GHENT UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ACADEMIC YEAR 2013 – 2014 THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DOMAIN ONTOLOGY FOR ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE Intermediate Report Friday, May 10, 2013 Thesis presented to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Applied Economics, Business Engineer Sarah Carron Under the supervision of Prof. dr. Geert Poels & Maxime Bernaert 1 Content Page – Intermediate Report Tuesday, February 9, 2016 1. Problem statement and positioning 2.1. Problem positioning 2.2. Problem Statement 2.3. How will this thesis contribute to a solution 2.4. Research questions to be answered 2. Methodology 3.1. Creating a list of frameworks 3.2. Choosing the selection criteria 3.3. Making the ontology 3.4. Validating the ontology 3. Progress so far 4. Timeline for further progress 5. List of literature 6. Appendices: List of EA Frameworks 2 1. Problem statement and positioning 1.1. Problem positioning The first step of this research was an attempt to understand what the title of this thesis meant. Seeing that the subject of Enterprise Architecture was new to me, some primary research was necessary. Here I will explain the meaning of my title and the problem it will try to solve. The title goes as follows: Developing a-domain ontology 1 for Enterprise Architecture 2. 1 When talking about a domain ontology one tries to reference to an abstraction of reality in a certain domain while defining entities and relationships between those entities. The ontology can be used as a common language when working in that domain or to map a certain appearance in that reality. The domain concerning my thesis is Enterprise Architecture (EA). 2 EA is a tool to support strategy implementation in an organization. It helps to highlight the necessary steps or processes an organization should go trough to realize its future wanted state (TO BE vs. AS IS). A few sources also see it as a tool that supports change in an organization (Greefhorst, D., Koning, H., & Vliet, H., 2006) and a way to align business with IT. 1.2. Problem statement One of the biggest problems in Enterprise Architecture is the fact that there are too many different architecture frameworks being built and used. Even more, within these frameworks there is no common ground. The same definitions are used for different terms and the same terms are being used in different ways making communication between two different frameworks very complicated (Greefhorst, D., Koning, H., & Vliet, H., 2006). The reason for this chaos can be accounted to the fact that EA is 3 still a pretty young discipline compared to others where unity has come over time (Chen, D., Doumeingts, G., & Vernadat, F., 2008). 1.3. How will this thesis contribute to a solution? The domain-ontology being built should contribute to a solution for this problem of alignment. First of all it can be used as a common ground between different frameworks, making communication easier. Second seeing that an ontology is constructed with a high level of abstraction it can easily be used as a means of communication between different stakeholders in the enterprise (Chen, D., Doumeingts, G., & Vernadat, F., 2008). Third it should also facilitate the analysis of architectures across different fields and the reuse of analytic results (M. Lankhorst et al., 2013). 1.4. Research questions to be answered In the process of getting to this domain ontology a few research & methodology questions come to mind: 1. Why would a domain-ontology be useful? 2. What is a domain-ontology? 3. What is the difference between an Upper-ontology (e.g. IDEAS?) and a Domain-ontology (e.g. CARP)? 4. Which Architecture Frameworks should we incorporate in this ontology? What selection criteria do we use? 5. Do we create a new framework for it or do we base the domain ontology on an existing one? (Dimitri, R., Jan, V., Bernaert, M., & Poels, G., 2012-2013) 6. If we choose an existing one, which one? CARP? 7. Seeing that there is no common ground, what definitions will be used for this ontology? (Chen, D., Doumeingts, G., & Vernadat, F., 2008) 8. How to model this ontology? (Table seems like the best solution.) 9. How to validate the final ontology? Use case? Practice? 4 2. Methodology 2.1. Creating a list of frameworks to incorporate The first step of the process is to create a list of EA frameworks including as many frameworks as possible. After completion it will be necessary to select those frameworks, which can be incorporated into the domainontology. After reading some articles on EA I found that there were 2 basic kinds of frameworks: Methods and models. Methods are descriptions of the process one needs to follow to get to a certain architecture, a road map so to say. Examples are SEAM, GEAM, Nolan-Norton, etc. Within the “Models” category one can still distinguish 2 different sub kinds. The first kind is the one where entities get divided into categories, most of the time the division is based on different viewpoints. This is called viewpoint modeling. The most well known framework in this category is of course Zachman. Other examples model, DoDAF and, RM-ODP are: ("Viewpoint Kruchten's "4+1" view Modeling." