New Phytologist Supporting Information Rapid report Independent allopolyploidization events preceded speciation in the temperate and tropical woody bamboos Jimmy K. Triplett, Lynn G. Clark, Amanda E. Fisher and Jun Wen. Article acceptance date: 17 July 2014 The following Supporting Information is available for this article: Figs S1–S9 and Tables S1–S4 1 Fig. S1 Comparison of the gene phylogenies for gpa1, pabp1, and pvcel1, highlighting the backbone phylogeny for genomes A, B, C, D, E, and H and the composite nature of several putative hybrid species. Colored lines are used to indicate the phylogenetic positions of multiple sequences recovered from a given hybrid individual. For example, Pseudosasa japonica has four sequence types of gpa1 (two in clade A and two in clade B). Each of the gene trees is consistent with gene duplication prior to the diversification of temperate and tropical woody bamboos, suggesting allopolyploidization preceded speciation in these bamboos. 2 Fig. S2 Phylogram of the majority rule consensus tree from the Bayesian analysis of the abridged and concatenated three-region data set (gpa1, pabp1, and pvcel1). Codes after the species name indicate voucher, clade assignment (A, B, etc), allele (e.g., A1 or A2), and number of sequences recovered in cloning experiments. Posterior probabilities are indicated above the branches. Clade labels correspond to genome groups associated with the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae: A and B), the tropical woody bamboos (Bambuseae: C, D, and E), and the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae: H). 3 Fig. S3 Bootstrap consensus tree from a parsimony analysis of the abridged and concatenated three-region data set (gpa1, pabp1, and pvcel1). Codes after the species name indicate voucher, clade assignment (A, B, etc), allele (e.g., A1 or A2), and number of sequences recovered in cloning experiments. Bootstrap values are indicated above the branches. Clade labels correspond to genome groups associated with the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae: A and B), the tropical woody bamboos (Bambuseae: C, D, and E), and the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae: H). 4 Fig. S4 Phylogram of the majority rule consensus tree from the Bayesian analysis of the complete gpa1 data set. Codes after the species name indicate voucher, clade assignment (A, B, etc), allele (e.g., A1 or A2), and number of sequences recovered in cloning experiments. Posterior probabilities are indicated above the branches. Clade labels correspond to genome groups associated with the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae: A and B), the tropical woody bamboos (Bambuseae: C and D), and the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae: H). Note the absence of clade E in this gene tree. 5 Fig. S5 Bootstrap consensus tree from a parsimony analysis of the complete gpa1 data set. Codes after the species name indicate voucher, clade assignment (A, B, etc), allele (e.g., A1 or A2), and number of sequences recovered in cloning experiments. Bootstrap values are indicated above the branches. Clade labels correspond to genome groups associated with the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae: A and B), the tropical woody bamboos (Bambuseae: C, D, and E), and the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae: H). Note the absence of clade E in this gene tree. 6 Fig. S6 Phylogram of the majority rule consensus tree from the Bayesian analysis of the complete pabp1 data set. Codes after the species name indicate voucher, clade assignment (A, B, etc), allele (e.g., A1 or A2), and number of sequences recovered in cloning experiments. Posterior probabilities are indicated above the branches. Clade labels correspond to genome groups associated with the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae: A and B), the tropical woody bamboos (Bambuseae: C and D), and the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae: H). 