
Long term outcomes for functional skills
 To use CCS book and VOCA to communicate in a range of settings.
 To enjoy a range of literature and in books, tapes and DVD’s
 To read a large range of symbols, logos and some relevant
 To compose a range of writing including messages, emails and lists
 To use a joystick and writing programmes to create own short
 To use numeracy skills in practical tasks.
 To plan and access activities in my local community.
 To share experiences with group of peers.
Life Skills
 I am able to communicate my needs and wishes with others using my vocalisations, some words,
my personal signs, facial expressions and body language.
 I can use my CCS book and VOCA but may be reluctant to use these. I can use symbols based
around an activity to make choices or answer questions.
 I am more relaxed with people who know me well and enjoy and laugh and a joke. I can be very
 I enjoy spending time with familiar peers in small groups and I am very sociable in a relaxed
 I like to know what is happening now and next and with support in place to help with my OCD and
anxieties, I am in better position to learn and experience life skills.
My Next Steps in Life Skills
To provide at least one additional piece of information via her CCS book or VOCA when asked
during communication with others.
 To consistently use AAC in at least two regular lessons each week that I have chosen.
Literacy Skills: reading
 I enjoy a range of stories, poems and films
 I recognise familiar symbols in texts and also a few familiar words
 I can identify the initial sound in unfamiliar words
My next steps in reading
 To identify initial and final sound in unfamiliar words
 To continue to read a range of symbol texts
 To talk about fiction I have enjoyed
Literacy Skills: writing
 I know that letters are grouped together to form words
 I can sequence a short phrase
My next steps in writing
 To consolidate my understanding that writing has a range of purposes
 To organise text L to R on a page
 To use my joystick to write using simple Grid 2 grids
Mathematical Skills
 I can identify numbers and order up to 10.
 I am also able to identify positions and sequence ordinal numbers.
 I am working on calculating sums using addition or subtraction with numbers up to 10 and have
been progressing with this.
 I am able to identify some appropriate units for measuring in tasks such as cookery.
My next steps in mathematics
 To use the correct terms for common 2D and 3D shapes and to describe their properties in
everyday language.
 To add and subtract numbers when solving problems involving up to 10 objects in a range of
 To identify some coins and notes and use in real life settings.
Independent Mobility Skills
I am able to drive myself around using my power wheelchair in familiar surroundings using 1 or 2
speed settings.
 I have found this more difficult following my surgery and find it harder to organise my arm into
position and keep it in place on the joystick.
 I now find it more difficult to drive for longer periods and longer distances in the community and
around school that I had previously been more adept with.
 I am still very motivated and it is very important to me to be able to drive and I put every effort
into continuing with this but it can be frustrating.
 I am happy to discuss if I might need support at times to drive and will let you know if I want to
drive myself and need more time to be able to complete this.
 I am not able to drive as far or for as long following my operation and need time and patience to
support my efforts.
My next steps in independent mobility
To grasp my joystick and push forward for 10 seconds, consistently, when driving in school
Community and Transition
 I enjoy going out into the community and have a keen interest in new things and learning.
 I enjoy the experiences of trips out and social activities with peers.
 I can find changes in routine unsettling and need extra support to access the community and
these changes. If I am aware of these changes and have verbal and visual support and
reassurance throughout I am more relaxed to enjoy and access community activities. I will
need a familiar 1:1 support person to access.
 I can find big transitions very difficult and need support to prepare and then deal with these.
 Smaller transitions on a day to day basis that are in my routine I am able to cope with and
generally have few problems.
 Big transitions such as changing class, teacher or 1:1 I will need explanations, visual support,
repetition and constant reassurance as I settle into any changes.
 Offer me the chance to question or give ideas as to how I can make the transitions more
successful to give me some of the control over these changes and further support me with
dealing with this.
My next steps for Community and Transition
 To give ideas of how to support me to help plan for transitions.
 To identify and help plan activities to access in the local community.