown,
Georgia Perimeter College,
Cultural Viability in Gullah Discourse
Crystal Hills, U.S. Military
Academy, West Point
You Say We Say: Insider-Outsider Dynamics in
the Discursive Authenticity of the Gullah Linguistic
Room 211
Chair: Robin Sabino
Cynthia Bernstein, Sophia
Johnson, University of
Using Craigslist to Test Regional Variation in the
Merger of Mid-Front Vowels Before /l/
Steven H. Weinberger,
Corrine McCarthy, Baraa
Rajab, Bonny Paez,
George Mason University
Alice Drozdiak, University
of North Carolina at Chapel
Shaligram Shukla,
Georgetown University
Room 110
Laura Rutter Strickling,
University of Maryland
Baltimore County
Phonological and Morphological Effects on L2
Coda Production
Hyperarticulation as a Tool for Distinguishing Pitch
Accent Effects from Word-Final Lengthening
Sensic Continuum and Language Change
Chair: Lisa Abney
Nicolette Filson, North
Carolina State University
Partnerships between Sociolinguists and Educators
Linguistic Application in the Classroom – A 9th
Grade Curriculum Introducing Language
Issa Bldiar, Cynthia
Bernstein, University of
Robert Trammell, Florida
Atlantic University
Patterns of Double Modal Constructions in Twitters’
Methods for Teaching American English
Room 206-207
Jesse Sheidlower, Oxford
English Dictionary
Plenary Addres
Errors and Running Backs: Sports Terms and the
Treatment of Technical Vocabulary in Dictionaries
Reception, Sweet Bay
Thursday, April 14th
All-Day Break, Rosemary
Room 206-207
Brittany Burrell, University
of North Carolina at
Christina Schoux Casey,
University of Pittsburgh
Chair: Jacqueline Hettel
Room 211
Xiaozhao Huang,
University of North Dakota
Kathy R. Binns-Dray, Lee
Anna Howell, University of
Louisiana at Lafayette
Chair: Natalie Dajko
Sentential Positions of the Third Person Pronouns
in Mandarin Chinese
Typology of Questions in Spoken and Signed
Louisiana’s Young Francophones: An Analysis of
French Immersion Students’ Written Production
Room 110
Catherine E. Davies,
University of Alabama
Iulia Pittman, Auburn
SAADS Session Chair: Michael Picone
The Founders’ Accents in Country Music: Jimmie
Rodgers and Hank Williams
A Turning Point in Minority Language Maintenance
and Acquisition at the Family Level
Michael D. Picone,
University of Alabama
Henri Cartier-Bresson and the “Decisive Moment”:
How an American Translation Branded the French
Founder of Photojournalism
Room 206-207
Chair: Allison Burkette
Inte’a A. DeShields,
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County
Jo Tyler, University of Mary
Kelly D. Abrams, North
Carolina State University
[L]es gangsters du ghetto:[m]oz shit”:The Use of
African American Vernacular English, French, and
Wolof in a Senegalese Hip-Hop Documentary
Easy Does It: Dialect Variation in the Novels of
Walter Mosley
A Longitudinal Analysis of Spoken and Written
Varieties of Developing African American English
Room 211
Tamara Lindner, University
of Louisiana at Lafayette
Valerie Guerin, North
Carolina State University
Lee Eileen, Sunway
University, Malaysia
Chair: Jaqueline Hettel
Learning Cajun French at the University: Student
The Social Motivation of Language Maintenance: A
Case Study
Language Maintenance and Competing Priorities at
the Portuguese Settlement, Malacca
Mark Honegger, University
of Louisiana, Lafayette
The Reflexive Nature of Writing: Written CodeSwitching and Its Implications for the Bilingual
Us and Them: How the Other is Constructed in
Republican Messages about Immigration
Creating and Selling Language and Place in postKatrina New Orleans
Room 110
Brittany A. Burrell, UNC
Teofil Husar, UNC
Elizabeth M. Penn, UNC
Julie A. Wright, UNC
Panel: Children's Literature Authors as Applied
