DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012 OFFICE OF EARLY LEARNING AND SCHOOL READINESS September 2011 Districts and ESCs both report for preschool special education state unit funding. Districts, ESCs, and county boards of DD should establish mechanisms for sharing data to ensure consistency and accuracy. These forms are provided as a communication tool for the preschool special education supervisor and the EMIS Coordinator to share critical information. These forms do not represent all the information that needs to be reported in EMIS. Included are forms for: Data Accuracy Checks for EMIS Business Rules for the Early Childhood Outcomes Summary Ratings Basic data for an eligible preschool child with a disability A Special Education Record for a preschool child with a disability A Special Education Record for child transferring into the district A Special Education Record for child being reevaluated for kindergarten transition Basic data for a child found to be ineligible during the evaluation process Basic data for a child transitioning from Help Me Grow who is not suspected of having a disability Basic data for a nondisabled peer enrolled in a preschool special education classroom Record keeping for assessments, such as Get It, Got It, Go! and Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social-Emotional for progress monitoring Record keeping for summarizing progress monitoring with the Early Childhood Outcomes Summary Form Documentation of transition activities for children from Help Me Grow These forms may be used to document activities and information reported in the October K or the Yearend reporting periods for EMIS. October EMIS Reporting Eligible preschool children in the October (K) (that closed in January) data represent children enrolled as of December 1. State preschool special education unit funding is based upon the data in October K Reporting period. The data from October K Reporting Period will also be used for the federal child count as of December 1. Yearend EMIS Reporting EMIS information is also used in monitoring for compliance with federal and state regulations and a corrective action plan may be required. Accuracy of data is a federal performance measure. EMIS now records changes over time so it is critical that EMIS be updated on a regular basis. October data does not automatically transfer to the yearend reporting period. Districts must ensure that the yearend data encompasses information for the entire year as this data is used for compliance determinations. These forms are not required unless ODE requires this documentation for corrective action. Districts of residence report the special education record. Districts of instruction (i.e. an ESC) report the assessment records. Data is from June 1 through May 30. Local decisions may be made as to the format and use of the forms unless required for corrective action. The general data collection form for special education may also be used, as it includes preschool information as well. Please refer to the EMIS Manual for additional information on data reporting. These forms are not intended to replace the guidance provided in the manual. PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION EMIS DATA ACCURACY CHECKPOINTS This highlights the most common errors and does not represent all possible errors. Data Points Child Count IEPs are current as of December 1 Any child with an SLD disability code is appropriately identified. All preschool children with an IEP are reported, regardless of the type of services delivered. If applicable, the district has obtained current and accurate data from the ESC or DD. Unit Funding IEPs are current as of December 1 Children are reported as 50% or 100% (half day or full day) Children are “attached” to teachers. Teachers with half day classes have a record for each class. Teachers with more than one role have a record indicating centerbased and itinerant. Related service staff members have a 99412 code to indicate preschool services. All staff providing preschool special education services are listed on the report. Transition from C to B Children who only had a PSTC and are not suspected of having a disability are reported in the aggregate and do not have a special education record. Children who do not have an IEP by the 3rd birthday have a noncompliance code for the IETR or the IIEP, or were ineligible for services. When events cross school years and the child’s PSTC was in the spring and the child is three after the end of the school year, all events are reported in the year in which the child received services. The PSTC and referral date are equal. For children who have a PSTC more than 90 days before the 3 rd birthday, a PR01 may have been completed to conduct the evaluation at a later date but still have an IEP implemented by the 3 rd birthday. This will be an error in EMIS for 2011-12 but records are available to document these actions, All children from HMG are represented with a special education record or in the aggregate. There are no records (such as those out of compliance) that are not reported. Children transitioning from HMG have the SSID as indicated on the quarterly report unless the district assigned the number prior to the report; in cases where the district already assigned an SSID, the district SSID is used. This discrepancy is reported to ODE as required. Children referred from HMG 45 days or less before the 3 rd birthday meet the 120 day timeline for an IEP. There is a date or a code for every event on the special education record for PSTC, Referral, Consent, ETR, IEP up to the point that the process was completed. (i.e. if at the ETR, the child is found ineligible, the data ends with the ETR and there is no IIEP information). LRE The codes listed represent a child’s status as of 12/1 Separate school is used only for DD programs in which a child is in a setting in which there are no nondisabled peers. Children in a DD setting have the class composition considered to see if it is an EC (50/50) setting. Assessment Records Each child has a record for GGG. Each child has a record for ASQSE. Each child has a record for ECOSF. Outcomes Each child has a rating for each of the three outcomes. The progress question is answered “yes” or” no” for each child who has an ECOSF for the second time; this question is not answered for any first time summary report. The first time the summary report is completed, the progress question is null. The exit data is after the entry date. There are no impossible rating combinations (see Business Rules) Accurate Needs Reviewed or Revised Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION BUSINESS RULES FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD OUTCOMES SUMMARY FORM REPORTING Entry Exit Progress OSEP Category Entry Exit Progress OSEP Category Entry Exit Progress OSEP Category Entry Exit Progress OSEP Category 1 1 y b 3 1 y b 5 1 y b 7 1 y b 1 2 y c 3 2 y b 5 2 y b 7 2 y b 1 3 y c 3 3 y b 5 3 y b 7 3 y b 1 4 y c 3 4 y c 5 4 y b 7 4 y b 1 5 y c 3 5 y c 5 5 y b 7 5 y b 1 6 y d 3 6 y d 5 6 y d 7 6 y e 1 7 y d 3 7 y d 5 7 y d 7 7 y e 1 1 n a 3 1 n a 5 1 n a 7 1 n a 1 2 n Impossible 3 2 n a 5 2 n