Unit 3: Expansionism

NAME: _______________________
PERIOD: ________
“Big Ideas, Guiding Questions, Essential Questions
Unit Outline: U.S. Expansionism, 1867-1903
Video 3/2/1 “America Becomes a World Power,”
DBQ, Pear’s Soap, The White Man’s Burden
Expansionism Terms – Vocabulary “Walk” Part 1
Expansionism Terms – Part 2
Imperialism & Causes of American Expansionism
(Colonial Expansion)
Leadership - “Architects of Empire”
DBQ - Leadership
Causes and Effects of the Spanish-American War
Yellow Journalism ACAPS
DBQ – Annexation of the Philippines
Cornell Notes – Interest in the Caribbean and the Panama Canal
DBQ – Platt Amendment, Panama Canal
Policies of Imperialism
DBQ – Roosevelt Corollary, Dollar Diplomacy
“Big Ideas”
After the Civil War, a number of strategic, economic, religious, social, and political forces sparked a burst of
expansionism that resulted in the Spanish-American War and changed the direction of American foreign policy.
Theodore Roosevelt conducted a new vigorous foreign policy in Latin America and East Asia, while Presidents
Taft and Wilson used different strategies to influence other nations.
“Guiding Questions”
What factors led America to become an imperial power and how did the United States justify expanding its role in
world affairs?
What methods, strategies, and/or tactics did the US use to build an empire, which one was the most effective and
What were the causes and effects of the Spanish-American War and why does 1898 mark a turning point in
American history?
What were the arguments of imperialists and anti-imperialists over the acquisition of an American empire and
how did each side reconcile their ideas with traditional American values and beliefs?
What were the causes and effects of the Filipino-American War and how did American’s views about race and
racial identity shape the nation’s development as a world power?
How did the Progressive Presidents secure US economic and strategic interests in East Asia and to what extent
were those policies and strategies different from the ones used in Latin America and the Caribbean and why?
Why did the US desire a Central American canal and how did it overcome the political, engineering, and medical
challenges to build the Panama Canal?
“Essential Questions”
Using the following indicators, to what extent was US involvement in Cuba, Hawaii, Panama, Mexico, China, and
the Philippines justified and how have those actions impacted US-Asian-Latin American relations today?
Effects of the Roosevelt Corollary
Results of Dollar Diplomacy
Implications of Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy
Open Door Policy
US Expansionism 1867-1903
 Causes of US Expansionism (1 day)
o Global economic competition – need for markets and resources – connect to Depression of 1893 and Effects of
o Security needs – need for strong navy to protect American interests
 Henry Seward – Alaska (1867), Midway (1867)
 Alfred Thayer Mahan – Influence of Sea Power on History (1890) – Great White Fleet and the US needed
Hawaii, Philippines and an isthmian canal
 Frederick Jackson Turner – The Closing of the American Frontier (1893)
 Reverend Josiah Strong – Our Country (1885)
 Henry Cabot Lodge
 Theodore Roosevelt
o Scientific racism/eugenics – Anglo-Saxon superiority; served as justification
o White Man’s Burden – Civilize and Christianize – spread American culture and values (The American Missionary
o Nationalism - to become a major power
 Methods of Expansionism
 Spheres of Influence and protectorates – Gunboat/Big Stick or Protectorate Diplomacy
 International loans and investments in 3rd world countries – Dollar Diplomacy
 Diplomatic pressure to democratize – Moral Diplomacy
 The Spanish-American War 1898 (1 day)
o Global Context of the Spanish-American War
 European Imperialism 1850s – Africa and Asia
 US Opens Japanese Markets (Commodore Matthew Perry) - 1853
 Sino-Japanese War 1895-1897 – threat to partition China
 Hawaiian Revolt 1895-1898
o Causes of the Spanish-American War
 Cuban Revolution 1895-1898
 Nationalism/Jingoism
 Yellow Journalism
 De Lôme Letter
 Sinking of the USS Maine
o Fighting the Spanish-American War
 Military strategies, needs, and medical issues
o Treaty of Paris 1898
 Debate over Empire – Imperialists v. Anti-Imperialists
 Effects of the Spanish-American War (1 day)
o Filipino-American War (1898-1902)
o Insular cases – incorporated and unincorporated colonies
o Economic Impact of the war + Impact of Klondike Gold Rush
o Open Door Policy and the Boxer Rebellion
 Progressive Foreign Policy (1 day)
o Theodore Roosevelt –The Roosevelt Corollary and Big Stick Diplomacy/Gunboat Diplomacy
 Latin America/Panama Canal, and Japan
o William H. Taft – Dollar Diplomacy
 Latin America and China
o Woodrow Wilson – Moral Diplomacy
 Mexico and the Caribbean
3 Facts
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2 Things you found Interesting
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
1 Question
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Pears' Soap advertisement, "The White Man's Burden" (1899). First appeared in
McClure's Magazine (October 1899).
