Translation and Interpreting Studies

Yasmin Hannouna
Department of Translation
United Arab Emirates University
PO Box 69571
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Phone: 971-050-138-3564
Fax: 971-3-713-4959
(2004) PhD in Linguistics & Translation (Very Good). College of Arts, Al-Mustansiriyya
University, Baghdad, Iraq.
(1990) M.A in English language and linguistics, (Very Good ). First College of
Education, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
(1986) B.A of Arts / English Language & Linguistics (Distinctive).First College of
Education, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
Title of M.A Thesis: Investigating Some Discourse Strategies in EFL Student's Writing
(Distinctive, 1990)
Title of PhD Dissertation: Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems: The
Translation Quality of Three Arabic Systems (Distinctive, 2004)
(2007-present) Assistant Professor in Translation. Translation Studies Department,
United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
(2004-2007) Assistant Professor in Translation. English & Translation Department,
Jerash Private University, Jerash, Jordan.
(2001-2004) Assistant Professor .English Department, College of Education for
Women, Baghdad University, Baghdad.
(1995-2001) Instructor in English & Translation. English Department, College of
Education for Women, Baghdad University, Baghdad.
(1992-1995) Instructor in English & Translation , First College of Education, Baghdad
Yasmin Hannouna
University, Baghdad.
(1990-1992) . Assistant Instructor .Instructor in English & Translation , First College of
Education, Baghdad University, Baghdad.
(1986-1990) . Translator .First College of Education, Baghdad University, Baghdad.
OTHER POSITIONS between (1994-2005)
( 2003-2005) Board of Experts Coordinator. WATA’s ( World Arab Translators
Association ).
( 2003-2005 ) Head of WATA’s Experts Council / Translation Technology
( 2004 ) Language Consultant at Yosif Islam’s Learning Center , College of Science for
Women, Baghdad University .
(2001 - 2004) Asst. Prof. giving M.A courses in Methods of Research, Psycholinguistics
and Sociolinguistics. English Department, College of Education for
Women, Baghdad University, Baghdad.
( 1998-2004 ) Evaluator of Research papers submitted by University instructors for
Promotion. Dept. of English / College of Education for Women ,
Baghdad University.
( 1997- 2004 ) Member of the Post-Graduate Studies Committee and the
Scientific Committee at the Dept. of English ,College of Education
for Women , Baghdad University, Baghdad.
( 1996-2004) Lecturer at sessions of “ Post - Graduate for Higher Studies
Examination “and other proficiency sessions in the Dept. of
English ,College of Education for Women , Baghdad University, Baghdad.
( 1996-2004 ) Supervisor of Graduate Research Projects at the Dept. of English ,College
of Education for Women , Baghdad University, Baghdad.
(1998- 2003 ) Lecturer at the College of Engineering giving courses to M.A and PhD
students on Methods of Research and Effective Writing, in addition to ESP
courses , College of Engineering, Baghdad University, Baghdad.
(1997-2001) Coordinator of the Postgraduate Studies . Dept. of English / College of
Education for Women , Baghdad University, Baghdad.
Yasmin Hannouna
(1999 -2000) Lecturer at the GULF INSTITUTE for Computer and Languages. Ministry
of Education, Baghdad
(1998 – 2000) Lecturer at AL-YARMOOK INSTITUTE for Computer and Languages.
Ministry of Education, Baghdad.
(1997 – 1999) Member of the Curriculum Design Committee of Iraqi Universities.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Baghdad.
( 1994-1995 ) Chief editor of “ THE NEW HORIZON “ newsletter of the Dept. of
English , First College of Education ,Baghdad University, Baghdad.
Papers in Academic Journals
(All Referred)
Hannouna, Yasmin (In Press). “The Need of Adequate Community
Interpreting Services in Healthcare Multilingual Settings: A Case
Study in Al-Ain –UAE”. To appear in Translation and
Interpreting Studies (The Journal of the American Translation
and Interpreting Studies Association ), John Benjamins
Publishing Company, Spring, 2012.
Hannouna, Yasmin (2010). “Lexical Incongruity in the Translation of
American Political Speeches into Arabic: Between Presidents
Bush and Obama” , Journal of Language and Translation . The
Sejong University Language & Translation Research Institute,
Seoul, Korea.
