Best Civic Contribution:________ PLEASE NOTE: 1. All nominations are to be typed. HANDWRITTEN NOMINATIONS WILL BE REJECTED. 2. You must bring 3 printed copies of your nomination with you to submit to the adjudicators. 3. The answer boxes will auto-extend as you type if you run out of space. 4. Your final draft must be uploaded to your on line application by the deadline as a word document or a pdf. This award is for a society or event and not an individual. Engages your members with an off campus entity. The benefit or benefits must include at least two of the following elements: financial, volunteering, education and/or awareness raising for your target entity or entities. It can be a one-off activity or a series of activities It can benefit one or more entities and/or be the integral part of your society’s aims and objectives. Nominees will be marked based on 1) organisation, 2) promotion, 3) 2 of the following aspects: Finance, volunteering, education, awareness. There is no distinction or value judgement made on the thematic area or perceived value of the target entity or whether the target entity is local, national or international. Marking Scheme: Organisation [30 marks per judge] - Number of people who participated in your civic contribution? - 5 marks per judge - Difficulties overcome - 5 marks per judge - Originality and innovation - 5 marks per judge - Contribution to college life - 5 marks per judge - Methods put in place to ensure continuity and training - 5 marks per judge - Income & Expenditure submission (just include a balance sheet - additional info on income and expenditure should be included in your portfolio) - 5 marks per judge Recommended inclusions in Portfolio: - Aims and objectives as per your constitution or a letter of confirmation from your Societies? Officer should be included - Proof of membership numbers: a letter from your Societies' Officer will suffice - Backup material of the event/s e.g. calendar, photos, posters, tickets, programmes, videos etc, reports, letter from your target entity (this is also relevant for your publicity section), anything else you think might be relevant - Bank statements if available, otherwise a confirmation letter from Societies? Officer that your balance sheet is accurate. - Letter from Societies' Officer or copy of on line finance system which confirming grants received from your institution. Promotion and Publicity [15 marks per judge] - Variety of methods used to publicise the civic contribution in College - 5 marks per judge - Innovation and creativity used in promoting your society and in specific your civic contribution activity within College - 5 marks per judge - Overall publicity outside of college - 5 marks per judge Recommended inclusions in Portfolio: - Publicity material e.g. posters, flyers, publications, press cuttings, website screen shots, sample emails, texts, radio clips, TV clips, video etc. Answer only two of the questions in section 3: a, b, c, or d. What were the strengths of your activity; decide which of the following areas you believe were your strongest and answer only in two of the following categories. Please include number of students in your college and number of registered members in your society so numbers can be compared as a percentage of total students in your college. Number of full time students in your institution: Number of registered members in your society: 3a Finance [20 marks per judge] - Describe the purpose of your fundraising and your goals/ targets. Elaborate on the impact your fundraising had on your target entity - 10 marks per judge - Elaborate on your success with fundraising and sponsorship. State what % this is of your overall income. 5 marks per judge - Outline innovation used in fundraising and sponsorship - 5 marks per judge 3b Volunteering [20 marks per judge] - Describe the voluntary aspect of your civic contribution and the impact of your volunteering had on your target entity. 10 marks per judge - Number of your members who volunteered with the target entity directly and number of hours volunteered by these members what % is this of the total number of full time students on your campus and % of your registered members - 5 marks per judge - Number of participants in the target entity who benefited by your volunteering. 5 marks per judge 3c Education [20 marks per judge] - Describe the educational aspect of your civic contribution and the impact of this on your target entity. 10 marks per judge - Describe the impact of this education initiative on your members and the wider campus- 5 marks per judge - How many of your members participated in the educational activity and how many in your target community participated directly in your educational activity - 5 marks per judge 3d Raising Awareness/ Advocacy [20 marks per judge] - Describe how your activity/ies raised awareness/ advocated on behalf of your target entity/ cause on and off campus. 10 marks per judge - Describe how you raised awareness of your civic contribution on and off campus. 