Linguists. Ralf Thiede, University of North Carolina
at Charlotte
Lunch, Sage/Thyme
1PM - 2PM
Room 206-207
Natalie Dajko, Tulane
Documentary Screening: French on Shifting
Room 206-207
Allison Burkette, University
of Mississippi
Chair: Bill Kretzschmar
"Stamped Indian": History, Localism, and Lexical
Variation in Terms for American 'Cornbread'
Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen,
University of Oulu, Finland;
Simon Zupan, University of
Maribor, Slovenia; Ilkka
Juuso, University of Oulu,
The Effects of Epistemic Stance in Poe’s Gothic
Stories: Analyzing Originals and Translations with
Tools for Language Collections
Jacqueline Hettel, Paulina
Bounds, University of
Sustaining Local Histories: An Investigation of
Narratives from the “Roswell Voices” Project
Arthur Hullender, Cynthia
Bernstein, Philip McCarthy,
University of Memphis
Contrastive Analysis of Semiotic Photography
Criticism and Photography Criticism
Room 211
Chair: Jill Brody
Mary Jill Brody, Louisiana
State University
Jorden Lefler, Louisiana
State University
Safa Elnaili, Louisiana
State University
Ni Tyjah Thigpen, Louisiana
State University
Maintaining Indigenous Grammatical Integrity:
Discourse Markers Borrowed from Spanish into
Tojol Ab’al
LOLspeak: You Can Has Analysis
A Critical Discourse Analysis of a Graphic Novel:
The Representation of the Other in Deogratias
Essential Communicative Elements in Comics
Room 110
Elaine C. Hill, University of
North Carolina at Charlotte
Melanie Camurati, North
Carolina State University
Abby Mueller, University of
North Carolina Charlotte
Chair: Iris Potter
"Well, rulers aren’t really real, are they?” Literal and
Figurative Uses of Space in 5-year-olds’ Discourse
Geek Speak: The Discursive Co-Creation of Nerd
Using a Genre Approach to Analyze Impoliteness in
Classroom Discourse
Paul Reed, University of
South Carolina
Towards an Understanding of the Implicational
Relations of Multiple Modals: A Study in NorthEast
Room 206-207
Gerard Steen, Free
University of Amsterdam
Plenary Address
The Value of Deliberate Metaphor
Friday, April 15th
All-Day Break, Rosemary
Room 206-207
Charlie Farrington, North
Carolina State University
Chair: Jo Tyler
Devoicing in African American English: A
Longitudinal and Apparent Time Analysis
Jason McLarty, North
Carolina State University
Thomas B. Klein, Georgia
Southern University
A Comparison of Pitch Accent Types and
Frequencies in Intonation of AAE, EAE Speakers in
Raleigh, North Carolina and Ex-Slaves
Phonological Sketch of Middle Caicos Creole
Room 211
Katherine McDonald, North
Carolina State University
Chair: Christina Schoux Casey
Conflicting Identities in Interview: Analysis of “Billy
Bob Thornton ‘Blow Up’ on Q TV”
Kimberly A. Watson, Philip
M. McCarthy, University of
Sara Lide, University of
South Carolina
Gender and Dialogue: Representations in
Television Police Drama
“It’s a true story. I saw it on E! True Hollywood
Story”: Establishing Expert Identity in Interaction
Room 110
Chair: Valentina Iepuri
Jacqueline Hettel,
University of Georgia
Leah Nodar, University of
Ralf Thiede, University of
North Carolina at Charlotte
Room 206-207
Chase Walden, University
of North Carolina at
Laura Guglani, University at
Buffalo, Macon State
Rafael E Orozco,
Louisiana State University
Lysbeth Julie Ford,
Batchelor Institute of
Indigenous Tertiary
From Pond to Biome: The Influence of Individual
and Community Histories on the Ecology of
Standard American English Errors
Speakers with Limited English Proficiency in the
Justice System
Quo vadis? Grammar Instruction in Public Schools
Chair: Karen Burdette
Spanish in the Linguistic Landscape of Charlotte,
"I wish we spoke more Spanish": Hispanic
Immigrants, Language Attitudes and Behaviors
