teacher version of the charting vocabulary


The Book Thief Vocabulary

Words from Part 1: Death and Chocolate (in which I do not know their meanings)

Answers may vary depending on a student’s vocabulary level. The bottom half of the chart contains examples of correct and incorrect student responses. Students should use context clues, knowledge of roots words, and knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to help them determine the meaning of 4 of their vocabulary words. They should then check themselves by verifying the definition in the dictionary. It is helpful to discuss the words they misidentify and help them look for what clues they missed so they can improve that skill.

A Amiable, agreeable, affable, alluding

M Merges, multitude



D Diverse


P Protestations, perpetual



G Genially



S Suffices, spectrum

H Hindered

I Intonations, increments









Y, Z


The Book Thief Vocabulary

Words from Part 1: Death and Chocolate (in which I do not know their meanings)

Word In Context

(page and paragraph number included)

As I have been alluding to, my one saving grace is distraction. (Pg. 2

Paragraph 14)

People observe the colors of a day only at its beginnings and ends, but to me it’s quite clear that a day merges through a multitude of shades and intonations each passing moment.

(pg.2 paragraph 13)

It’s the story of one of those perpetual survivors- an expert at being left behind.


, with fanatical

Germans (pg. 2 paragraph 22)

What do you think it means?

Brightness or darkness of a color

Doing something a lot or over and over again

Being a intense fan of something

How did you figure it out? (What context or other clues did you

Hinting or suggesting Death had already

If she is an expert at being left behind she must have experience with it.

It has the root word

‘fan’ in it and many

Germans during

WW2 were so proud to be German they thought they were better than everyone else. use?) mentioned that he looks at the colors to relax when he comes for a person in paragraph 11.

Paragraph 13 is describing how colors change throughout the day; they might go from dark to light as the sun comes up or dark when it goes down.

Conformation – Were you correct or incorrect

(definition of the word from dictionary)


To make an indirect reference


The rise and fall of the voice as someone speaks


Continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time

CORRECT! surpassing what is normal or accepted in enthusiasm for or belief in something; excessively or unusually dedicated or devoted
