Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures 2013
Creative Writing / Journalism will also be offered in Period 1
Science classes have been changed and additional grades are included
The computer class will not be held this year (construction)
The Youth Center is running the transporation from Armor Elementary to the Youth
Center Monday – Thursdays at 12:20pm July 8 – August 1
And Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 from August 6 – 9 th (KidsPlay ends on 8/9)
Student information and medical release forms are now included in this document, please continue to scroll through to the last pages.
The Hamburg Memorial Youth Center is providing transportation to KidsPlay at no charge.
The transportation is scheduled for 12:20pm from Armor Elementary to the Youth Center.
(Please note that KidsPlay ends on August 9 th )
Students whose classes end prior to Period Three cannot remain on the school property.
The school administrator will be staying with the students until the pickup is complete.
Students are responsible for bringing their own food and beverage.
*scholarships are awarded by Hamburg Central School district and are available for district students only, classes are open to non-district students
Scholarships are awarded by the building Principal and are for Math and ELA courses only
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures, Course Offerings, Summer 2013 Page 1
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures 2013
June 1, 2013
Dear Parents,
In summer 2011 a group of parent volunteers helped to launch Hamburg Horizons to offer academic enrichment and exploration classes over the summer break. We’d like to recognize Superintendent Achramovitch, and his team for helping us to have a successful second year! Kudos, and thanks for your ongoing support.
The mission of the school is to offer academic-based classes to enrich a child’s life and support personal growth. Funding is currently
100% tuition based. Tuition and future donations will be utilized to continue the low-cost tuition for ELA and Math classes and scholarships. This year we’ve added Middle School and High School classes (not for High School graduation credits).
Class size is limited to 15 students. If more than 15 students enroll a second class may be added. To keep costs at a minimum, students will receive an email from their teacher with a list of supplies in advance of the first week of classes.
Registration information and course offerings are attached. ELA and Math classes are a review of the 2012-2013 curriculum and also include a preview of next year’s curriculum. All teachers are NYS certified. An Emergency Medical Technician will be on duty during school hours. All classes will be held at Armor Elementary School. Please enter under the canopy / bus entrance. Not the main entrance.
This year we are excited to once again offer a Summer Musical under the direction of Mrs. Juanita Huber of Charlotte Avenue School
Last year’s performance was a big hit, over 130 people attended!
Registration deadline is Monday, June 17th, 2013.
Completed forms must be postmarked by June 17, 2013.
Dates: Monday through Thursday, July 8 – August 1 from 8:30 – 11:50 (school has not been assigned yet)
The Musical – The Princess and the Pea: August 6 – 23, Tuesday – Friday 9am – 11:50am
No early arrivals or late pickups will be allowed.
Scholarships: for families or students interested in applying for scholarships, please see your building Principal. The
Hamburg Central School district determines eligibility. Scholarships are for district students and are for math and ELA classes only.
This year, the Hamburg Village Recreation Department is offering free transportation to their Kids Play program. They will pickup students at 12:20pm from the Hamburg Horizons program. Please note on the registration form if you need transportation for your child. Students must be in attendance in period 3 for the transportation.
With much enthusiasm, delight, and thanks to all who have lent their time and wisdom and to our returning students & teachers, future students and their families, we are excited to get our Third year underway.
We appreciate your support!
Warm regards,
Hamburg Horizons Summer School
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures, Course Offerings, Summer 2013 Page 2
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures 2013
Note: Tuition is lower than Exploratory classes to encourage enrollment
Course 101 Times Current Grade level in 2012 – 2013 Tuition
English Language Arts (ELA) Period 1 8:30 – 9:30am K , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 $115
: Students will review key elements of the student’s current grade and gain an introduction to the beginning of next year’s curriculum. One Class per grade level.
Course 102 Times Current Grade level in 2012 – 2013 Tuition
Math Period 2 9:40 – 10:40am K , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 $115
: Students will review key elements of the student’s current grade and gain an introduction to the beginning of next year’s curriculum. One Class per grade level.
Course 103
Fairy Tale Fun!
Period 1 8:30 – 9:30am
Current Grade level in 2012- 2013
: Teachers will read and share a variety of Fairy Tale stories and with the children’s help, bring the characters to life by acting out the characters in the stories. Students will also make puppets, learn lines and take part in a Puppet Theater show!
