STANDARDS & PROCEDURES WORKSHEET Department or Subject: Teacher(s): Cycle and Level Taught: School Year: Competencies Targeted C1: To solve a situational problem related to mathematics Term 1 (20%) Evaluation Methods (e.g., General Timeline (e.g., End-of-term Evaluation end of term, midterm, etc.) Situation, Tests, Projects, etc.) C2: To reason using mathematical concepts and processes Communication to Students and Parents (e.g., note home, website, agenda, report card, etc.) Mathematics Katherine Vathilakis Cycle 2 Grade 4 2015-2016 Problem solving worksheets Problem solving tests End of chapter evaluations End of term: November 1st Formal Report Card issued November 2015 Other Pertinent Information Agenda Interim Report Card Report Card Competencies Targeted C1: To solve a situational problem related to mathematics C2: To reason using mathematical concepts and processes Term 2 (20%) Evaluation Methods (e.g., General Timeline (e.g., end End-of-term Evaluation of term, midterm, etc.) Situation, Tests, Projects, etc.) Problem solving worksheets Problem solving tests End of chapter evaluations End of term: February 2nd Formal Report Card issued February 2016 Communication to Students and Parents (e.g., note home, website, agenda, report card, etc.) Other Pertinent Information Agenda Report Card Competencies Targeted C1: To solve a situational problem related to mathematics C2: To reason using mathematical concepts and processes Communication to Students and Parents (e.g., note home, website, agenda, report card, etc.) Agenda Report Card Term 3 (60%) Evaluation Methods (e.g., General Timeline (e.g., end End-of-term Evaluation of term, midterm, etc.) Situation, Tests, Projects, etc.) Problem solving worksheets Problem solving tests End of chapter evaluations End of Year Evaluation (e.g., evaluation situation, local exam, complementary exam, uniform exam, etc.) Evaluation of end of cycle math exams End of term: June 3rd Report Card issued June 2016 Other Pertinent Information