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 03 Oct. 2013.). In the second kind the relationships between those entities are defined as well. Hereafter I will refer to these models as meta-models. Examples of meta-models are: TOGAF, CHOOSE and CARP. This classification can be used as a selection criterion for the domain-ontology. 2.2. Choosing the selection criteria A first step will be to exclude all methods. Due to the fact that these are not abstractions of reality but a road map to success, they cannot be used in an ontology. This leaves us with a list of models to deal with. Now we have to consider the relevance of each one. To do this we can use several criteria: (1) We can choose the ones most used in practice or (2) use the ones most referenced to in literature (3) use the ones used as a benchmark (4) Keep only the ones with a meta-model. The information of the first and third criteria can be found researching surveys on EA. The 5 second criteria can be found by analyzing references in literature. The selection choice still needs to be made. 2.3. Making the ontology Once we have the final list of frameworks, we can start building the ontology. The first step is to get to know all the frameworks that will be incorporated into more detail. Reading literature or manuals about these frameworks will be necessary. The goal is to find overlapping concepts in different frameworks. Roose, D. & Van Steenlandt, J. (2013) have already mentioned some overlapping concepts trough comparing some frameworks to the Zachman framework. You can see their findings in the table below. Table 1: Roose, D. and Steenlandt, J. (2013) A second table that could be used as a basis for this research is the one from Bernaert, M., Poels, G., Snoeck, M., & De Backer, M. (2013) shown here: Table 2: Bernaert, M., Poels, G., Snoeck, M., & De Backer, M. (2013). CHOOSE: Towards a Metamodel for Enterprise Architecture in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. (Table 1, pg 25) 6 A third source comparing frameworks by views/perspectives, abstractions and SDLC Phases is: Urbaczewski, L., & Mrdalj, S. (2006). All of these sources and more can be used as a starting point for the final ontology. 2.4. Validating the ontology My first thought for validation was to let different people solve the same use-case using different frameworks. After this I would translate their classifications to the final ontology to see if all the information is classified the right way according to the domain-ontology. This is still just a thought. I believe I need some more insight into the matter before deciding on it. 3. Progress so far One of the first necessary steps needed for this thesis is to clearly delimit and define the concepts that will be used in this paper, considering the lack of consistency in EA. I will try to use definitions already defined in other literature or standards to avoid adding new meanings to the pile of interpretations. Model: An abstract representation of reality in any form (including mathematical, physical, symbolic, graphical, or descriptive form) to present a certain aspect of that reality for answering the questions studied (ISO 15704) Method or Methodology: A set of instructions (provided through text, computer programs, tools, etc.) that is a step-by-step aid to the user. (ISO 15704) Enterprise: An enterprise is one or more organizations sharing a definite mission, goals and objectives to offer an output such as a product or a service. (ISO 15704) 7 Architecture: A description of the basic arrangement and connectivity of parts of a system (ISO 15704). This list is still unfinished and will be completed during the further progress. Another list of EA frameworks was also created. It is included in the end as appendix. This list contains all the frameworks, models, tools, languages etc. that I encountered during some primary research on this subject. It will serve as a selection pool for the frameworks that will be used in the final ontology. While making these lists I also read a lot of papers, which are mentioned in point 5. These papers helped me put things into perspective and to see the need for standardization in EA. Now I also understand better in which direction my further research should go and what information I should be looking for. 4. Timeline for further progress DEADLINE TO DO 10-05-13 Understanding EA Concepts and defining the definitions used throughout the research. 