DROUGHT ASSESSMENT REPORT Malai & O’Chrov Districts Banteay Meanchey Province October 09-10, 2014 OBJECTIVE OF ASSESSM ENT To understand the scope and severity of the drought in Malai & O’Chrov district of Banteay Meanchey province. To be able to comprehend the impact on local communities and likely longer term impact. To understand the current needs of people in the affected areas by sector: food security, WASH, shelter, education and child protection. To know who is providing what support to which communities on the ground; determine if there are any gaps in assistance and how those could be met. METHODOLOGY The assessment team used the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key Informant Interview (KII) tools as well as field observations to collect data at district and provincial level. The team conducted FGD with five groups of women and five groups of men in five villages. Two villages in Malai and three villages in O’Chrov. In addition, KII was used to interview key stakeholders such as village leaders, commune councils, CCDM and DCDM to assess the scope of flood impact, existing supports of other key stakeholders and the likelihood of the longer term impact. The FGD and KII tools are a simplification of the standard HRF rapid assessment tools. District Commune O’chrov Kob Malai Village Veang Muong Method and sample size FGD Samraong Kampong Reab Soengh Soengh Lech To Kong Chaeng Maeng Toul Pongro Khla Ngoab Sample 1 Women group 1 Men group 1 Women group 1 Men group 1 Women group 1 Men group 1 Women group 1 Men group 1 Women group 1 Men group # 13 11 15 12 13 13 12 10 6 6 Method and sample size KII Sample 1 CC 1 CC 1CC 1 CC 1 CC DROUGHT ASSESSMENT REPORT Malai & O’Chrov Districts Banteay Meanchey Province October 09-10, 2014 SITUATION OVERVIEW The majority of the Malai and O’Chrov districts rely on a single rice crop per year as the basis of the household and community income. The average household supplements this income through the raising of livestock, growth of vegetables and migration to Thailand to seek short term work. There is no access to a permanent water source significant enough to allow wide scale irrigation of crops or watering of livestock. Significantly lower than average rainfall in the Malai and O’Chrov districts in 2014 has led to the failure of this year’s rice crop. The usually reliable monsoon rains mean that farmers plant rice on the first rain of the season knowing that follow up rains will provide the water needed for growth and harvest. This year however vast tracts of rice land are still covered with grass as they have not been planted at all while others have been planted (up to 4 times) only to see the rice die for lack of follow up rain. All 5 commune leaders surveyed identified a decline in the overall situation since April this year. In addition to causing the failure of the years rice crop the lack of monsoon rain has started to have significant follow on effects – 1. Lack of basic food supplies 2. Lack of water for stock 3. Lack of water for small crops growing 4. Lack of rice thatch for mushroom growing 5. Significant increase in migration rates There has been no response by either government or NGO to date. DROUGHT ASSESSMENT REPORT Malai & O’Chrov Districts Banteay Meanchey Province October 09-10, 2014 FINDINGS The impact of the drought to date. Survey Area Province BMC BMC BMC BMC BMC Villages District O’Chrov O’Chrov O’Chrov Malai Malai Total 45 Impact of drought Total Number of Families Total Population Affected Families Affected Population Number Already Migrated Affected 32 Samraong 1783 7883 1783 7883 450 Kob 922 9673 922 9673 5800 Commune Samraong Kob Soeng Toul Pongro Takong % Affected 71% Soeng 1628 6405 1628 6405 942 Toul Pongro 3600 12677 3600 12677 1195 Impact as percentage of population Families Affected by Drought Population Affected by Drought Population already migrated in response to drought General Impact Rice crops are severely reduced or failed Household vegetable crops are severely reduced or failed Animals are suffering from increased incidence of sickness No assistance has been distributed to date Takong 1769 10019 1769 8619 3000 Totals 9,702 46,657 9,702 42,257 11,387 Total 100% 97% 24% DROUGHT ASSESSMENT REPORT Malai & O’Chrov Districts Banteay Meanchey Province October 09-10, 2014 Water Supply, Hygiene & Sanitation There is drinking water available now however it is unlikely to last the season There is a need for water filtration currently There will be a water shortage as the season continues Currently people can access water within a 10 to 60 min time period / within 500 to 1000 m’s Water Sources Affected 141 Main Source Drinking Water Unprotected Wells Priority Needs Summary Unprotected Wells Protected Wells Water Filters Well Construction 120 21 Well Restoration Water Supply Systems Food Security The affected areas have lost both their source of income and their annual food supply All population groups are effected by the food shortage Market prices are increasing already Food shortages are starting to develop Individuals are eating less now than before the drought Some families have already exhausted their food stocks Many families are feeding themselves from wild catch (insects, frogs, etc) Families are borrowing – going into food / cash debt % of families facing food shortage 16 % to 70% Family Food Stocks 3 days to 30 days Agriculture & Livelihood Prior to the drought the main sources of income were – (in decreasing importance) - Rice growing - Other Wage Labour - Agricultural Wage Labor / Migration The lack of water has caused severe restriction or failure to all agricultural pursuits The failure of the rice crop has also reduced the day labour available locally Crop Type Rice Secondary Crop Crop Area 36 133 h 4 500 h Area Affected 23 486 h 3 500 h % Affected 65% 75% Area Damaged 18 111 h 1 000 h % Damaged 50% 22% DROUGHT