a 7 2 n a 1 3 n Impossible 3 3 n Impossible 5 3 n a 7 3 n a 1 4 n Impossible 3 4 n Impossible 5 4 n a 7 4 n a 1 5 n Impossible 3 5 n Impossible 5 5 n Impossible 7 5 n a 1 6 n Impossible 3 6 n Impossible 5 6 n Impossible 7 6 n Impossible 1 7 n Impossible 3 7 n Impossible 5 7 n Impossible 7 7 n Impossible 2 1 y B 4 1 y b 6 1 y b 2 2 y B 4 2 y b 6 2 y b 2 3 y C 4 3 y b 6 3 y b 2 4 y C 4 4 y b 6 4 y b 2 5 y C 4 5 y c 6 5 y b 2 6 y D 4 6 y d 6 6 y e 2 7 y D 4 7 y d 6 7 y e 2 1 n A 4 1 n a 6 1 n a 2 2 n Impossible 4 2 n a 6 2 n a 2 3 n Impossible 4 3 n a 6 3 n a 2 4 n Impossible 4 4 n Impossible 6 4 n a 2 5 n Impossible 4 5 n Impossible 6 5 n a 2 6 n Impossible 4 6 n Impossible 6 6 n Impossible 2 7 n Impossible 4 7 n Impossible 6 7 n Impossible Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION (UNITS & FEDERAL REPORTING- OCTOBER K;; STATE REPORTING- YEAREND N) Eligible preschool children in the October (K) data represent children enrolled as of December 1. State unit funding is based upon the data in October K Reporting period. EMIS information is also used in monitoring for compliance with federal and state regulations and a corrective action plan may be required. Accuracy of data is a federal performance measure. It is important to update district information at Yearend. PRESCHOOL CHILD WITH A DISABILITY (PAGE 1) DEMOGRAPHIC RECORD (GI) Child’s First Name (GI330) Child’s Last Name (GI350) Child’s Middle Name (GI 340) Gender Male Racial/Ethnic Group (GI090) H W B Female Hispanic/Latino White (non-Hispanic) Black or African America(non-Hispanic) Date of Birth* (GI070) Native language (GI270) [p 26 EMIS Manual] A Asian I American Indian or Alaskan Native P Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander M Multiracial Legal District of Residence/IRN (FS150) Sent to IRN Autism Scholarship (FS160) (AU) Attending an MR/DD Attending an ESC MR/DD IRN ESC IRN Building of Attendance/IRN Teacher *AGE Note: children are eligible for preschool special education services if they are: Age 4 or 5 as of the district’s cutoff entry date of August 1st or September 30th OR Age 3 by December 1st.**If enrolled as of December 1, child is included in the October (K) reporting period STUDENT STANDING (FS) ELEMENT ADMISSION DATE (FS070) START DATE (FS060) ADMISSION REASON (FS080) ATTENDANCE DAYS (FS320)* PERCENT OF TIME (FS120)* *Child Percent of Time 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% DESCRIPTION Does not change unless child w/draws and re-enters This date can change during year if services change. This date is the first contact and can precede admission date. The date of the PSTC may also be this date. Other codes in the EMIS Manual, Chapter 2 4 Days/Week 5 Days/Week Children receiving Itinerant teacher services only are reported at 50% Related Services only # Days in Operation 4 days/week (5 hrs or more/day) 5 full days/ week (5 hrs or more/day) 4 half days/week 5 half days/week Itinerant service –at least 1 hr/week CODES YYY/MM/DD: YYY/MM/DD: 4-enrolling or the first time in public school 6-transferred from another public school 4 Days/Week 100% of time = 144 days 5 Days/Week 100% of time = 180 days 1-19 hours 50% 0% time reported Sum of Attendance + Absence Days 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.5 At least 1.0 Updated on ___________ to YYYY/MM/DD: Updated on ___________ to YYYY/MM/DD: 7- not newly enrolled in this district 2-transfer from out of state/country 4 Days/Week 50% of time = 72 days 5 Days/Week 50% of time = 90 days 20+ hours 100% Year End Sum of Attendance + Absence Days 144 180 72 90 36 Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION PRESCHOOL CHILD WITH A DISABILITY (PAGE 2) STUDENT STANDING (FS) ELEMENT HOW RECEIVED (FS180) WITHDRAWAL REASON (FS100) DESCRIPTION How child arrived at district. All codes listed in EMIS Manual, Chapter 2. Other codes in the EMIS Manual, Chapter 2 CODES E- ECE ( formerly public preschool grant) G- Federal Head Start 36- withdrew from preschool N-Other funding (catchall category- most pscwd will be coded N) STUDENT ATTRIBUTE (FD OR FN) - FD REQUIRES A DATE; FN DOES NOT (FIST DAY FD ITEMS ARE VALID.) OUTCOME CODES ELEMENT DESCRIPTION DISABILITY CONDITION CODE ET01-Multiple Disabilities (other than Deaf-Blind) ** No disability(FD130) ET02-Deaf-Blindness Typically Developing Peer Note: The same codes are reported as outcomes of the evaluation team (ET) on the special ed record. They are reported there with a beginning “ET.” Date effective: Updated: GRADE LEVEL (FD080) A child in kindergarten is a school-age child and this form is not used. ATTENDANCE PATTERN (FD100) HOMELESS STATUS (FD150) Children age 5 may be served as a preschooler or school-age child. No kindergarten grade level for preschool children with disabilities. NA AS Alternative Schedule Child lacks a fixed regular & adequate night-time residence LEP (LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY) STATUS (FD170) MIGRANT (FD180) GRADE LEVEL NEXT YEAR (FN 080) POVERTY LEVEL (FD120) The disadvantagement level, also reported on the student demographic record, is determined locally, by the school district and is also reported in EMIS. ET03 -Deafness (Hearing Impairment) ET04-Visual Impairments ET05 -Speech and Language Impairments ET06 -Orthopedic Impairments ET08 -Emotional Disturbance (SBH) ET09 -Cognitive Disabilities (Formerly Mental Retardation or Developmentally Handicapped) ET10 -Specific Learning Disabilities ET12 -Autism ET13 -Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) ET14 -Other Health Impaired (Major) ET15 -Other Health Impaired (Minor) ET16-Developmental Delay IN- Infant/Toddler (0-2) PS- Preschool (3-5) FE- full day/every day FO- full day/every other day * A B C No Yes NA Shelter Unsheltered Doubled-Up No Yes ** NA IN- Infant/Toddler (0-2) Parents are asked to identify which category is applicable based upon federal poverty level chart. The chart is determined by the Federal Poverty Guidelines not free and reduced lunch. Parent may choose not to provide this information. A 1-100% B 101-125% C 126-150% D 151-175% E 176-185% F 186-200% G 201+% HE-half day/every day HO- half day/every other day I Motel/Hotel LEP- Enrolled in US Schools for first time LEP-Trial Mainstream PS- Preschool (3-5) KG- Kindergarten N Not a preschooler P Parent income information not requested or provided Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION PRESCHOOL CHILD WITH A DISABILITY (PAGE 3) ELEMENT STUDENT COURSE RECORD (GN) ONLY 2 ARE ALLOWED. Itinerant teachers do not have a course record; they are reported with a course record 196095 and an assignment area of 999412 Program code 220100 for child is required. DESCRIPTION A child is not to receive both preschool itinerant services and centerbased preschool special education. By the 2010-2011 school year, both codes will not count toward dual unit funding (October reporting); a child will be counted only at 50% FTE and funded accordingly. The child is reported with a student course record and a student program record (requiring the teachers state ID as well). Children should not be coded with a 196095 and a program code of 220100 or the least restrictive environment will be