Design of Mini ROV ME 6105: Modeling and Simulation in Design HW5: Preference Modeling and Optimization Dazhong Wu Qing Chen Dec. 3, 2009 1 Contents Task 1: Revisit the Decision Situation identified in HW1 .......................................................................... 3 Task 2: Elicit Preferences -- Utility Function .............................................................................................. 5 Task 3: Explore the Design Space ............................................................................................................... 9 Task 4: Solve the Design Problem Deterministically ................................................................................ 12 Task 5: Solve the Design Problem under Uncertainty .............................................................................. 13 Task 6: Lessons learned ............................................................................................................................. 18 2 Task 1: Revisit the Decision Situation identified in HW1 As we go from HW1 throughout to HW4, the modeling and simulation of ROV has changed considerably. We need to clarify all modifications we have made in the goal and scope of this project. We revisit our original influence diagram as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 Original influence diagram Based on what we have learned in this course so far, we have a better understanding of our system. The updated influence diagram is shown in Fig.2. Fig. 2 Updated influence diagram 3 The specific changes and reasons behind these changes are described below, which is discussed regarding decision blocks, chance event, outcomes of calculation and overall utility: Changes in decisions Remove material and dimension-we do not consider material and dimension because we do not consider them as design variables. The material is steel. The weight is constant, which is 30 kg. Therefore, we remove them from design variables. Add propeller diameter and front area of ROV-In HW2, according to main effect analysis based on central composite experiments in Model Center, both propeller diameter and front area have influence on top speed and power consumed. Since our objectives are to maximize top speed and minimize power consumed, we add propeller diameter and front area of ROV as design variables. Changes in chance events Remove load and water flow chance events-as we have a better understanding of our system, we find out that strictly speaking, load is not a direct chance event. It can be determined by water resistance. Water resistance can be determined by front area of ROV and resistance coefficient. In fact, the resistance coefficient is a direct chance event. In this case, water flow is a redundant chance event since it is determined by resistance coefficient. Add thrust coefficient instead of propeller characteristic-after reviewing the literature regarding thruster force, we find out thruster force can be determined by a formula, in which thrust coefficient is the direct chance event. Remove utility rate-since we do not consider cost in this project, we remove this chance event. Changes in outcomes of calculations Remove outcomes of calculations associated with cost-since we do not consider cost, we remove all outcomes of calculations associated with cost, i.e. operating cost, initial cost, operating time, weight and moment of inertia. Remove motor speed and motor torque-motor speed and torque are determined by load. We have already consider load so motor speed and torque are redundant. Therefore, we remove them. Remove performance and acceleration-we simply ROV performance as its top speed and do not consider acceleration. Add power consumption -since one of our objectives is minimize power consumption, we need to add power consumption as outcomes of calculation. Initially, our objective is to minimize energy consumption. However, we assume that ROV will accelerate until its top speed and keep this top speed. Therefore, it is reasonable for us to minimize power consumption instead of minimizing energy consumption. 4 Changes in utility Reduce original three attributes into two-originally, we have three attributes which are cost, top speed and acceleration. Since we do not consider cost, we have only two attributes which are top speed and batter power. In summary, we formulate our updated design problem as follows: Scenario: we are designing a ROV Objectives 1) Maximize top speed-attribute=speed: m/s 2) Minimize power consumption -attribute=power: watt Design variables: 1) Battery voltage: Voltage in [V] 2) Propeller diameter: Diameter in [m] 3) Front area of ROV: Area in [m2] Task 2: Elicit Preferences -- Utility Function In order to express our preference with respect to a given design alternative, we need to develop a utility function that captures the tradeoffs that exist for the attributes of the design alternative. As discussed in class, go through the elicitation process to determine our utility function. The overall preference elicitation process is the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Verify mutual utility independence Assess the conditional utility for Y given a value of Z Assess the conditional utility for Z given a value of Y Construct the multi-linear utility function Single-attribute conditional utility elicitations (Top Speed): Firstly, we need to fit the individual utility function for each attributes. To document the elicitation process, the elicitation questions for top speed that we asked ourselves are the following: 1. 2. Determine the best (utility=1) and worst (utility=0) case for top speed. The answer is 1.5 m/s (utility=1) and 0.3 m/s (utility=0) 50/50 gamble: when are you indifferent between a guaranteed given case or taking a 50/50 between utility=1 case and utility=0 case? Assign this value as utility of 0.5. The answer is 1 m/s (utility=0.5) 5 3. 