Proyecto Al-Qantara (Project “The Bridge”) Vision for AlbrQrQ In the summer 2004 Paul Lizardo began to receive a vision for what God wanted to do in the pueblo of Alburquerque, Spain. A friendship with a youth pastor from Albuquerque, NM, was the starting point. There was a good possibility of 20 young people coming from a church in ABQ, NM to have the first youth exchange with Alburquerque, Spain. Sadly, the church decided on another mission trip and the process was stopped. But then in January of 2009, the Lord moved Paul, with fire in his heart to pray, meet people, and prepare the way for the Lord to build his church in Alburquerque, Spain. While Paul was visiting the town and getting to know some of the people in a local cafeteria, God put a clear word in his heart: “yeast”. You know, a little yeast affects the whole dough type of thing! What God was telling him was this, “Paul, I’m calling you to be yeast in Alburquerque. I’m calling you and others to infect this whole town with My love and the good news that I want to give them to change their lives.” This is the vision that Paul and Tamara and their children have for Alburquerque. They want to be yeast and they are praying for teams of young, solid disciples of Christ and for two missionary families to live (and be yeast!!) in this town and region so that Spaniards are brought to a saving faith in Jesus. And they would like to see a movement of churches planted in Alburquerque, moving into the whole region, and even to the ends of the earth. In finding out that Alburquerque, Spain and Alburqueque, NM actually became sister cities in June of 2003, Paul asked for an interview with the mayor of Alburquerque, Spain. In that meeting, he found out that had yet to be a cultural exchange between the two cities. Knowing that these 2 cities already a secular bridge, why not to pray to see a spiritual bridge established, where a cooperation with local churches with missionary vision from Alburqueque, NM would cross this Qantara (Arabic for “bridge”)? This type of Qantara would allow prayers, youth, families, and resources, to be channeled over to help start a church planting movement in that city and beyond. ( Romans 15:20-21) Below, you’ll find a brief project outline for what God is calling them to do. VISION: Connecting nations, to plant mission-minded churches, through increased prayer, workers and resources to share the love of God in and around Alburquerque, Spain. MISSION: Building solid bridges (Al-Qantara) between youth, focus on language, music and cultural exchanges, to create an atmosphere of abundant evangelism in Alburquerque and it’s region so that many Spaniards here the good news of Christ, and churches are formed. OUR VALUES: The Gospel: The Gospel is the message we are called to proclaim. It is not something we possess, but a truth that masters our hearts and expresses itself in our lives and ministry. Prayer and Worship: Prayer and worship are expressions of our dedication to God and our total dependency upon Him to intervene in our lives and work. Interdependence: Interdependence is seen in our desire to embrace partnerships with others who share our passion for the unreached. Developing and Releasing Leaders: Developing and releasing leaders is a priority for ensuring that the baton of leadership is passed and churches are ultimately nationally-led. YEARLY OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Year 1, 2012: 1. 1. Build prayer base 2. 2. Build the church planting team in Spain 3. 3. Consolidate partner relationships with like-minded churches, organizations, missions who want to participate in planting churches in Extremadura (Al-Qantara build solid bridges, especially with Alburqueque, NM.) 4. 4. “Abundant evangelism” using short term teams and national workers. Serve the community. 5. 5. Receive in June-July the 2nd LAMP team (Language Acquisition Made Practical) method for learning Spanish in town. This is the second year they come to be yeast in Alburquerque, Spain and meet new friends through the learning process. Year 2, 2013: 1. 1. Continue building prayer base 2. 2. Recruit full-time workers for Alburquerque, Spain. 3. 3. Organize and complete first cultural exchange activity between the sister cities of Alburquerque, Spain and Alburqueque, NM. 4. 4. “Abundant Evangelism” using short term teams and national workers. Serve the community. 5. 5. Study possibility of renting local to have a community center, meeting place. 6. 6. Receive in June-July the 3rd LAMP team (Language Acquisition Made Practical) method for learning Spanish in town. This is the third year they come to continue building friendships and do evangelism through learning their learning process. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Year 3, 2014: 1. 1. Continue building prayer base 2. 2. Establish church planting team in Alburqueque, Spain 3. 3. Establish full-time LAMP team program in Alburqueque, Spain 4. 4. Organize and complete second cultural exchange activity between the sister cities of Alburquerque, Spain and Alburqueque, NM. Train others while doing this task. 5. 5. Focus on leadership development of nationals 6. 6. Profile nearby towns for beginning a new church planting effort 7. 7. Abundant evangelism. Serve the community. Year 4, 2015: 1. 1. Continue building prayer base but also focusing on another nearby town. 2. 2. Choose the town where to begin the next church plant 3. 3. Recruit full-time workers for next church plant 4. 4. Continue leadership development and establish nationals as leaders 5. 5. Trained nationals organize the third cultural exchange activity between the sister cities of Alburquerque, Spain and Alburqueque, NM. 1. 6. Develop disengagement plan for missionaries in Alburquerque, Spain. 2. 7. Begin doing abundant evangelism and serving activities in nearby town. FINANCIAL RESOURCES NEEDED: 1. Church Plant in Alburquerque, Spain Year 2012 A. Evangelistic Materials $300 B. Evangelistic Outreaches $500 C. Church Planting Training $300 D. Visits: Badajoz-Alburquerque (gasoline/food) $3,600 Sub-Total $4,700 2. Radio “El Faro” A. Rental of program space on radio station B. Advertising/web page C. Programing/design D. Music E. Follow up/mailings/materials $2,100 $200 Sub-Total 3. Personal Financial Support-Workers A. The Paul Lizardo Family $500 $200 $200 $3,200 $18,500 Sub-Total TOTAL FOR YEAR 2013 $18,500 $26,400 Examples of financial partnership: With the following supporters we could cover all the needs for 2013: 1. 1) Partner Plant Churches: 1 person or church at $390/month 2. 2) Partner Radio El Faro: 1 person or church at $265/month 3. 3) Partner Paul Lizardo Family: 15 persons at $100/month