
CMCSS RTI School Teams
Team purpose: School based RTI teams replace S-team only for students suspected of having a Specific Learning
Disability; all other categories will continue to be monitored and supported by the S-Team. Team meets every 9
weeks minimum to examine educational data and make placement determinations based on the data. Team
members discuss interventions, effectiveness, fidelity, and tier movement as well as potential special education
Team Members:
Establish and maintain school-level procedures and timelines for instruction and intervention,
assessment protocols, fidelity monitoring, and guidelines for assessing, planning, and delivering
appropriate professional development. He / She selects the school level RTI Chair and team members
and implements a schedule that allows for monthly data team meetings within the normal school day as
well as daily intervention times.
RTI Chair:
Chair assists in establishing and monitoring fidelity to assessment protocols, intervention practices,
team meeting procedures and professional development to support instruction. Is comfortable with
using technology to assess, progress monitor, collect and manage data, and communicate. He / She
should have administrative access to information systems including PowerSchool, Easy IEP/504,
Universal Screener/progress monitoring data, etc.
Gen. Ed. Classroom Teachers: (3 minimum from different grade levels/disciplines)
Successful team members from the faculty will be knowledgeable in curriculum and intervention,
organized, able to communicate effectively in a collaborative spirit while maintaining confidentiality,
able to attend monthly meetings.
Team should include at least one of these at each meeting and possibly more depending on team needs.
Someone from each area listed should be identified for each building and be ready to share their
expertise as needed at team meetings.
Special Education Teacher, ELL Teacher, Speech/Language Teacher, Phy. /Occ. Therapist, Others
School Psychologist:
Assists team with interpreting data, collecting data, making decisions based on their area of expertise
relating to student placement and or referral for special education.
CMCSS School Grade-level Data Teams
Team Purpose: Grade-level data teams meet every 4.5 - 5 weeks to monitor student progress.
Intervention success is considered and changes to intervention type may occur based on team
input. Tier movement is recommended based on ROI. Case study information is
updated/reviewed by team. Progress reports are sent home to parents that reflect progress and
any changes in intervention.
Grade-level Data Team Members:
Establish and maintain school-level procedures and timelines for instruction and intervention,
assessment protocols, fidelity monitoring, and guidelines for assessing, planning, and delivering
appropriate professional development. He / She selects the school level RTI Chair and team members
and implements a schedule that allows for monthly data team meetings within the normal school day as
well as daily intervention times.
RTI Chair:
Chair assists in establishing and monitoring fidelity to assessment protocols, intervention practices,
team meeting procedures and professional development to support instruction. Is comfortable with
using technology to assess, progress monitor, collect and manage data, and communicate. He / She
should have administrative access to information systems including PowerSchool, Easy IEP/504,
Universal Screener/progress monitoring data, etc.
All teachers in grade level:
Teachers present data collected from progress monitoring for each student of concern to team.
Share ideas about intervention effectiveness, other influences on student performance, and
suggestions for tier placement.
Other Specialists: (as needed by request)