questioned. CODES Children receiving center-based preschool special education services are scheduled with a local classroom code of a special education teacher, a course subject code of 196095, and student population element of D8 or DP, Teachers have an assignment area of 999412. This applies to nondisabled peers as well, regardless of the funding source for the children; ECE children enrolled as nondisabled peers in a preschool special education class have the same codes. COURSE 196095- preschool special education OR Itinerant Services Program Code 2201000 Student Population D8 or DP (class where all are HH or VH) Effective Date: Change Date: A PRESCHOOL CHILD WITH A DISABILITY ENROLLED IN AN ECE ENTITLEMENT GRANT PROGRAM (TEACHER IS NOT A SPECIAL EDUCATOR) o How received code = E o Course Code = 180108 o Itinerant code 220100 and/or related services codes AN ECE ENTITLEMENT GRANT NONDISABLED PEER ENROLLED IN A PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSROOM (TAUGHT BY SPECIAL EDUCATION PERSONNEL) o How received code = E o Course Code = 196095 A NONDISABLED PRESCHOOL CHILD ENROLLED IN A PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSROOM (TAUGHT BY SPECIAL EDUCATION PERSONNEL)- ENROLLMENT SUPPORTED BY LOCAL FUNDS, TUITION, ANY OTHER FUNDING o How received code = N (If the child is funded through federal Head Start, the code is G) o Course Code = 196095 Building of Attendance/IRN Local Class Code Teacher Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION PRESCHOOL CHILD WITH A DISABILITY (PAGE 4) PROGRAM RECORD (GQ) EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICE DELIVERY OPTIONS/LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT(NEW DEFINITIONS for 2010-2011) All Preschoolers with a disability must have only ONE of the following outcome codes on the special education record. This code does not apply for nondisabled peer in the classroom. If a child spends ANY time in a regular early childhood program (district or community) where at least half the enrollment consists of children without disabilities, the child must be entered with IE51, IE53 IE55, or IE56. IE60 Special Education Program – IE 51 Regular Education Early Childhood IE 53 Regular Education Early Separate Class -A special Program 10 or more hours per Childhood Program Less than 10 week and receiving the majority hours per week and receiving the education program in which a (more than 50%) of their special majority (more than 50%) of their child with a disability is in a class education and related services in special education and related with less than 50% non-disabled the general early childhood setting services in the general early students. Do not report if student childhood setting is also enrolled in a Regular Early Childhood Program IE62 Special Education Program – IE 55 Regular Education Early Childhood IE 56 Regular Education Early Separate School-A special Program 10 or more hours per Childhood Program Less than 10 week and receiving the majority hours per week and receiving the education program in which a (more than 50%) of their special majority (more than 50%) of their child with a disability receives all education and related services in special education and related of his/her special education and some other location other than the services in some other location related services in an educational general early childhood setting other than the general early program in public or private day childhood setting schools designed specifically for children with disabilities. Do not report if student is also enrolled in a Regular Early Childhood Program IE64 Special Education Program – IE70 Pre-School-Home IE72 Service Provider Location Residential Facility -A special A program in which the child A program in which a child with a education program in which a with a disability receives all of disability receives all of his/her child with a disability receives all their special education and special education and related of his/her special education and related services in the principle services from a service provider related services in a publicly or residence of the child’s family or and did not attend an early privately operated residential caregivers and who did not childhood program or special school or in a residential medical attend an early childhood education program provided in a facility on an impatient basis. program or a special education separate class, separate school Do not report if student is also program provided in special or residential facility. For enrolled in a Regular Early class, separate school, or example, speech instruction is Childhood Program residential facility. Included are provided in private clinicians’ children who receive special offices, clinicians’ offices located education BOTH at home AND in school buildings, hospital in a service provider location. facilities on an outpatient basis, libraries and other public locations. A CHILD SHOULD NOT BE REPORTED WITH BOTH CENTERBASED AND ITINERANT TEACHER SERVICES. LRE MUST BE DETERMINED. PRESCHOOL ITINERANT SERVICES 220100 Student receiving Preschool special education services from an itinerant teacher; this is not used for related services. (GQ070) This should only be used for ECE Settings, Home or Service Provider Location. It can be used as a second form of service if child receiving preschool special education in centerbased classroom but if it is LRE should be questioned. Dual enrollment is not a transition practice to transition from one setting to another. If the child needs transition assistance from one setting to another, a transition plan should be developed so the child only needs to deal with ONE type of setting. RELATED SERVICES- Code APE and related services listed on the IEP. APE and related services funding is based upon the number of children with these codes. Not for nondisabled peers. 215001 Adaptive Physical Education 215012 215002 Aide Services 215013 215003 Attendant Services 215004 Audiological Services 215006 Interpreter Services 215017 215007 Medical Services 215018 215008 Occupational Therapy Services 215009 Orientation and Mobility Services 215020 215010 Physical Therapy Services 215021 215011 Reader Services 215022 215023 215026 215027 School Psychological Services Speech and Language Services Parent Counseling and Training Services Counseling Services Recreational Services Special Transportation Social Work Services Other: School Health Services School Nurse Services Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATION DATE CODES - INITIAL ENROLLMENT OR TRANSITION FROM HELP ME GROW Reporting Period October (K) Yearend (N) From 6/1 of previous school year 6/1 of previous school year To December 1st of the current school year 5/31 of current school year PSTC – Preschool Transition Conference Date The date of the transition conference that the School District is required to attend. Invitation from Help Me Grow about a child transitioning from Part C to Part B Services. This element is required only for transitioning preschool students, NOT to be used for reporting the completion of transition services for school-age children. Year ________ Month______ Day______ ONLY record if the district was involved in the conference. If child came from another district, do NOT enter. ONLY use for children age 3. 