Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy 2015-2016 First Grade Curriculum Map Sept. Mandarin Literacy Art Week 1: Developing reading habits 我是一年级小学生(I’m a First Grade Student) Week2: Developing reading habits 大卫不可以 (No, David, NO!) Week 3: Fiction: Narrative story 我爱你 (I Love You) Week 4: Fiction: song Writing N: Launching with Small Moments 4 wks, Pre/Pst *我上学了(I’m going to school) *可以不可以 (Can I?) *我爱我的学校 (I love My School) 吉祥三宝 Oct. Week 1: Nonfiction: Explanation 消防员 (The Firefighter) Week 2: Fiction: Fantasy 我喜欢 自己 (I like Myself) Week 3: Fiction: Song 上学歌 (School Song)、比尾巴 (Tail Tales) Week 4: Fiction: Animal Story N: Writing- for-Readers +Voice recording. 4wks, Pst *20 年后的我(Me, 20 Years Later) *我喜欢自己 (I Like Myself) *如果我是总统 (If I were the President) Math Numbers 0-120 1.1.1 Count, compare and represent whole numbers up to 120, with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones. 1.1.2 Skip count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Numbers 0-120 1.1.2 Use a variety of models and strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems in real-world and mathematical contexts. Singapore Math- 1A Unit 1: Numbers 0 to 10 Unit 2: Number Bonds Unit 3: Addition Numbers 0-120 1.1.2 Use a variety of models and strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems in real-world and mathematical contexts. Addition and Subtraction Singapore Math- 1A Unit 4: Subtraction Unit 5: Ordinal Numbers Unit 6: Numbers to 20 Social Studies Strand 1: Citizenship and Government Unit 1: What are good rules? “A kid’s guide to staying safe at school” Culture 中秋节,重阳节: 月饼 (Arts in various Holidays) Unit 2: What is a good citizen? “Communities” ”People work” ”Community helpers” Unit 3: A citizen knows the pledge of allegiance. “The pledge of allegiance” 秋天:南瓜 (Fall: Pumpkin) Unit 4: The president of the united states is a good citizen. “Presidents” 蛇偷吃了我的蛋 (The Snake Stole My Egg) Nov. Week 1: Nonfiction: Report 动 物住在哪?(Where Do Animals Live? Week 2: Fiction: Poem 山行 ( Tang Dynasty Poem: Q& A books 4 wks, Pre/Pst, RW 4 *一般疑问句 (Ask Common Questions)- 什么圆圆?红日圆圆 Mountain Journey),有时 (Sometimes) Week 3: Fiction: Narrative Story (What is Round?)。 雪孩子 (The Snow Child) Week 4: Thanksgiving Break -*动物住在哪里? (Where Do the *特殊疑问句 (Ask Critical Questions) Animals Live?)*这 样的尾巴可以做什 Shapes 1.3.1 Describe characteristics of basic shapes. Use basic shapes to compose and decompose other objects in various contexts. Pattern: I can recognize, describe, create simple patterns using objects, pictures, numbers and rules. I can extend and complete patterns that are repeating, growing, shrinking. Singapore Math- 1A Unit 7: Shapes Beijing Math- Pattern 感恩节: (Holidays) Dec. Week 1: Fiction: Narrative Poem 有个老婆婆吞了个苍蝇 (The Old Woman Who Swallowed A Fly) Week2: Fiction: Narrative Poem 江雪(Chinese Tang Dynasty Poems: Jiang Xue) Week 3: Fiction: Poem 张开 嘴巴打哈欠 (Open Mouth and Yawn) Week 4: Winter break Jan. Week 1: Informational Reading Mini-lessons 我在地图上 (I’m On the Map) Week 2: Nonfiction: Report 企鹅是水鸟 (Penguins are Water Birds) Week 3: Nonfiction: Procedure 做拼贴画 (Making Collages) Week4: Book Recommendation Reading Mini-lessons 自己 Feb. 