7 Fig. S7 Bootstrap consensus tree from a parsimony analysis of the complete pabp1 data set. Codes after the species name indicate voucher, clade assignment (A, B, etc), allele (e.g., A1 or A2), and number of sequences recovered in cloning experiments. Bootstrap values are indicated above the branches. Clade labels correspond to genome groups associated with the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae: A and B), the tropical woody bamboos (Bambuseae: C, D, and E), and the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae: H). 8 Fig. S8 Phylogram of the majority rule consensus tree from the Bayesian analysis of the complete pvcel1 data set. Codes after the species name indicate voucher, clade assignment (A, B, etc), allele (e.g., A1 or A2), and number of sequences recovered in cloning experiments. Posterior probabilities are indicated above the branches. Clade labels correspond to genome groups associated with the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae: A and B), the tropical woody bamboos (Bambuseae: C and D), and the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae: H). 9 Fig. S9 Bootstrap consensus tree from a parsimony analysis of the complete pvcel1 data set. Codes after the species name indicate voucher, clade assignment (A, B, etc), allele (e.g., A1 or A2), and number of sequences recovered in cloning experiments. Bootstrap values are indicated above the branches. Clade labels correspond to genome groups associated with the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae: A and B), the tropical woody bamboos (Bambuseae: C, D, and E), and the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae: H). 10 Table S1 Taxa included in this study. Voucher abbreviations: LA – Lakshmi Attigala; GSK – Gabriel Sanchez-Ken; JT – Jimmy Triplett; LC – Lynn Clark; PA – Patricio Asimbaya; SD – Soejatmi Dransfield; WZ – Weiping Zhang; XL – Ximena Londoño. All voucher specimens are at ISC except SD 1365, which is at K. Higher Level Taxonomy Taxon Voucher Pooideae Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) JT 199 P. Beauv. Ehrhartoideae Oryza sativa L. GenBank NC 0013201 Tribe Olyreae: Subtribe Buergersiochloa bambusoides SD 1365 Buergersiochloinae Pilg. Tribe Olyreae: Subtribe Olyra latifolia L. XL and LC 911 Olyrinae Tribe Olyreae: Subtribe Sucrea maculata Soderstr. LC and WZ 1345 Olyrinae Tribe Bambuseae: Aulonemia queko Goudot LC 1445 Subtribe Arthrostylidiinae Tribe Bambuseae: Chusquea bambusoides (Raddi) LC 1029 Subtribe Chusqueinae Hack. Tribe Bambuseae: Chusquea scandens Kunth LC and XL 1235 Subtribe Chusqueinae Tribe Bambuseae: Neurolepis aperta (Munro) Pilg. LC 919 Subtribe Chusqueinae [= Chusquea spectabilis L.G. Clark] Tribe Bambuseae: Neurolepis elata (Kunth) Pilg. [= LC and PA 1409 Subtribe Chusqueinae Chusquea elata (Kunth) L.G. Clark] Tribe Bambuseae: Guadua angustifolia Kunth LC and XL 931 Subtribe Guaduinae Tribe Bambuseae: Otatea acuminata (Munro) C. LC et al. 1312 Subtribe Guaduinae Calderón & Soderstr. Tribe Bambuseae: Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. GSK 666 Subtribe Bambusinae Tribe Bambuseae: Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro JT 332 Subtribe Bambusinae Tribe Bambuseae: Oxytenanthera abyssinica (A. LC and JT 1664 Subtribe Bambusinae Rich.) Munro Tribe Bambuseae: Schizostachyum dumetorum JT 647 Subtribe Melocanninae (Hance) Munro Tribe Bambuseae: Melocanna baccifera (Roxb.) XL and LC 930 Subtribe Melocanninae Kurz Tribe Arundinarieae Arundinaria densifolia Munro LA 126 [= Kuruna densifolia (Munro) Attigala, Kaththriarachchi & L. G. Clark] Tribe Arundinarieae Arundinaria gigantea (Walter) JT 197 Muhl. 11 Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Tribe Arundinarieae Arundinaria tecta (Walt.) Muhl Chimonocalamus montanus J.R. Xue & T.P. Yi Hibanobambusa tranquillans (Koidzumi) Maruyama and H. Okamura Phyllostachys bambusoides Siebold and Zucc. Pleioblastus chino (Franchet and Savatier) Makino Pleioblastus gozadakensis Nakai Pleioblastus hindsii (Munro) Nakai Pleioblastus maculatus (McClure) C.D. Chu and C.S. Chao Pseudosasa amabilis (McClure) P.C. Keng Pseudosasa japonica (Siebold and Zuccarini ex Steudel) Makino ex Nakai Sasa veitchii (Carrière) Rehder Sasaella bitchuensis (Makino) Makino ex Koidzumi Sasaella ramosa (Makino) Makino Sasamorpha borealis (Hackel) Nakai Semiarundinaria makinoi Hisauti and Muroi Semiarundinaria fastuosa (Marliac ex Mitford) Makino ex Nakai Semiarundinaria yashadake (Makino) Makino Shibataea chinensis Nakai Thamnocalamus tessellatus (Nees) Soderstr. and R.P. Ellis [= Bergbambos tessellata (Nees) Stapleton] 12 JT 24 JT 261 JT 205 JT 121 JT 420 JT 344 JT 411 JT 252 JT 545 JT 320 JT 126 JT 128 JT 118 JT 294 JT 135 JT 138 JT 137 JT 231 JT 202 Table S2 DNA primers and PCR parameters used for amplification and sequencing. Chromosomal locations of nuclear genes are based on rice. Region Location Primer Sequences (5' to 3') PCR Parameters Reference Chromosome GPA1-FF: GCAAGAGTACGGACAAATGGTG 95C, 5m; 35x (95C, 38; this study gpa1 5 GPA1-14R: GCTTGCTGCTCTGGAAGTAG 30s; 49C, 45s; 72C, (copy-specific Copy-specific primers: 1m 20s); 72C, 15m primers). C copy. g1c_mb1721R: AAATTTGTTGAGAAACAGCATG (used with GPA1-FF) pabp1 pvcel1 Chromosome pabp1_for: GCTTGTCCGTAGAAGAGTTG 4 pabp1_rev2: GTGTTAGCAAAGGGTCTGGATTT Copy-specific primers B copy. pa1b_786R: GTGGCTGACATGTTTTCCTTG (used with pabp1_for) E copy. pa1e_2557R: ATTACTAGTGCCCAATTATAGATTA (used with pabp1_for) 95C, 5m; 35x (95C, 30s; 49C, 45s; 72C, 1m 20s); 72C, 15m This study. Chromosome pvcel1_for: GCCAACATGGTTCAGTTGG 9 pvcel1_rev: CGCCCCTCTGTGGTGTAC Copy-specific primers C copy. cel1c_157F: ATGGGACTCAAAATGTATAGAGACACTGC (used with pvcel1_rev or cel1c_1228R) 95C, 5m; 35x (95C, 30s; 49C, 45s; 72C, 1m 20s); 72C, 15m This study. cel1c_1228R: CCGACCAAAATAGTCATAGATTCGTA (used with pvcel1_for or cel1c_157F) D copy. cel1d_10F: TGTGAATTCCCTTAGCAGGGTTA (used with cel1d_918R or pvcel1_rev) 13 cel1d_918R: CACAACAGATTAGAAAGTTACACC (used with pvcel1_for or cel1d_10F) E copy. cel1e_440F: ATAATTTTAACGCAGGAGGATTGGTGTGGA (used with pvcel1_rev) cel1e_877R: CCAAGACAACAGAAATATCGTCCAAAGTC (used with pvcel1_for) 14 Table S3 Statistics and evolutionary models for separate data partitions. PIC = parsimony informative characters. PIC parenthetical indicates the number of parsimony informative characters within the temperate clade. MP = maximum parsimony; CI = consistency index, excluding uninformative characters; RI = retention index. Partition Sequences Total Indels PIC MP MP CI char. Trees Length gpa1 66 2248 55 438 448 1396 0.7092 pabp1 76 2955 51 549 20 1355 0.7852 pvcel1 102 1773 66 488 6528 1430 0.6790 combined 54 6535 164 1121 8 3758 0.7360 data 15 RI 0.8616 0.8959 0.9070 0.8384 Table S4 Hypotheses regarding clades and relationships among them. All hypotheses were tested under Maximum Parsimony using the Kishino-Hasegawa test. We report the difference between the MP trees and those consistent with the constraint (percent difference is calculated relative to lengths of the MP trees). Hypothesis H (Olyreae) is sister to ABCDE (Bambuseae). Data set: pvcel1 H is sister to D. Data set: combined C is monophyletic. Data set: gpa1 C is monophyletic. Data set: combined One origin of tetraploidy in the woody bamboos, prior to split b/w temperate and tropical lineages [(A+D) is sister to (B+C)]. Data set: combined Results of Test Reject (+9 steps, 0.6%, t = 2.0666, p = 0.0389) Reject (+22 steps, 0.6%, t = 2.7514, p = 0.0060) Reject (+15 steps, 1.1%, t = 2.7896, p = 0.0053) Cannot reject (+3 steps, 0.1%, t = 0.5071, p = 0.6121) Reject (+38 steps, 1.0%, t = 3.9662, p = 0.0001) 16