1. 2. RFRL – Referral for Evaluation Date The date the PR04-Referral for Evaluation from is received by the District. This date should be reported for all students referred for evaluation since the last reporting cycle..Year ________ Month______ Day______ Per OSEP clarifications, December 2009, the PSTC is the referral date. 3. CNST – Parent/Guardian Consent for Evaluation Date The date the parent/guardian grants/refuses consent for evaluation, from PR05-Parent Consent for Evaluation Part 1 (Grant Consent) or Part 2 (Refuse Consent). This element should be reported with an Outcome ID to indicate status (e.g. Consent Granted, Consent Refused, etc.). Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: CNGT – Consent Granted CNRF – Consent Refused CNNR - Consent Not Returned CNDP - Consent moved to due process 4. IETR – Evaluation Team Report Completion Date-Initial The date the PR06-Evaluation Team Report is completed (from Part B, PR06). This element should be reported with an Outcome ID to indicate status (e.g. Student was determined to be eligible for services; Student was determined to NOT be eligible for services, etc.). If the Evaluation Team Report completion date does not meet compliance standards, then a Non-compliance ID is required. Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: ETNE – Not eligible for Services ETDP – ETR Resulted in Due Process Exiting Special Education ET01-Multiple Disabilities (other than Deaf-Blind) ET09 -Cognitive Disabilities (Formerly Mental Retardation or ET02-Deaf-Blindness Developmentally Handicapped) ET03 -Deafness (Hearing Impairment) ET10 -Specific Learning Disabilities ET04-Visual Impairments ET12 -Autism ET05 -Speech and Language Impairments ET13 -Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) ET06 -Orthopedic Impairments ET14 -Other Health Impaired (Major) ET08 -Emotional Disturbance (SBH) ET15 -Other Health Impaired (Minor) ET16-Developmental Delay Reason why event has not met federally mandated time lines (60 days from parent consent): ** Not Applicable 06-Parent/Guardian Refused Consent 01-No identified Reason 07-Child’s Health 02-Staff Not Available – Summer Months 08-Student Incarceration 03-Staff Not Available – School Year 09-District in compliance with due process timelines, but 04-Scheduling Conflicts with Family incorrect/missing data reported in prior reporting period. 05-Parental Choice 5. IIEP – Individualized Education Program (IEP) Completion Date-Initial The meeting date when the Individualized Education Program was completed. From page 1, PR07-Individualized Education Program meeting date. If the Individualized Education Program completion date does not meet compliance standards, then a Non-compliance ID is required. Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: IEP Complete – Not Served IEP Complete Parental refusal IEP Resulted in Due Process IENS IEPR IEDP IE51 Regular Early Childhood Program 10 or more hours/week with special ed/related services in this setting IE53 Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours/week with special ed/related services in this setting IE55 Regular Early Childhood Program 10 or more hours/week with special ed/related services provided in some other location IE 56 Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours/week with special ed/related services provided in some other location IE60 Special Education Program – Separate Class IE62 Special Education Program – Separate School IE64 Special Education Program – Residential Facility IE70 Pre-School-Home IE72 Service Provider Location Reason why event has not met federally mandated time lines (90 days from parent consent): ** Not Applicable 01-No identified Reason 02-Staff Not Available – Summer Months 03-Staff Not Available – School Year 04-Scheduling Conflicts with Family 05-Parental Choice 06-Parent/Guardian Refused Consent 07-Child’s Health 08-Student Incarceration 09-District in compliance with due process timelines, but incorrect/missing data reported in prior reporting period. Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATION DATE CODES - RE-EVALUATION OR TRANSITION TO KINDERGARTEN Reporting Period October (K) Yearend (N) From 6/1 of previous school year 6/1 of previous school year To December 1st of the current school year 5/31 of current school year 6. RETR - Evaluation Team Report Completion Date-Reevaluation The date the PR06-Evaluation Team Report is completed (from Part B, PR06). This element should be reported with an Outcome ID to indicate status (e.g. Student was determined to be eligible for services; Student was determined to NOT be eligible for services, etc.). If the Evaluation Team Report completion date does not meet compliance standards, then a Non-compliance ID is required. Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: ETDP – ETR Resulted in Due Process ETEX – Exiting Special education Outcome ID: ETNE – Not eligible for Services ETDP – ETR Resulted in Due Process Exiting Special Education ET01-Multiple Disabilities (other than Deaf-Blind) ET09 -Cognitive Disabilities (Formerly Mental Retardation or ET02-Deaf-Blindness Developmentally Handicapped) ET03 -Deafness (Hearing Impairment) ET10 -Specific Learning Disabilities ET04-Visual Impairments ET12 -Autism ET05 -Speech and Language Impairments ET13 -Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) ET06 -Orthopedic Impairments ET14 -Other Health Impaired (Major) ET08 -Emotional Disturbance (SBH) ET15 -Other Health Impaired (Minor) ET16-Developmental Delay Reason why event has not met federally mandated time lines: ** Not Applicable 01-No identified Reason 02-Staff Not Available – Summer Months 03-Staff Not Available – School Year 04-Scheduling Conflicts with Family 05-Parental Choice 06-Parent/Guardian Refused Consent 07-Child’s Health 08-Student Incarceration 09-District in compliance with due process timelines, but incorrect/missing data reported in prior reporting period. 7. RIEP – Individualized Education Program (IEP) Completion Date-Reevaluation The meeting date when the Individualized Education Program was completed. From page 1, PR07-Individualized Education Program meeting date. If the Individualized Education Program completion date does not meet compliance standards, then a Non-compliance ID is required. Year ________ Month______ Day______ If the IEP addressed the last part of the preschool year and the beginning of the kindergarten year, do not report as two separate IEPs. Report the preschool information for the yearend and in October, report the override element to give the kindergarten LRE code. Outcome ID: IENS IEPR IEDP IE51 IE53 IE55 IE 56 IE60 IE62 IE64 IE70 IE72 IEP Complete – Not Served IEP Complete Parental refusal IEP Resulted in Due Process Regular Early Childhood Program 10 or more hours/week with special ed/related services in this setting Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours/week with special ed/related services in this setting Regular Early Childhood Program 10 or more hours/week with special ed/related services provided in some other location Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours/week with special ed/related services provided in some other location Special Education Program – Separate Class Special Education Program – Separate School Special Education Program – Residential Facility Home Service Provider Location Reason why event has not met federally mandated time lines: ** Not Applicable 01-No identified Reason 02-Staff Not Available – Summer Months 03-Staff Not Available – School Year 04-Scheduling Conflicts with Family 05-Parental Choice 06-Parent/Guardian Refused Consent 07-Child’s Health 08-Student Incarceration 09-District in compliance with due process timelines, but incorrect/missing data reported in prior reporting period. 