Hannouna, Yasmin (2010).“Is Arabic Machine Translation a Dream
or a Reality” ,Translation Quarterly, No.55 , pp.163.
Hannouna , Yasmin (2010) .“Análise da tradución da recorrencia en diversos
textos do Corán” in VICEVERSA, Translation Journal of the
Universida de Vigo, Spain. No.16 , pp. 117-134.
Hannouna , Yasmin (2010) “Assessment of Recurrence in the Translation of
Yasmin Hannouna
the Quraan” in trans-kom , 3 [1] (2010): 85-113.
Hannouna, Yasmin (2009).“An Assessment of Coherence in the Translation
of a Prophetic Tradition (Hadīth) “. US-China Foreign
Language, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan,2009, pp.1-19.
Hannouna, Yasmin (2011).Essentials of Arabic Machine Translation
Evaluation: the Potentials and Limitations. Germany: VDM
Publishing House .
Hannouna, Yasmin (2008) . An English Syntax For College Students .
Amman, Jordan: Dar Al-Falah for Publications (A Textbook) .
Hannouna, Yasmin (1998) . An Introductory Course in General
Linguistics. Baghdad, Iraq: Dar Al-Kutub , Baghdad University
Press, (A Textbook) .
- A lot of official and personal documents (e.g. personal identities,
certificates, CVs, and scientific research papers on psychology, biology,
agriculture and industry) between (1986- present).
- Academic Translations on various text types ( 2004-2007), Jerash Private
Univ., Jordan.
Translation of various legal genre (1999-2004) , Al –Khaleej Private
Institution, Baghdad, Iraq.
- Legal
The National Annual Report on the Environmental Situation in Iraq, A
(UNDP) Document, Iraq, 2002.
Computers Based Instruction: Methods and Developments by Alossi and
Trrollip , A Textbook translated to the Univ. of Technology , The Univ. of
Mosul Press, Mosul.No.360, 1989.
Yasmin Hannouna
Recent Conferences
Hannouna, Yasmin. “Teaching Community Interpreting Courses and
Training Interpreters in Healthcare Settings in UAE : Scope and
Organization”. International Conference on Translation and
Interpreting Studies "Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills
in the 21st Century" . Translation and Interpreting Forum ,
Department of English and American Studies Translation and
Interpreting Section , Philosophical Faculty of Palacký University
in Olomouc, Czech Republic (11th – 12th November, 2011).
(Referred) / Accepted for Conference Presentation.
“The Need of Adequate Community Interpreting Services in Healthcare
Multilingual Settings: A Case Study in Al-Ain –UAE”. 1st
International Conference on Translation and Interpreting Studies
TRANSLATA 2011"Translation & Interpreting Research:
Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow" Innsbruck, Austria (12th – 14th
May 2011). (Referred)
“Lexical Incongruity in the Translation of English Political Speeches into
Arabic: between Presidents Bush and Obama”. The 5th Lodz
Symposium (NDLP 2010) / New Developments in Linguistic
Pragmatics, Lodz University, Poland (7-9 May, 2010). (Referred)
“Assessment of Translating Recurrence in Selected Texts from the
Quran”. The First International Translation Conference held by
The Department of Translation Studies, CHSS, UAE University,
November 2008. (Referred)
“Assessment of Translating Recurrence in Selected Texts from the
Glorious Quran”. The10th Annual Conference of the UAE
University, April, 2009. (Non- Referred)
An Assessment of Coherence in the Translation of a Prophetic Tradition
Yasmin Hannouna
(Hadīth). The 9th Annual Conference of the UAE University, 1316 April, 2008. (Non- Referred)
”Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems: The Translation Quality of
Three Arabic Systems.” .The XVIII World Congress of the
International Federation of Translators (FIT), Shanghai, China ,
4-7 August, 2008. (Referred)
Recent Academic Talks
“Translation of Complex Structures between English and Arabic”.
UAE Univ. Build. C1 / Room 0040 . Organized by the Students of
the Translation Club. 28th Feb., 2012.
“Get Ready for the Job Marker: Wow Interview”. To the Male
of the UAE Univ. Al-Kuwaitat Student Housing. Organized by the
Advising Unit of the UAE Univ., 30th Nov., 2011.