Text reads: “The first step towards lightening the White Man’s Burden is
through teaching the virtues of cleanliness. Pear’s Soap is a potent factor in
brightening the dark corners of the earth as civilization advances, while
amongst the cultured of all nations it holds the highest place—it is the ideal
toilet soap.”
This advertisement, showing Admiral George Dewey washing his hands with
Pears' Soap surrounded by illustrations symbolizing "progress and civilization,"
was published on the inside front cover of the October 1899 issue of McClure's
1. Explain at least two ways the illustrations symbolize
“progress and civilization” for that time?
Expansionism Terms – Vocabulary “Walk”
Part I
Part II [work with a partner on both parts] DO NOT USE THE TEXTBOOK AT ALL! (38 answers)
____ 1. ________________________ – an intensification in U.S. foreign involvement after 1890 because it needed 1. worldwide markets
for its growing industrial & agricultural surpluses and 2. needed sources of raw materials for
____ 2. ________________________ – the belief that the U.S. had the responsibility to spread Christianity and “civilization” to the world’s
“inferior peoples.”
____ 3. ________________________ - an intense form of nationalism calling for an aggressive foreign policy by demanding that the USA
take its place with the imperial nations of Europe as a world power.
____ 4. ________________________ – areas where imperialist nations claimed special rights and economic privileges, like when the major
powers carved out specific areas in China.
____ 5. ________________________ – a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power, Cuba for example was
influenced by the USA after the Spanish American War.
____ 6. ________________________ – conflict between the USA & Spain in 1898 where the USA won in a matter of weeks, taking many of
Spain’s colonies, making the U.S. an imperial power overnight.
____ 7. ________________________ – peace agreement that forced Spain to: 1. free Cuba, 2. turn over Guam & Puerto Rico to the USA, &
3. sell the Philippines to the USA for $20 million.
____ 8. ________________________ – conflict that was the result of the Treaty of Paris of 1898. The Filipinos thought they were fighting
alongside the USA against Spain, only to be annexed by the USA with the treaty. The Filipinos led a
guerilla conflict that lasted 3 years & cost thousands of lives on both sides with little change.
____ 9. ________________________ – the Supreme Court decisions that determined U.S. Constitutional rights did not automatically
extend to territorial possessions & that the power to decide whether or not to grant such rights
belonged to Congress.
____ 10. ________________________ – policy statements issued by US Secretary of State John Hay to imperialist nations proposing that
they share trading rights in China with the USA.
____ 11. ________________________ – presidential policy that stated the US would use force to protect its economic interests in Latin
America, by carrying a “Big Stick” or using “Gunboats” if necessary.
____ 12. ________________________ – a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans for US commercial & military ships that cuts
through the isthmus of Central America.
____ 13. ________________________ – the policy of using the US government to guarantee loans made to foreign countries in China &
Latin America by U.S. businesses to bring greater stability to the regions.
____ 14. ________________________ – the policy of denying recognition to any Latin American government viewed as oppressive,
undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests.