8. CIEP – IEP Consent with drawn by Parent The date the Parent/Guardian withdraws consent for a previously written IEP that is still in effect. Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: ETDP – ETR Resulted in Due Process ETEX – Exiting Special education Document1 Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATION DATE CODES - INITIAL ENROLLMENT FOR A TRANSFER INTO THE DISTRICT Reporting Period October (K) Yearend (N) From 6/1 of previous school year 6/1 of previous school year To December 1st of the current school year 5/31 of current school year Note: Report outcome date- no new 3 year timeline begins. Re-eval based on date of original IEP. PSTC – Preschool Transition Conference Date The date of the transition conference that the School District is required to attend. Invitation from Help Me Grow about a child transitioning from Part C to Part B Services. This element is required only for transitioning preschool students, NOT to be used for reporting the completion of transition services for school-age children. Year ________ Month______ Day______ ONLY record if the district was involved in the conference. If child came from another district, do NOT enter. ONLY use for children age 3. 1. 2. RFRL – Referral for Evaluation Date The date the PR04-Referral for Evaluation from is received by the District. This date should be reported for all students referred for evaluation since the last reporting cycle.Year ________ Month______ Day______ Per OSEP clarifications, December 2009, the PSTC is the referral date. 3. CNST – Parent/Guardian Consent for Evaluation Date The date the parent/guardian grants/refuses consent for evaluation, from PR05-Parent Consent for Evaluation Part 1 (Grant Consent) or Part 2 (Refuse Consent). This element should be reported with an Outcome ID to indicate status (e.g. Consent Granted, Consent Refused, etc.). Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: CNGT – Consent Granted CNRF – Consent Refused CNNR - Consent Not Returned CNDP - Consent moved to due process 4. TETR – Evaluation Team Report Completion Date-Initial The date the PR06-Evaluation Team Report is completed (from Part B, PR06). This element should be reported with an Outcome ID to indicate status (e.g. Student was determined to be eligible for services; Student was determined to NOT be eligible for services, etc.). If the Evaluation Team Report completion date does not meet compliance standards, then a Non-compliance ID is required. Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: ETNE – Not eligible for Services ETDP – ETR Resulted in Due Process Exiting Special Education ET01-Multiple Disabilities (other than Deaf-Blind) ET09 -Cognitive Disabilities (Formerly Mental Retardation or ET02-Deaf-Blindness Developmentally Handicapped) ET03 -Deafness (Hearing Impairment) ET10 -Specific Learning Disabilities ET04-Visual Impairments ET12 -Autism ET05 -Speech and Language Impairments ET13 -Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) ET06 -Orthopedic Impairments ET14 -Other Health Impaired (Major) ET08 -Emotional Disturbance (SBH) ET15 -Other Health Impaired (Minor) ET16-Developmental Delay Reason why event has not met federally mandated time lines (60 days from parent consent): ** Not Applicable 01-No identified Reason 02-Staff Not Available – Summer Months 03-Staff Not Available – School Year 04-Scheduling Conflicts with Family 05-Parental Choice 06-Parent/Guardian Refused Consent 07-Child’s Health 08-Student Incarceration 09-District in compliance with due process timelines, but incorrect/missing data reported in prior reporting period. 5. TIEP – Individualized Education Program (IEP) Completion Date-Initial The meeting date when the Individualized Education Program was completed. From page 1, PR07-Individualized Education Program meeting date. If the Individualized Education Program completion date does not meet compliance standards, then a Non-compliance ID is required. Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: IE51 Regular Early Childhood Program 10 or more hours/week with special ed/related services in this setting IE53 Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours/week with special ed/related services in this setting IE55 Regular Early Childhood Program 10 or more hours/week with special ed/related services provided in some other location IE 56 Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours/week with special ed/related services provided in some other location IE60 Special Education Program – Separate Class IE62 Special Education Program – Separate School IE64 Special Education Program – Residential Facility IE70 Home IE72 Service Provider Location Reason why event has not met federally mandated time lines (90 days from parent consent): ** Not Applicable 01-No identified Reason 02-Staff Not Available – Summer Months 03-Staff Not Available – School Year 04-Scheduling Conflicts with Family Document1 05-Parental Choice 06-Parent/Guardian Refused Consent 07-Child’s Health 08-Student Incarceration Child School Year 2009-2010 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION 09-District in compliance with due process timelines, but incorrect/missing data reported in prior reporting period. PRESCHOOL CHILD WITH A DISABILITY AUTISM SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Child is reported with a disability code of 12 during October (K), December (M) and Yearend (N) reporting periods. DEMOGRAPHIC RECORD (GI) Child’s First Name (GI330) Child’s Last Name (GI350) Child’s Middle Name (GI 340) Gender Male Racial/Ethnic Group (GI090) W B H Female White (non-Hispanic) Black or African America(non-Hispanic) Hispanic/Latino Date of Birth* (GI070) Native language (GI270) [p 26 EMIS Manual] A Asian I American Indian or Alaskan Native P Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander M Multiracial Legal District of Residence/IRN Autism Scholarship (FS150) (AU) *AGE Note: children are eligible for preschool special education services if they are: Age 4 or 5 as of the district’s cutoff entry date of August 1st or September 30th OR Age 3 by December 1st.