spelling homework

Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 1
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Spelling Shapes
Count your spelling words.
Draw one shape for each
word. Then write your
spelling words inside of the
Spelling Poem
Write a poem using several of
your spelling words.
Underline the words that you
use. Illustrate your poem.
Backwards Words
Write your spelling words
forewords and then
Scrambled Words
Fold a piece of paper 3 times
lengthwise. Write your words in the
first column. Then write them with
the letters scrambled up in the
second column. Come back later to
write the unscrambled words in the
third column.
Consonant Circle
Write each of your spelling
words. Then go back and
circle all of the consonants in
your words. Don’t forget to
write neatly!
Rainbow Write
First write each word in
pencil. Then trace over each
word three times. Each time
your trace, you must use a
different color crayon/marker.
Silly Sentences
Write silly sentences using a
spelling word in each
sentence. Underline your
spelling words. Write neatly!
Spelling Flowers
Draw a picture of a great big
flower. Write each of your
spelling words on one of the
flower petals or on a leaf.
Draw extra flowers if you run
out of room.
Telephone Words
First write your spelling words
in a list. Then look at you
telephone keypad. Translate
each letter into the numbers
on the keypad. Now write
your spelling words using this
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 2
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Spelling Bee
Practice your spelling words in
Spelling Bee style. Spell your
words out loud to a parent or
Spelling Flashcards
Make a set of flashcards to
practice your spelling words.
When you look at your
flashcard, read the word and
then spell it out loud.
Pyramid Writing
Pyramid write your spelling
words. You must write
Ex. bug
ABC Order
First write your spelling words
in a list. Then write them in
ABC order.
Write you words in reverse
ACB order.
Story, Story
Write a story using ALL of
your spelling words. Be sure
to underline your spelling
You may type your story and
email it to me
Create an Activity
Can you think of a really fun
way you practice your spelling
Then go for it!
Be sure to explain your
activity so that I can share it
with the class!
Blue Vowels
Bubble letters
Write each of your spelling
Write your spelling words in
words. You will need a blue
bubble letters. After you
colored pencil. Trace over the write your words, color your
vowels in each word with your words with a crayon or pencil.
blue pencil.
Vowels a e i o u
Squiggly Spelling Words
You are going to write your
spelling words 2 times. First
write your words in regular
letters. Then write the words
again in squiggly letters.
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 3
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Adding My Words
Each letter has a value.
Consonants are worth 10.
Vowels are worth 5.
Write your spelling words.
Then add up the value of each
Connect the Dots
Write your spelling words in
dots. Then connect the dots
by tracing over them with a
colored pencil.
Magazine Words
Use an old magazine and find
your words (or the letters that
make up your words). Cut
them out and glue on your
Three Times
Write each spelling word
three times. First, write in
pencil. Second, write each
word in crayon & third, write
each word in marker.
You must write neatly!
Choo-Choo Words
Write the entire list end-toend as one long word (like a
train). Use a different color
for each word.
Colorful Words
Write each of your spelling
words using a different color
for each letter.
Rhyming Words
Write each of your spelling
words. Next to each word
write a rhyming word. If
necessary, your rhyming word
can be a nonsense word (as
long as it follows the same
spelling pattern)
Upper & Lower
Write your spelling words 2
times each.
First, write each word in
uppercase letters. Second,
write each word in lowercase
Across and Down
Write each of your spelling
words across and then down.
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 4
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Telephone Words
First write your words in a list.
Then look at your telephone
keypad. Translate each letter
into the numbers on the
keypad. Now write your
spelling words using this code.
Type ‘Em
Type your spelling words on
the computer. Make each
word have a different font.
You can even email your
words to me.
Trace Around
Write each of your spelling
words using a pencil. Then
trace around each word with
a crayon, marker, etc.
Write each of your words on 2
index cards. Turn the cards
face down and mix them up.
Flip 2 cards over at a time any
try to find a match.
Sentence Please
Write sentences using each of
your spelling words. You may
use more than 1 word in a
Underline your spelling
Spelling flowers
Draw a picture of a great big
flower. Write each of your
spelling words on one of the
petals or on a leaf. Draw
extra flowers if you run out of
Word Search
Make a word search using
your spelling words.
Then find your words
Other Handed
First write your spelling words
the way you usually do it.
Then, try writing the list with
your other hand.
Magazine Words
Use an old magazine and find
your words (or the letters that
make up your words). Cut
them out and glue on your
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 5
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Spelling Flashcards
Make a set of flashcards to
practice your spelling words.
When you look at the
flashcard, read the word and
then spell it out loud.
Words without Vowels
Write your spelling words on
a list, but replace all the
vowels with a line. Then go
back to the beginning of your
list and see if you can fill in
the correct missing vowel.
Three Times
Write each spelling word
three times. First, write in
pencil. Second, write each
word in crayon & third, write
each word in marker.
You must write neatly!
Words Without Consonants
Write your spelling words but
replace all the consonants
with a line. Then go back to
the beginning of the list and
see if you can fill in the
correct missing consonants.
Practice Test
Take a practice test. Have
your mom or dad ask you to
spell your spelling words.
Check your practice test and
correct any missed word.
Words Within Words
Write each spelling word and
then write at least 2 words
made from the same letters
that is hidden inside the word.
Ex. slide
lid lie led
Rainbow Write
First write each word in
pencil. Then trace over each
word three times. Each time
your trace, you must use a
different color crayon/marker.
Choo-Choo Words
Write the entire list end-toend as one long word (like a
train). Use a different color
for each word.