____ 15. ________________________ – this rebellion in Mexico put President Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy to the test. He refused to
recognize the military dictatorship and used the 1st excuse he could to invade Mexico. When
Wilson finally recognized the Carranza government, rebel leader Pancho Villa turned against the
____ 16. ________________________ – a sensationalistic style of writing that exaggerates the news to lure & enrage readers. It was used
to help start the Spanish American War.
____ 17. ________________________ – USA made Cuba add this to its Constitution where its provisions were friendly to the USA, allowing
the USA to intervene in Cuban affairs when necessary
____ 18. ________________________ – When Spain sent General Weyler to try to crush the Cuban rebellion by herding the entire rural
population of central and western Cuba into barbed wire enclaves filling them with some 300,000
Cubans and having thousands die from hunger & disease.
____ 19. ________________________ – this was the private message sent by the Spanish minister that was published in the New York
Journal. In it he criticized President McKinley. This helped create further tension between the two
countries and lead to the Spanish American War.
Part III Organize the terms into 3-6 categories and give the categories a title (3 pts each = 57 pts)
Work by yourself
Part IV (use a minimum of two complete sentences per answer) [work by yourself!!] (43 pts)
1. How is the White Man’s Burden related to jingoism? (8pt)
2. What inference or conclusion can one make about what might happen because of the Platt Amendment, and how will the Cuban
people feel about America because of it? (8pts)
3. What was the significance of the Roosevelt Corollary to USA-Latin American relations? (9pts)
4. How could President McKinley justify US expansionism to Americans who preferred a more isolationist foreign policy? (9pts)
5. What might happen to international trade today if the Panama Canal had never been built? (9pts)
Imperialism & Causes of American Expansionism (Colonial Expansion)
Foreign Policy – What is it?
Who Won?
Causes of
Leadership: “Architects of Empire”
“. . . To the general question of the influence of government upon the sea career of its people, it is seen that influence can work in
two distinct but closely related ways. First, in peace: The government by its policy can favor the natural growth of a people’s
industries and its tendencies to seek adventure and gain by way of the sea… the influence of the government will be felt, making or
marring the sea power of the country in the matter of peaceful commerce; upon which alone, it cannot be too often insisted, a
thoroughly strong navy can be based. Secondly, for war: The influence of the government will be felt in its most legitimate manner
in maintaining an armed navy, of a size commensurate with the growth of its shipping. . .Colonies attached to the mother-country
afford, therefore, the surest means of supporting abroad the sea power of a country. . .Such colonies the United States has not and
is not likely to have….Having…no foreign establishments, either colonial or military, the ships of war of the United States, in war, will
be like land birds unable to fly far from their own shores. To provide resting places for them, where they can coal and repair, will be
one of the first duties of a government proposing to itself the development of the power of the nation at sea.…”
- Alfred Thayer Mahan,
The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783. (Published in 1890)
1. What is the benefit of having a strong navy?
2. What is the benefit of having colonies?
Henry Cabot Lodge, a Republican senator from Massachusetts, also supported imperialism.
... we are in the Philippines as righteously [honorably1as we are there rightly and legally.
... The taking of the Philippines does not violate the principles of the Declaration of Independence, but will spread them among a
people who have never known liberty, and who in a few years will be as unwilling to leave the shelter of the American flag as, those
of any other territory we ever brought beneath its folds.
3. How did Lodge defend imperialism in this statement from a Senate speech made in 1900?
SOURCE: First Open Door Note, Department of State, Washington, September 6, 1899.
"...the Government of the United States would be pleased to see his German's Majesty's Government give formal assurances, and
lend its cooperation in securing like assurances from other interested powers...
"First. Will in no way interfere with any treaty port or any vested interest within any so-called "sphere of interest" or leased territory
it may have in China.
"Second. That the Chinese treaty tariff of the time being shall apply to all merchandise landed or shipped to all such ports as are
within said "sphere of interest" (unless they be "free ports"), no matter to what nationality it may belong, and that duties so leviable
shall be collected by the Chinese Government.
