Information for Parents - Ewing Township Public Schools

Information for Parents
Important Facts All Parents Should Know
Students with band and orchestra experience attend college at a
rate twice the national average.
- Bands Across the USA
In a 2000 survey, 73 percent of respondents agree that teens who
play an instrument are less likely to have discipline problems.
- Americans Love Making Music – And Value Music Education
More Highly Than Ever, American Music Conference, 2000.
A ten-year study indicates that students who study music achieve
higher test scores, regardless of socioeconomic background.
- Dr. James Catterall, UCLA
When researchers analyzed the NELS:88 database of the U.S.
Department of Education, which tracked 25,000 students over a
ten-year period, they discovered that students who were involved
in music scored higher on standardized tests and reading tests than
students not taking music courses. This finding was consistent for
students of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
- Dr. James Catterall, UCLA, 1997.
The Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania School District analyzed its 1997
dropout rate in terms of students’ musical experience. Students
with no ensemble performance experience had a dropout rate of
7.4 percent. Students with one to two years of ensemble experience
had a dropout rate of 1 percent, and those with three or more years
of performance experience had a dropout rate of 0.0 percent.
Eleanor Chute, “Music and Art Lessons Do More Than
Complement Three R’s,” Pittsburgh Post- Gazette, April 13, 1998.
One in three of today’s school-aged children will hold an artsrelated job at some time in his or her career.
- Education Commission on the States.
Research shows when the arts are included in a student’s
curriculum, reading, writing, and math scores improve.
- J. Buchen Milley, A. Oderlund, and J. Mortarotti, “The Arts: An
Essential Ingredient in Education,” The California Council of the
Fine Arts Deans
The College Board identifies the arts as one of the six basic
academic subject areas students should study in order to succeed in
college.- Academic Preparation for College: What Students Should
Know and Be Able to Do, The College Board
A two-year Swiss study involving 1,200 children in 50 schools
showed that students involved in the music program were better at
languages, learned to read more easily, showed an improved
social climate, demonstrated more enjoyment in school, and had a
lower stress level than non- music students.- E.W. Weber, M.
Spychiger, and J.L. Patry, 1993.
College admissions officers continue to cite participation in music
as an important factor in making admissions decisions. They claim
that music participation demonstrates time management, creativity,
expression, and open-mindedness.
- Carl Hartman, “Arts May Improve Students’ Grades,” The
Associated Press, October, 1999.
More music teachers are role models for minority students than
teachers of any othersubject. Thirty-six (36) percent of surveyed
minority students identified music teachers as their role models,
compared to twenty-eight (28) percent for English teachers, eleven
(11) percent for elementary teachers, and seven (7) percent for
physical education teachers.
- “Music teachers as role models for African-American students,”
Journal of Research in Music
In a 1999 Columbia University study, students in the arts are found
to be more cooperative with teachers and peers, more selfconfident, and better able to express their ideas. These benefits
exist across socioeconomic levels.
- The Arts Education Partnership, 1999.
“The things I learned from my experience in music in school are
discipline, perseverance, dependability, composure, courage and
pride in results. . . Not a bad preparation for the workforce!”
- Gregory Anrig – President, Educational Testing Service
The College Board, in a publication about college admissions,
states, “preparation in the arts will be valuable to college entrants
whatever their intended field of study.”
- Academic Preparation for College: What Students Need To
Know and Be Able To Do, The College
Ninety-two (92) percent of people who play an instrument say they
were glad they learned to do so, according to a 2000 Gallup Poll.
- Gallup Poll Shows Strong Support for Putting Music in Every
School’s Curriculum, Giles Communications