Additional file 2

Additional file 2: Theoretical derivations of probability and noise
Let P0 (n, t ) and P1 (n, t ) represent the probability that the gen product has n molecules
at time
t when the gene is at D0 and D1 states, respectively. Then, the discrete CME for our
gene model takes the form
  P0  n, t     1  0  fn   P0  n, t    0  E  I   d  E  I   P0  n, t  
 
t  P1  n, t     1  0  fn   P1  n, t      E 1  I   d  E  I   P  n, t  
 1
 1
where E is the step operator and I is the identity operator.
Next, we focus on finding the steady-state solution of the CME (S1). The basic idea is first to
introduce probability-generating functions, and then to solve a coupled set of ordinary differential
equations with respect to these functions. The overall procedure for finding the stationary
distribution is technical.
Note that the transformation Gi  z  
 P  n z
n 0
become the discrete-variable function
Pi (n, t ) into the continuous-variable function Gi  z  , where i  0, 1 . Correspondingly, Eq. (S1)
is transformed into the following ordinary differential equation group:
  G0   0 
 f z  d  G0   0  z  1   1
 z 1
  
1  z  1   0   G1   0 
z  1  f z  dz  G1  
 0
where all the parameters are normalized by the degradation rate
0 d 0 , f d  f
d , that is,  1 d   1 ,
0 d  0 , 1 d  1 . Adding two equations in Eq. (S2) yields
the following relation between G0  z  and G1  z 
0G0  G0    1G1  G1 
Hereafter the derivative is with respect to z .
In spite of this relation at hand, solving Eq. (S2) is still not easy since its coefficient matrices
are not constant. Here, we introduce a pair of transformations given by
H 0  z   e0zG0 ( z ) , H1  z   e1zG1 ( z )
which transform the relation between G0  z  and G1  z  given by Eq. (S3) into that between
H 0  z  and H1  z 
e1z H1( z )  e0 z H 0 ( z )
and Eq. (S2) into the following coupled equation group
 1e0 z H 0 ( z )   0e1z H1 ( z )  fz 1e1z H1 ( z )  e 1z H1( z )    z  1 e 0 z H 0 ( z )  0
 1e z H 0 ( z )   0e z H1 ( z )  fz 1e z H1 ( z )  e  z H1( z )    z  1 e  z H1( z )  0
From this equation combined with Eq. (S3), it is not difficult to derive the following second-order
differential equation of H1  z 
A  z  H1 ( z)  B  z  H1 ( z)  C  z  H1 ( z )  0
where the coefficients are
A  z    f  1 z 1
B  z     f    f 1  z   0   1  f  1  
C  z   f 1z   0  f 1
  1  0
Now, we readily transform Eq. (S7) into a confluent hypergeometric equation. In fact, the
function transformation H1 ( z )  e
   f  1 z  1
 z
f   with
  f 0
( f  1)2
yields the following standard confluent hypergeometric equation
 f (w)     w f (w)   f (w)  0
which is our familiar, where a pair of system parameters
  1
 1
and   1 
   0  1
f 1
 f  1
 and  are given by
with R    f 0
Note that Eq. (S10) admits two independent solutions: the one is the confluent
hypergeometric function
F 1  ,  ;   and the other is the Tricomi function U  ,  ;   .
However, the latter solution is infeasible since we require P1 (n)  0 for n   and that the
mean of n must be finite. Thus, we can use have
F 1  ,  ;   to express the function
H1  z  and further the function G1  z  using the relationship between variables. The result is
G1  z   e1z H1 ( z)  Ae0z 1 F1  ,  ;  
where A is a normalization constant and the relationship between z and
 is determined by
Eq. (S9). Using this analytical expression combined with the relationship between H 0  z  and
H1  z  given by Eq. (S5), we obtain the following first-order differential equation of H 0  z 
H 0 ( z )  A  1 F1  ,  ;    ( f  1)Q 1 F1   1,   1;   
which gives the following analytical expression for H 0 ( z )
H 0  z   A  g 1 F1   1,   1;    1 F1  ,  ;     C
with Q 
  f 0
( f  1)
and g 
  1   0
, where C is a certain constant, which
 1  f  1
can be determined by the conservation condition of probability:
equally G0 1  G1 1  1 . As a result, we find
  P (n)  P (n)  1
C  0 . Using the relationship between H 0 ( z )
and G0 ( z ) , we thus obtain the analytical expression of G0 ( z ) as
G0  z   Ae0 z  g 1 F1   1,   1;    1 F1  ,  ;   
which is the linear superposition of two confluent hypergeometric functions, where the
relationship between z and
 is determined by Eq. (S9), and
A  e 0  g 1 F1   1,   1; f Q  
Using the relationship between the probability distributions: P0 ( n) and P1 (n) , and the
generating functions: G0 ( z ) and G1 ( z )
P0 (n) 
1 dn
1 dn
G1 ( z )
n ! dz n
z 0
z 0
we finally obtain the analytical expression for the total probability distribution as
P ( n) 
gA n  n  nm
m (  1) m
1 F1   m  1,   m  1;  Q 
  0  ( f  1)Q 
n ! m 0  m 
(   1)m
 represents
which is the linear superposition of confluent hypergeometric functions. Here 
the combination number of choosing m molecule from n molecules, and
 c n is the
Pochhammer symbol and is defined as  c n    c  n    c  . In principle, this analytical
distribution gives all the stochastic information about the underlying gene model.
In particular, the analytical distribution given by Eq. (S18) includes all the
previously-obtained distributions as its special case. For example, suppose that the gene is
expressed in a constitutive manner. Then, the corresponding gene model corresponds to our case
1   0  0 , f  0
0  0 . In this case, we have Q  1 , R  1 , g  1 ,   1 ,
  1 and A  1 . Therefore, P  n  given by Eq. (S18) is reduced to
P ( n) 
1 (0)n n
1 1 F1  n, n;  1   1 e 1
n! (0)n
which is a Poisson distribution with the characteristic parameter
1 ,
in accord to the
previous-obtained result [1] by noting the rescaled parameters. Suppose that the gene is expressed
in a bursty manner. Then, the corresponding gene model corresponds to our case with f  0 ,
0  0 . In this case, we have Q  1 , R  1 , g 
1   0
P ( n)  e
1   0
,   1   1 ,   1   0   1 , and
e  0 . Therefore, P  n  given by Eq. (S18) is reduced to
 1 d 
 0
  1 d n
d   1 d n
 
