Membership Process and Expectations

Assessment Fellows Membership Process and Expectations
Being an Assessment Fellow comes with several benefits, including advanced training, support,
recognition, and greater knowledge of projects and initiatives across the division.
Fellows are trained in their first year in a core package of knowledge and skills, and in their
subsequent years are able to receive advanced training in various areas of assessment.
Assessment Fellows develop a supportive network of relationships with other staff members
across the division, and through our meetings and interactions have enhanced access to
information about division’s projects and programs. We are also working on getting these
trainings approved for CEU credit, so they can be noted in personnel files as well as on their
individual résumés. Another benefit is that of inspiration. Throughout our meetings Fellows
discuss various projects going on in their department, and in these discussions staff provide
feedback, gain new insights, and come up with novel ideas to improve our assessment efforts.
Because of these benefits and because we value diverse perspectives, styles, and approaches
among the Assessment Fellows, we want to ensure our processes are consistent, equitable, and
inclusive. In light of these aspirations, the following membership process has been developed.
1. All members will need to apply and must have their supervisor’s approval due to the time
a. Two individuals exempt from this are the Director for Assessment and Research and the
Assessment GTF when applicable.
b. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis, with consideration given to:
1. The individual’s interest and goals (and fit with those of the committee’s)
2. The number of other members from that person’s department
3. The individual’s availability
4. Directors may put forward one representative from their unit as their official
representative, and that individual’s application will be given preference.
1. Director nominated representatives should be positioned within their
department such that they are directly involved in planning and decision
making processes within the department. This is necessary to better
facilitate the utilization and incorporation of their assessment skills and
expertise and ultimately elevate our division’s planning and decision
making efficacy as a whole.
2. The application will be reviewed by a sub-committee that will discuss their decisions with the
committee as a whole.
a. The sub-committee may also meet with the candidate to discuss their application.
5256 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5256
(541) 346-1137
(541) 346-6277
An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act
b. If there are disagreements about whether to approve or not, the chair will mediate.
c. In cases where a director nominates someone the committee has concerns with, the
chair and the director will discuss and come to a mutually acceptable decision.
3. All members will be expected to attend relevant trainings, participate in one sub-committee and
attend meetings regularly.
a. New members will be expected to attend meetings and a series of assessment related
skill trainings (approximately 1 meeting and 1 training per month).
b. Second year members will be expected to attend monthly meetings and will have the
opportunity to continue to engage in advanced skill building opportunities.
c. Total estimated time is approximately 4 hours per month, fluctuating slightly more or
less during more or less busy times.
d. At various times members may be involved in planning activities, preparing
presentations, providing consultation and support.
4. Within their department, Assessment Fellows are expected to work effectively with
departmental leaders to establish a culture of learning by:
a. Establishing effective assessment, research, reporting, and planning practices and
policies within their units that are congruent with divisional policies and procedures
b. Being knowledgeable of and consulting on unit level assessment projects
c. Developing professional development opportunities within their unit
d. Help communicate and coordinate division level projects within their units
e. Serve as their department’s liaison to the Student Affairs Assessment and Research
5. Calendar
a. Applications will generally be accepted and decided on in Spring, recognizing some
exceptions will be necessary from time to time.
b. Orientation and training during summer, etc., but we know we will need to work with an
occasional exception.
c. Trainings for new members will generally be 1 per month beginning in Fall Term.
d. Trainings for returning members will be determined by returning members and the
training sub-committee
e. Meetings will generally be held monthly depending on the committee’s needs.
5256 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5256
(541) 346-1137
(541) 346-6277
An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act