**If enrolled as of December 1, child is included in the October (K) reporting period Data Element Legal District of Residence Element Effective Date Elements Report for Autism Scholarship Participants Resident District IRN If first attend ASP program in current school year, close out any open record for the student and open a new record with an Effective Start Date of the first day the student is in the ASP program. How Received Element How Received IRN Sent Reason Sent To IRN Element IRN, if known, of entity providing services to student; otherwise 999999 Student Percent of Time Element Sent To Percent of Time Indicate the percent of time the student would be receiving instruction if he/she were attending the resident district. District Relationship Element Attendance Days October (K) Count Week The number of days the student was enrolled in the district and Elements attending the Autism Scholarship Program (new open record) and/or your district during October Count Week (record closed when student starts ASP). Disability Condition Element Program Code Element Code School Year Only report the days that the student actually attended in your district, if any, on the closed record. If the student attended the Autism Scholarship Program for the entire year, the district is not required to report any attendance at yearend. Usually 12 –but exceptions exist Least Restrictive Environment (report one code for preschool students)-outcome of the IEP code: IE 51, 53, 55,56, 60, 62, 64, 70, 72 Do not report any Related Service Codes * ****** AU 000 3 Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION NONDISABLED PEER ENROLLED IN PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION UNITS (PAGE 1) DEMOGRAPHIC RECORD (GI) Child’s First Name (GI330) Child’s Last Name (GI350) Child’s Middle Name (GI 340) Date of Birth* (GI070) Native language (GI270) [refer to EMIS Manual] District of Residence/IRN (GI100) Male Female Legal District of Residence/IRN (FS150) Building of Attendance/IRN Teacher Attending an MR/DD Attending an ESC MR/DD IRN ESC IRN *AGE Note: children are eligible for preschool special education services if they are: Age 4 or 5 as of the district’s cutoff entry date of August 1 st or September 30th OR Age 3 by December 1st **If enrolled as of December 1, child is included in the October (K) reporting period ELEMENT DESCRIPTION CODES W White (non-Hispanic) RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP A Asian B Black or African America (GI090) I American Indian or Alaskan Native (non-Hispanic) P Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander H Hispanic/Latino M Multiracial STUDENT STANDING (FS) ELEMENT DESCRIPTION ADMISSION DATE (FS070) START DATE (FS060) ADMISSION REASON (FS080) ATTENDANCE DAYS (FS320)* PERCENT OF TIME (FS120)* *Child Percent of Time 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% HOW RECEIVED (FS180) WITHDRAWAL REASON (FS100) Document1 Does not change unless child w/draws and re-enters This date can change during year if services change. This date is the first contact and can precede admission date. The date of the PSTC may also be this date. Other codes in the EMIS Manual, Chapter 2`` 4 Days/Week 5 Days/Week Children receiving Itinerant teacher services only or related services only are reported at 50% # Days in Operation CODES YYY/MM/DD: YYY/MM/DD: 4-enrolling or the first time in public school 6-transferred from another public school 4 Days/Week 100% of time = 144 days 5 Days/Week 100% of time = 180 days 7- not newly enrolled in this district 2-tranfer from out of state/country 4 Days/Week 50% of time = 72 days 5 Days/Week 50% of time = 90 days 1-19 hours 50% Sum of Attendance + Absence Days 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.5 At least 1.0 4 days/week (5 hrs or more/day) 5 full days/ week (5 hrs or more/day) 4 half days/week 5 half days/week Itinerant service –at least 1 hr/week How child arrived at district. All codes listed on page 52-53 of the EMIS Manual, Chapter 2. Other codes on page 40-41 of EMIS Manual, Chapter 2 Updated on ___________ to YYYY/MM/DD: Updated on ___________ to YYYY/MM/DD: E- ECE (formerly public preschool grant) G- Federal Head Start 36- withdrew from preschool 20+ hours 100% Year End Sum of Attendance + Absence Days 144 180 72 90 36 N-Other funding Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION NONDISABLED PEER ENROLLED IN PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION UNITS (PAGE 2) STUDENT ATTRIBUTE (FD OR FN) - FD REQUIRES A DATE; FN DOES NOT CODES ELEMENT DESCRIPTION DISABILITY CONDITION ** No disability-Typically Developing Peer CODE (FD130) Children age 5 may be served as a GRADE LEVEL preschool or school-age child. No (FD080) Infant/Toddler (0-2) Preschool (3-5) kindergarten grade level for preschool children with disabilities. ATTENDANCE PATTERN (FD100) HOMELESS STATUS (FD150) Child lacks a fixed regular & adequate night-time residence NA AS – Alternative Schedule LEP (LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY) STATUS (FD170) MIGRANT (FD180) GRADE LEVEL NEXT YEAR (FN 080) POVERTY LEVEL (FS120) The disadvantagement level, also reported on the student demographic record, is determined locally, by the school district and is also reported in EMIS. ELEMENT STUDENT COURSE RECORD (GN) IN FE- full day/every day FO- full day/every other day * NA A Shelter B Unsheltered No Yes No Yes ** NA IN- Infant/Toddler (0-2) Parents are asked to identify which category is applicable based upon federal poverty level chart. The chart is determined by the Federal Poverty Guidelines not free and reduced lunch. Parent may choose not to provide this information. No documentation is required to support the parental report. DESCRIPTION Children receiving center-based preschool special education services are scheduled with a local classroom code of a special education teacher, a course subject code of 196095, and a student population of D08, Teacher s have an assignment area of 999412. A 1-100% B 101-125% C 126-150% D 151-175% E 176-185% F 186-200% G 201+% CODES Typically developing peers in a preschool special education classroom taught by a preschool special education teacher are scheduled in the same local classroom code and a course code of 196095 PS HE-half day/every day HO- half day/every other day C I Doubled-Up Motel/Hotel LEP- Enrolled in US Schools for first time LEP-Trial Mainstream PS- Preschool (3-5) KG- Kindergarten P Parent refusal Use only if not supported with state funds OR a preschool child with a disability in an ECE or PSE CB class. (If child is reported with ECE funding, poverty level must be reported) 196095- preschool special education D8 Subject population Student population D8 OR DP AND if funded with ECE-grant funds: How received code of E If not funded with ECE-grant funds: How received code of N A child dually enrolled in two preschool programs is required to be scheduled into both preschool courses and should have 2 student course records reported. Building of Attendance/IRN Teacher Local Class Code Teacher Fund Source Document1 Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION Beginning in 2006-2007, all preschool children with disabilities have GGG & ASQSE scores reported regardless of the type of services provided. All nondisabled peers enrolled in a state funded unit classroom have GGG scores reported, except for those in DD or ESC programs. Child’s Name Student ID# IEP Begin Date IEP End Date ASSESSMENT RECORD PRESCHOOL ASSESSMENT: GET IT, GOT IT, GO! (GGG) October K Reporting