 
F n 1 , n 0  1 ;  1 
d d
1 1
by recovering the original parameters, which reproduces the previous distribution [2]. These two
examples indicate that the analytical distribution given by Eq. (S18) is without doubt correct.
The more useful is that we can give the analytical formula for calculating the noise intensity
for the gene product that is defined as the ratio of the variance over the mean. In fact, note that the
mean and the variance are calculated according to
n  G(1) ,  n2  G(1)  G(1)  G(1) 
where G( z )  G0 ( z )  G1 ( z ) is the total generating function. Two functions G0  z  and
G1  z  is analytically given as seen above, so is the function G  z  . By calculation, we find
G(1)  Ae0  g 0 1 F1   1,   1, f Q    1 F1  ,  , f Q  
G(1)  Ae0  g 02 1 F1   1,   1, f Q   20 1 F1  ,  , f Q 
   1  R 
F   1,   1, f Q ]
R 1 1
  1   0  f 1
f 1
where A , g , Q , R ,
 and  are compounded parameters, whose expressions have been
given in the above. Thus, the square of the noise intensity is calculated according to the formula
 
 n2
G(1)  G(1)  G(1)
Using this analytical expression, we can reproduce previous results on the noise in the gene
product [3,4]. For example, if there are no feedback (i.e., f  0 ) and no promoter leakage (e.g.,
0  0 ), then the mean, the variance and the square of the noise intensity are given respectively
n 
 
 11  2  1  0 1  1 1   0   1 1   0   1 
 0 1 (S25)
, n
, n 
 1 1   0   1  11
1   0
 0   1  1   0   1 
which is a known result [3]. In particular, we can deduce the dependence of the expression noise
on feedback strength, with the qualitative result being in accord with the previous one [5, 6].
There are many results for simplified versions of our model.
Supplementary references
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