Susceptibility to Linguistic Pressures in Different
Nidin ngina ’My country which was’: Cultural
Schemas, Endangered Languages and Cultural
Transmission in the Digital Age
Room 211
Sara Elizabeth Miller
Newman, North Carolina
State University
Lisa Abney, Northwestern
State University
Alissa Nutting, University of
Nevada, Las Vegas
Brandon Cooper, University
of South Carolina
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off: Final Stop
Accommodation in Married Couples
Gender Differences in Poverty Narratives of North
Lost Boys, Lost Girls: The Child as Epic Hero in
Fairy Tales
The Status of Auxiliary Deletion in Central Texas
Room 110
Chair: Bethany Dumas
Sasha Johnson, Camellia
Moses Okpodu, Norfolk
State University; Arlene
Maclin, Morgan State
Using SkypeTM to CLAP (Critical Language
Acquisition Program) for High School Students
Stephen Davis, David
Marlow, University of South
Carolina Upstate
Sage Lambert Graham,
University of Memphis
Tech-nomadic: The Rise of Computer-Mediated
TESOL and its Global Opportunities
“It’s called playing the f*cking game”: (Im)politeness
and Identity in Social Networking
Lunch, Sage/Thyme
SECOL Business
Meeting, Room 206-207
Chair: Lisa Abney
Room 206-207
Jennifer Cramer, University
of Kentucky
Julia McKinney, University
of South Carolina
Claiborne Rice, Wilbur
Bennett, University of
Louisiana at Lafayette
Chair: Claiborne Rice
Room 211
David Ethier, North
Carolina State University
Thomas Paul Carroll,
Georgia State University
Chair: Paulina Bounds
Ana Kuzmanovic,
University of Mississippi
Perceiving Appalachia: A Perspective from the City
“I love the way Charleston people speak”:
Perceptual Dialectology in South Carolina
Perceptions of Dialect in Southwest Louisiana: Do
You Have an Accent?
National Identity in the Age of Obama
‘Icelandicness’: Nationalist Ideology, Identity, and
Agency in Icelandic Linguistic Conservatism
Preserving the Integrity of National Identity:
Metaphors for Kosovo in Serbian Political
Room 110
Bethany K. Dumas, The
University of Tennessee
Megan E. Melancon,
Georgia College & State
Michael Montgomery, Paul
Reed, University of South
Sugar Free Language
The MultiMo Database and Website: A New
Resource for Researchers
Room 206-207
Christine Mallinson, Laura
Strickling, Inte’a DeShields,
University of MarylandBaltimore County
Paulina Bounds, University
of Georgia
Jeffrey Reaser, North
Carolina State University
Devon Emig, University of
Chair: Lisa-Lena Opas Hänninen
Room 211
Hayley E. Heaton, Agnes
Bolonyai, North Carolina
State University
Chair: Iris Potter
When Space is More than Just a Place: Space as a
Means to Create Identity, Emotion, Relationships
and Status in Short Written Appeals
Burcu Gökgöz-Kurt,
University of South Carolina
The Effects of Inductive and Deductive Instruction
on Teaching ESL Learners Complimenting and
Compliment Responding
Noelia Cigarroa-Cooke
Mood Variation in Spanish Comment Clauses: A
Case Study of Fear Phrases and Their Temporal
and Pragmatic Implications to Mood Alternation
Karen W. Burdette,
Tennessee Technological
Room 110
Stephen Davis, Syra Yang,
Jinwen (Wendy) Zeng,
Stuart Foster, Jena Roland,
University of South Carolina
Chair: Megan Melancon
Southern Mountain English as a Variety of
American English
Creating Podcasts to Promote Language
Going Visual
Practical and Theoretical Considerations in Media
to Teach About Language
The Role of Luxembourgish in Media Today
Classifications, Conjugations and Connections: The
Organization and Labeling of Verb Forms and
Paradigms in Spanish
Panel: Dialect in Education: Moving from
Discrimination to Tolerance at Home and Abroad.
David W. Marlow, University of South Carolina
Banquet, Sweet Bay