4. 5. 6. 50/50 gamble: when are you indifferent between a guaranteed given case or taking a 50/50 between utility=0.5 case and utility=0 case? Assign this value as utility of 0.25. The answer is 0.8 m/s (utility=0.25) 50/50 gamble: when are you indifferent between a guaranteed given case or taking a 50/50 between utility=0.5 case and utility=1 case? Assign this value as utility of 0.75. The answer is 1.125 m/s (utility=0.75) 50/50 gamble: when are you indifferent between a guaranteed given case or taking a 50/50 between utility=0.75 case and utility=1 case? Assign this value as utility of 0.875. The answer is 1.225 m/s (utility=0.875) 50/50 gamble: when are you indifferent between a guaranteed given case or taking a 50/50 between utility=0.25 case and utility=0 case? Assign this value as utility of 0.125. The answer is 0.65 m/s (utility=0.125) The results are summarized in Table 1. Use cubic splines to approximate utility as shown in Fig. 3. Table 1 Elicited utility for speed Top Speed (m/s) 0.3 0.65 0.8 1 1.125 1.225 1.5 Utility 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.875 1 Fig.3 Monotonic utility function for speed 6 Interpretation of utility function for top speed: As shown in Fig. 3, we are risk seeking when speed falls between 0.3 m/s and 0.8 m/s. And then we tend to nearly risk neutral between 0.8 m/s and 1.125 m/s. At the end, we become risk averse when speed falls between 1.125 m/s and 1.5 m/s. It makes sense that we are risk seeking when the top speed is too low between 0.3 m/s and 0.8 m/s. When top speed transitions into the range between 0.8 m/s and 1.125 m/s, we become slightly satisfied. So we are nearly risk neutral. After that, we become risk averse between 1.125 m/s and 1.5 m/s because we are already slightly satisfied with top speed between 0.8 m/s and 1.125 m/s, and additional increase in top speed does not increase the utility too much. Single-attribute conditional utility elicitations (Power consumption): We follow the same elicitation process for ROV power consumption as described before. The results are summarized in Table 2. Use cubic splines to approximate utility as shown in Fig. 4. Table 2 Elicited utility for ROV power consumption Power (W) 0 250 500 625 750 1000 1250 1750 2000 7 Utility 1 1 0.95 0.75 0.5 0.1 0.02 0 0 Fig.4 Monotonic utility function for power consumption Interpretation of utility function for power consumption: As shown in Fig. 4, we are risk seeking when power consumption falls between 1000 w and 2000 w. We tend to slightly risk neutral between 500 w and 1000 w. After that, we become risk averse when power consumption falls between 250w and 500w. It makes sense that we are risk seeking when the power consumption is too high which is between 1000 w and 2000 w. When power consumption transitions into the range between 500 w and 1000 w, we become slightly satisfied. So we are slightly risk neural. After that, we become risk averse between 250w and 500w because we are slightly satisfied with range between 500w and 1000w, and additional reduce in power consumption does not increase the utility too much. MAUT elicitations: 1. 2. 3. Where are you indifferent with the reference point with top speed utility=0.5 and power consumption utility=0.5? The answer is top speed utility=0.3 and power consumption utility=0.75 Where are you indifferent with the reference point with top speed utility=0.25 and power consumption utility=0.75? The answer is top speed utility=0.75 and power consumption utility=0.25 Where are you indifferent with the reference point with top speed utility=0.75 and power consumption utility=0.25? The answer is top speed utility=0.25 and power consumption utility=0.75 The results are summarized in Table 3. Table 3 Elicitation points for total utility Question 1 2 3 Elicitation Point speed power Value Utility Value Utility 0.3 0.75 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.75 Reference Point speed power Value Utility Value Utility 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.75 0.75 0.25 Table 4 Least squares solution for multi-linear utility function Coefficient K1 K2 K12 value 0.25 0.25 0.5 Interpretation of the coefficients in multi-attribute utility function: 8 Utility Residue -1.8E-16 -5.6E-17 5.55E-17 Based on the coefficient result K12=0.5>0, it indicates that top speed and power consumption are complements: our preference for top speed increases as power consumption increases and vice versa. It makes sense that as top speed increases, my preference for power consumption becomes stronger. This result pose a tradeoff existed in our objectives as follows: 1. Maximize top speed-attribute=speed: m/s 2. Minimize power consumption -attribute=power: w Task 3: Explore the Design Space Design Variables Uncertain Variables Propeller Diameter (m^2) Vehicle front area (m^2) Battery Voltage (V) Water resistant coefficient Propeller coefficient Objective Attributes Vehicle Velocity (m/s) Power consumption (W) The figure below is the screen-shot of our ModelCenter model, it include one dymola model, 2 utility functions as excel spreadsheet and one total utility calculating script and one optimizer. The total utility script is as follows: 9 To explore the design space, we did a full factorial exploration by DOE. Variable Low high Battery voltage (V) 12 36 Propeller diameter (m) 0.1 0.2 ROV front area (m^2) 0.4 0.6 It should be noted that front area always converges to the low boundary. The reason is that for both objectives (maximize speed and minimize power), small front area is always favorable, there’s no tradeoffs for this variable. So we always set this variable to a fixed minimal value 0.4m^2 in the DOE simulation plotting. We set the ROV front area to a constant value of 0.4m^2. The response examined is the total utility. Figures below shows that there is an optimal point at around (voltage=24V, diameter=0.155). There’s no other local optimal point except for this one. This point shows the tradeoff between maximizing speed and minimizing power. This point (voltage=24V, diameter=0.155) will be our starting point in the coming optimization iteration. 