ASSESSMENT REPORT Malai & O’Chrov Districts Banteay Meanchey Province October 09-10, 2014 Nutrition There has been some negative impact on the nutrition of children under 2 years old (Malai in particular) Some mothers have reduced their breast feeding rates (Malai) General nutrition and feeding rates for children under 5 years old are insufficient Pregnant women do not have sufficient food (Malai) There are no active nutrition interventions in the target area Pregnant / Lactating Women Priority Needs Summary 525 Nutrition Clean Water Health Some areas are experiencing gastro outbreaks of up to 30% of the population (Malai) Health Centers are functioning as normal (note – this does not imply services are of the desired standard) There is no restriction to access to health centers Most people can access health centers within a 30 min walk or ride Racha / CHO / WV are giving some assistance in the Malai area Education Commune leaders in general were unable to supply information on student numbers There was concern for the number of teachers that would migrate and the subsequent closure of schools as the season progresses There was also strong concern for the number of children who have and will migrate with their parents and discontinue education as result Protection Among the community protection concerns are as normal (violence / rape / theft / scams) however no commune leaders identified any significant protection concerns Many teachers have migrated resulting in the closure of some schools which is creating protection issues for the children attending schools without adequate supervision Village focus groups requested more information on the rule and laws surrounding trafficking DROUGHT ASSESSMENT REPORT Malai & O’Chrov Districts Banteay Meanchey Province October 09-10, 2014 CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATIONS Immediate 1. Water Supply, Hygiene and Sanitation. Issue There is a shortage of clean drinking water that will most likely become worse as the season continues. Some areas have damaged irrigation systems that if repaired they would significantly relieve the impact of this year’s drought and reduce the need for drought aid. Recommendation 1. Further investigation to determine if more BSF filters can be sourced and deployed. 2. Source possible training on water saving Investigate assistance options villages that will run dry in the season – 1. Water Transport 2. Deep Wells Investigate options available to repair irrigation systems. NOTE – this would need to be complete before 31 Oct to be of any benefit (See separate irrigation report) 2. Food Security. Issue Food shortages are already taking affect. In short time extreme food shortages will force decision making and affect well-being and community. 3. Agriculture & Livelihood Issue Crop failure is a reality in many areas and imminent in others. (See separate irrigation report) Though rice crops have failed there has been sufficient rain to sustain grass which will most likely sustain livestock. Crop failure and decreased household income will decrease villager’s ability to feed their existing bird flocks. Hunger will also add to the threat to this Recommendation 1. Initiate a food distribution program investigation and food distribution activity by weeks end. 2. Send out a call for ideas for small scale household cropping that has a low water demand. Recommendation Restore(even partially) any irrigation facilities that will avoid wholesale failure of existing rice crops. NOTE – this would need to be complete before 31 Oct to be of any benefit Monitor the livestock feed situation. Investigate options for chicken / duck feed assistance. DROUGHT ASSESSMENT REPORT Malai & O’Chrov Districts Banteay Meanchey Province October 09-10, 2014 livelihood option. Next years seed is being eaten and will not be available for replanting 4. Nutrition Issue Nutrition for pregnant / lactating women and children is already below ideal standards and will drop as income and food availability drops. 5. Health Issue Health services required strengthening before the drought and nothing has changed. Predicting the impact of the drought on health services is difficult as though disease may increase due to poor nutrition demand may decrease due to migration. 6. Education Issue Information gained from the KII with the Commune Leaders was not sufficient to make any judgements 7. Protection Issue Child protection issues may arise as more teachers migrate and schools are left unsupervised and/or closed. Migrant Safety is a concern as few people will have had the time to prepare the appropriate documents. 4. Nutrition Issue Nutrition for pregnant / lactating women and children is already below ideal standards and will drop as income and food availability drops. The KII ranked the priority needs as 1. Food 2. Drinking Water 3. Sanitation Plan and prepare for a seed aid program for next planting season. Recommendation Initiate a food distribution program investigation and food distribution activity by weeks end. Recommendation Monitor the situation. Recommendation Recommendation Community Awareness Campaign Community Awareness Campaign Recommendation Initiate a food distribution program investigation and food distribution activity by weeks end. DROUGHT ASSESSMENT REPORT Malai & O’Chrov Districts Banteay Meanchey Province October 09-10, 2014 4. Non-food items 5. Shelter The KII ranked the long-term needs as – 1. Water Source Rehabilitation 2. Irrigation Rehabilitation 3. Medicine 4. Education 5. Sanitation 6. Shelter Long-Term There is no doubt that this is an issue that could have been significantly diminished if the existing irrigation and water storage systems were functioning. Rice Banks / Savings Groups and other community structures would also offset some of the impact of drought. Deep Wells that are drought proof would supply a fallback position for drinking water