15-06-13 Making a list of existing EA frameworks. 15-07-13 Understanding CARP as a domain-ontology. 15-07-13 Selecting the frameworks to be incorporated in the ontology. Choosing the right criteria. 30-09-13 Getting to know the frameworks that will be used into more detail. 15-10-13 Getting to know CARP or other possible domain ontologies. 28-02-14 Forming the ontology. 30-04-14 Validating the ontology. 8 25-05-14 5. Finishing report. List of Literature 5.1. List of literature read 1. Dimitri, R., Jan, V., Bernaert, M., & Poels, G. (n.d.). DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMON BASE FOR ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE. Ghent University. 2. Schekkerman, J. (2005). Trends in enterprise architecture. Institute for Enterprise Architecture, Report on the Third …, 2009(December), 1–33. 3. Bernaert, M., Poels, G., Snoeck, M., & Backer, M. De. (2000). Enterprise Architecture for Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises : A Starting Point for Bringing EA to SMEs , Based on Adoption Models, 1–33. 4. Sessions, R. (2007). Comparison of the top four enterprise architecture methodologies 5. Bernaert, M. (n.d.). De zoektocht naar Know-How, Know- Why, Know-What en Know-Who, 34–41. 6. Greefhorst, D., Koning, H., & Vliet, H. (2006). The many faces of architectural descriptions. Information Systems Frontiers, 8(2), 103–113. doi:10.1007/s10796-006-7975-x 7. Gall, N. (2012). Gartner ’ s 2011 Global Enterprise Architecture Survey : EA Frameworks Are Still Homemade and Hybrid. Gartner. 8. Bernaert, M., Poels, G., Snoeck, M., & De Backer, M. (2013). CHOOSE: Towards a Metamodel for Enterprise Architecture in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. 9. Capgemini. (n.d.). Enterprise , Business and IT Architecture and the Integrated Architecture Framework Contents. 10. Urbaczewski, L., & Mrdalj, S. (2006). A comparison of enterprise architecture frameworks. Issues in Information Systems, VII(2), 18– 23. 9 11. Lankhorst, M. M. (2004). Enterprise architecture modelling—the issue of integration. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 18(4), 205–216. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2005.01.005 5.2. List of literature in progress/to read 1. Chen, D., Doumeingts, G., & Vernadat, F. (2008). Architectures for enterprise integration and interoperability: Past, present and future. Computers in Industry, 59(7), 647–659. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2007.12.016 2. Lankhorst, M. (2013). Enterprise architecture at work: Modelling, communication and analysis. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 3. Lagerström, R., Johnson, P., & Höök, D. (2010). Architecture analysis of enterprise systems modifiability – Models, analysis, and validation. Journal of Systems and Software, 83(8), 1387–1403. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2010.02.019 4. Fischer, R., Aier, S., & Winter, R. (2007). A federated approach to enterprise architecture model maintenance. Enterprise Modelling and …, 14. 5. Tavernier, V. (2012). Ontwikkeling van een gevalstudie voor enterprise architecture. 6. Van Acker, A., & Poels, G. (2012). Literatuurstudie naar de bekendste raamwerken voor enterprise architectuur. Ghent University. 7. Lassing, N., Rijsenbrij, D., & Van Vliet, H. (2001). Zicht op aanpasbaarheid. 8. Zur Muehlen, M. (2004). Organizational Management in Workflow Applications – Issues and Perspectives. Information Technology and Management, 5(3/4), 271–291. doi:10.1023/B:ITEM.0000031582.55219.2b 9. Janssen, J., & Radboud Universiteit Neimegen. (2005). Digitale Architectuur - Selectiemodel Enterprise Architectuur Raamwerken: Deelonderzoek - Groepering Enterprise Architectuur Raamwerken, 33. 10 10. Khayami, R. (2011). Qualitative characteristics of enterprise architecture. Procedia Computer Science, 3, 1277–1282. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2011.01.004 11. Lassing, N., Rijsenbrij, D., & Van Vliet, H. (2003). How well can we predict changes at architecture design time? Journal of Systems and Software, 65(2), 141–153.doi:10.1016/S0164-1212(02)00056-0 12. Langenberg, K., & Wegmann, A. (2004). Enterprise architecture: What aspects is current research targeting. Laboratory of Systemic Modeling, 2. 5.3. Other sources used 1. "Ontology (information Science)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Apr. 2013. Web. 20 Apr. 2013. 1. "Viewpoint Modeling." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 03 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. 2. Van 't Veld, Steven. "A/I/M - Weblog Van Steven Van 't Veld." A/I/M - Weblog Van Steven Van 't Veld. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2013. em%20alignment.php 3. ISO 15704, Industrial Automation Systems—Requirements for Enterprise-reference Architectures and Methodologies, 2000 11