10 The DOE also shows that the largest influence on the total utility is propeller diameter, which is reasonable since the thruster torque is proportional to D^5 and the thruster force is proportional to D^4. Increasing D is good for increasing vehicle velocity. But as D increases, the motor torque load 11 will also increase exponentially, which will cause current, and power to increase significantly, which will cause bad power utility. So the selecting of propeller diameter is a tradeoff between speed utility and power utility. Front area determines the vehicle resistance, thus the speed, we hope that it be as small as possible. Battery voltage also affects the total utility. Rotating speed of thruster is proportional to the battery voltage, it determines the output force thus the vehicle speed. Task 4: Solve the Design Problem Deterministically First Iteration: Figure below is the searching range and starting points of the 3 design variables for optimization tool. Propeller diameter Battery voltage Front area Total utility Initial value 0.155 24 0.4 0.8374 Optimized value 0.1604 24.44 0.4 0.87332 Second Iteration: The starting point is the optimal point determined in the first iteration. For the second iteration we narrowed the searching range for the variables so we could get more precise result. 12 Propeller diameter Battery voltage Front area Total utility Initial value 0.1604 24.44 0.4 0.87332 Optimized value 0.1606 24.43 0.4 0.87349 The table above shows that the utility value for the result of the 2 iterations are almost the same, we regard this point (propeller diameter= 0.1606, battery voltage = 24.43) as the optimal point for deterministic optimization, the maximized utility at this point is 0.87349. Task 5: Solve the Design Problem under Uncertainty For Monte Carlo simulation, we first elicited 2 CDF curve for uncertain variables, for water resistance coefficient and thruster coefficient. 13 Water resistance coefficient CDF Propeller thrust coefficient Mean value of water resistance coefficient is 0.2, and varying between 0.1 to 0.3 by roughly normal distribution, the mean value of propeller thrust coefficient is 12, varying between 9 to 15. Below is the screen snapshot of the uncertainty model. This model includes a LHS model which could generate random samples for uncertain CDF spreadsheet to generate uncertain variables. 14 First simulation: The first simulation includes 5 LHS trials. The range of design variables are the same as before as listed below, it can also be seen that the convergent point of this first time LHS simulation is (voltage=30.44, front area=0.4, propeller diameter = 0.135). It should be noted that the front area always converges to the lowest value of the range because of the reason explained before. The figure below is the number of runs. 15 The optimal point and the max utility and standard deviation is listed below value Voltage (V) 30.44 Front area (m^2) 0.4 Propeller diameter (m) 0.135 Average Total Utility 0.8364 Standard Deviation 0.09427 Second simulation: The 2nd simulation includes 10 LHS trials. The start point is the optimal point determined in the first simulation. The table below show that the optimal point found in the 2nd simulation is the same with the 1st simulation. But the total utility is a little small than the former one. 16 1st simulation 2nd simulation Deterministic optimal Voltage 30.44 30.4 24.43 Front area 0.4 0.4 0.4 Propeller diameter 0.135 0.135 0.1606 Total utility average 0.8364 0.8235 0.87349 Standard deviation 0.09427 0.0856 Comparison between uncertainty two simulations with deterministic simulation results It can be seen from the above table that there’s no significant difference between the 2 simulations with uncertain factors; but there’s big difference between the result of deterministic simulation and that of uncertain simulation. This is mainly caused by the water resistance uncertainty. This variable has big deviation (value average 0.2, range from 0.1 to 0.3 roughly normal distribution) which resulted in the big difference in optimal point. 17 Task 6: Lessons learned Qing Chen: 1. When using the spline utility spreadsheet, I was struggling with the problem that when the input is out of the range, the probability that looked up from the table became wrong. Later when I defined extra points outside of CDF curve, this problem solved 2. I was struggling with the connection of LHS module with utility script and optimizer. After many trials I found that the utility script should output the calculated utility value to LHS to calculate the average utility value, then the LHS feedback this value to the optimizer to evaluate the optimization. 3. I was struggling with modifying the dymola model, find the appropriate parameters and importing the modified Dymola model to the Modelcenter. Dazhong Wu: 1. When I go through this assignment, elicitation of preferences is the difficulty I struggled. When we originally have three attribute, we always cannot find the right coefficient. We reduce three attributes to two resulting in a reasonable preference elicitation. 2. I also learned how to formulate entire design problem based on what we have learned in class. In HW1, the fundamental objective is too vague to model because at that time I did not know what the dymola can do and how Model Center can be used as a powerful optimization tool for solving design problem. 3. I also learned how to solve design problem in two ways: one is in deterministic way, the other is considering uncertainty by maximizing expected utility. The most important thing I learned is how to do these ways in Model Center. 18