Course 103 Times Current Grade Level 2010 – 2011 Tuition
Book Buddies Period 2 9:40– 10:40am K – 2 $135
: Who knows the best books out there? Can you share them with us? Let’s be Buddies and share our favorites! Comic books count too! Books are an opportunity to learn, share and explore all kinds of neat things. Why not spend some time learning
Course 104
Books and Cooks from your friends what’s cool in their lives! We will create posters, cartoons, and a newsletter to share our favorites with our friends to remember all the books we discover and discuss.
Times Current Grade level in 2012 – 2013 Tuition
Period 2 9:40 – 10:40am 3 - 5 $135
An enriching program involving literature based, hands on cooking activities that promote literacy through cooking.
Students will be engaged in activities, which teach a variety of responsibilities such as gathering materials, cleaning up, and working cooperatively. Students will compile recipes from classes to build their own cookbook to share with their families.
Course 105 Times
Journalism and Creative Writing Period 1 8:30 – 9:30 and
Period 3 10:50 – 11:50am
Current Grade level in 2012 – 2013 Tuition
4 - 7 $135
/ Middle
: Are you dreaming of writing a best seller or writing your own sports or fashion column or better yet, use your drawing and writing talent to create the next hit comic strip? Writing is a very creative process and brainstorming with classmates may land you on the New York Times Best Seller list! Join us and get started this summer!
Course 106 Times Current Grade level in 2012 – 2013 Tuition
Expository Writing / Study Skills
Sign up for one or both
Period 3 10:50 – 11:50am 8 - 12 $135 all four weeks
$75 two weeks
Middle /
Whether you are writing essays for college or to prepare you for next year, strong writing skills are key elements to success. We’ll help you hone your ability. We’ll also take time to help you build your study skills. The first two weeks are writing skills and the second two weeks are study skills, just what you’ve been dreaming about. We’ll make it fun, we promise
We’ll be inviting a college admissions specialist to help understand how to write a successful college application / essay.
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures, Course Offerings, Summer 2013 Page 3
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures 2013
Course 107 Times Current Grade level in 2012 – 2013 Tuition
Graphic Novels, Science Fiction, Poetry Period 2 9:40 – 10:40am 6 - 12 $135
Middle /
Are you the next famous writer with a movie to your credit or a television show viewed by millions? Have you ever been a part of a Poetry slam? Well, sign up, get your keyboard or pen moving and let’s get famous!
Course 108
Period 1 8:30 – 9:30am
Current Grade Level 2012 – 2013
3 - 6
Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Degas all started by learning the basics. You will learn techniques to make beautiful works of art using watercolors, acrylics, pencil and ink. Showcase your talents to your family, friends and classmates.
Course 109 Times Current Grade Level 2012-2013 Tuition
Paper Mache’ Period 3 10:50 – 11:50am 4 – 8 $135
: Students will explore art paper Mache’! We will make functional as well as sculptural pieces, and learn how to use glazes, paints and different techniques to create one of a kind three dimensional art. If you like working with your hands, this class is for you!
Course 110 Times Current Grade Level in 2012 - 2013 Tuition
Arts and Crafts Period 2 9:40 – 10:40am K – 3 $135
: CRAFTS! CRAFTS! CRAFTS! Students will use their creative ideas and different media to create wonderful art projects. Most of the art projects are made from things found at home too. We will learn how to paper Mache’, weave, make necklaces and bracelets using newspaper and beads and enjoy many more fun craft activities. They can create crafts for friends, family.
Course 111
Motor City Skills
Time Current grade level 2010 - 2011
Period 3 10:50 – 11:50am K-2
: Enjoy building blocks, paints, construction and even make your own car, creative activities all designed to improve motor skills and hand eye coordination. You’ll also draw, cut, and glue to make creations you can show off!
Course 113
Voice /Drama
Time Current grade level 2010 - 2011
Period 3 10:50 – 11:50am 4 -7
/ Middle
: La, la, la, laaaaa, squeak! We can’t hear you in the back row! How to overcome stage fright, project your voice and learn to become a character (other than yourself). Don’t we all dream of being on the cover of a magazine with our entourage taking care of all our trivial details and fan club? Joins us, have fun and get your confidence up (if it’s not stellar already).
