1) Biomass: renewable resource that comes from living things
that can be burned to release energy.
2) Hydropower: power created by moving water.
3) Nuclear power: power created by nuclear reactions.
4) Nonrenewable resource: an energy source that cannot be
replaced once it is used.
5) Coal: brown/black combustible sedimentary rock formed from
plant remains over millions of years.
6) Oil: nonrenewable, fast depleting fossil fuel used for energy
7) Natural gas: mixture of hydrocarbon gases that is used as a fuel
and in the manufacture of organic compounds
8) Geothermal energy: energy source from heat inside the Earth.
9) Renewable resource: energy source that can be replaced by
natural processes in a short amount of time.
10) Inexhaustible resource: energy source that cannot be used up.
11) Solar resources: energy transmitted from the Sun in the form
of heat and light.
12) Wind power: energy source caused by moving air.
13) Pollution: the presence of harmful or unwanted level of toxins.
14) Fossil fuels: a natural fuel such as coal, oil or natural gas
formed in the geological past from the remains of living
1) Biomass: renewable resource that comes from living things
that can be burned to release energy.
2) Hydropower: Power created by moving water.
3) Nuclear power: power created by nuclear reactions.
4) Nonrenewable resource: an energy source that cannot be
replaced once it is used.
5) Coal: brown/black combustible sedimentary rock formed from
plant remains over millions of years.
6) Oil: nonrenewable, fast depleting fossil fuel used for energy
7) Natural gas: mixture of hydrocarbon gases that is used as a fuel
and in the manufacture of organic compounds
8) Geothermal energy: energy source from heat inside the Earth.
9) Renewable resource: energy source that can be replaced by
natural processes in a short amount of time.
10) Inexhaustible resource: energy source that cannot be used up.
11) Solar resources: energy transmitted from the Sun in the form
of heat and light.
12) Wind power: energy source caused by moving air.
13) Pollution: the presence of harmful or unwanted level of toxins.
14) Fossil Fuels: a natural fuel such as coal, oil or natural gas
formed in the geological past from the remains of living