Period TEST DATE Year ________ Month______ Day______ Yearend Reporting Period Duration of IEP (# of months): ___________________ STR Standard TYPE OF ASSESSMENT (GB215) SCORE NOT REPORTED (GB235) * A B Not Applicable Medical Reasons Parent Refusal C D F Student Refusal Suspension/Expulsion Other than listed L Disability of deafness or blindness J Student moved in/out of district before assessment administered TYPE OF ACCOMMODATION (GO230) ** Not Applicable No No, child did not take test with accommodations Y2 SCORE (GS240) ** Not Applicable UNS PNO Parents request results not be reported to state Yes, child took test with IEP accommodations Unable to answer sample items Picture Naming Score(GB240) Rhyming Score (GB250) Alliteration Score (GB260) (000-096) (000-048) (000-040) ASSESSMENT RECORD PRESCHOOL ASSESSMENT: ASQ:SE October K Reporting Period TEST DATE Year ________ Month______ Day______ Yearend Reporting Period Duration of IEP (# of months): ___________________ All preschool children with disabilities and Early Childhood Education funding complete this record. The questionnaire is to be done by staff with the parent. TEST DATE (GS210) Year ________ Month______ Day______ TEST SCORE (GS240) ___________________________ (000-0495) Not Applicable PNO Parents request results not be reported to state ** TEST LEVEL (GS200) 30 03 30 month form (27-34 months- only from Help Me Grow exit score) (Score 000-435) 3 year form (33-41 months) (Score 000-465) 04 4 year form (42-53 months)(Score 000-495) 05 5 year form (54-65 months)(Score 0-495) TYPE OF ASSESSMENT (GS215) STR Standard SCORE NOT REPORTED (GB235) * A B Document1 Not Applicable C Student Refusal OL Child older than maximum age of 65 months Medical Reasons Parent Refusal D F Suspension/Expulsion Other (Reason not listed) J Student moved in/out of district before assessment administered Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION Beginning in 2006-2007, all preschool children with disabilities have GGG & ASQSE scores reported regardless of the type of services provided. All nondisabled peers enrolled in a state funded unit classroom have GGG scores reported, except for those in DD or ESC programs. Child’s Name Student ID# IEP Begin Date IEP End Date ASSESSMENT RECORD EARLY CHILDHOOD OUTCOMES SUMMARY FORM (ECOSF) October K Reporting Period Yearend Reporting Period Duration of IEP (# of months): ___________________ ASSESSMENT ELEMENT (GM 200) E- POSITIVE SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL SKILLS K- ACQUIRING & USING KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS T-TAKING APPROPRIATE ACTION TO MEET NEED TEST DATE (GM 210) TEST DATE (GM 210) TEST DATE (GM 210) Year ______ Month_____ Day______ Year ______ Month_____ Day______ Year ______ Month_____ Day______ PROGRESS ELEMENT (GM 245) Progress Element (GM 245) Progress Element (GM 245) * - NA-Not applicable – child not assessed F- First assessment (can be used only once) so progress not noted N- Child has not shown any new skills or behaviors Y- Child has shown new skills or behaviors * - NA-Not applicable – child not assessed F- First assessment (can be used only once) so progress not noted N- Child has not shown any new skills or behaviors Y- Child has shown new skills or behaviors * - NA-Not applicable – child not assessed F- First assessment (can be used only once) so progress not noted N- Child has not shown any new skills or behaviors Y- Child has shown new skills or behaviors SCORE NOT REPORTED (GM235) SCORE NOT REPORTED (GM235) SCORE NOT REPORTED (GM235) * Not Applicable A Medical Reasons B Parent Refusal D Suspension/Expulsion F Other (reason not listed) J Student moved in or out of district before summary completed * Not Applicable A Medical Reasons B Parent Refusal D Suspension/Expulsion F Other (reason not listed) J Student moved in or out of district before summary completed * Not Applicable A Medical Reasons B Parent Refusal D Suspension/Expulsion F Other (reason not listed) J Student moved in or out of district before summary completed TEST TYPE (GM215) STR Standard TEST TYPE (GM215) STR Standard TEST TYPE (GM215) STR Standard SCORE (GM240) Circle One 1 2 3 SCORE (GM240) Circle One 1 2 3 SCORE (GM240) Circle One 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 * NA-Not applicable – child not assessed * NA-Not applicable – child not assessed * NA-Not applicable – child not assessed P Parents requested results not reported to state P Parents requested results not reported to state P Parents requested results not reported to state Document1 Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION TRANSITION FROM PART C-DOCUMENTATION OF DATES AND ACTIVITIES District Child Child DOB Initial Awareness of the Child and Family Actual Date: Can occur 12 months prior to the third birthday. The source may be the quarterly report from HMG to district. Comment: Preparation for Transition Conference Actual Date: Can occur nine months prior to the third birthday. HMG Service Coordinator works with the family to determine if the district will be included in the Transition Conference. HMG gathers information for records review and with parent consent shares them with the district. Comment: Records Review Actual Date: Can begin nine months prior to the third birthday. District decides what additional data is needed to determine if a disability is suspected. Comment: Transition Conference (District is required to attend under PL 108-446 IDEA.)-PSTC Actual Date: No later than 90 days and no sooner than 9 months prior to third birthday. May be less than 90 days for children entering HMG 90 to 46 days prior to third birthday. If the child is not suspected of having a disability then the PR-01 form is provided to the family. (EMIS Entryaggregate of those not suspected of having a disability-see form for district information) Comment: 90 days or more prior to third birthday? Yes No PR-01 Form completed? Yes No Referral for Evaluation Date (PR-04 Form)-RFRL (equals the PSTC date) Actual Date: If a disability is suspected, the PR-04 is signed. The date the district signs the PR-04 this is same date as the Transition Conference. The district may choose to have parents sign the PR-05 form at the same time the PR-04 is signed, which may be at the Transition Conference. If the PR-05 is not signed, then there should be a discussion of when it will be signed. Comment: Disability suspected? Yes No Parent/Guardian Consent For Evaluation Date (PR-05Form)-CNST Actual Date: 90 days prior to third birthday or less for children entering HMG 90-45 days prior to the third birthday. The date the PR-05 is signed/or not signed by parent. EMIS Outcomes: Granted Refused (Document parent refusal with PR-O1 or letter from parent) Not returned Moved to Due Process Comment: Evaluation Team Report to Determine Eligibility-IETR Actual Date: Completed no later than 60 days after parental consent or less for children entering HMG 90-45 days prior to the third birthday. EMIS Outcomes: Eligible Disability Code: _____________ Due Process Not Eligible Evaluation delayed with parent consent until child is at least 2 yr. 6 mos. (PR-01) 60 days prior to third birthday? Yes No If no, non-compliance