Formulas used on the Car Math

Visual Basic Type Conversion Functions
Sometimes we need to change the type of a variable as the program proceeds. Many a times the
compiler itself effects the change. In some cases, we need to explicitly effect the change. The former
type of conversion is referred to as implicit conversion. The later type is referred to as explicit
conversion. Implicit conversions happen when the change effected does not change the value of the
variable and there is no loss of data. Explicit conversions are a must when the change is from a large
type to a smaller type.
Conversions Between Strings and Other Types
We can convert a numeric, Boolean, or date/time value to a String. We can also convert in the reverse
direction - from a string value to numeric, Boolean, or Date - provided the contents of the string can be
interpreted as a valid value of the destination data type. If they cannot, a run-time error occurs.
Conversion of Numbers to Strings
We can use the Format function to convert a number to a formatted string, which can include not only
the appropriate digits but also formatting symbols such as a currency sign (such as $), thousands
separators or digit grouping symbols (such as ,), and a decimal separator (such as .). The Format function
automatically uses the appropriate symbols according to the Regional Options settings specified in the
Windows Control Panel.
Note that the concatenation (&) operator can convert a number to a string implicitly, as the following
example shows.
The following statement converts count to a String value.
Str = "The total iterations are " & count
Conversion of Strings to Numbers
We can use the Val function to explicitly convert the digits in a string to a number. Val reads the string
until it encounters a character other than a digit, space, tab, line feed, or period. Val converts all
appropriate characters to a numeric value. For example, the following statement returns the value
Val(" 14 1.825 metres")
When Visual Basic converts a string to a numeric value, it uses the Regional Options settings specified in
the Windows Control Panel to interpret the thousands separator, decimal separator, and currency
symbol. Below are the list of fumctions and its conversions.
Unicode character
integer (4-byte integer, 1nt32)
1ong (8-byte integer, 1nt64)
Short (2-byte integer, Inti6)
To convert the variable initialized as Integer to a double, use the function CDb1.
Dim Amount As Integer
Dim dblAmount As Doube
dblAmount = CDb1(Amount)
Suppose we have declared two integers, as follows.
Dim A As Integer, B As Integer
A =23
B =7
The result of the operation A / B will be a double value, the following statement
Console.Write(A / B)
displays the value 3.28571428571429. The result is a double, which provides the greatest possible
accuracy. If we attempt to assign the result to a variable that hasn't been declared as Double, and the
Strict option is On, then VB.NET will generate an error message. No other data type can accept this value
without loss of accuracy.
As a reminder, the Short data type is equivalent to the old Integer type, and the CShort( ) function
converts its argument to an Intl6 value. The Integer data type is represented by 4 bytes (32 bits), and to
convert a value to 1nt32 type, use the CLnt() function. Finally, the CLng() function converts its argument
to an 1nt64 value.
We can also use the CType() function to convert a variable or expression from one type to another. Let's
say the variable A has been declared as String and holds the value "34.56" The following statement
converts the value of the A variable to a Decimal value and uses it in a calculation:
Dim A As String "34.56"
Dim B As Double
B = CType(A, Double) / 1.14
The conversion is necessary only if the Strict option is On, but it's a good practice to perform your
conversions explicitly.
Let's say we have declared and initialized two variables, an integer and double, with the following
Dim totoal As Integer=99
Dim pi As Double=3.1415926535897931
If the Strict option is On and we attempt to assign the value of the pi variable to the count variable, the
compiler will generate an error message to the effect that we cannot convert a double to an integer. The
message is:
Option Strict disallows implicit conversions from double to Integer
When the Strict option is On, VB.Net will perform conversions that do not result in loss of accuracy
(precision). These conversions are called widening conversions, as opposed to the narrowing
conversions. When we assign an Integer value to a Double variable, no accuracy is lost. On the other
hand, when we assign a double value to an integer variable, then some accuracy id lost (the decimal
digits must be truncated).
When the Strict option is on, VB.Net does not assume that we are willing to sacrefies the accuracy, even
if this is your intention. Instead, it forces us to convert the data type explicitly with one of the data type
conversion functions. Normally, we must convert the double value to an integer value and then assign it
to an integer variable.
This is a narrowing conversion( from a value with greater accuracy to a value with smaller accuracy) and
it's not performed automatically by VB.Net.
The following table summarizes the widening conversions VB.Net will perform for us automatically.
If the Strict option is off (the default value), the compiler will allow us to assign a Long variable to an
Integer variable. Should the Long variable contain a value that execeeds the range of values of the
Integer data type, then we will end up with a runtime error. If the Strict option is on, the compiler will
point out all the statements that may cause similar runtime errors.