Marmaduke School District Parental Involvement Plan 2015-2016 Goal 1: How will the LEA foster effective parental involvement strategies and support partnerships among school, parents, and the community to improve student achievement? Marmaduke School District will foster effective parental involvement strategies and support partnerships among school, parents, and the community to improve student achievement by: 1. Lorie Long (870-597-4328) will be the Parental Involvement contact person for the district. Keith Richey will be in charge of hosting the annual meeting for parents to update policy for the next year's Title I, Part A program as well as review the effectiveness of the plan. They will also make sure each action is carried out. They will ensure all students are given a copy of the parent involvement plan. 2. Involve parents and the community in the development and improvement of Title I programs for the school. This will be done by developing a district parental involvement committee to create a parental involvement policy and implement parent activities as well as disseminate information to the community to promote parental involvement in the Title I, Part A schools. The committee consists of: Lorie Long, Keith Richey, Tim Gardner, Bill Muse, Audrea King, Christie Hudspeth (parent), Bonita North (parent), Cristy Hensley (parent). This committee will meet twice a year to examine surveys and discuss barriers of parental involvement. The parent facilitators for each building are Bill Muse, High School; Audrea King, Elementary. 3. Have a coordinated involvement program where the involvement activities of the school enhance the involvement strategies of other programs such as Head Start, HIPPY, Parents as Partners, Parents as Teachers, ABC, ABC for School Success, area Pre-K programs, and Even Start. 4. Explain to parents and the community the state's content and achievement standards, State and Local student assessments and how the school's curriculum is aligned with the assessments and how parents can work with the school to improve their child's academic achievement. 5. Provide parents with the materials and training they need to be better able to help their child achieve. The school may use parent resource centers or other community based organizations to foster parental involvement and provide literacy and technology training to parents. 6. Educate school staff, with the assistance of parents, in ways to work and communicate with parents and to know how to implement parent involvement programs that will promote positive partnerships between the school and parents. Ensure that parents of children with disabilities or limited English proficiency have the same access as other parents. 7. Keep parents informed about parental involvement programs, meetings, and other activities they could be involved in. Such communications shall be, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand. A copy of the parental involvement plan will be included in the student handbook each year. Copies of the district's parental involvement plans are also posted on the website. 8. Find ways to eliminate barriers that work to keep parents from being involved in their child's education. This may include providing transportation and child care to enable parents to participate, arranging meetings at a variety of times, and being creative with parent/teacher conferences. 9. Find and modify other successful parent and community involvement programs to suit the needs of our school. 10. Train parents to enhance and promote the involvement of other parents. 11. Provide reasonable support for other parental involvement activities as parents may reasonably request. 12. Convene an annual meeting in the spring to inform parents of the school's participation in Title I, its requirements regarding parental involvement, and the parents’ right to be involved in the education of their child. 13. Allocate funds for all schools for parental involvement. Goal 2: How will the district provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement? 1.Lorie Long will conduct ongoing site visits to observe parental involvement practices in both of the district's schools. Lorie will have conversations with the building administrators on the practices each school uses to ensure parental involvement in their school. To help promote an understanding of each party's role in improving student learning, the district will develop a compact that outlines the responsibilities of parents, students, and the school staff in raising student academic achievement and in building the partnerships that will enable students to meet the state's academic standards. 2. The district will ensure each school is provided with materials to assist parents in supporting their child's academic achievement. Surveys will be conducted to obtain feedback from parents on trainings not otherwise available to assist parents in supporting their child's academic achievement. 3. Enhance the awareness and skills of teachers, pupil service personnel, principals, and staff in reaching out to, communicating with, and working with parents as equal partners. Lorie will be responsible for making sure this communication gets in the hands of the district's parents. 4. Ensure, to the extent possible, that information is sent home in a language and form parents can understand. The district's counselor's will be responsible for making sure, to the extent possible, all literature sent home is in the language the parents can understand. 5. Provide information on adult literacy training available in the community. Lorie Long, Parent Center Coordinator, will alert all district parents on available trainings in the area as well as at school. 6. Provide a copy of the school policy at each school in each parent center for parents to view as well as provide a copy to each parent in the handbook and on the website. Documentation will be kept by Lorie ensuring each parent received a copy of the plan. 7. Monitor each Title I, Part A school to ensure that each school performs the following tasks: a.) Develop parental involvement policy. Each school has a parent facilitator who is responsible for meeting with the school's parent involvement committee and developing this plan. b.) Offer flexible meeting times. Several meetings will be held at various times of necessity to adequately reach parents of participating students. c.) Provide information to parents about the school's program, include parent information guide. d.) Develop and use the School-Parent Compact. This compact is kept on file and is printed in the student handbook each year. Parents sign a form at the front of the handbook acknowledging receipt of the compact. e.) Provide training for parents in working with their child to improve academic achievement, to include training on the phone notification system in order to have real time access to their child's attendance and achievement. Trainings will be conducted during the district's "Parent's Make a Difference" nights to train parents on the district's systems available for them to access student grades, attendance, and discipline reports. 