(Enrollment is limited to 30 students) Performance Date: Friday, August 23 rd 7pm
Times Current Grade level in 2012 – 2013 Tuition Course 112
Summer Music Theatre August 6- 23 only
The Princess and the Pea 9:00 – 11:50am
Tuesday - Friday
Mrs. Huber & Mrs. Edie
/ Middle
: So you think this is the sweet story written by Hans Christian-Anderson and you know all the characters and storyline. Well, think again. This adaptation will not leave you black and blue like our dear princess, but more like rolling in the aisles as you meet the castle staff, hopeful princess brides and learn how the handsome prince deals with the ordeal of meeting his beloved. What will really keep you at the edge of your seat is counting how long the audience stands on their feet and claps for our actors on the night of the performance! If we repeat last year’s success, plan to eat your bedtime snack before you arrive!
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures, Course Offerings, Summer 2013 Page 4
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures 2013
Course 114
Growing Things
Period 1 8:30-9:30
Current grade level 2012-2013
K - 3
Young scientists explore their own basic needs and those of other living things. Students explore the school grounds or another nearby space to discover what other living things can be found. They construct micro habitats in order to more closely observe found organisms (mini-beasts).
Course 115
Period 2 and Period 3
Current grade level 2012-2013
2 - 5
Ecosystems - Life Science: Students will design an environment with both living and non-living things in a bottle to take home. These environments, called ecosystems, demonstrate that many complex relationships exist in nature.
Applications to real life situations are approached by the examination of a real environmental problem. This analysis will lead to a mini-conference conducted by the students.
Course 116 Times
If demand is high, we’ll add a second class. CANCELED
Current Grade level 2012-2013 Tuition
Computers? Period 2 9:40 – 10:40am 3 – 5 CANCELED $135
Learn from a computer specialist how to research your class assignments, create great presentations and graphics while you improve your typing and keyboarding skills. We won’t leave the writing out of this course. Your work will be appreciated by all!
Course 117 Times
Playground Dream Team Period 1 8:30 – 9:30am
Current Grade level 2012-2013
4 – 6
/ Middle
: Prerequisite: Students must have a solid understanding of basic math skills, geometry concepts (area and perimeter) and feel comfortable working with fractions and decimals. We all know how fun playgrounds are, but do we ever think about what planning takes place before we can play? In this course, students will explore what it takes to plan and construct a school playground. We’ll explore budgeting, safety requirements, space limitations and many more aspects of playground planning.
Course 118
The History of Math
Times Current Grade level 2012-2013
Period 2 9:40 – 10:40am 6 - 8
The History of Math Students will explore ancient and more recent contributions to the math world. From Archimedes to Isaac Newton and beyond, students will choose a mathematician to research and then prepare a presentation to teach others the concept that their mathematician developed and why they are so important. Prerequisites: Students must be comfortable working with middle school math concepts.
(Please send in the registration today!)
Tuition: Per student per class basis.
Discount: Enrollment in three classes: the total tuition is discounted to $325.00.
Scholarships: Please contact your Hamburg School District Principal for scholarship information. Scholarships are for district students only and qualifications are decided by the school district not Hamburg Horizons.
Class size: Class sizes are limited to 15 students. If there are more than 15 students we may add a second
Teachers: All teachers are NY State Certified.
Teacher Assignments: Teachers names & supply list will be sent by July 1.
Emergency Medical Technician: An EMT will be on staff during classroom hours.
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures, Course Offerings, Summer 2013 Page 5
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures 2013
All Classes held at: Armor Elementary School – Bus Entrance – Under the Canopy
The registration deadline is Monday, June 17, 2013. Registrations are taken in the order they are received. You will receive an email
ONLY IF CLASSES ARE CANCELLED due to low enrollment by June 22st. Mail-in registrations must be postmarked by June 17 th .
Please fill out a separate registration form for each class. Exploratory classes need a minimum of five (5) students to run.
A special note on Grade Levels: Grade levels are the grade the student is currently in for the 2011-2012 school year.
