Referees – The Officials Committee has reviewed the CEU requirement for referees and has made revisions. The changes are intended to re-align activities towards continuing education and to create additional opportunities to achieve CEUs. The current year (2013-14) will be treated as a transition year – either the current or future CEU opportunities will count for the remainder of this swim season (ending 8/31/14). Remember to keep track of your CEU activity; we are able to extract CEU information related to the ISI championship meets, but everything else is done manually. Here are the revised CEU opportunities, with rationale for the changes: Running a large meet as the meet referee. 2 CEUs (A large meet is defined as a meet held a minimum of 2 days, with at least 3 sessions, with at least 6 officials per session.) o Current requirements specify the meet must be on the published ISI schedule. CEUs are granted for running large meets because the meet referee should be more focused on running the meet as a leader rather than a direct participant, providing training and mentorship as appropriate. Clinician at an ISI sponsored officials’ clinic. 3 CEUs o Leading a clinic, sharing knowledge and skills, answering questions, being forced to reevaluate one’s perspective from a brand new official’s perspective – this is a tremendous opportunity to continue to grow as an official. Participation at an ISI sponsored recertification clinic. 3 CEUs for a specified swim season o Recertification clinics provide an opportunity to review rules, situations, protocols and new materials with fellow officials without the pressures of running a meet. Participation at an Illinois Swimming or USA Swimming Championship meet. 3 CEUs per session during 2013-14 swim season; 2 CEUs per session beyond the 2013-14 swim season. o Participation includes attendance at the officials’ briefing. Development and refreshing oneself in championship meet protocol is the goal. USA Swimming championship meets include Grand Prixs, Nationals, Junior Nationals, US Open, and any trials-class meet. Assignment as an evaluator at an Officials Qualifying Meet. 2 CEUs per session o Not to overlap with participation at an Illinois Swimming or USA Swimming Championship meet (i.e., officials do not get credit for both). Participation at an Illinois YMCA State Championship meet. 3 CEUs during 2013-14 swim season; 2 CEUs beyond the 2013-14 swim season. o Participation includes attendance at the officials’ briefing. Development and refreshing oneself in championship meet protocol is the goal. Assignment as an observer at an IHSA championship meet (sectional or state). 2 CEUs during 2013-14 swim season. No CEUs after the current swim season. o Providing CEUs for being an observer was an inducement to have observers at the meets. We now have many stroke and turn judges able and willing to act as observers at the IHSA meets. There really are no activities done as an observer that line up to continuing education, so it is being dropped after the 2013-14 swim season. Training another official on deck. – 1 CEU with a maximum of 2 in a swim season. o The trainer must be 100% focused on training and have no other on deck responsibilities. The meet referee shall record the session for the trainer as a ‘TR’ in OTS. o Training officials on deck is always important. The goal here is to provide an opportunity for high quality training, as the trainer will have no other responsibilities. Practicing your craft of being an official – working more than double the minimum required sessions. For every 4 sessions over 20 in the swim season, 1 CEU with a maximum of 3. o Working many meets gives you an opportunity to practice what you know and refine skills. Take and pass the Administrative Official test – 2 CEUs. o The administrative official test is new and provides an excellent continuing education opportunity as it covers the facets of timer, timing judge, and clerk of course in detail. Thank you for your continued support to our athletes and Illinois Swimming! Rome Yount Illinois Swimming Officials Committee – Officials Certification