Scrambled Words
Fold a piece of paper 3 times
lengthwise. Write your words
in the first column. Then
write them with the letters
scrambled up in the second
column. Come back later to
write the unscrambled words
in the third column.
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 6
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Bubble letters
Write your spelling words in
bubble letters. After you
write your words, color your
words with a crayon or pencil.
Magazine Words
Use an old magazine and find
your words (or the letters that
make up your words). Cut
them out and glue on your
Spelling Poem
Write a poem using several of
your spelling words.
Underline the words that you
use. Illustrate your poem.
Pyramid write your spelling
words. You must write
Ex. bug
Spelling Shapes
Count your spelling words.
Draw one shape for each
word. Then write your
spelling words inside of the
ABC Order
First write your spelling words
in a list. Then write them in
ABC order.
Write you words in reverse
ACB order.
Bubble letters
Write your spelling words in
bubble letters. After you
write your words, color your
words with a crayon or pencil.
Connect the Dots
Write your spelling words in
dots. Then connect the dots
by tracing over them with a
colored pencil.
Silly Sentences
Write silly sentences using a
spelling word in each
sentence. Underline your
spelling words. Write neatly!
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 7
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Bubble letters
Write your spelling words in
bubble letters. After you
write your words, color your
words with a crayon or pencil.
Backwards Words
Write your spelling words
forewords and then
Trace Around
Write each of your spelling
words using a pencil. Then
trace around each word with
a crayon, marker, etc.
Upper & Lower
Write your spelling words 2
times each.
First, write each word in
uppercase letters. Second,
write each word in lowercase
Create an Activity
Can you think of a really fun
way you practice your spelling
Then go for it!
Be sure to explain your
activity so that I can share it
with the class!
Squiggly Spelling Words
You are going to write your
spelling words 2 times. First
write your words in regular
letters. Then write the words
again in squiggly letters.
Upper & Lower
Write your spelling words 2
times each.
First, write each word in
uppercase letters. Second,
write each word in lowercase
Across and Down
Write each of your spelling
words across and then down.
Word Search
Make a word search using
your spelling words.
Then find your words
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 8
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Other Handed
First write your spelling words
the way you usually do it.
Then, try writing the list with
your other hand.
Three Times
Write each spelling word
three times. First, write in
pencil. Second, write each
word in crayon & third, write
each word in marker.
You must write neatly!
Connect the Dots
Write your spelling words in
dots. Then connect the dots
by tracing over them with a
colored pencil.
Type ‘Em
Type your spelling words on
the computer. Make each
word have a different font.
You can even email your
words to me.
Choo-Choo Words
Write the entire list end-toend as one long word (like a
train). Use a different color
for each word.
Blue Vowels
Write each of your spelling
words. You will need a blue
colored pencil. Trace over the
vowels in each word with your
blue pencil.
Vowels a e i o u
Spelling Flashcards
Make a set of flashcards to
practice your spelling words.
When you look at the
flashcard, read the word and
then spell it out loud.
Magazine Words
Use an old magazine and find
your words (or the letters that
make up your words). Cut
them out and glue on your
Adding My Words
Each letter has a value.
Consonants are worth 10.
Vowels are worth 5.
Write your spelling words.
Then add up the value of each
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 9
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Word Search
Make a word search using
your spelling words.
Then find your words
Sentence Please
Write sentences using each of
your spelling words. You may
use more than 1 word in a
Underline your spelling
Three Times
Write each spelling word
three times. First, write in
pencil. Second, write each
word in crayon & third, write
each word in marker.
You must write neatly!
Spelling flowers
Draw a picture of a great big
flower. Write each of your
spelling words on one of the
petals or on a leaf. Draw
extra flowers if you run out of
Spelling Flashcards
Make a set of flashcards to
practice your spelling words.
When you look at the
flashcard, read the word and
then spell it out loud.
Upper & Lower
Write your spelling words 2
times each.
First, write each word in
uppercase letters. Second,
write each word in lowercase
Scrambled Words
Fold a piece of paper 3 times
lengthwise. Write your words in the
first column. Then write them with
the letters scrambled up in the
second column. Come back later to
write the unscrambled words in the
third column.
Spelling Bee
Practice your spelling words in
Spelling Bee style. Spell your
words out loud to a parent or
Practice Test
Take a practice test. Have
your mom or dad ask you to
spell your spelling words.
Check your practice test and
correct any missed word.
Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling Homework 10
Name _________________________________
Choose your own spelling homework assignments! You must choose at least 3 activities that connect
either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Lightly color in each box as you complete the assignments.
Turn in on Friday to the homework basket.
Have Fun!!
Mrs. Allen-Ruiz
Write each of your words on 2
index cards. Turn the cards
face down and mix them up.
Flip 2 cards over at a time any
try to find a match.
Three Times
Write each spelling word
three times. First, write in
pencil. Second, write each
word in crayon & third, write
each word in marker.
You must write neatly
Type ‘Em
Type your spelling words on
the computer. Make each
word have a different font.
You can even email your
words to me.
Spelling flowers
Draw a picture of a great big
flower. Write each of your
spelling words on one of the
petals or on a leaf. Draw
extra flowers if you run out of
Rainbow Write
First write each word in
pencil. Then trace over each
word three times. Each time
your trace, you must use a
different color crayon/marker
Across and Down
Write each of your spelling
words across and then down.
ABC Order
First write your spelling words
in a list. Then write them in
ABC order.
Write you words in reverse
ACB order.
Trace Around
Write each of your spelling
words using a pencil. Then
trace around each word with
a crayon, marker, etc.
Practice Test
Take a practice test. Have
your mom or dad ask you to
spell your spelling words.
Check your practice test and
correct any missed word.