Name: _______________________________________________ Date: __________ Block: _________ Learning Targets and Study Guide Evolution (Chapter 15, 16 and 17) Learning Target 1: Important Scientists (Bio 7 a, b, c, d & e) I can compare and contrast Lamarck’s theory of evolution with Darwin’s theory of evolution, including other scientists that helped contribute and refute both Lamarck and Darwin’s findings. Learning Target 2: Evidence used to support Evolution (Bio 7 a, b, c, d & e) I can explain the following pieces of evidence and how they support evolution: (1) Fossil Records (2) Comparative Anatomy (3) Embryology (4) Molecular Biology. Learning Target 3: Natural Selection on Polygenic Traits (Bio 7 a, b, c, d & e) I can describe how natural selection affects single-gene and polygenic traits using distribution curves. Learning Target 4: The Process of Speciation (Bio 7 a, b, c, d & e) I can explain the factors involved in the formation of new species and describe the process of speciation in relation to the Galapagos finches. Chapter Covered: Chapter 15: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Chapter 16: Evolution of Populations Chapter 17: The History of Life (Sections 1 and 4) Overview Day One: 4/29 (A-day) 4/30 (B-day) Day Two: 5/1 (A-day) 5/2 (B-day) Day Three: 5/5 (A-day) 5/6 (B-day) Day Four: 5/7 (A-day) 5/8 (B-day) Homework Collect: Karyotype Activity Notes: Important Scientists Video: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea Notes: Evidence that Supports Natural Selection SOL Review: Chemistry and Pathogens HW (10 points): Cell Structure and Function section of the SOL review packet Task (30 points): April News & Views to Collect: SOL Review on Cell Structure and Function Notes: Types of Natural Selection Video: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (Bird Beak Shape) SOL Review: Cell Structure, Function, Division, Cellular Respiration, and Photosynthesis. Review Test: Introduction to Genetics Task (25 Points): Evolution Video Worksheet HW (10 Points): DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis sections of the SOL review packet Collect: Evolution Video Worksheet and SOL packet Video: Birds of Paradise Notes: Speciation in Darwin’s Finches Video: The Coevolution of Newts and Garter Snakes Notes: Notes on Patterns of Evolution SOL Review: DNA, RNA, Proteins Synthesis, Genetics, and Meiosis HW (10 Points): Evolution Unit Vocabulary. Quest (45 Points): Evolution Quest Assessment Collect: Unit Vocabulary on Evolution Warm Up: Evolution questions on the SOL packet Quest: Evolution SOL Review: Classification, Ecology, and Important Scientists Research Grade (60 points): Background paper on your Research Question. One per group due May 9th to Name: _______________________________________________ Date: __________ Block: _________ Quest Review: Evolution Test (Chapter 15, 16 and 17) Answer the Following Questions Remember this is not an extensive review. Try to answer the following without your notes. This will give you an idea of what area’s you should be working on mastering. 1. Know the following scientists: Aristotle, Linnaeus, Hutton, Lamarck, Charles Lyell, Weismann and Darwin 2. When lions prey on a herd of antelopes, some antelopes are killed and some escape. Which part of natural selection might be used to describe this situation? ____________________________ 3. Why might Darwin have hesitated to publish his concept of evolution by natural selection? 4. The wings of butterflies and the wings of robins are examples of ________________________ structures. 5. A change in a sequence of DNA is called a ________________________________. 6. The two main sources of genetic variation in a population are: a. b. 7. The separation of populations by barriers such as rivers is called ___________________ isolation. 8. A pattern in which species experience long, stable periods interrupted by brief periods of rapid evolutionary change is called ________________________________. 9. The term ____________ refers to an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in a specific environment. 10. The eastern meadowlark and the western meadowlark are two closely related bird species. The two species avoid interbreeding because they have different mating songs. This is an example of ____________________ isolation. 11. ___________________ structures are organs that no longer serve a function in an organism. 12. __________________ is the study of embryos is used as evidence to support the idea that organism evolved from a common ancestry. 13. Animals look similar because the environments they live in are similar and favor specific body features is an example of _______________ evolution. 14. New species may arise when organisms become reproductively isolated, scientist refer to this as ______________________. 15. ___________________ selection occurs when the finch population in an environment changes from favoring medium beaks to favoring smaller beaks. Possible Short Answer Briefly explain how Darwin would explain how giraffes came to have long necks based off natural selection. Name: _______________________________________________ Date: __________ Vocabulary Evolution Fossil Records Fitness Adaptation Natural Selection Homologous Structure Analogous Structure Vestigial Structure Embryology Direction Selection Stabilizing Selection Definition Block: _________ Word Association Name: _______________________________________________ Date: __________ Block: _________ Disruptive Selection Speciation Reproductive Isolation Behavioral Isolation Geographic Isolation Temporal Isolation Convergent Evolution Coevolution Punctuated Equilibrium It is important to note that vocabulary is an integral part of biology. You should be completing and reviewing unit vocabulary daily. This sheet is a resource to help aid you in defining the vocabulary used in mastering the learning targets for this unit.