“Get Ready for the Job Marker: Wow Interview”. To the Female
Students of the UAE Univ. Buil.C3, Room.0028. Organized by the
Advising Unit of the UAE Univ., 28th Nov., 2011.
“Multilingualism and the Challenges of a Community Interpreter”.
Dept. of Translation , Isra University , Amman / Jordan. Language
Club. July 11, 2011.
“The Requirements of Healthcare Interpreters in Multilingual
Settings”. Sharjah University , Al-Farabi Auditorium W3, 25 April,
“Learn the Secrets of Writing an Impressive Resume”. To the Male
Students of the UAE Univ. Al-Kwaitat Students Housing, TV Room.
Organized by the Advising Unit of the UAE Univ., 22 March, 2011.
Yasmin Hannouna
“Are You Ready for the Job Market?”. To the Female Students of the
UAE Univ. Buil.7, Room.17. Organized by the Advising Unit of the
UAE Univ., Dec., 2009.
“Are You Ready for the Job Market?”. To the Male Students of the
UAE Univ. Al Markhaneya 2 , Student Housing. Organized by the
Advising Unit of the UAE Univ., Nov., 2009.
“College Students and the skills of Social Communication”. To the
Male Students of the UAE Univ. Al Markhaneya 2 , Student Housing.
Organized by the Advising Unit of the UAE Univ., Nov., 2009.
“College Students and the skills of Social Communication”. To the
Female Students of the UAE Univ. Buil.7, Room.17. Organized by
the Advising Unit of the UAE Univ., 5th Oct, 2009.
“Social Anxiety”. To the Female Students of the UAE Univ. Buil.7,
Room.17. Organized by the Advising Unit of the UAE Univ., March,
“The Future of Arabic Machine Translation”. The Dept. of
Translation Studies, UAE Univ. Buil. 71, Room 211, Feb., 2008.
Articles and Reviews
“Translations in International Organizations: Non –Native Character
of Target Language Texts an Inevitable Result?”Translation
Quarterly Journal, Hong Kong Translation Society. Hong Kong.
External Reviewer of papers submitted for publication in the journal
(April, 2011) .
"Exploring Translation Intuition: A Triangulation Approach,"
Translation Quarterly Journal, Hong Kong Translation Society.
Hong Kong. External Reviewer of papers submitted for publication
in the journal (February , 2010) .
Hannouna, Yasmin. “Dreams of Peace: Iraqis Endure but
Yasmin Hannouna
Circumstances Deteriorate”, THE HANDSTAND, An Online Journal,
and July, 2003. Available at
I have acted as a language reviewer of more than (12) M.A and PhD theses
in the following subjects: Environmental Engineering, Irrigation
Engineering, Biology, Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering. I
was also in the Scientific Committee / College of Education / Baghdad
University and acted as a Reviewer of the research papers submitted by
faculty for promotion between 1997-2001.
Certified Workshops
“Third Teacher Appraisal Roadshow” . Workshop. Organized by: the
British University in Dubai, Zayed Univ., UAEU and Higher College
of Technology . UAEU Social Club Multaqa , 23rd Feb., 2012.
“Inquiry –based Learning” . Workshop. Crescent Building, D2,
American Studies, Lecture Room B 1002 (Basement),UAEU, 28-29
“The Operation of Classroom Instructional Technology”. A Training
Workshop: CITE Professional Development Program , New
Maqqam Campus, C1-1071, UAEU, 18th Sept., 2011.
Membership and Associations
- Member of IATIC (The International Association of Translation and
Intercultural Communication) , ( Jan., 2009- Present)
- Member of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), (August 2008
Yasmin Hannouna
- Member
of the World Association of Arabic Translators (WATA), (2003 -
Member of the Association of Professors of English and Translation at
Arab Universities (APETAU), (2002 - Present).
Member of the Iraqi Translators Association (1998-Present)
I have almost taught all kinds of linguistics and translation courses for
BA and MA students ( 1990- Present).
Very good in translating various text types. Good knowledge of
translation technology. Working in different computer environments.
Evaluation of software, editing translations, writing reports & research,
committee work.
Yasmin Hannouna