Supplements for manuscript entitled: Rupture history of the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan earthquake constrained with local strong motion and teleseismic body and surface waves Jinlai Hao1, Chen Ji*2, Weimin Wang3, Zhenxing Yao1 1 Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China 2 Earth Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, USA 3 Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China Table S1 Summary of hypocenter locations Time Latitude Longitude Depth km CENC 2013.04.20 00:02:46 30.3o 103.0o 13 o NEIC 2013.04.20 00:02:47 30.28 102.96o 12.3 Rapid result of SEB 2013.04.20 00:02:46 30.32o 102.95o 12 CENC - China Earthquake Networks Center of Chinese Earthquake Administration; NEIC - National Earthquake Information Center of United States Geological survey; SEB - Sichuan Earthquake Bureau of Chinese Earthquake Administration. Table S2 Crustal velocity model slightly modified from Zhao et al. [1997] Vp (km/s) Vs (km/s) Thickness (km) ρ( g/cm3) 4.88 2.86 2.55 3 5.80 3.40 2.70 5 6.04 3.55 2.75 14 6.82 3.98 2.90 21 7.61 4.45 3.10 25 8.08 4.47 3.38 100 Vp, Vs, ρ and Depth represent velocity of P-Wave, velocity of S-Wave, density and thickness of each layer respectively. Reference Zhao, Z., J. Fan, and S. Zheng (1997), Precision determination of the crustal structure and hypocentral locations in the Longmenshan thrust nappe belt, Acta Seismol. Sinica, 19, 615-622. Table S3 Focal mechanisms of two aftershocks Nodal Plane 1 Location Time Strike/Dip/Rake 30.17º 2013.4.20 AF1 204º/49º/81º 102.88º 03:34:14 30.36º 2013.4.21 AF2 175º/47º/70º 103.05º 04:53:44 Nodal Plane 2 Strike/Dip/Rake Depth (km) Moment (Nm) Mw 38º/42º/101º 14 7.5×1017 5.2 24º/47º/110º 22 1.6×1017 4.8 Figure S1 Mainshock focal mechanism and corresponding waveform comparisons. (a) Comparison of teleseismic P-wave displacement records (0.01-0.625Hz) (black lines) and synthetic seismograms (red lines) predicted using the preferred solution. The station name is indicated at the left side of each seismogram. At each station, the peak observational amplitude is used to normalize both the observed waveform and the corresponding synthetic seismogram. The strike, dip, rake angles of two nodal planes, epicenter depth and moment are given on the left. The normalized source time function is given on the right. (b) Comparison of long period (4-6 mHz) surface waves and synthetic seismograms predicted using point source. The value above the beginning of each trace is the source azimuth and below is the epicentral distance in degrees. The peak displacement of the observation in mm is indicated above the end of each trace, which is used to normalize both data and the corresponding synthetic seismograms. Figure S2 Comparison of data and synthetic waveforms predicted using Model I. (a) Comparison of teleseismic body wave velocity records (black) and synthetic seismograms (red) predicted using Model I. The data and synthetics have been bandpass filtered from 0.0033-1 Hz. The value above the beginning of each trace is the source azimuth and below is the epicentral distance in degrees. The peak displacement of the observation in μm is indicated above the end of each trace, which is used to normalize both data and the corresponding synthetic seismogram. (b) Comparison of long period (46 mHz) surface waves and synthetic seismograms predicted using Model I. The value above the beginning of each trace is the source azimuth and below is the epicentral distance in degrees. The peak displacement of the observation in mm is indicated above the end of each trace, which is used to normalize both data and the corresponding synthetic seismograms. Figure S3 Comparison of 3-component bandpass filtered (0.02-0.5Hz) velocity records (black) and synthetic seismograms (red) using Model II. The Z, N and E denote the vertical, north-south, and east-west components, respectively. The station name is indicated at the left side of each seismogram. The value above the beginning of each trace is the source azimuth in degrees and below is the epicentral distance in km. The peak velocity of the observation in cm/s is indicated above the end of each trace, which is used to normalize both data and the corresponding synthetic seismogram. Figure S4. Check-board test. The target slip distribution model is shown in (a). The slip distributions inverted with teleseismic data only, strong motion data only, and the combined dataset are shown in (b), (c) and (d), respectively. The color indicates the slip amplitude. Note that station distributions of teleseismic and local observations are same as what are used during this study. The inversions are based on noise-free synthetic data. It can be seen that the spatial resolution of teleseismic data is poor. The spatial resolution of strong motion data is much better, particular for the fault slip at shallower depth. Using both strong motion and teleseismic data further improves the constraint to the slip on the deeper fault patches. Figure S5 (a) Comparison of teleseismic body waveforms and synthetic seismograms predicted using Model III. (b) Comparison of long period surface waves and synthetic seismograms predicted using Model III. Caption is similar to Figure S2. Figure S6 1-s Snapshots of Model III. In each snapshot, the white dash circle denotes the location of rupture front at end of time window if the rupture velocity is 2.0 km/s. The red star indicates the hypocenter. Figure S7 Distributions of rise time in (a) and average slip rate in (b) with slip > 0.2 m for Model III. Figure S8 Waveform fits associating with the focal mechanism solution of event AF1 (Table S3). (a) Sensitivity to the centroid depth. (b) Comparison of bandpass filtered (0.02-0.2 Hz) velocity waveforms (black lines) and synthetic seismograms (red lines) predicted with the preferred solution. The left, middle, and right columns denote the radial, tangential, and vertical components, respectively. The station name is indicated at the left side of each seismogram. The value above the beginning of each trace is the source azimuth in degrees and below is the epicentral distance in km. Figure S9 Waveform fits associating with the focal mechanism solution of event AF2 (Table S3). (a) Sensitivity to the centroid depth. (b) Comparison of bandpass filtered (0.02-0.2 Hz) velocity waveforms in local distances (black lines) and synthetic seismograms (red lines) predicted with the preferred solution. The left, middle, and right columns denote the radial, tangential, and vertical components, respectively. The station name is indicated at the left side of each seismogram. The value above the beginning of each trace is the source azimuth in degrees and below is the epicentral distance in km.