"Third. That it will levy no higher harbor dies on vessels of another nationality frequenting any port in such "sphere" than shall be
levied on vessels of its own nationality, and no higher railroad charges over lines built, controlled, or operated within its "sphere" on
merchandise belonging to citizens or subjects of other nationalities transported through such "sphere" than shall be levied on similar
merchandise belonging to its own nationals transported over equal distances." ...
4. What is the purpose of the “First Open Door Note”?
Causes of the Spanish-American War
War 1898
Turning Points in History: The Spanish American War and its Effects
Yellow Journalism
Title of Source(s):
Author – Who created the
source? What do you know
about this person or his/her
point of view? How might this
affect the source’s meaning?
Context – When and where
was the source created? How
might this affect its meaning?
Audience – For what audience
was this source created? How
might this affect its meaning
Purpose – For what reason
was this source created? How
might this affect its meaning?
Significance – What can be
learned or inferred from this
source? What is the main
idea? Why is it important?
Senator Alfred Beveridge (R-Indiana)
From a speech in Congress on January 9, 1900.
. . . [J]ust beyond the Philippines are China's illimitable markets. . . We will not renounce our part in the
mission of our race, trustee of God, of the civilization of the world. . . Where shall we turn for consumers of
our surplus?. . . China is our natural customer. . . [England, Germany and Russia] have moved nearer to China
by securing permanent bases on her borders. The Philippines gives us a base at the door of all the East. . . They
[the Filipinos] are a barbarous race, modified by three centuries of contact with a decadent race [the Spanish].
. . It is barely possible that 1,000 men in all the archipelago are capable of self-government in the Anglo-Saxon
sense. . . The Declaration [of Independence] applies only to people capable of self-government. How dare any
man prostitute this expression of the very elect of self-government peoples to a race of Malay children of
barbarism, schooled in Spanish methods and ideas?
Congressional Record, 56th Congress, 1st session, 704-711.
1. How does Senator Beveridge see the Philippines to being important to the China trade?
2. How does he use his view of Filipinos to justify American action?
President William McKinley (Republican)
In this 1901 statement to a visiting church delegation, President William McKinley defends his decision to support the annexation of
the Philippines in the wake of the U.S. war in that country.
When I next realized that the Philippines had dropped into our laps I confess I did not know what to do with
them. . . And one night late it came to me this way. . .1) That we could not give them back to Spain- that would
be cowardly and dishonorable; 2) that we could not turn them over to France and Germany-our commercial
rivals in the Orient-that would be bad business and discreditable; 3) that we not leave them to themselvesthey are unfit for self-government-and they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than
Spain's wars; and 4) that there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos,
and uplift and civilize and Christianize them, and by God's grace do the very best we could by them, as our
fellow-men for whom Christ also died.
Text and audio version available on the American Social History Project CD-ROM Who Built America?, 1876-1914.
3. What are at least two reasons McKinley gives for annexing (adding) the Philippines?
Reasons for U.S. Interest in the
Caribbean & The Panama Canal
Questions/Main Ideas:
The Platt Amendment (1903)
"Article I: The Government of Cuba shall never enter into any treaty or other compact with any foreign powers which
will impair or tend to impair the independence of Cuba, nor in any manner authorize or permit any foreign power or
powers to obtain by colonization or for military or naval purposes, or otherwise, lodgment in or control over any portion
of said island. ...
"Article III: The Government of Cuba consents that the United States may exercise the right to intervene for the
preservation of Cuban independence, the maintenance of a government adequate for the protection of life, property,
and individual liberty, and for discharging the obligations with respect to Cuba imposed by the Treaty of Paris on the
United States, now to be assumed and undertaken by the Government of Cuba...
"Article VII: To enable the United States to maintain the independence of Cuba, and to protect the people thereof, as
well as for its own defense, the Government of Cuba will sell or lease to the Unites States lands necessary for coaling or
naval stations, at certain specified points, to be agreed upon with the President of the United States."