ID required. If child not eligible: Document with PR-01. Comment: IEP Completed-IIEP Actual Date: No later than 30 days after eligibility is determined. On/before child’s third birthday? Yes No If no, why not? Staff not available-summer Staff not available-school year Schedule conflicts with family Parent choice Refused consent Child’s health Provided within 30 days of third birthday Yes No Number of days past third birthday__________ Comment: Documentation will be required to verify compliance. This is a sample form to assist LEAs but is not required. The LEA may modify it to fit local needs and if additional information is desired. Document1 Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION PRESCHOOL CHILD INELIGIBLE FOR SERVICES SCENARIO I: PRESCHOOL CHILD REFERRED FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION, EVALUATED AND FOUND INELIGIBLE Once a child is referred, demographic information must be entered and the “how received” code is V . Child’s First Name (GI330) Child’s Last Name (GI350) Child’s Middle Name (GI 340) Date of Birth* (GI070) Native language Male Female (GI270) [p 26 EMIS Manual] A Asian W White (non-Hispanic) I American Indian or Alaskan Native B Black or African America(non-Hispanic) Racial/Ethnic P Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander H Hispanic/Latino Group (GI090) M Multiracial District of Residence/IRN (GI100) *AGE Note: children are eligible for preschool special education services if they are: Age 4 or 5 as of the district’s cutoff entry date of August 1 st or September 30th OR Age 3 by December 1st **If enrolled as of December 1, child is included in the October (K) reporting period Enroll using date of ETR for effective start and effective end; Percent of Time is 0. 1. PSTC – Preschool Transition Conference Date The date of the transition conference that the School District is required to attend. Invitation from Help Me Grow about a child transitioning from Part C to Part B Services. This element is required only for transitioning preschool students, NOT to be used for reporting the completion of transition services for school-age children. Y ear ________ Month______ Day______ ONLY record if the district was involved in the conference. If child came from another district, do NOT enter. ONLY use for children age 3. 2. RFRL – Referral for Evaluation Date The date the PR04-Referral for Evaluation from is received by the District. This date should be reported for all students referred for evaluation since the last reporting cycle. Year ________ Month______ Day______ 3. CNST – Parent/Guardian Consent for Evaluation Date The date the parent/guardian grants/refuses consent for evaluation, from PR05-Parent Consent for Evaluation Part 1 (Grant Consent) or Part 2 (Refuse Consent). This element should be reported with an Outcome ID to indicate status (e.g. Consent Granted, Consent Refused, etc.). Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: CNGT – Consent Granted CNRF – Consent Refused CNNR - Consent Not Returned CNDP - Consent moved to due process 4. IETR – Evaluation Team Report Completion Date-Initial The date the PR06-Evaluation Team Report is completed (from Part B, PR06). This element should be reported with an Outcome ID to indicate status (e.g. Student was determined to be eligible for services; Student was determined to NOT be eligible for services, etc.). If the Evaluation Team Report completion date does not meet compliance standards, then a Non-compliance ID is required. Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: ETNE – Not eligible for Services ETDP – ETR Resulted in Due Process ETEX - Exiting Special Education Reason why event has not met federally mandated time lines (60 days from parent consent): ** Not Applicable 05-Parental Choice 01-No identified Reason 06-Parent/Guardian Refused Consent 02-Staff Not Available – Summer Months 07-Child’s Health 03-Staff Not Available – School Year 08-Student Incarceration 04-Scheduling Conflicts with Family 09-District in compliance with due process timelines, but incorrect/missing data reported in prior reporting period. 5. CIEP – IEP Consent with drawn by Parent The date the Parent/Guardian withdraws consent for a previously written IEP that is still in effect. Year ________ Month______ Day______ Outcome ID: ETDP – ETR Resulted in Due Process Document1 ETEX – Exiting Special education Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION PRESCHOOL CHILDREN INELIGIBLE FOR SERVICES SCENARIO II: CHILDREN FROM HELP ME GROW/PART C/EARLY INTERVENTION WHO HAVE A PSTC BUT ARE NOT SUSPECTED OF A DISABILITY. RECORD THE AGGREGATE OF ALL CHILDREN IN EMIS. DOCUMENT WITH A PR01 FORM. For children with only a PSTC and no referral/evaluation, there is no demographic record and no “how received” code. Child’s First Name (GI330) Child’s Last Name (GI350) Male Female Racial/Ethnic Group (GI090) W B H Child’s Middle Name (GI 340) Date of Birth* (GI070) Native language (GI270) [p 26 EMIS Manual] A Asian White (non-Hispanic) I American Indian or Alaskan Native Black or African America(non-Hispanic) P Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino M Multiracial District of Residence/IRN (GI100) ☼ Preschool Transition Conferences Held After 3rd Birthday No Disability Suspected Element Record Field Number DR750 Count of preschool transition conferences Check if (PSTC) for students potentially moving from Part C to Part B special applicable education services where a decision was made at the PSTC that no disability was suspected and where the district will not pursue additional evaluation of the child. The PSTC occurred after the child’s 3rd birthday. Valid Options 000 – 999 Reporting Instructions. This element is reported by city, local, and exempted village school districts and represents a final headcount as of the district’s yearend (July 1 to June 30). ☼ Preschool Transition Conferences Held By 3rd Birthday No Disability Suspected Element Record Field Number DR740 Count of preschool transition conferences (PSTC) for students Check if potentially moving from Part C to Part B special education services applicable where a decision was made at the PSTC that no disability was suspected and where the district will not pursue additional evaluation of the child. The PSTC occurred by the child’s 3rd birthday. Valid Options 000 – 999 Reporting Instructions. This element is reported by city, local, and exempted village school districts and represents a final headcount as of the district’s year end (July 1 to June 30). Document1 Child School Year 2011-2012 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION Preschool Transition Conference (PSTC) Optional Form Child’s Name Child’s Date of Birth District Date of Transition Conference Location of Transition Conference The result of the conference is: Referral (Attach PR04) Parent Consent (Attach PR05) PR-01- No suspected disability (Attach PR01) PR-01- Delay date for evaluation (Attach PR01) Signatures documents (for audit purposes) that the district representative attended the Preschool Transition Conference. Print Name District Representative HMG Service Coordinator Parent Other Attendees: Document1 Signature Date