的颜色 (My Own Color) Week 1: Fiction: narrative Poem 村居 (Tang Dynasty Poem Village), 你 (You) Week 2: Fiction: Narrative Story 十二生肖 (The 12 Zodiac) Week 3: Fiction Narrative Poem 赠汪伦 Tang Dynasty Poem: To Huanglun Week4: Realistic Fiction Reading Mini-lesson 妹妹是 个跟屁虫 (My Little Is My Shadow) March Week1: Nonfiction: Report 章鱼 (Octopus) Week 2: Fiction: Narrative Story 北风和太阳 (The North Wind 么?(What Can This Tail Do?) Book Recommendation +Presentation 4wks, Pst, RW3 推荐书:*有个老婆 婆吞了个苍蝇(The Old Woman Who Swallowed A Fly) *我最喜欢的一本书 (The Book I liked The Most) How-To Books 3wks, Pre/Pst *怎么做好五(How To Follow Give Me Five?) *怎么做一道菜(How To Make A Dish?) *怎么做拼贴画 (How to Make A Collage?) Persuasive Letter 2wks, Pre/Pst *给爸爸妈妈的信 (A Letter to Mom and Dad) *给校长的信 (A Letter to the Principal) *给总统的信(A Letter to the President) Realistic Fiction: + Digital publication 4 wks, Pst, RW 3 *我的新年表演(My New Year Unit 9: Weight Graphs and statistics 1.1.1 Count, compare and represent whole numbers up to 120, with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones. Use counting and comparison skills to create and analyze bar graphs and tally charts. 圣诞节,新年 Strand 4: History under construction Unit 1: My Timeline Unit 2: Then and Now “About 100 year ago” Singapore Math- 1A Unit 8: Length Unit 9: Weight Graphs and statistics 1.1.1 Count, compare and represent whole numbers up to 120, with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones. Use counting and comparison skills to create and analyze bar graphs and tally charts. Strand 3: Geography 做拼贴画 Unit 1: Maps Unit 2: Location Unit 3: Place Singapore Math- 1B Unit 1:Comparing Numbers Unit 2: Graphs Unit 3: Numbers to 40 Time 1.3.2 Use basic concepts of measurement in real-world and mathematical situations involving length, time and money Tell time to the hour and halfhour Strand 2: Economics Unit 1: Costs, Benefits and Choices Unit 2: Scarcity Unit 3: Trade Unit 7: Time Unit8: Numbers to 100 Money 1.3.2 Use basic concepts of measurement in real-world and mathematical situations involving length, time and money Identify pennies, nickels and “Our Money” “Money” 中国春节,情人节 Performance) *我的牙齿掉了(I lost My Tooth) dimes; find the value of a group of these coins, up to one dollar. Spring?),春晓 Tang Poem: Spring Morning) Week 1: Spring break Week 2: Informational Reading Expert Book: 4 wks, Pst, RW 2 Multiplication Symmetric Mini-lesson 五种感觉 (Five *章鱼(Octopus) Senses) Nonfiction: Report 海 *自选一种动物 (Self select an Animal) Beijing Math Poetry 3wks, Pre/Pst, RW 2 End year reviewing Division *我的家人 Singapore Math- 1B Unit 5: Division Unit 6: Halves and Quarters and The Sun) Week 3: Science Literacy Reading Mini-lessons 水循 环 (Water Cycle) Week 4: Fiction: Narrative Song Beijing Math Singapore Math- 1B Unit 9: Money 春天在哪里 (Where Is April 豚 (Dolphins) Week 3: Fiction: Narrative Story 对称:风筝,脸谱 Singapore Math- 1B Unit 4: Multiplication 小壁虎借尾巴 (Little Lizard Borrowed a Tail) Week 4: Fiction: Narrative Song May /June 下雨了 (It’s Raining),当 (When…) Week 1: Poetry Reading MiniLesson 游子吟 (Tang Poem: Song of a Wanderer)/说说 唱唱 妈妈 (Mom, Let’s Sing), 小池 (Koike) Week 2: Fiction: Narrative Poem 晚上 (Night),Fiction: Narrative Traditional Tale 司马光 Si Ma Guang Week 3: Fiction: Narrative Folktale 拔苗助长 (Chinese Idiom: Pull Seedlings To Make It Grow) Week 4: Nonfiction: Report 这 样的尾巴可以做什么?(What Can This Tail Do?) My Family *春天 Spring *自由写作 Free Writing 风车