5 marks per judge - What targets/ goals did you set, how did you quantify your success at reaching the targets/ goals. Elaborate on tangible evidence of this success. 5 marks per judge Presentation and Overall Impression [5 marks per judge] i. Why do you deserve this award? (200 words max) - 5 marks per judge Portfolio [10 marks per judge] TOTAL: 100 marks per judge Name of College Society Name: Submitted by: Committee Position: Phone Number: E-mail Address: Describe your Society's Civic Contribution or the Event/Events which you are entering as your civic contribution. Please give a brief summary of the aims and objectives of your society. Number of full time students in your institution: Number of registered members in your society: ORGANISATION: 30 marks per judge ORGANISATION (i): Number of people involved in the organisation and execution of your civic contribution (5 marks per judge). (Include number of society members involved, number of active participants in your target community, number of people exposed to or affected by your activity.) Organisation: (ii) What difficulties or obstacles have you overcome in the pursuit of this goal? 5 marks per judge ORGANISATION: (iii) Have you ever organised an event or events similar to this and if so how did this event/these events differ? - 5 marks per judge ORGANISATION: (iv) How did your event contribute to college life? - 5 marks per judge ORGANISATION: (v) What provisions have you put in place to ensure your society's continuity in future years? Include any information on training/handing over ideas for this/these event(s)/ society in future years. - 5 marks per judge ORGANISATION (vi): Income & Expenditure submission (just include a balance sheet - additional info on income and expenditure should be included in your portfolio) 5 marks per judge Question 2. PROMOTION & PUBLICITY: Please give details of how you promoted your civic contrubution events/society: Promotion and Publicity [15 marks per judge] 2 (i) Describe the variety of methods used to publicise the civic contribution in College - 5 marks per judge 2. (ii) Describe the Innovation and creativity used in promoting your society and in specific your civic contribution activity within College - 5 marks per judge 2. (iii) Detail the overall publicity outside of college - 5 marks per judge Question 3: What were the strengths of your activity? Decide which of the following areas you believe were your strongest and answer only in two of the following categories. (note if you feel you made a contribution in all four areas you may include details (briefly) in the other 2 sections but you must specify the two you wish to be marked on, the additional information will be used to expand on your general information in question 1. Name 2 categories A) Finance/Fundraising, B) Volunteering, C). Education, D) Raising Awareness/ Advocacy 3a Finance [20 marks per judge] Finance 3a (i) Describe the purpose of your fundraising and your goals/ targets. Elaborate on the impact your fundraising had on your target entity - 10 marks per judge Finance 3a (ii) Elaborate on your success with fundraising and sponsorship. State what percentage this is of your overall income. 5 marks per judge Finance 3a (iii) Outline innovation used in fundraising and sponsorship - 5 marks per judge 3b Volunteering [20 marks per judge] Volunteering 3b (i) Describe the voluntary aspect of your civic contribution and the impact that your volunteering had on your target entity. 10 marks per judge Volunteering 3 b (ii) Number of your members who volunteered with the target entity directly and number of hours volunteered by these members what % is this of the total number of full time students on your campus and % of your registered members - 5 marks per judge Volunteering 3 b (iii) Number of participants in the target entity who benefited by your volunteering. 5 marks per judge 3c Education [20 marks per judge] Education 3c (i) Describe the educational aspect of your civic contribution and the impact of this on your target entity. 10 marks per judge Education 3c (ii) Describe the impact of this education initiative on your members and the wider campus- 5 marks per judge Education 3c (iii) How many of your members participated in the educational activity and how many in your target community participated directly in your educational activity - 5 marks per judge 3d Raising Awareness/ Advocacy [20 marks per judge] Raising Awareness/ Advocacy (i) Describe how your activity/ies raised awareness/ advocated on behalf of your target entity/ cause on and off campus. 10 marks per judge Raising Awareness/ Advocacy (ii) Describe how successful the publicity for your civic contribution was on and off campus. 5 marks per judge Raising Awareness/Advocacy (iii) What targets/goals did you set, how did you quantify your success at reaching the targets/goals? Elaborate on tangible evidence of this success. 5 marks per judge Why do you deserve this award? (200 words max) - 5 marks per judge If you have any other information which you think should be included, please do so here.