Record of School Achievement Assessment Policy Years 9 & 10

YEARS 9 and 10 – 2015
The NSW Record of School Achievement will be available at the end of Year 10 only to those students who
have fulfilled all requirements, in terms of courses, course patterns, attendance, application, participation
and school assessment.
Students at Killarney Heights High School study five core subjects – English, Mathematics, Science, Australian
History and Australian Geography together with three elective courses. Subjects must be satisfactorily
completed in order to be awarded a NSW Record of School Achievement. Students must also have had
adequate experience in Physical Education.
Satisfactory application is essential for the award of a NSW Record of School Achievement. A judgement will
be made by the Principal as to whether students have applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort
at school for the award of a NSW Record of School Achievement. In making this judgement, the Principal will
take into account the degree of effort shown by the students and their attitude to their studies.
Where the School considers that a student’s application is such that it could lead to the non-award of a NSW
Record of School Achievement, the student will be warned and the parent or guardian will be advised by way
of the Half Yearly Report or various letters including “Non-Completion of a NSW Record of School
Achievement Course – Official Warning”, as necessary.
The Award of Grades for the NSW Record of School Achievement
The school will allocate grades to our students on the basis of internal testing and/or assessment in the
school. All subjects studied for the NSW Record of School Achievement will be awarded grades (A to E or N)
and these will be based on how well the students have achieved in the course according to sets of General
Performance Descriptors prepared by the various Syllabus Committees. The grades for these subjects are
based on achievement as follows (according to the Descriptors for each subject).
Extensive knowledge and understanding of course content
Thorough knowledge and understanding of course content
Sound knowledge and understanding of course content
Basic knowledge and understanding of course content
Elementary knowledge and understanding of course content
Any student who does not satisfactorily complete the course of study
For Mathematics there are 9 grades – A10, A9, B8, B7, C6, C5, D4, D3 and E2:
The ‘N’ Grade
The ‘N’ grade is possible for each subject. This occurs when a course has not been satisfactorily completed in one or
more of the following areas:
Attendance – classes must be attended regularly in order to follow the courses developed or
endorsed by the Board of Studies
Participation – in all work associated with the subject including both assessment and course work
Effort and Achievement to satisfy the diligence and sustained effort requirements
Outcomes –achieving at least some of the course outcomes
Implications of ‘N’ Awards
If a student receives an ‘N’ determination in one or more Mandatory Subjects (English,
Mathematics, Science, Australian History or Australian Geography) the NSW Record of School
Achievement is not awarded in that year.
If a student receives an ‘N’ determination in an Elective Subject then the subject does not appear
in the NSW Record of School Achievement documentation
Students who are heading towards an ‘N’ determination will be interviewed by the relevant Head Teacher. If
the student fails to improve in application and achievement then a warning letter will be posted to the
student’s home. Two such letters followed by a parent interview could be seen as sufficient basis to consider
an ‘N’ grade if the pattern of performance continues without improvement.
Where a task takes the form of a test the supervisor’s instructions must be followed
Students must not
Communicate to any other student during the exam/assessment task, disturb the work of any
other students or disturb the exam/task
No books, notes, papers, equipment, electronic devices such as mobile phones or ipods other than
those specifically permitted by the supervisor, may be taken into the exam room
Where the task is not an exam it must be the work of the student submitting it
Students who breach these regulations can receive a ‘zero’ result as a penalty
Late Submission of Tasks
Failure to submit any form of assessment task on time (including technology failure) must be supported by a
note of explanation from parents or a Medical Certificate.
A valid note of explanation is required for tasks handed in late or examinations
missed due to absences. Otherwise, if the task has not been received by the teacher
on the due date, 10% will be deducted each day until the task is handed in. Students
are still required to complete the task to satisfy assessment requirements and for
Tasks to be handed in are required to be given to the relevant teacher by the
day/date/time specified by the relevant Head Teacher. If the task and a valid note
of explanation have not been received by the teacher on the date of return of an
absent student, a zero mark will be awarded. Students are still required to complete
the task to satisfy requirements for the award of the NSW Record of School
Achievement and for feedback. This also applies to late submission of tasks.
Students who are not eligible for a NSW Record of School Achievement, but are
completing Year 10 and otherwise meeting requirements will be issued with a
Transcript of Study for Year 10. Their Transcript of Study will indicate “Not eligible for
the NSW Record of School Achievement”.
Students whose overall attendance or application is deemed unsatisfactory (leading
to unsatisfactory achievement) will receive neither a NSW Record of School
Achievement nor a Transcript of Study. This could impact on their eligibility to
undertake Preliminary Studies.
If you have any questions or concerns at any stage please seek help. This is available from your class
teachers, the Head Teachers, Year Coordinator and the Deputy Principal.