1. What is the purpose of the Platt Amendment?
2. How do you think the Cubans felt about this Amendment?
Telegram from United States Secretary of State Hay, June 9, 1903. The Colombian Government apparently does
not appreciate the gravity of the situation. The canal negotiations were initiated by Colombia, and were energetically
pressed upon this Government for several years. The propositions presented by Colombia, with slight modifications,
were finally accepted by us. In virtue of this agreement our Congress reversed its previous judgment (favoring
Nicaragua) and decided upon the Panama route. If Colombia should now reject the treaty or unduly delay its ratification,
the friendly understanding between the two countries would be so seriously compromised that action might be taken by
the Congress next winter which every friend of Colombia would regret.
3. What does Secretary of State Hay think will happen if Colombia rejects the proposed treaty dealing with the
Panama Canal?
Trade Routes
The Panama Canal, with its unique location at the narrowest point between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, has had a
far-reaching effect on world economic and commercial developments throughout most of this [20th] century. By
providing a short, relatively inexpensive passageway between these two great bodies of water, the Canal has influenced
world trade patterns, spurred growth in developed countries, and has been a primary impetus [force] for economic
expansion in many remote areas of the world. For example, a vessel laden with coal sailing from the east coast of the
United States to Japan via the Panama Canal saves about 4,800 kilometers (3,000 miles) versus the shortest alternative
all-water route, and for a vessel laden with bananas sailing from Ecuador to Europe the distance saved is about 8,000
kilometers (5,000 miles). By far, most of the traffic through the Canal moves between the east coast of the United
States and the Far East, while movements between Europe and the west coast of the United States and Canada
comprise the second major trade route at the waterway. Other regions and countries, however, such as the neighboring
countries of Central and South America, are proportionately more dependent on this vital artery to promote their
economic development and expand trade. . . .
Source: Maritime Industry, Panama Canal Authority
4. According to the Panama Canal Authority, what are two reasons the Panama Canal is important to world trade?
Policies of American Imperialism
"It is not true that the Unites States feels any land hunger... as regards to the other nations of the Western
Hemisphere save such as are for their welfare. All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries
stable, orderly, and prosperous. Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty
friendship. If a nation shows that it knows how to act with reasonable efficiency and decency in social and political
matters, if it keeps order and pays its obligations, it need fear no interference from the United States. Chronic
wrongdoing, or any impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society [however], may in
America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere
the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in
flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power... It is a mere
truism to say that every nation, whether in American or anywhere else, which desires to maintain its freedom, its
independence, must ultimately realize that the right of such independence cannot be separated from the
responsibility of making good use of it." SOURCE: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 1904.
1. What is the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary?
William Howard Taft “Dollar Diplomacy”
“The foreign relations of the United States actually and potentially affect the state of the Union to a degree
not widely realized and hardly surpassed by any other factor in the welfare of the whole nation. The position
of the United States in the moral, intellectual, and material relations of the family of nations should be a
matter of vital interest to every patriotic citizen. The national prosperity and power impose upon us duties
which we cannot shirk if we are to be true to our ideals. The tremendous growth of the export trade of the
United States has already made that trade a very real factor in the industrial and commercial prosperity of the
country. With the development of our industries, the foreign commerce of the United States must rapidly
become a still more essential factor in its economic welfare.”
1. What does Taft believe about the United States’ foreign policy?
William Howard Taft “Dollar Diplomacy” continued
“The diplomacy of the present administration has sought to respond to modern ideas of commercial
intercourse. This policy has been characterized as substituting dollars for bullets. It is one that appeals alike to
idealistic humanitarian sentiments, to the dictates of sound policy and strategy, and to legitimate commercial
aims. It is an effort frankly directed to the increase of American trade upon the axiomatic principle that the
government of the United States shall extend all proper support to every legitimate and beneficial American
enterprise abroad.”
1. What does Taft mean when he states “substituting dollars for bullets”?
2. How is his policy different from previous presidents?