2012 NNPHI Annual Conference Abstract Form NNPHI is seeking abstracts for roundtable discussions and breakout sessions at the 2012 NNPHI Annual Conference. You are invited to submit an abstract for either a roundtable discussion and/or a breakout session. Abstracts are due to NNPHI by 5:00 pm CST on Thursday, March 1, 2012. Please complete this form with as much detail as possible. A full, yet concise description of your roundtable and/or breakout session idea will help the conference planning committee to better understand the purpose and value of the discussions being proposed. Enter your responses in the gray boxes that are available in each section. This year NNPHI is offering two options for abstract submissions, a roundtable discussion and/or a breakout session. A description of the two options is provided below. (You may submit an abstract for both): Roundtable Discussion Format: There will be two roundtable sessions that will each last 45 minutes. Presenters will provide a 10-15 minute informal presentation to the group at the designated table and engage participants in a discussion about the topic at hand. Based on the number of accepted abstracts, presenters may be asked to host back to back sessions. Breakout Session Format: There will be one breakout session open for abstract submission at the 2012 NNPHI Annual Conference. The breakout session will feature three presentations that will occur at the same time. Each session will last one hour. Presenters will provide a 20-30 minute presentation on the chosen topic and engage the audience in discussion afterwards. Interactive sessions that feature small group work or other activities are especially encouraged. 1. Please indicate which option you are submitting an abstract for by clicking on the appropriate box(es) below. (You may submit one abstract for both options): Roundtable Breakout Session Both 2. Presentation Title: 3. Presentation Description - Please write a short description of the presentation (less than 150 words). Presentations that discuss successes and challenges unique to public health institutes, state health policy centers and public health system partnerships and/or those that offer specific tools, models or strategies as take-aways are especially encouraged. Please note that the presentation description will be published in the conference program for participants. 4. Please list at least three specific learning objectives. If submitting for a breakout session, please be sure to note any educational activities that are planned that may enhance your learning objectives. Please note that the learning objectives will be published in the conference program for participants: a. b. c. 5. Priority will be given to presentations that focus on “hot topics” in public health and among public health institutes. A list of “hot topics” is below. Please indicate if you plan to present on a hot topic by checking off the appropriate box (es) next to each hot topic. Please keep in mind that this public health hot topic list is not exhaustive and other relevant, critical or emerging topics will also be considered. If you do not choose one of the “hot topics” listed below, please choose “other” and state your alternative hot topic in the grey box. Accreditation and Quality Improvement: Highlight strategic roles and/or activities of public health institutes for supporting agency and systems improvement initiatives including preparation for accreditation and implementation of Quality Improvement processes to address public health issues. Abstracts that share about specific supportive roles that public health institutes play in supporting state and/or local health departments in meeting the requirements for PHAB are especially encouraged. Assessments: Highlight the strategic role of public health institutes in supporting assessment processes such as Health Impact Assessments, Community Health Assessments (CHAs) and Community Needs Assessments to address policy change and/or systems change. Discuss the use of assessments to engage community partners, build relationships, promote 2 accessibility and use of data, provide information for decisions, impact policy, inform the new IRS 990 schedule H requirements and/or aid in the development of policies. For CHAs, priority will be given to assessments done in collaboration with hospitals and/or health departments as part of the requirements from IRS and/or PHAB. Health in All Policies: Abstracts that highlight activities that are helping decision makers understand the links between policies and intervention, health determinants and health outcomes are encouraged as well as any activities related to the National Prevention Strategy. Health Impact Assessments (HIAs) are one tool to support Health in All Policies; HIA projects as well as other approaches to Health in All Polices are encouraged. Abstracts that also discuss ways to combine efforts around policies related to food, agriculture, obesity, SNAP-Ed, food safety, farmer’s markets, etc are encouraged as well. Health Systems: Discuss ways that your organization is acting as a bridge across the different components of the transforming healthcare delivery system. Examples of building relationships across systems with multiple partners (such as linkages between primary care to behavioral health and/or hospitals and governmental public health) and foster community engagement around the social determinants of health, and playing a role in offering technical assistance, are strongly encouraged. Additionally, abstracts that share public health institute roles in workforce development for systems are also encouraged. Return on Investment for Public Health: Share innovative practices or models that contribute to making the case for the value of prevention. Discuss strategies for achieving cost savings and return on investments for public health work as well as strategies for communication with national, state and/or local decision makers on the value of prevention. Technology and Public Health: Share innovative projects or models that are utilizing technology to address population health goals. Abstracts that highlight meaningful use and electronic medical records, cell phone interventions such as texting and/or social media campaigns using Facebook, Twitter and other platforms are especially encouraged. Translating Research to Practice: Abstracts that highlight the roles public health institutes play in building the evidencebase for public health practice. Additionally, abstracts that describe how public health institutes support state and local public health system partners in the use of research to inform decisions and improve public health policy and practice are especially encouraged. Other: NNPHI encourages “other” presentations that highlight business opportunities for public health institutes. Please specify the topic. 6. Why is this presentation particularly relevant and timely? (less than 150 words) 7. All discussions should relate to one or more of the following core competencies (Please check all that apply): 3 Fiscal/Administrative Management: Share innovative internal practices or unique organizational structures that contribute to organizational effectiveness. Discuss strategies for strengthening infrastructure and organizational capacity. Population-based Health Programs: Discuss ground breaking programmatic activities, in any topic, conducted by the organization and its partners. Share challenges and opportunities related to addressing the population health agenda in your state. Health Policy Development, Implementation and Evaluation: Discuss ground breaking policy development, implementation, research and evaluation. Sessions that address state/local health reform and legislative education models are particularly welcome. Training/Technical Assistance: Share unique internal or external training practices and/or models. Outline current technical assistance models and activities, including but not limited to organizational development, accreditation, policy, etc. Research/Evaluation: Share innovative research on population health programs and systems; describe organizational evaluation capacity; and discuss efforts to link evaluation to return on investment for partners and funders. Health Informatics: Discuss organizational roles in convening partners, advancing implementation, and/or providing direct technical assistance for the adoption of health information technology. Social Marketing/Health Communications: Share methods for communicating with multiple stakeholders. Discuss models for communicating the vision and mission of the organization with external stakeholders and partners. Convening/Partnering: Discuss innovative collaborations and the impact or effect of those partnerships. Discuss roles and responsibilities of partners and convening organization. Share challenges and opportunities in partnerships. Abstracts that demonstrate convening stakeholders from multiple sectors are especially encouraged. 8. Presenter Contact Information (Please complete for all presenters): Name: Title: Organization: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Co-Presenter Contact Information (if applicable) Name: Title: Organization: Address: City: State: Zip: 4 Phone: Fax: E-mail: 9. Submitter Contact Information: Name: Title: Organization: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Deadline: Abstracts are due to NNPHI by 5:00pm CST Thursday, March 1, 2012. Please send proposals to: NNPHI 2012 Conference Session Abstracts Attention: Katie Dabdoub E-mail: kdabdoub@nnphi.org Submitters and presenters will be notified of the selected abstracts by late March 2012. 5