8. Reinforce parenting skills to support the acquisition of academic skills and their application in real-life situations for parent use. 9. Encourage parents to visit/volunteer at school by assisting staff in developing volunteer opportunities as well as training staff to encourage and build volunteer efforts. 10. Encourage parent participation through innovative scheduling of activities through strategies such as holding meetings at a variety of times, such as morning and evening, in order to maximize the opportunities for parents to participate in school-related activities. 11. Convene annual school meeting to inform parents of their school's participation in the development of the parental involvement policy and their right to be involved. Goal 3: How will the district build the school's capacity for strong parental involvement? 1. Lorie and Keith will conduct surveys annually to determine the parents' opinion on the effectiveness of the school. Labs will be equipped during parent/teacher conferences to allow parents time to complete the surveys online through an online survey tool. 2. The district will approve reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental involvement activities. Such expenses could include computers, copier, supplies, etc. for the parent center. This will allow parents to go to the center with their children and have equal access to the internet and various other technologies. The parent center will be open 30 minutes before school and remain open for one hour after school. Arrangements can be made through each school's principal for additional hours, if needed. 3. The district will provide reasonable support for parental involvement in all of its schools by using local funds as well as Title I, Part A funds. The district will also provide resources for parents to learn about child development, child rearing practices, and academic strategies that are designed to help parents become full partners in the education of their child. 4. The district will commit to helping each school develop parent engagement groups. Being as we are a district with K-12 all under one roof, our Booster Club is for the district. We also have a Parent Volunteer Program that parents can become involved in. Parents can contact Lorie Long or Keith Richey to be involved in the Booster Club or can contact Lorie Long, Bill Muse or Audrea King for the volunteer program. 5. Parents' rights as defined in Title I, Part A are provided in the annual meeting. 6. Provide information to participating parents in such areas as national, state, and local education goals, including parents' rights as defined in Title I, Part A. Keith Richey will be responsible for communicating this goal to the parents. 7. Encourage the formation of partnerships between schools and local businesses that includes roles for parents. Goal 4: How will the district conduct, with the involvement of parents, ongoing evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy as it relates to strategies for increasing parental participation and identifying barriers to greater participation? 1. Surveys will be conducted after the first nine weeks to help identify barriers for parental involvement in the school. These surveys will be collected by Lorie Long and used to make informative decisions. Data from the surveys will be discussed with the committee to ensure a quality parental involvement program is established and maintained. This will provide an opportunity for the parents to assist in the development of the evaluation procedures, including analysis of data collected. 2. Survey outcomes and data will be discussed during the annual parent involvement committee meeting in May of each year. Lorie Long will be responsible for inviting parents to participate in this meeting. The committee will decide if the plan needs to be changed. Recommendations will be given to each school for parental involvement revisions and will provide suggestions for designing school improvement policies, as they relate to parental involvement. Each school parent facilitator will be responsible for ensuring this goal is completed. 3. Parents will be given an opportunity to assist in the development of the evaluation procedures. Discussions will be on-going on the questions that are needed on the survey instrument to ensure a meaningful tool is used. 4. Develop and disseminate an annual parent activity evaluation report to give parents an opportunity to tell how they feel about the parent activities that were offered to them during the school year. Lorie Long will be responsible for completing this activity with the parents. 5. Develop procedures for collecting parent participation documentation through sign-in lists for workshops, meetings, and conferences; schedules; brochures; meeting notes; and other means as appropriate throughout the school year. Goal 5: How will the district involve parents in the joint development of the district Title I Application under section 1112 (ACSIP)? 1. Principals will recruit parents to serve on district ACSIP committee to develop the Title I Application. Each school has parents who serve on their ACSIP committees. The district has parents on its committee as well. 2. Principals will recruit parents for a district Parent Advisory Committee. Plans are underway this year to combine members from each school's parent group to form this committee. 3. Encourage the formation of partnerships between the district and local businesses that includes roles for parents. Local businesses have donated food for our local Samaritan House and help to deliver it. It is a community project. 4. Involve parents through an annual survey to improve district effectiveness. This survey is completed at the end of each school year to better help the schools plan for the coming year.