The Summer Musical will be held August 6 – August 23, Tuesday through Friday 9am – 11:50am
Cancellations: No refunds for cancellations after June 22. Refunds for classes with insufficient enrollment will be mailed by July 1.
Transportation: The Hamburg Memorial Youth Center is providing transportation to Kids Play at no charge. The transportation is
scheduled for pickup at 12:20pm from the school to the Youth Center. Students whose classes end prior to period three cannot
remain on the school property. The school administrator will be on site until 12:30 to ensure the pickup is completed. Students are responsible for bringing their own food and beverage.
All Students must be picked up at the end of class(s). No early arrivals or late pick-ups are allowed.
For further information please email: If you would like a phone call, please include your number.
Make checks payable to: Hamburg Horizons Summer School
Registering by Mail: Send registration form (s) and payment to: Hamburg Horizons, P.O. Box 1111, Hamburg, NY 14075
_______________________________________________Cut Here____________________________________________________
Class Title
Class Title
Student name Current Grade level
Student name Current Grade level
Parent/Guardian name
Parent/Guardian name
Address (Street, Town, Zip)
Address (Street, Town, Zip)
Email address (mandatory)
Email address (mandatory)
Phone and cell phone
Phone and cell phone
Class is offered more than once.
Rank order your selections.
Class fee
Time: circle preferred time(s) if
Period 1 8:30- 9:30
Period 2 9:40 – 10:40
Date rcvd
Email sent
Class fee
Time: circle preferred time(s) if
Class is offered more than once.
Rank order your selections
Period 1: 8:30 – 9:30
Period 2 9:40– 10:40
Date rcvd
Period 1 8:30-
Email sent
Period 3 10:50 – 11:50
You can circle more than one period if you’re flexible
Period 3 10:50 – 11:50
You can circle more than one period if you’re flexible
Need transportation to Youth Center Y / N
Need transportation to Youth Center Y / N
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures, Course Offerings, Summer 2013 Page 6
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures 2013
Student’s name
Parent/Guardian #1
Parent/Guardian #2
Student may be released to: alternates
Date of Birth
Grade in 2012-2013
Current School
Home number
Parent/Guardian #1 Cell Parent/Guardian #2 Day # Release to:
Y / N
Parent/Guardian #2 Cell Parent/Guardian #2 Day # Release to:
Relationship Daytime number
Y / N
Cell phone
Name of physician Phone number Notes:
Medical conditions (ie: allergies, medications, restrictions in physical activity)
Emergency Medical Authorization:
In case of an emergency and if I/we cannot be reached, I the undersigned parent or guardian of the above named student, a minor, do hereby authorize a representative of Hamburg Horizons Inc. and or alternates listed above to act as agent(s) to consent to any x-ray, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care deemed advisable and rendered by a licensed physician or surgeon, whether in the office or in a licensed hospital. This authorization is given in advance of any required care to empower a representative or official of Hamburg Horizons to give consent for such treatment as the physician may deem advisable.
Parent/Guardian signature Date:
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures, Course Offerings, Summer 2013 Page 7
Hamburg Horizons Educational Adventures 2013
Armor Elementary School 5301 Abbott Rd Hamburg, NY 14075
(716) 646-3350
The administration has asked that you drop them off at the entrance and not cross the parking lot with your child.
Please be prompt to pick up your child. There is only a 10 minute break between classes. Thank you!
: Select one option only
My student is a walker and can be released at the end of his/her classes without a parent/guardian meeting them inside the building. Yes / No
My student can only be released to the above named parents/guardians who will meet them in the classroom.
Yes / No
My student will be going to the Youth Center program and taking the van service provided by the Youth Center. I understand that Hamburg Horizons has no connection with the Youth Center program and is not liable for any transportation issues or accidents with their service. Yes / No
Date: Parent/Guardian signature
If you are reporting an absence, a late arrival or early dismissal, please call 239-5542.
If you need to get a message to us or your student during school hours, please call 239-5542. a.
As a back up the office staff at the Armor Elementary School will contact us if you cannot reach us at the number above. There number is: (716) 646-3350.
If your child has contracted a disease that could be contagious, please contact us.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us.
If you know of dates that your child will not be attending please provide them below.
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